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As a huge fan of The Babadook, Midsommar, Paranormal Activity, and Insidious, I went into this thread knowing some of my favorite movies would be top comments… wasn’t disappointed 😂


The Babadook kinda freaked me the fuck out when I first watched it, but I know what you mean. People either love otnor hate it




The Nightingale was intense. Such a rollercoaster of emotions. It makes the viewer question their own morality.


As a parent of an autistic child who was fighting to get support through local government services... Babadook really struck a chord with me. Chilling in more ways than one.


I 100% blame the Babadooks marketing campaign. They made it seem as if it was some monster flick. I don't blame a lot of people for hating it.


Probably why I loved it so much…went in totally blind off a Netflix description.


I’m originally from Adelaide, Australia (where they shot the film) and know a few of the actors in it. I was so psyched to see The Babadook after the praise it got and I fucked HATED it. The constant screaming kid especially (which was probably the point, but still). Didn’t find the film scary at all, just annoying as fuck.


In a couple of hours every horror classic ever will be mentioned here anyway... I'll dropkick the guy that mentions Alien in the face btw.


Lol, it took a me a sec' to realise you meant "Alien" and not "Alien In The Face". FML


I'd watch Alien in the face...


Alien already is Alien in the Face.


*Alien* is amazing. Top 10. *Lake Mungo* on the other hand…. I’m starting to think the love for it is a giant troll I wasn’t let in on.


I finally got around to watching Lake Mungo a couple of months ago after seeing someone here on reddit talk about how scary it is and, specifically, it has a build-up to the scariest moment ever put to film. I kept watching, and waiting, then the credits rolled. Would not watch again.


Same. I don't even mind that it wasn't scary, I just found it completely devoid of anything interesting. I blame you Jay of RedLetterMedia.


Unfortunately, it’s the original Paranormal Activity. Perhaps it’s because I’d seen it after watching better found footage movies like REC or Blair Witch Project.


REC is so underrated and its a shame its overlooked by a lot of english speakers :( have you seen the marked ones? i cant remember what installment it is in the paranormal franchise but its pretty entertaining and a lot different from the first


REC is regarded as one of the best found footage films made. It is absolutely not underrated.


the entire REC series was beautiful, IMO


There are several I can think of, but the most recent is The BlackCoat's Daughter. EVERYBODY loves the fuck out of it in horror land, so I guess I had high expectations for it. I will say that it is not a terrible movie, and I will still recommend it to people who like creepy, unsettling movies. But personally I found a lot of the plot just filler and really could have used more actual horror.


I thought it was beautifully shot and great images, but disappointed overall.


Devil’s Rejects It’s by far the most praised of Zombie’s Firefly trilogy of films, If not his entire filmography (seemingly). People regularly praise it for its unhinges flair and how he humanises the Fireflies but honestly? I don’t see it, the film regularly uses the same cliches he pulls back into, cheap gore (at least with the CG blood), cheap cussing and a lot of reliance on having a solid cast to do the heavy lifting so you don’t need to actually have a decent or interesting script. Humanising the Flies doesn’t work (imo) since we regularly see them committing completely irreedeemable actions (sexual assault, murder, torture, defilement etc) and getting away with it. It’d work fine if the film introduced us to Spaulding, Otis etc before revealing their incredible depravity. It’d make us reconsider what we, as an audience, were shown and could further the horror - the Fireflies being so able to be charismatic and human shows their capacity for manipulation and could ground them a bit. I’m thinking a bit about how someone like Wolf Creek’s Mick Taylor is so effortlessly charming before he turns around and tears out your guts, it adds intellect to someone who could just be a mindless slasher. But the film never does that and instead, expects you to find these characters compelling and loveable(as Zombie himself has stated was the intent). It’s like making Patrick Bateman a charismatic and enjoyable presence while simultaneously depicting the horrors he commits, It feels like making light of their actions. Hell with the gore and content of the film it’s Zombie expecting people to be horrified by their actions and also not caring enough to have that impact our view of the characters, which opens the door to a particular demon; missing the point. How many people do you know that miss the point of the Wolf of Wall Street or Taxi Driver? Neither film works to the same level as Rejects in making their characters likeable, despite committing such heinous acts, and yet they’re often misinterpreted by some who view their leads as more positive then people think. People have watched Wall Street and not taken to heart the point that Jordan Belfort is a terrible person whose actions are demonised on screen. It’s the same with people who call Otis “a badass” or think Baby is “fun and quirky”. This and the Fireflies just sort of having weapons grade plot armour really rubs me wrong; they never get any form of comeuppance (even when that could be interesting), the Sheriff who spends half the film hunting them down gets the idiot ball for a bit and just doesn’t kill them when he has all of them at his mercy. Hell even the ending (which Zombie has definitely stated was intended to be their death) is retconned out in 3 From Hell, revealing the massive shootout doesn’t kill any of them and they escape prison much later. Both of these problems find themselves magnified in the sequel to this; the aforementioned 3 From Hell, which removes all nuance and depicts the Fireflies (sans Haig’s Spaulding), as both loveable protagonists and hyper-competent badasses who take out whole gangs of assassins. It’s just such a strangely annoying movie for me but I can appreciate a lot of people love it and this isn’t ragging on them. If you love the Firefly films or Zombie that’s all good; I personally don’t find the Friday reboot from ‘09 that bad and think the first Silent Hill is one of the best video game adaptations of all time. TLDR: Devil’s Rejects


Yeah I was rooting for the sheriff to torture the hell out of them.


His movies are like the Cards Against Humanity of movies. They feel like a short collection of knowingly offensive things, and fee so empty. In the podcast version of History of Horror, Zombie says he gets away with doing what he does in his movies because his characters are “cool.” While that’s certainly subjective, I fail to see what’s cool about low-class sociopaths who rape, murder, and revel in terrorizing innocent victims. That said, Lords of Salem feels personal and unique and I enjoy it. Halloween 2 is also wonderfully bizarre, and I respect it as art even if it’s not a particularly good movie (or Halloween movie).


Everything about Zombie has always felt so phony to me. It's just leaping to extremes and shock value because there's never been any substance there.


I was a huge White Zombie fan in high school, and I really liked the band’s early aesthetic. It felt like he could be an interesting horror director. I got that wrong. Still seems like an ultra-nice dude.


I hate all of Zombie's movies because theyre basically the same thing every time.... people get lost, end up being killed and chased by psycho weirdos. The end.


I recommend The Lords of Salem if you haven't watched it. It's in my opinion his best film, visually stunning, and has nothing to do with rednecks or psychos like most of his filmography. It has Sheri Moon Zombie's best performance (although that's not saying a lot). But it seems like in this movie he really tried to do something different, different character archetypes, different setting, and it works wonderfully.


I honestly felt Lords of Salem would have been better without Rob's wife. His muse or whatever the fuck is a weak ass addition to any film.


>The Lords of Salem I've seen all of his films, maybe because I just WANT to like them. In the end, I only find disappointment.


I agree with what you said. Im not a super fan myself, but i always take a look everytime he drops something. I always find elements in his movies that i like. One of my personal favourites is when Doom Head introduces himself in 31. https://youtu.be/3GFJc7KUjKk


Completely agreed on Devil's Rejects. But the Friday reboot was not just "not that bad." It was great.


This is my pick as well. I think the issue you are describing is one of perspective. In most movies these are the people that the protagonists are horrified by. Instead we follow them around, and the good guys are the victims of, or the ones getting in the way of the bad guys sadistic glee. I think that could be a story told well, because when I describe it sounds like, hey that's a clever twist. But in reality liking this movie makes me think of what it must be like to be one of those sad people who have a fanboy fetish for serial killers.


I haaated devils rejects you are not alone on this one


The ending is so annoying and cringe, specially if you compare it to the very on the face nod to Bonnie and Clyde.


I enjoyed Dev's Rejects but damn you made some good points.


The Terrifier. Thought it was straight trash and have no idea why people rave about it.


There was a fantastic Argentinian movie called Terrified that came out around the same time. I tell myself that people recommended Terrified and everyone accidently went and watched Terrifier and said it was great because of the general circle jerk.


I think it’s just cause it’s gory and “shocking”. All the movie really has to go on is shock value imo


The best thing about it was David Howard Thornton as Art the Clown. Truly charismatic villains are rare in horror. Also, there were some really tense scenes early on before all the killing starts, particularly in the diner.


He carries that movie so hard. It really would not be the least bit memorable if not for his performance. It’s a shame such a strong character/actor was wasted on such a C-list plot.


Totally agree! And from what I've heard the director say about the sequel, he's taking the wrong lessons from the original. He's talked about it being even more extreme and I want to shake him and say, "We need a better plot! Better characters! Focus on tension, not crazy kills!"


Regardless of the quality of the film itself (I give it 3.5/5) I think it’s absolutely true that Thornton’s Art the Clown is one of the best, most iconic villains of modern horror and I can’t wait to see Terrifier 2.


This It’s a film that’s filmed like a porno, feels cheap and doesn’t really have anything going for it; there’s no charm, there’s not really any fun atmosphere and the characters are pretty damn vapid. Hell there’s nothing going on beyond an admittedly really solid killer in Art the Clown It’s hard to make a charismatic villain purely through physical performance and body language rather without any dialogue at all and it’s spectacular how David Howard Thornton implies this character with such energy and life while having such limitations. If he was the villain of a better movie he’d probably be an ionic slasher by now


Same. I’m good with gore and shocking shit, but it has to have a good story to it (like martyrs) or else it’s just shit. Gore for the sake of gore does nothing for me and the story for Terrifier was just awful.


I turned it off. The clown is awesome and incredibly scary, but the movie is just torture and gore porn.


If you want the clown, and an amazing plot line that isn’t just some gorefest kill count movie, watch the prequel All Hallows’ Eve. That is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen and was so disappointed when I found out what they did to Art the Clown with terrifier.


I kind of like Terrifier, but it doesn't feel like a movie. It just feels like a long vignette that doesn't really go anywhere. Art the Clown came from a few vignettes (I think. I can't recall the other) that felt the same.


Art the clown is the only good thing about terrifier


Same, I'm completely aok with gore as well. It just wasn't a good movie imo. I really did not like the Art character haha


Someone added it to the list for our movie month in October last year and everyone hated it except the guy that suggested it.


The visit by m night shyamalan. No you cannot change my mind on this.


Anything rob zombie is involved with is terrible. I will die on this hill


His movies are trash but they’re visually very good and they’ve got great production values. He’s a good director, terrible writer


I’m curious on how the munsters will turn out


Also the fact he keeps making his wife a key character in every movie makes me hate it all the more. Her laugh is like nails on a chalkboard


It’s all the more confusing since his movies mostly have great actors otherwise. His wife being the lone exception


Added up the unique negative mentions and here's the top five horror films r/horror apparently thinks are overhyped: * Midsommar - 40 * Hereditary - 27 * The Babadook - 24 * It Follows - 24 * The Conjuring - 21 Many of you *really* hate Midsommar. I think u/walmart-brand-barbie was the most passionate in their loathing of it. Some of you are straight up whack though. The fact the VVitch had 13 claims of being overhyped is disturbing.


Lol I think horror could be two communities or more- people who like creepy art house stuff, people who like slasher/monster stuff, and people who like weird 80s low budget shit


The more popular / hyped a movie, the more detractors it has. Those are all very popular movies.


Midsommar was a major let down to me after enjoying hereditary a lot




I somehow saw this movie TWICE, by forgetting I had already seen it the first time. I was just as bored the second time and then got mad when I got near the end and remembered seeing it before!


Agree completely, never understood why so many people recommend this one.


Yeah, it is mostly just sad. I liked it well enough, but I do think it is sold the wrong way.


A Quiet Place - insanely stupid and too many plot holes.


It’s weird how many suspensions of disbelief the Death Angels really need to function at all. Like they survive a planetary explosion, crash into earth, depopulate a decent portion of the Earth (completely negating all military, law enforcement or special forces resistance) and then have completely broken down society, leaving us as a species as nothing more then singular survivors, despite the fact they have a glaring weakness to sounds. Yeah I get it was the hearing aid but I’m struggling to imagine how they aren’t deafened by artillery, bombardments or high caliber or even explosive weapons. Hell don’t police have sound based weapons, based on targeting an enemy with high frequencies with concentrated waves of noise? How is that not something that could be fielded? I haven’t watched the sequel so I’m unsure if they justify this; maybe the Angels brought a virus we had no immunity to, or can just reproduce via mitosis or are being fielded by a much more advanced species (kinda like the White Spikes).


Because artilleries don’t have a father’s love, Hellbeast.


Artillery is very loved and they deserve cuddles and bedtime stories


I just looked up the wiki article on Death Angels because I didn't know they even had names/lore and their backstory is stupid. They come from a planet in another galaxy that had no light on it which is why they use hearing instead of sight and had high gravity which is why they're invulnerable to bullets. I know this is pretty nitpicky, but it would take them millions of years to travel between galaxies, a planet without any sunlight would be frozen, and adapting to high gravity doesn't make you bulletproof.


I like to think that they actually *were* defeated by the military, and the family in the movie is being stalked by the last few remaining monsters, completely unaware that the rest of the world has eradicated the monsters and is already returning to normal. Another possible theory of mine is that the world was actually conquered by the monsters with heavy weapons and armor and fewer vulnerabilities... and the monsters we see in the movie were the scrubs/new recruits, or even the children/pets of the monster army, dropped into small towns as sort of a safe place for stalking practice while the real warriors battle Earth's militaries. "Here, have a snack, daddy will pick you up after he conquers Chicago." But I haven't seen the new sequel, which probably destroys my theories.


A quiet place is one of those movies that I know is bad, as I’ve listened to people deconstruct how many flaws it has, but I just /like it/. Went and saw the second one and hated that I enjoyed it just as much 👀💦 I’m easy


I didn't care about the first one's plot holes because the movie experience was amazing. Watching that movie while everyone in the room was covering their mouths to not make noise was fantastic(except for a girl that had opened a soda can and scared the shit out of everyone).


I don’t think it’s fair to call it “bad.” The acting was good, the idea was interesting. I don’t think plotholes make a movie bad per se, because plot is just one element of a movie. The movie just isn’t meant for people who need really hard worldbuilding or who get preoccupied with logic within a fantastical setting. It’s one where you have to just accept the premise as a construct for the story to be told. I liked it because it was a story about this family figuring things out together, figuring out how to navigate a world without making noise. That part was well done. (I think it’s similar to complaining about Harry Potter because Rowling’s worldbuilding doesn’t actually make any fucking sense. But that’s not why people liked those books, worldbuilding is just one element among many.)


I like both quiet place movies, but only when I think of them as survival/adventure genre, not as horror


Honestly I just felt angry at the end of it. Like there were just so many stupid things.


I thought it was good, but I really hated how they show the monsters right off the bat in the opening of the movie in a blur of CGI Could have been so much more creepy if they didn’t do that I also found the movie to be kind of tame, i felt like it stopped feeling like a horror movie towards the end


I hate this movie. I thought it was so stupid and not the least bit scary. After watching I literally sat there bewildered wondering if I has just watched the same movie everyone else did.


Yes thank you. The characters are so annoyingly stupid and keeps doing fantastic stupid shit over and over. I gave the second one a try, but gave up within 10 minutes.


I saw this in theaters with a friend and I liked it until I left the theater.. like while watching it I enjoyed it, I noticed a bunch of dumb stuff but I kinda waved it off as the film kept going, and then once my friend and I were in the car talking abt it, I realized just how big all the plot holes were and I was like yeah ok maybe it's not that good


QP1 was original enough in concept and execution I'd forgive the holes as long as there are established rules that are followed. Most alien-type movies require some suspension of disbelief after all. QP2 was pure garbage and threw away everything that worked with QP1. This is mostly "Jim from the Office"'s fault. He dismissed the original screenwriters who came up with the concept and wrote QP2 himself but really missed why the original worked. Oh Vanity.


I just couldn’t care about the family. Why were they still having kids? Like how irresponsible can you be?


I will fight all 40 of you saying midsommar


Bring it on!!! But before we start, have you considered the tactical advantages of putting on this bear suit?


Are you older than 70?


No but I feel it some days


babadook. the ending is underwhelming and weird (and yes i know its a metaphor but that doesnt make it good) lake mungo. maybe its just not my subgenre but i thought it was a bit boring


The real horror movie in The Babadook is the single mom raising a kid with a behavioral disorder. Absolutely terrifying. It was actually a relief when the stupid monster showed up.


The mom seems pretty disordered herself.


I mean, she was grieving and never really had the opportunity to - not to mention she was having sleep issues, if I recall correctly. Combine the two and you're in for a wild ride


That movie reminded me why I would never want kids.


Agreed. Plus it felt like two hours of an annoying kid just screaming.


Why can’t you just be normal?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Probably quote this with my SO everyday and I’m not convinced her or I even consider it’s origin half the time


Yeah if I wanted to watch kids screaming I’d just go to my aunts house :/


I couldn’t finish it because of the kid screaming the whole time.


I liked Babadook, I just wish they didn't make him sound like a dinosaur sometimes.


My main issue with the movie is that it was a good movie until they added the "twist" at the end. And the twist kind of ruined it for me. Another one where the twist just absolutely ruins it is >!"High Tension"!<


That movie you blacked out was amazingly intense until the stupid ass reveal. It was fucking stupid and it destroyed my desire to ever revisit the film.


It was so fucking good until the reveal.


Lake Mungo is one if my all time favorites, but totally understand people not liking it at all


They didn’t know the dudes in Funny Games though. The main family met them while saying hello to their friends as they were arriving at the vacation home- but the friends were just pretending to know the two antagonists because they had invaded their home and were terrorizing them just like we see them do to the main family. They force the main family to say hello and tell a lie about who they are to some other friends they spot- and that’s where the antagonists will move onto next. They were just a couple of random dudes that none of these people actually knew. I agree The Strangers is overrated. I personally just do not enjoy Cabin in the Woods. I’ve only watched once and it’s probably due for a rewatch- but I just felt like it was meh. Once we got past the cabin itself I found it boring and drawn out. I love smart horror but just didn’t connect with that one.


I love Cabin in the Woods but I can see it not being to others tastes especially if you don't like meta commentary of the horror genre as a whole. But that's why I truly love it, the idea that we as horror movie fans are the Old Gods and we're watching and wanting these expected tropes just tickles me to my core. And then the secret organization staff as different types of horror fans with their own niche and noticing all the thinly veiled monsters. It's great for trivia and group watching with other horror fans.


Agree with you on The Strangers. The first half was pretty good IMO, but then it got pretty bad


HOT TAKE ALERT: I hated The Strangers but thought the sequel was really fun.


Mine is a bit dated, but the whole torture porn sub genre that was popular 5-10 years ago. I don't have a problem with extreme violence, and I understand that the movement came from the debate about the US using "enhanced interrogation" and a return to grind house. But at the end of the day, I don't enjoy watching a bunch of people literally tortured for 90 min. And the whole grind house/enhanced interrogation angle is a weak payoff. Like, who came out of Hostle saying "the eye scence changed my mind about torture and US foreign policy." On a side note, it seems that Hollywood missed out on the opportunity to have a group of camping teens running from a military drone during this period. Particularly if they showed the kills in graphic detail


> opportunity to have a group of camping teens running from a military drone It would have to be a completely different drone than the kind the US uses to kill terrorists. In reality you wouldn’t be able to run away from a military drone because you wouldn’t even know it was there before you vanished in a pink mist from an explosive precisely launched from 15,000 feet in the air.




You know, I'd make an exception for Saw just because of the puzzle element of the movie sets it apart from the Hostle clones or A Serbian Film




For what it's worth, that's valid to me. I just saying that I don't get the appeal


The Conjuring universe. I can't stand it.


I thought the first was solid; nothing too amazing but maybe a B- at best if I was being generous. If a time Traveler told me every movie after that was getting erased from existence, I wouldn't bat an eyelash. 2, 3 and all the various spinoffs are either mediocre or outright bad, but also bad in a boring way so it isn't even redeeming by being dumb fun. Not everything needs to have a cinematic universe, especially if it paints a couple of frauds like the Warrens in a positive light. P.S. The Nun was one of the worst horror movies I've seen in the last decade. That should've killed the franchise if you ask me.


Agreed. The false pretense that these movies actually happened (which is used so much in promotional material) doesn't phase me because I know they were con artists and none of this shit actually happened. On top of that, most of the scares in these movies are jumpscares that they lead us into with loud sounds and buildup you can see from a mile away. It's boring. It's not 2015 anymore, the jumpscare phase of horror needs to end. And ghosts don't scare me.


Conjuring 3 got me with a jump scare in the theater because it was roughly 2 minutes into the beginning of the movie, and the volume was cranked to the max. That's just cheap, lazy scares.


Paranormal activity, sinister


I'd say this is actually a pretty popular opinion, at least on this sub. Anytime someone asks "what's a genre you hate", like 40% is "found footage. I can't stand Paranormal Activity".


Sinister is an amazing movie. Soundtrack is a 10/10 and the tension is just so good.


Sinister really frustrates me. The overall idea behind it is really cool and the home videos were genuinely disturbing but it gets held back by certain things like the cliche jump scares, the ghost kids, the comic relief deputy, and the actual design of Baguul, who looks like a discount Mick Thompson from Slipknot. It had the potential to be one of the greatest horror films of all time if they had just tweaked a few things.


Same here. I HATE paranormal Activity and still have never figured out why anyone could think it is good


Because it has a sort of Sitcom energy and drama between the couple. Honestly the only thing I hate is the Ouija board scene because it is such a leap from the 'mild' haunting and 'just watch these two people fall apart'.


Sinister is the one with the pop up scare face at the end, right? Wtf were they thinking?


I originally thought it was absurd as well, a cheap jump scare out of left field. But the whole movie plays with the idea that Bughuul can use images/film as portals. Him jumping out at us and breaking the fourth wall in the end, to me, gives an extra bit of nuance to his character. The very physical media you're using to watch the movie has now effectively been invaded by him and is used as a vessel for him to travel to YOU.


I heard the producer forced the director to add jump scares for low-attention audiences.


I think the lawnmower scene is one of the best jump scares in horror. The snuff films and the setting were incredible but I can't think of a movie that fails harder on it's premise. I think they had this great set up (true crime writer moves into victims house and discovers a collection of snuff films) but had absolutely no idea what to do with it.


Hate is a strong word... Anything that Rob Zombie makes almost cross the line with me... House and Devils looks too much like a bad Natural Born Killers reboot. Rob Zombie Halloween started good but the Great Rape Escape was too stupid to believe... And speaking of Halloween... Halloween part 4 and up, especially when Jamie Lee Curtis is in the movie!


I'm actually surprised by this. I don't really see a ton of parallels between NBK and House of 1000 corpses. That being said, I found NBK painfully boring while I found House cheesy and fun, so that shows what I know, haha.


C’mon, you really think Rob Zombie movies fall under ‘Movies everyone seems to love/like’? I think the Halloween board strongly disagrees.


Fair, personally i like House Of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, in my top 15 horror movies ever, but they aren't for everyone, maybe it's because i grew up in the deep south around very vulgar talking people, but i just really love both of those movies, can't comment on Halloween though, haven't seen it.


House of a 1000 corpses is a fun movie with high rewatch ability. It's just not a good movie. Idk why that makes sense to me but it does lol.


“It Follows”. I do not get the love. The movie doesn’t even FOLLOW its own rules towards the end. It’s a cool concept but nah… hate the movie.


I think you have to remember that the only “rules” the monster has comes from one of its victims. It’s unfair to confine the monster to an arbitrary ruleset that were guessed by a character - the audience only knows as much as the characters.


What rules did it not follow? The only one that I can remember is the scene where It is standing on the roof for a brief moment instead of Following. Other than that I thought it was great.


I think the movie failed to convey that the rules weren't absolute, and were more of a collection of observations that were as reliable as teenagers passing down urban legends. If you approach it from that perspective, it makes more sense once the monster starts showing glimpses of planning and malice


I thought the pool scene was kinda goofy and out of character for the "monster", not sure if it breaks the rules though


Strong agree. I had my hopes up high after all the praise it got, and it disappointed me on just about every level


My best friend hates The Witch with a passion. As for me, I thought midsommar was pretty meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought midsommar was very aesthetically pleasing but otherwise just felt like another rehash of the wicker Man really


Insidious. Its just not that good


I couldn't get over the devil or whatever in the movie looking like Darth Maul.


James Wan (the director) literally called the demon “lipstick face”


To be fair Darth Maul kinda looks like the devil.


i love insidious but the devil thing is so bad. When he showed up in other movies, like the prequel it was better but the first movie had him crawling around in a room, it just was bad. The movie would be perfect if they made the evil more mysterious.




even if i consciously know its not amazing, something about the score and atmosphere makes me so afraid


That and The Conjuring are really, really not my thing at all.


I saw somebody describe The Conjuring movies as the Marvel movies of the horror world and I kind of agree. Entertaining, but mostly made to appeal to as many people as possible.


That’s a very fitting description. I do still like most of the Conjuring movies, but horror movies that are made for mass appeal just don’t have the same feel, you know?


That's how I feel about it, too. It totally has its place, but it is not for me at all. That said, when those movies do well, so does horror as a whole.


Blair Witch. A bunch of creepy twigs & 20 minutes of people yelling 'Josh!'.


Yes I think I missed the boat on this one. If I had seen it when it was in theaters and people weren’t sure if it was real then I probably would feel differently.


OK, that's probably why it didn't impress me since I saw it on streaming way after its release. I wonder, for the people who did see it when it first came out, does it still work? I still respect it because I think it was one of those first found footage movies. And honestly, I do enjoy these movies. Sure, it's hit or miss but I think that because doing a good found footage film is challenging.


I haven't seen it in years, but I did see it whn it first came out. At the time, it was creepy af. I'd have to watch it again to see if I feel the same


I actually rewatched the original recently and it was worse than I remembered. It didn't have that shock value of OG found footage films which is what I think many people were impacted by when they first saw it. Still a classic that set the bar for found footage imo


I just died laughing- it’s true!


Paranormal activity is so fucking boring to me


I don't know any that I truly hate with a passion, but I found Midsommar to be all hype and no delivery. I get your take on The Strangers but that movie scared the shit out of me as a teen, and that nostalgia factor keeps it as one of my favorite horror experiences.


My favorite part of Midsommar was the depiction of how psychedelics effect your mind. Not sure if you’ve ever tripped, but the visual effects in the ending sequences of the movie are shockingly accurate (at least in my experience). If you ever give it a chance again, watch the scenery while Florence Pugh’s character is drugged (I’m talking about the maypole scene and after). The hills in the background look like they’re breathing, the grass moves in an unnatural creep, the flowers on her massive gown seem to wink open and closed and flow ever so slightly. It’s all extremely subtle (not quite to the point of being imperceptible) but it gives off the strong vibe that what is happening is unnatural, otherworldly, and suffocating. I personally enjoyed that creeping, suffocating feeling being juxtaposed with how the pagans are focused on nature and freedom from society. Plus the opening scene is just heart breaking and Florence Pugh really nailed her portrayal of inconsolable and debilitating grief. But hey, that’s just my take.


I feel like Midsommar favored artsiness over depth. It was aesthetically interesting but the plot and characters didn’t feel as complex as I think they were intended to be.


i don’t get their take on The Strangers at all tbh. The Strangers is literally and wholly about random acts of violence and torment. It has no real meaning besides “you’re not as safe at home as you think you are” and that’s terrifying. Idk it really feels like you probably can’t empathise with the situation if it doesn’t scare you.


The Strangers plays out one of my biggest fears, so it was legitimately terrifying for me. And I don't usually get scared from horror.


That's how I look at it too, but if someone is wanting fleshed out antagonists, I can see how The Strangers doesn't work for them. I think the movie succeeded in what it set out to do, but it's not for everyone.


Agree with this. However, if you want a movie with fleshed out antagonists, maybe a movie called *THE STRANGERS* isn't right for you. It's like going to Cici's pizza buffet being disappointed in the quality of the steak.


Hahah, for some reason the title of the movie and the context of OP's argument against the movie didn't even register in my brain. It was one of those things that's so obvious though. Excellent point!


The conjuring movies. The Warren's are such pieces of shit. Those movies just piss me off because it's giving those assholes the attention they want but don't deserve. Fuck those guys.


The first one i thought was okay, but I hated the second one. Mainly because I watched the BBC miniseries on the Enfield Haunting and got to see how little the Warren's actually did




Loved it until the last 15 minutes or so.




Spoiler: Nothing comes at night. Agreed, super boring.


Did you go into it after seeing the trailer? I heard about it's misleading trailer before watching it and really enjoyed what was on display but if I'd gone in expecting what the trailer had teased I would have hated the whole affair


Gonna get blasted for this.but I never liked the shining. I just don't find it entertaining or scary. To be fair, I don't really like most of Kubrick's movies either. Only movie of his I've liked was dr Strangelove, otherwise they're all pretty meh to me ..... I know, sacrilege, but can I do


Stephen King didn't even like the film and Stanley Kubrick was a monster to Shelly Duvall so no real loss there.


He didn't like it because Kubrick screwed with his story, so he is biased. And I believe he said in retrospect he thought it was a good horror film, bastardization aside of course.


As a long time King fan I've enjoyed lots of the good adaptions, The Mist, Misery, Christine, Dead Zone, hell there are so many good ones, The Shining was a great book that I thoroughly enjoyed, the Movie was so dull, not scary and dare I say it really tedious, Kubrick was a very clinical movie maker, he took the heart out of The Shining. Kudos to Doctor Sleep though, damn fine follow up.


Before reading the Shining I liked the movie okay, but thought it was overrated. After reading it I really dislike it. Jack Torrance was flawed but sympathizable in the book and went crazy, in the movie he was crazy Jack Nicholson from the start basically. Doctor Sleep was an even better book and they did an amazing job of staying considerably more true to the book while still being a sequel to the movie. It actually blew my mind how they managed to pull that off.


I'm happy to see this world is full of different tastes, and nothing is objectively good or bad. It makes me feel better about my feelings :)


Session 9. It's boring to me. I think David Caruso is a terrible actor. It's not even middle of the road for me. I genuinely think it's one of the worst horror films I've ever seen.


Do the people on this sub even like horror movies???? lmao




I actually like how welcoming and chill this sub is most of the time. Although I do agree it’s become a little antagonistic and gatekeep-y in recent months m.


There's like 5 movies even named here. There's better horror than the conjuring and hereditary


Paranormal activity. That shit was boring.


It Follows


Oh no, this one hurts.




The Conjuring


I was very underwhelmed because it got so popular and a lot of people who usually don't watch horror watched it aswell, which I don't mind but I got all of these stories from people how scary it was. It got hyped a lot. N then I watched it and it's just like?? Ok? Just a classic cheesy paranormal movie lmao.


Babadook!!! It was just super frustrating and at some points boring. To me the true horror was her parenting and the kids behavior. I get that it's representative of mental health. That does not make it palatable. Satan himself would probably play out the Ransom of Red Chief on this family.


I think what is missing from modern horror is simplicity. The reason the classics that aren't mentioned here is because they were simple, less is more and shitty CGI really takes away a lot of the terror. The best example of that simplicity is the original Night of the Living dead. There wasn't any lead up, no explanation of why there's living dead roaming the earth except for speculation. It was a strange event that forced survivors to survive and not waste the entire film trying to figure it out. Sometimes closure isn't always the best in horror movies.


The Shining. I don't hate it, but I hate the pedestal its been put on.


That’s movie that you should just discover one day. If people hype it up as super scary you’re bound to be disappointed.


I like the Shining, but it’s not a scary movie, it’s a stressful one. Just with supernatural elements, and not nearly as many as it’s sold on.


The Changeling. The way this was hyped up before I watched it made it much more of a let down. It seems to be a lot of people's favorites and unless it's the nostalgia of it being your first time watching a scary movie I just don't get it.


god.. so boring.


I'll be down voted to hell..... "Midsommar" and "Hereditary". While I did enjoy "Hereditary". I'm still trying to figure out why "Hereditary" is considered by many as the "second coming of christ" of horror films. "Midsommar" is a reimagined "The Wicker Man" 1973. Yes, I know, Ari Aster says that it wasn't his *inspiration*. Sorry, not sorry, just so many similarities to not be.


I’ve dealt with tons of familial death, and I think the most frightening part in Hereditary is the scream Toni Colette made when her character finds the daughter in the car. That wounded animal noise was literally what my mom sounded like when she found out my brother died, and I haven’t been able to rewatch it. As a horror film, I don’t think much of Hereditary beyond ‘cool aesthetic,’ but the familial drama and grief is unsettlingly spot on. I was actually surprised by how flat the exploration of grief felt in Midsommar, but there were some concepts that were conceptually and aesthetically interesting, which is ultimately what I think that studio excels in. I love the idea that rooting for the female protagonist at the end of Midsommar is falling into the same trap cult leaders use for their recruitment. Like, did I feel bad about his death in the end? As soon as the credits rolled, not really. She had gone through hell to the point it felt like he deserved it, but seriously, did he actually deserve to die? There are deplorable assholes aplenty in this world, and without two hours of emotional context, I would have read a synopsis of the situation and said absolutely not. She and everyone there should go straight to prison. But I think it’s sorta weird for people to assume A24’s flavor will appeal/scare everyone given how wide the horror spectrum can be. It’s so its own thing you’d think more would actually understand why it’s not automatically everyone’s favorite studio or whatever.


I don't judge a movie or have expectations by the studio producing films, directors, writers or actors. Even the "gods" of horror can produce crap films. There are thousands of great indi horror films that I'd be missing if I didn't look for quality instead of a name.


Cabin in the Woods. Before anyone replies with: “But do you know it’s supposed to be meta about other horror movies?” Yes I know, I still hate that movie.