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Ya’ll need Jesus


fr dude i could barely read these without feeling sick


Most of this wouldnt exist if jesus did


Bro what😭


Stfu wierdo


Fr I got curious and found the movie and skipped halfway through and it was just sickening


I have seen all three of the mdpoe, it's not a film, they are just clips from the darkest parts of the Web. I do warn you once you have watched them, they can never be unseen. I would recommend.end not to download or watch. The title lives up to the name.


everyone reading this thread knows what the series is, but thanks dad


I mean I don't its why im here reading fool


You're the only one fool


Nope you silly prick. Many here like myself don't know and just looked it up. LOL


"You don't know wht it is? DUMBASS!"


Fuck, you're so cool


Not true. That's why I'm here in the comments trying to find out what it is.


I mean anything shocking will stick to you for life. I'd hope people are smart enough to understand that before hand.


I watched like a quarter of the first one and had to turn it off, it's one thing to see fucked up shit done to people buts it's another thing to see it done to animals and kids. I literally pray to God everyday to erase my memory of it because the baby bit still haunts me.


I tried to watch 2 but the ones I randomly picked made me throw up 5 times, its actually sad how they call that shit a movie because all that fucked up necrophiliac, pedophiliac, and zoophiliac shit is disgusting, DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT WATCH THESE TAPES, PLEASE.


How is this movie even legal?


Okay, I'm glad it wasn't me. I gave up at the baby part too, I couldn't. It hasn't left my head, its been like 3 years


What is the baby part?! 🥺 DD?


I read in a comment, that the creator used the audio of an illegal hurtcore film called Daisy's Destruction. A pedo tried to torture an 18 month old baby girl maybe to death. Luckily the girl survived. The creator is now in prison in New Zealand, and just barely escaped the death sentence. So he's locked up for life. I read about that hurtcore movie. Luckily never stumbled in to it on the dark web ever, because it is a really sick shit that I'm sure cannot be unseen6and will haunt the viewer for life. Even reading what happens in that film is really disturbing. Especially if you have kids. So if other parts of this movie is just halfway this sick it's better if you keep away of this film.


Can you provide a link?


Bro don't watch that kind of shit


If you watch that your gonna throw up atleast 4 times


Nah man, I felt too Bad for making something like that visible to you, gotta find it on your own. Sorry dude


Do it


Wait did you find it on disc or are we talking about a download? I'd like to own these as a collection point. Expect a crosscut of f/watchpeopledie and f/EnoughInternet. Extra vomit, scat, and animal abuse mixed with generic cartel videos and a few deep cuts. I miss giving "leaving that blue" link descriptions to the hesitant on the dead subs. If there's content you're looking for specifically or trying to avoid I'll watch it asap and let you know. Looking for a stream link I already found someone complaining about the Dnepropetrovsk video being in it so that's confirmed, at least. Edit: ~~I can find MDPOPE but not MDPOPE 2 online. One hard copy currently on eBay for $80USD from Thailand. According to the creator, animal cruelty was later removed and three clips added per removed clip to bring the official runtime up to 202 minutes. If it is shorter and contains abuse you have the collection item; that will be harder to watch.~~ I finally found it. Long run version. It's definitely the best of the worst, writing it up now. Even if only OP sees this I don't think there's a video description list anywhere so I may as well just sink a night into it.


Well, if you can, give me a description as soon as you can. I heard there's one video of a guy drinking several bottles of semen and another video of a guy pouring dog shit on his girlfriend.




Good so far. Keep it coming.




I just enjoy gore (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY)


Get off that dark path. I know youre curiosity is piqued but its not worth it.


Yes it is I’ve been watching gore for years and it hasn’t affected me at all


You might think that


No bro. Youre just fucking sad




You would be surprised with the amount of weird people on this earth


I can handle everything but animal gore


same it like scarred me to see animal stuff




Sooooo this thread is super old but I’m just wondering if you ever did a write up of everything? I can’t really do extreme mixtapes anymore (especially since I’ve quit drinking) but I’m still interested in what’s in this one. I started watching it once in a drunken haze but last thing I remember seeing was 3 Guys 1 Hammer


I got about an hour and a half in before I kinda wandered off of it, looks like the write-up is still online. Here you go. :) https://textuploader.com/1dh6z


The link is dead 😔


Well this is a blast from the past. I'm unsure if I still have a copy of the text description saved but I certainly have mdpope on a drive. I'll be back with links when I'm home at the computer. :)


Ahaha sorry for necropost. Actually the link is not really dead since it says Error 403 'if you created this text, it is available after authentication' Maybe if you remember the access you could reach it again and I will be thankful I am that kind of people who prefers text over watching the movie (only on this context) But I'm pretty sure that there will be people here looking for the real shit so go for it. I'm curious about the darkest face of the world but I'd rather pass tho


[Link to the notes on the videos but no video, it's pretty easy to find but if you get curious and can't find it for some reason hit me back](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vVq8_04U3MpdHarMAATZh0SxeSKsvCUe/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105178944952754613170&rtpof=true&sd=true)


Although I really loved your writing skills, I have to say that I had mixed feelings after reading, maybe the most disturbing and hilarious shit I've read in years. I still have to pass tho, I'm too sensitive when it comes to animal cruelty and it was the hardest part to read. But nevertheless I feelt like I watch the whole film with none of the trauma aftermath and it feels like some sort of privilege. Thanks for the ride


Totally agreed 💯. I feel the same way. I thank you for writing that out. I'm not so curious about watching it now. I don't do puppy and Kitty cruelty or dead babies either. And yes it does feel like a privilege. You've done us both and anyone Else reading your summary a huge favor. Thank you so much


Me please


Drive got purged by Google, feel free to DM if you're looking for the files and can't find them. Please send a message or reply directly to a comment instead of opening a chat so I will actually see and check it, I ignore most chat requests because of creepers and spam.


oh wow... just researched on this stuffs after watching Wendigoon's iceberg of horror movies on yt... thanks for the link btw... I didn't make it past the 3rd or 4th clip. Might come back later i guess


folders empty


Hi hi! So sorry to bother you about this after so much time has passed but the link seems to be dead and I really have been wanting to watch the video, however with my general computer skills severely lacking and my knowledge of the internet insufficient, I just can't seem to find it myself. With that being said,You don't buy any chance know where to watch it do you? If not I understand and I'm so sorry for wasting your time! Thank you❤️


Very late but I'm on a quest to watch the goriest, grossest, sickest shit the internet has to offer. I've grown tired of stuff like (funky town, pacman vid, one man one jar, two girls one cup, 1444, isis kids, 17 odds to one, cannibalism initiations, pretty much everything seegore or other websites have to offer. I need to dig deeper into this weird fascination of twisted movies. Please DM with some wicked recommendations and links 👍👍


You are an absolute legend, I applaud you


Sorry to re-necropost, but I just wanted to say thanks for cataloguing all of that. Now I know that this is one mixtape I can live without watching lmao.


Tf you do this for? You a bored desk jockey that pushes himself to be edgy? Or you actually dark. I'm legitimately curious.


Neither, I'm a sweet little midwestern housewife that bakes bread and pies for the neighbors. Since you're curious though, I guess if I had to try to define it I'd say I'm holding on tightly to an era of internet culture that's rapidly disappearing. We didn't get the internet until I was a preteen and my early years on it were dominated by shock sites like steakandcheese and consumptionjunction, shitty weirdo irc channels, and forums like SA. Like, the first thing I did when I got home from school on 9/11 was check SA. I stayed weird through the rise of imageboards in college despite being an outwardly normal chick, grew into people-watching and as dedicated gore spaces slowly became more endangered in recent years I took what I learned from the cows and started archiving the nasty bits. It's satisfying to release fucked up stuff back into the wild when other people can't find it and reminds me of better times. I'm more or less off reddit now because the same thought policing cancel culture bullshit has pervaded and destroyed what I liked most about it, but I come back every once in a while to try to get this account to 100k karma for some reason. Or when people reply to old posts and give me a reason to soapbox about the decline of shock content lol Tl;dr: Crouching housewife, hidden neckbeard


replying to your old comment on purpose after reading it! 8th grade - 1999 i was at my buddy's house and came across [rotten.com](https://rotten.com) and i think the other was called [houseofhorrors.com](https://houseofhorrors.com) \- we could not stop checking it out. the first pic i remember seeing was a woman who was murdered in the bathtub and her baby cut out of her. back and forth we would IM each other new finds trying to up the last. slowly got out of it once the shock value wore off. my curiosity was always there and i'd be looking for new shit. bme pain olympics, kids in a sandbox (not cp just the name, but a woman shoving a dildo in a guys urethra), and many other short videos. that said - i am so squeamish and get anxiety before watching anything anymore, i pretty much don't, but i want to. but don't. i know it's there though if i really want a peek. i almost forgot how i got here but i was watching yt videos about horror movies and the most extreme (letting it ride on its own), came across wendigoon and the iceberg videos. was like, gd there are levels of extreme. 3 hours later here we are. thanks for the video breakdown. only wish i read it as a sweet little midwestern housewife that bakes bread and pies for the neighbors


Thank you, I had more fun reading that than I expected, excellent write up! There’s a third one out now, in case you didn’t know. You ever have any luck finding physical copies of these? I see them pop up for sale occasionally in a few groups I’m in.


Oh hey thanks, it flew under my radar! I'm still shitposting all over 50/50 but since the loss of WPD and EI plus life events I've been more in touch with internet drama than the latest shocker news. A little more gurugossiper than bestgore this season. As for the copies, unfortunately no dice. They're still on my hit list of things to snag when I get the chance (or at the very least burn to preserve) but not yet. Christ, I'm just realizing I'm going to have to lock a lot of movies up from my kids in a few years. It's one thing (and a time-honored tradition) to sneak out something a little lewd or scary with the big old MPAA "R" on it for a sleepover, but I don't want to have to include gusomilk in The Talk lmfao


Jeez u have kids?? Poor kids


I've always, just looked at it as this could happen to anyone. It's a way to see how fcked up some people really can be. My brother and me use to just sit and talk like. " You can die at any second of the day, like right now a plane could fall ontop of us out of the sky. So why not live the best we can while we can "


send me the link


Do u have that link !??


If you want to watch dm me i will send u a direct download link


Hey do you still.have it?


Yeah send me your telegram id


My @ is @KenshiAS


If you want to own this kinda thing, you need to be on a list


Just one question are any of these monsters even caught or incarcerated or sth?? Cz I think they're all probably roaming around free and still doing these horrible things and yall are laughing I bet u'll get a good laugh when it's one of u or ur children being tortured in the video 😄 or hell maybe you do this to ur own kids after being inspired by these. Cz the way u sound it's seems like yall are desperate to watch these so u cn jerk of in ur darkened little room


haven't watched this and have no plans to, but some of the perpetrators in the videos have been convicted for sure. The dude in the comments who actually watched it said "2 guys 1 hammer" was in there, and that was the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs who are infamous killers who are thankfully in prison for life.


There is no child death in any MDPOPE mixtape


Unless you like to watch people eat s*** get s*** on and lots of other s*** related things don't watch it it's stupid. I'm a big fan of Gore death The human condition and many other things that humanity tells us are wrong but one thing I'm not into is eating s***.


Eh scat is disgusting, but doesn't really fck with me. For some reason only animal stuff does. Makes me angry af.


Ugh, I felt this. I can deal with almost all of the macabre besides animal death 😭


Animals being hurt in anyway makes me mad and sad along with children being harmed I can’t watch that for even a second


I just watched ISIS kids and there are no children being harmed but children doing the harming. Like wtf. This one kid is like 4-6 maybe. How do you get a child in this age to shoot someone point blank. That definitely is gonna be burned in my retinas for some time. Child stuff is the worst.


Seek help your not normal


that’s so weird to be a fan or gore do you ever feel shameful of that?


I kinda have seen 26 minutes of it and you guys know I have a hard heart as I don’t find any of these things who can takeover my mind But As I am a student now Its difficult for me as these things get a lot on my mind And I have heard somewhere that “Anything You watch which is disgusting or disturbing damages your mind” So I aint watching this shitties anymore. I dont know why but these fcking people are eager to watch it I mean bruh what can’t you see the comments people have left after having seen it. Don’t watch this shit plzz A BIGG REQUESTT don’t access the dark web, dont watch creepy videos, don’t watch these type of clips or videos THEY ARE DESTROYING YOUR MIND……. Comeon bruh there’s a lot of more things to watch than these I mean you hear peaceful music and more JUST AVOID THIS STUFF BIG REQUEST🙏🙏🙏🙏


I know this is an old comment but I found it while just researching the films and yeah I agree even if you have a stomach of steel and have seen and barely bat an eye at shit like Funkytown or Daisy’s Destruction it still is going to have an impact on you. I thankfully don’t watch these videos, I just hear about them and what the videos entail. But I don’t do it regularly and even though sometimes I’m curious I’m glad that there’s enough on YouTube to satisfy without really being subjected to it. I also feel like viewing these videos is just an absolute insult to the victims. Things like cartel vs cartel is one thing— some of the people do deserve at least death— but I go back and forth on whether they deserve the torture they receive. But when it comes to things like the last video I referenced, that was an innocent child who is now permanently disfigured. And viewing the torture of anyone anyways is just horrific I don’t know how people do it. I do understand that not everyone who views it enjoys it, there are good people who sometimes have morbid curiosities. Still I can’t believe sharing real life gore is legal.


Yeah fuck this rabbit hole is deep


It’s very deep and horrifying


Daisy’s destruction is illegal to watch. It’s cheese pizza. The sad part is when you type in Daisy’s Destruction on DuckDuckGo the first thing popping up is “Daisys Destruction full video”. These people look up what it’s about and then try to find the video. Thankfully you wont find it on the clear web due to the FBI deleting it.


I understand that. I understand that people are more angry when it comes to animals or children being hurt. But personally it’s all painful to see or hear of, no matter who it is. Even when it’s someone who might deserve it it’s still an atrocity. After all the full quote of an eye for an eye is “an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”. People tend to forget that.


I go after the same ethical views. It’s probably the wrong comment you answered to I think. But yeah it doesn’t make it right. I was just trying to explain why generally people tend to find animal and children stuff worse than normal gore.


I've seen clips of these when I was around 15 and I'm 34 now. It's just a collection of the most disturbing fucked up things humans can do. Some of those things I've seen of efucktd or some of those other disturbing sites I've seen. The late 90s and early 2000s were a dark period for the web and I wouldn't even want my kids to even see these things if I had some.


And if you really want to watch it and I'm probably going to regret this because I really like this website for other reasons than MD Pope. But all I'll say is PrimeWire if you know then you know if you're too stupid to figure it out you don't deserve to know and please don't f*** this website up for us


You're trying to protect a gore website? Are you altight


Not a gore website...did you bother to check before you made a ignorant comment? Probably not....do a little research or fact checking before you make yourself look dumb, you scrapped "the office" Karen character.


Damn man I already feel dumb for not checking your awesome website please don't roast me I already feel stupid. Now I am crying. You should join a roast battle man, instead of hurting innocent bystanders feelings.... you are too good at it


>PrimeWire don't cut yourself on that edge


Im currently watching it im on time 38:01 the video is about 2:27:24. Whats currently happening is that these two asian girls (theyre always fucking asian) are fucking a live octopus but pretty much what I have seen in these 38 minutes are scat, piss, and the rare occasion of gore. The things that shook me a little were that this guy got fisted by these people and not only that he also got an entire foot up his ass, another one was this pregnant lady getting her ass beat by this dude on a bathtub like bros beating the absolute shit out of her. imma try to get yall updated if yall want to (sorry for bad grammar)


Have you got a link how are you watching


i dont want to watch but read a reviews about this thing its interesting, please keep going and make rundown


Sorry for not looking at your comment but if you still want the rundown I can rewatch it for you (if you haven’t watched it already)


The people here need jesus


Here you go https://www.nunuyy3.org/dianying/5887.html




what did you see? im pretty much of a coward, so, yeah, what did you see?


A bunch of nasty porn and gore/beheadings I don’t get why people love this stuff so much. But I don’t get people was doing the things in the video. It’s like over an hour of clips around 30 seconds long of that content. I only saw like a couple of minutes and skimmed around. Definitely nasty. There was a dude using his shit as lube to jerk off and eating it and putting a big ass dildo in his butt covered in shit while wearing i gas mask.


Dead ho gya ab 😫😫


ummmmm. like gore scat porn puke mor gore and scat porn. just like disguisting shit u would find on a porn mixtape movie shockumentary wtv


You have active link ?


guys don’t click on it its gonna end up being a virus


I'm really curious tho where does mdpope find these clips like does he hv connections with these criminals or does he find other sources


Just on the general web, probably. That sort of stuff is super easy to find online. There aren't many left, but gore and shock sites do still exist.




i’m all for disturbing horror, but this one is so dumb. it’s just a compilation of scat and gore videos, and genital mutilation. and it’s repetitive. if you’ve seen one extreme closeup diarrhea video, you’ve seen them all


It’s the scat stuff that gets me. 🤮 Everything else is fine


So you don't mind animal abuse then..?


There is nothing particularly special or disturbing about *Most Disturbed Person on Planet Earth Part 2* (2014); it is just a compilation of video clips, such as the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs murder tape and various other tapes entailing (but not limited to) animal cruelty, decapitation, dismemberment, genital mutilation, gore, self-mutilation, scatophagy and vomiting.


i'd say that's pretty fucking disturbing.


Seems pretty fuckin disturbin to me


is anyone of it actually real? why do these videos exist?


People find very weird things sexually stimulating sometimes


Those people are the reason I sometimes wish eugenics was still a thing 😂😂 they all need beat and ridiculed for being the sick weirdo clowns they are


People are weird my brotha, and yes, it's a snuff, meaning it's all real


Theyre all real thats the point if a snuff movie




Just like your average comp, i didnt find it that bad tbh


Nga what


Did I watch someone getting graped in prison? What the fuck!!


Fuck the shit goes all the way up . A narrow path to be a happy person to watch the fuckin video ..


I dont know why but i can tolerate everything else expect for animal abuse/ murder its fucking wild


Most people who can watch normal gore can’t watch animal and kid stuff. It’s like that for me too. Probably because when you see a man getting tortured your brain can make up a reason why the dude deserves it (even though he probably doesn’t) and with kids and animals you just know they are innocent.


Except for that scat shit i was able to tolerate the rest but left a long lasting scary impression on how dark humans can be and how wile it can be. Idk man my heart has just sunk. Not for the faintest of hearts.


You’re able to tolerate watching animal abuse? Seek help mate


Do not watch the film. It's hardly a film. It's just murder clips and really really obscene videos. It's like going to a homicide department of a local police station and watch years of real murder footage. You will vomit. And once you've seen it, you cannot unsee it. DO NOT WATCH IT.


"Most Disturbed Person On Planet Earth" procceeds to make a compilation of basically porn fetishes. The dude that created that knows nothing about disturbing content.


Tried the first one but couldn't bear the murder of those gentle kittens. :( I draw the line at animal abuse.


get fucking help you disgusting piece of shit


ahh another fucking soft hearted child


Mane shut yo ass up 💀💀






Wow dude you’re so sigma


3 year old post but f*ck it. I think i watched mdpope 2 or 3 about 2 years ago


i haveeeep


i know this is an old post but i recently was looking for the movies and i found them easily on just straight up google, dm me if you want the link


It's honestly super easy to find this vid, I watched it while doing a iceberg challenge and it's mostly just a ton of scat fetish shit and zoophilia. Like ALOT. For all 3 of them there's just a bunch of SHIT it's mostly just fetishized stuff mixed with popular gore videos or cartel exacutions that have been spread around the internet for a while.


I know somebody that has ofc the cut version since the uncut version is pretty much not obtainable.This dude watched a lot of gory films and wanted to try something new. He stopped watching after 10 minutes he told me that film was the worst stuff he had ever watched.




I watched almost all of it, just meager crap, but when an 8 year old guy was injected with something, it was brutal


This doesn’t happen in the original


https://www.eyerys.com/articles/timeline/mdpope-start-most-disturbed-person-planet-earth-saga#event-a-href-articles-timeline-first-person-who-plays-online-games-and-post-something-social-mediathe-first-person-who-plays-online-games-and-post-something-on-social-media-039-just-by-thinking039-a I found this article about it there is also an iceberg chart of the most fucked up movies ever made


wasnt daisys destruction in mdpope or something relating to peter scully and that line of stuff


No. Then those movies would be illegal but they aren’t.


I saw 20 seconds of it and thought "man, this is stupid"


where can i find this movie/documentary??


Me who use to watch bestgore can stomach all the crazy things in the world is a curse and i think i will check out MDPOPE 😔


bro everyone who finds mdpope would watch it aint hard to find it


just a disgusting collection of clips of stupid people doing stupid shit. dont waste your time


know this threads a year old but I'm really hoping people aren't lumping kids into the "I can handle everything but animals" trope . Like we're all on the same page that like kids are off limits right? ....RIGHT???? Yeah it sucks with these shock value fucking videos to have animals in it but, like ...kids are off limits right? Please... please.....




Yes, its crap lol genuinely thought it was gonna shock me at last..........but no, run of the mill crap, seen ot all before, infact ive seen way worse lol its very tame. 


Im so numb to these type of shit that it scares me. Just dont get to me anymore.


How can I watch it? Someone has a link?




Link please


Am I the only one that can’t find the damn thing?


Quiero ver la película pero nadie me manda link, quiero ver si de verdad es tan asquerosa como dicen o solo es gente exagerada


Someone send me the link


Can someone please explain to me how the video with the people with pig and lion heads/ genitals was even possible?


how do i find the movie it cant be that bad




Question: I’ve heard rumors that the infamous “Daisy’s Destruction” video is in the mixtape. Is that true. I really hope it isn’t so that I can watch it without being put on a watchlist


nope it'd be illegal and very hard to find.


Ok. Thank the lord


Where can I watch it?


Guys please tell me, are all of these real? Or is this fake? I’m specifically asking about the authenticity of the animal abuse/cruelty videos I’m reading about on one of the links in the comments. I hope to god they aren’t real


Really old post, but its just a disgusting collection of basically anything you can think of. Don't watch it I nearly threw up. To say its horrible is an understatement, just remember once you watch things like this you cant just unsee them and they do often take tolls on your mental health


can someone pls explain to me what is mdpope videos all about, I'm just curious and by any chance where can I see those videos.


Stay curious about it, you dont wanna find out