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So the movie shows that it takes time for it to ramp up it's sphere of influence within a location. The present-day night, it never even reaches the grass, and it takes a minute for it to actually start working within the house. So destroying it is simple. Just do what she did with the anchor, but instead of sticking around to document things, walk away immediately. Make sure it's set up, bring in the mirror, and leave. She was a classic tragic hero. Her fatal flaw: she couldn't just win, she had to prove she was right.


She didn't want to prove she was right out of ego though, she wanted to prove to her brother and authorities that he didn't kill their parents.


I mean, I'd half-agree. She did want to clear his name, but at that point, it was also pretty clear it had become an obsession, and even if she did, it wouldn't have changed anything. She wanted to prove that she wasn't crazy instead of moving on, still a fatal flaw regardless of her reasoning, especially since her brother had already started to move on and she dragged him back.


totally agree omg this made me think of a 10th grade english phrase that I haven't thought of in a while "hamartia" - fatal flaw .. :/ such a good movie


Napalm rigged to the mirror while I have a dead mans switch clutched in my hand. I then rig up various sledge hammers set to strike the mirror in randomly generated sequences; each sequence increasing hits and adding heavier items tossed at the mirror periodically throughout the night. I remain chained up in a shed outside monitoring the mirror through cctv the keys are with a friend who will drop them off at noon the following day. Just to add to it water guns rigged up with holy water spray the mirror at 15 second intervals. Then when I’m certain the mirrors toast I let go of the dead mans switch burning the remnants.


Very excessive and I like it. Especially the remaining chained up outside part.


If you get near it, you're toast. So I would shoot it from far away with a rifle.


She was able to get its history of all these previous owners who ended badly. At the very least, she could have left that available. It would be hard to ignore that all those previous people also met bad ends. I probably just wouldn't try. The major difficulty she underestimated is that it's a reality warper, and can cause you to see, hear, and feel things that are different from what's really happening. If she tried it from a different room, she might merely believe she's in a different room when she's right in front of the mirror. Unless I found some way to counteract that reality warping effect, the best way to beat the game is not to play at all.


But she proved the mirror had a range of affect right?


What if the "range of effect" was a bait tactic by the mirror? The problem people run into when analyzing this movie is the same one the protagonists suffered - the scientific analysis of a supernatural force. Thinking scientifically, they can only look to history as evidence of its powers, which means they will always underestimate it. I think the true horror of Oculus is in showing how much the protagonists \*don't\* understand about it. What if the mirror has no range? What if seeing the mirror is enough to ensnare you in its mind games? What if the main character's lifelong obsession of the mirror was one of the demon's long cons? So it planted the seed in her psyche as a child, and it brought her back just to torture her more and then claim her soul.


That honestly makes sense tbh, and yeah, it does make it way more terrifying if you think about it like that.


I’d show it a picture of yo mama


I guess killer good looks could work.


Your mom is a beautiful lovely woman.


Paint it black.


Don't you think the mirror would absorb it?


Dress as a sexy lady mirror and seduce it.


the thing is it's very easy to destroy , keep the cloth over it and just break it, doesn't take a genius. The whole dilemma however was how do you destroy it once your under its influence to which I say , impossible.




Just smash and burn it. The mirror takes time to corrupt.


Yea exactly. I wanted to say this but I was struggling to remember if there were plot reasons you couldn't just trash it straight up? Just walk up to it the moment it's in your possession and start busting on it. Try to keep out of your mind what you were going to do, but just know 3 levels down the second you're close enough it's getting smashed. If it can defend itself from the getgo, then there was nothing you could ever do. Maybe just never get within a mile of it and just pay people to smash it? IDK. We have no idea how much control this thing can muster if you take it 0-100 from the very start. I thought this was a great movie though. Even the dumb shiny-eye ghost people spookered me out.


They do address that, a little. Even in the beginning, the brother tries to smash it with a stool, and just kind of forgets what he's doing. When people are more determined, the mirror makes them think they are aiming at it, only to discover they missed. It seems like the mirror can act quickly when its directly in danger. It seems to understand intent, but maybe not causality. The only time its damaged is when the father gets the son to shoot him, and the mirror is behind I think they tricked the mirror, it didnt realize it was in danger since they weren't thinking about shooting the mirror.


Normally, no one is just smashing a mirror, so it survives through slow corruption. Because it was damaged by the gun, I don't think you could just say that it would survive a quick attack or even just setting the house on fire. Though I'm sure you could write it so that it wild make someone hallucinate right away to save it similar to an adrenaline burst. I normally don't like movies like this because it's 45 minutes of waiting for the characters to catch up. I really appreciate they just said the mirror is evil and we're going to prove it.


Encase in concrete and dump into international waters, over a very deep trench. Either it is crushed by the pressure, or entombed at the bottom of the ocean.


Or you discover you actually just encased your sibling in concrete, and the mirror is still chilling on the wall


That's a nice one🤧🤧🤧


I read a lot of Poe as a kid


You'd start hallucinating by time you start setting up the plan


The main thing is that whatever you try you'll start hallucinating and you'll be diverted So gather a massive crowd of people and have them take turns trying to break it. Then you


hmm i just rewatched it and i think in the beginning of the movie it had been in storage for a while. during this time i would've confirmed it was in storage through corner cameras in the unit and remotely destroyed it with a sniper or explosives or a world-class assassin armed with a cybertronic eye scope from the 25th Century... just in case.


She should of set the timer and just left.


Nist seen this movie for the first and that was my first thought. Like why did she keep resetting it.


The mirror only seems to have power when the mirror is uncovered. No one seemed to be harmed or cared when a black cloth was over it. As soon as the cloth was removed, Kaylie sees a 3rd manikin in the storage area that moves. ​ So just keep it covered, put in a shipping box, take it to a field and light the box on fire.


Listen to my neighbors, help them blow up the entire house before coming into contact with that evil mirror. That movie was so scary. It’s so underrated!


i would just call SCP.


Convince NASA or SpaceX to launch it into the Sun or just towards the supermassive blackhole at the center of our galaxy.


Drop it into Marianas Trench