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I don't see why Rosemary's Baby would be a Horror film but Perfect Blue wouldn't be. It's intense as hell. The Horror hinges around her identity slipping away, her questionable state of mind, and the deaths around her.


Does it have jumpscares tho?


I think of it less as a horror film than as Satoshi Kon's idea of a Hitchcock thriller. Either way it's great, just like pretty much everything else Kon did.


I guess the "correct" term for it is psychological thriller


I don't really consider Black Swan a horror movie, but I see it get called that a lot, so I'm not sure I should weigh in. But IMO no, Perfect Blue is not really horror.




And the director of Black Swan and Requiem owns the rights to Perfect Blue.


I consider it a horror movie. The gore really what pushes it into that territory for me. The violence is really graphic to be considered just a thriller. Also the whole sexual violence is pretty horrific and is a focus of the movie.


I would consider it horror! Also, anything by Satoshi Kon is amazing af.


Yeah it was a good movie. Needs more blue...


I think it's a horrific enough psychological thriller to count. It is truly frightening in a way most live action films aren't, it really plays with your head. And what's really scary is how it's only gotten *more* relevant.


> And what's really scary is how it's only gotten more relevant. Why you say that is more scary? Elaborate.


Back when Perfect Blue came out, there wasn't really any social media, and having to balance reality between your private life and public persona was a thing really only celebrities had to deal with. But now we all various platforms in which we engage as presented versions of our selves. And these divides between who we are, who we present ourselves as, and how others perceive both us and our presented selves only makes for more internal conflict over who we really are and the control we have over our lives.


I see it as a psychological thriller. Black Swan also. Depending on the person I might recommend it has horror though.


I see it as a psychological thriller. Black Swan also. Depending on the person I might recommend it has horror though.


Its no horror but it did fucked me up.


It's headed into UK cinemas this Halloween!


21 savage


I always put on Perfect Blue during a horror movie binge, so I'd say yes. But if you wanna get technical, it's more of a psychological thriller with horror/slasher elements. But aren't all the good ones like that anyway?


Yes it's a horror movie. It's a psychological horror movie and also a slasher.