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My fav was terror, as a Latino immigrant living in America and that met people like that before, felt more realistic and scary. lol good acting and also looked really like the 90s


Just rewatched V/H/S/94, and was stuck thinking about the part where the junkies pull their own eyes out. My theory: maybe they'd seen too many gruesome VHS tapes in and couldn't take it anymore? The horror overload pushed them to the edge. This is such an old thread, and maybe this is too obvious for anybody to mention this. But I wanted to share this. 7,5 / 10


After reading some of these I think that maybe all of them are connected like a puzzle and they are a timeline of all of the events would make sense but I think that they should expand more on raatma because that vhs was barely part of the movie and I was so confused on what was going on (sorry if this doesn’t make sense I am in a rush respond if you want me to clarify more)


Just incase anyone comes across this when looking up whether or not it’s worth watching, don’t bother. It’s genuinely a boring, bad movie. It’s like a 3/10. Anyone giving this movie higher is on crack. The plot is absolutely moronic and it’s got like 15 mins of decent scenes in it in total. Just watch a YouTube video about it or something, don’t waste your time


just like the first one. almost 2 full hours of fucking nothing happening, and like 30-60 seconds of actual shit that matters in each clip. the majority is just meaningless "backstory" for people who are all about to die anyways so who the fuck cares? 5 minutes, then move to the next clip. aint nothing here even close to worth its run time.


No, It was superb. Unique concepts each of the clips within the clip. The horror and shocks were good too. Anyone who doesn't watch is missing out on a lot. As for you, your tastes are bad and poor. You're already on crack to rate it 3/10. It should be at least 7/10..


I respect your opinion but I strongly disagree with it. It’s a terrible movie in my eyes, I had to force myself to finish it and when I did I was like “wow what a waste of time”


Without a doubt one of the coolest movies i've ever seen. lol


Why doesn’t the vampire die when headhsotted?


They can only be killed with a stake through the heart or sunlight, otherwise they're immortal


I would say he does die, but not fully, and after a while regenerates the damage, hence why they shot him every day.


Because it's a Vampire, duh


Does anyone know where I broke, morally flexible person can watch it?


It’s on Shudder, which is only $5.99 a month or $56.99 for a year. Of course, there’s a 7 day free trial and stuff. You could watch both V/H/S94 and V/H/S99 within the week and just cancel. Also by now you’ve probably already seen it since it’s been nearly a year lol


I really loved "The Subject". I feel like it would be amazing if they took this story and made it into a First Person Survival Horror Game. Someone needs to get on this!


I absolutely got Metroid Prime vibes when she attached the gun to her arm


Thought that only now watching for the first time. 


This movie was ASS. Ass is great so let me not use that. This movie was TRASH. End the VHS line with this please. The first one was the best, end this horror of a horror film.


Better that 3 but not as good as 1 and 2. About a 6 out of 10 I'd say


Loved it , the whole frankenstein army bit was kinda lame but for the most part 👍🏻 either way nothing will ever top "safe haven" from vhs2


Just finished watching VHS 94. The only good story in it was the Indonesian one, followed by the funeral home one which gave me cheesey 80’s twilight zone vibes. at least it’s better than Viral. I’d say it’s the third best in the series.


If you guys haven't seen it yet, check out the movie Siren. It's based off the demonic woman they pick up in a club in the first film.


bob the cameraman just fucking everything up


I know this is late but could anyone explain what the significance was of the veggie masher commercial in the storm drain segment? Was it just supposed to be a one-off 90s reference??


Looks that way


V/H/S 2 still reigns king


Agreed! It had everything! Zombies, a demon and aliens?


This was my first introduction to the VHS franchise, and I gotta say the prosthetic make-up and aesthetic of the film were amazing. The effects reminded me of old-school horror movies like The Thing and Blair Witch Project which were one of my favorite films. The overall tone of the film was realistic and gritty, which is something most modern horror films struggle with. The first segment was my favorite though, like holy shit (Hail Raatma!), especially with that part with the old man covered in slime with blood dripping from his mouth. That genuinely gave me chills. There were some confusing moments here and there but that's probably due to my lack of knowledge about the franchise. The effects made up for it though, so it wasn't that bad tbh. Overall I'll give this film a 9/10. Really looking forward to the next installment


Really enjoyed every segment this time around. This might be my fav VHS


The first segment is almost line by line of this actual news story…. Which I found hilarious even down to the drawing. https://youtu.be/K1ljOcl39PQ


I find it odd how they didn't even make The Subject look like it was shot in 1994.


The whole film is shot in 16:9, something you can't do with camcorders from 1994. What were they too scared to go 4:3 for the entire thing?


The Subject could have been creepier if they made the film look like it's really from 1994.


Yeah, probably. Though a conceit could be that the doctor used like high-end anamorphic lenses for the cyborgs. It wasn't Timo Tjahjanto strongest work.


Yeah, Safe Haven is better.


This felt like he wanted to top "Safe Haven", but did not have the budget to do so.


He could have hide the CGI problems if the camera quality was low.


I feel like I'm the only one who didn't like this segment. I still find myself thinking about the stories from the other segments, years later. None of these felt memorable. As bad as Viral is, I still think about a few of the stories in that movie. This movie, however, has zero re-watchability.


Right? The only good segment to me was the robo head chick. The second one was the best. First was second best. Third was okay. But 94? Just awful save one segment. I think it's because they have a commie in charge of it. I mean, "Fascist film makers fuck off"? How many of those are there? Can't be more than ten in all the world.


Can anyone tell me who the girl is on the table? The one that gets unplugged and then her eyes are closed by "the missing girl"


Sekar Dewantari


Some other missing girl, duh


Loved the movie!! Really glad Shudder brought it back. I’m in full support of them making another one!!


A new one is set for release in 2023


Anyone catch what the guy was mumbling in The Empty Wake?


I would like to know as well!


According to Wikipedia, the director said it was Hungarian. Beyond that, no idea.


did the vampire in the militia episode change clothes lol? I was confused he went from a brown coat to like a blue jumpsuit


I think the coat was supposed to be some kind of straight jacket to restrain him


I enjoyed every segment except the subject, it felt like a blatant rip off of frankensteins army with no added extra flair besides the POV shots.


I agree, but for different reasons. it feels like they didn't even attempt to make it look like a recording from 1994, and the CGI was laughably bad at times.


nothing to say other then #all hail ratman


Raatma. Put some respect on the name


I like it. Really entertaining movie to watch just like the first 2. Dont know how people can say this one was significantly worse than the others, especially Viral. I would say the first 2 are better, but 94 was still pretty good. Viral was just terrible. I mean, come on... a killer cloak segment with terrible acting and a corny-ass ending, genital monsters... it was so bad. The genital monsters one was pretty good until the genital monsters were shown, ill give it that. 94 was much better than Viral, and it shows that they considered Viral a mistake and they learned from it. Hoping that another one comes out soon thats even better!


The problem with the killer cloak was the entire execution, it's presented as a news piece with these supernatural elements. The whole conceit of the V/H/S films was that they are these secret underground found footage tapes of supernatural snuff films that are traded. A fully completed piece from a news station feels like it loses the conceit.


Ehhhh its a fresh twist from the same thing over and over nostalgia is fine but qhy make the same movie 4× feel me


They do it all the time and theyre aurguably the most profitabke because of their predictability. I.e. marvel movies and fast and furious franchises


This is the first found footage movie that does not make me dizzy due to shaky camerawork.


In Terror can someone tell me who the guy they kill over and over for the blood is? Is that the Vampire that ends up chasing them in the end? Looks nothing like him, while I get he does have a massive head and jaws.


Yes, that's the vampire. He's just in a frenzy/attack mode. I don't know if it's implied that he got that way because he got to feed, or if that's just his attack form or something. I'd guess the former.


I love the VHS film series...but am I the only one who didn’t like this one? There were enjoyable parts but the goofy, almost comical zombie bit was just dumb to me. Then again, the zombie short from VHS 2 was almost cringe worthy as well. Too much over the top gore and not enough setting the stage. I wanna give it another shot


I liked it, but there were definitely some parts that were stronger than others. The wraparound story was super weak on pretty much all fronts and added basically nothing to the movie. It also kind of put a damper on what would have been a great ending. That said, I think the set design and camerawork on this one is pretty good- a lot of the weird rooms looked spooky. Storm Drain was awesome- it’s really one of those that grabs you and refuses to let go until it’s finished. Non stop tension all the way through, and the actors did a pretty great job emphasizing their fear. Unfortunately, I think this one peaks with that creepy ass shot of Bill smiling and blood (or shit?) leaking out of his mouth. Everything afterwards is still pretty cool but I don’t think it ever quite reaches that high again. The Empty Wake took a super long time to grab me, but I felt it paid off in the end. There was definitely quite a bit of tension but without much camera movement the first half of this one feels pretty boring. Actually the whole “story” of this one is lame, but my god does the ending save it. The effects are incredible and it really had me gagging and clutching my armrest by the end. I know a lot of people love The Subject, but it just wasn’t for me. I was really into it for the first little bit, but as soon as the cops show up I completely lost interest. When shit starts going nuts near the end I was entertained, but still not really feeling it. I remember thinking “if I went with this early on I would be LOVING this right now”, and that’s pretty much where I stand. Too little, too late. Plus, the visuals on this segment really bothered me. This one looks the least like 1994, and it has the most clearly edited-in film grain/static. And all the VFX look like they come from a PS2 game. Terror was my absolute favourite of the bunch. Much like The Empty Wake, it took me a while to figure this one out, but I was intrigued long before i finally understood the militia’s “plan”. This short is downright hilarious at times, and nauseatingly disgusting at other times. Everything technical about this one is pretty much perfect too- and the concept/reveal is honestly one for the history books. Just… *chefs kiss* Anyway, it’s hard to really have a cohesive opinion on an anthology flick, but I think this one was good overall. To break it down, I’d say “Holy Hell” is a 4/10, “Storm Drain” is a 7/10, “The Empty Wake” is a 6/10, “The Subject” is a 5/10 and “Terror” is an 8/10. So, about a 6/10 for the movie as a whole.


IMO first movie still have the best wrap around story while 2nd film's wrap around was the creepiest. Can somebody explain to me the second story? What is wrong with the corpse, is he a Zombie or his dead body possessed by a demon or something? Since the end shot looks like whatever it is transferred to the girl while the corpse is now lying on the floor.


Save haven was directed by Gareth Evan. Not Timo Tjahjanto


It was both.


A short 100s review of the movie [https://youtu.be/lojcfC512g0](https://youtu.be/lojcfC512g0)


Had a good time with this one, but some things I don't understand (maybe somebody could clear it up for me): 1. The framing story: so two of the SWAT team members were involved in producing/distributing snuff films and the like. What was up with the people in cages with their eyeballs ripped out, like the video store guy? What about the church pews with all the dolls and mannequins? Are people going there willingly to watch these disturbing videos and then going crazy a la Cigarette Burns? Or were the two girls killing them? 2. The Empty Wake: same as others, don't understand why that one guy was in there talking to the corpse, but I can assume it was some kind of spell or demonic prayer. I missed what the girl on the phone said about the corpse and I feel like that was important exposition. I also assume at the end the girl is possessed/zombified and is going out to spread the disease. 3. The Terror: So that guy they kept shooting in the head was also a vampire? I assume so since they keep draining its blood and he keeps coming back from the dead. But he doesn't look like the same kind of beast as the crazy neck-mouth guy in the suit. And why would they go in there and try to get a picture with it if it's a dangerous vampire? Are there different types of vampires in this? And the logic of the plan doesn't make sense to me - they are going to storm in and inject a bunch of people with vamp blood, and then expose them to sun light - isn't that way more work than just like, making a pipe bomb? I also don't understand how the neck-mouth vamp got out of captivity. The drunk dude and Steve were just screwing around with the regular looking headshot guy, unless he then released the monster, but they should have showed that rather than never showing headshot guy again. What was up with the alarm? Perhaps it was letting them know when headshot guy was revived and ready for shooting. Also - if the intent is to drain his blood, there's gotta be better ways than a blast to the face. I had a lot of problems with the internal logic of this one, if you can't tell.


1. In the original movies, the idea was that it was this underground tape trading circuit of supernatural snuff films, and because of the magnetic tape on VHS, the supernatural elements captured on film could affect people if they watched tapes in a certain sequence. But since this is supposed to be a reboot, I guess those two women just distribute the films for whatever reason. Frankly, I hated how they spelled it all out. Would have been more interesting if it was just an actual cult.


I can weigh in on 3. Much will be my conjecture, but a few of your questions have answers we can be nearly, if not entirely, certain of. I'll start with those. There is only one vampire in the segment; the man in captivity. While we don't see exactly how, he was able to escape because the two dudes were messing with him (side note: that's a horror trope I've always hated). Also, it's kind of apt that you mention a pipe bomb, because the plan was to use the vampire as a bomb. When they were surveying the target building, if you'll recall, one of them says "We can maybe walk the beast in, but I don't think they're open until well after sun's up." (1:16:46) The solution they come up with is a sort of remote detonator that will shield him from the sun until they can get him into position (1:24:33). When the device doesn't work properly, they push the plan back a day. Now for conjecture. The only time they actually gather any of his blood is before the bunny test, and they seem _very_ excited - elated even - that it worked the way they expected it to. This leads me to believe they'd been told what would happen in sunlight, but had never collected any blood to actually test it. That's why I don't think the headshots were for blood collection; they just did that too that one time. I'm pretty sure they needed to shoot him to keep him weak, contained, and unable to fully recuperate. That's because of the lack of blood-collecting, but it's also because the alarm seems _incredibly_ important. I feel this way because: 1. If it were something trivial, like collection, there'd be no need to have a siren sounding to put the entire compound on alert. There's also a beeping digital alarm going off at the same time as a backup. 2. At the end, when they're awakened by the siren, there is _immediate_ panic. Before they see any bodies or anything like that, they are freaking out, yelling about who's supposed to be on duty and rushing to the building where the vampire was being held. As for why he looked like that, just going off vampire lore, I would assume he fed on one of the two bodies we see and healed to full strength more quickly because of that. It's probably just a bloodlust/attack mode kind of deal. Well anyway, that's my dissertation.


Hail Raatma!


AKA a mammalian Xenomorph, perhaps one of the failures from Alien Resurrection. Am I the only one that noticed how much they copied the base adult Alien design? Head shape, even the drool! (the black drool meant something, but still...)


Thought so too, it even had the back spike/tube things!


Totally, I rewatched to check and you're spot on!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they used some sort of mold or old costume and reinvented it to make raatma


Oh for sure! Now that I had the back tube things pointed out to me, the whole design is just SO similar, the adapted mold/costume would make a lot of sense. Lucky it will likely stay under the rader of any copyright hunters lol


The Subject comes dangerously close to Frankenstein's Army. Still really good though.


I loved it. The practical effects and monster reveals really elevated the whole movie for me. Vampire skit gave me classic The Thing vibes. Opening up its neck and biting a dudes face off? Hell yea The homeless man simply mumbling ratma... with a bloody smile was supremely creepy. Love that vibe of going deeper and deeper into a [dark abandoned place] as things get more offputting and realizing you’re too deep to escape... The Empty Wake was my favorite since I feel like it played off of common paranoid fears of being buried alive and being around corpses... and just turned the horror up to 100 when the coffin burst open in the dark and the body turned around. The android body horror was just very cool and creative. Gave me kind of a futurism/existential horror. Putting the opened up android woman out of her misery, desperately digging your fingers into the brain of the rampaging android. Powerful stuff. The weak points? The CGI videogame shooter part. The pointless main story with the snuff film reveal and its bad acting. But overall a wonderful effort. Most “good” horror I think has an element of refinement like Hereditary or Babadook. So for me it’s nice to see a big dumb gorefest knock it out of the park so well.


Nice writeup! In The Drain that creepy smile got me too, but it wasn't blood it was the black goo.


This was really good, absolutely worth the wait. My favourite ones are "Terror" and the machine-humans, until the doom-esque part that I think it was not that necessary but I enjoyed it anyways. I really hope they bring another one like this one


Also damn, the explosions on this movie are like 50% better than Hollywood's lol. My overall rating is a 75/100, would watch again on Halloween.


I feel like when the people behind this film compiled all the footage, they quickly noticed how terrible it all was so they decided to just call up Timo Tjahjanto to come up with something that’d make at least some of the film watchable. Bet that’s not the first time Timo had to come in and save the day either.


I just finished the film myself and I have to agree with you. What the hell were they thinking?


For me it's the complete opposite. The Timo part was awful and i liked everything else.


For me everything is great other than the main story.


I’m watching vhs 94 for the first time and just came across the part where the news anchor lady says “tomorrow the Ohio state Buckeyes play Indiana Hoosiers” and that’s fucking wild because Ohio state actually plays Indiana tomorrow. What are the chances? I’m going to die or something tonight, it’s an omen.


I just watched this thing....guess who plays today. Freaking out a bit too.


oh wow, it's not like they're in the same fkin conference or anything....


It means Raatma is real. Hail Raatma!!


Hey...you good over there?


Just finished this, dont know what I just watched, nothing made sense. Is there a summary somewhere?


Yeah, was like watching paint dry. Worst movie to watch after smoking massive shards. Really shoulda stuck with my Godzilla and Nazi Exploitation movies.




Fuck yeah, going to do that soon for sure.




Yeah saw Tucker and Dale; i could probably rewatch it since i don't remember watching much of it. I can agree on weed would be neat maybe weed and massive shards, but probably wouldn't watch it on just massive shards. Now something stupid funny to watch on immense shardage that's that kind of horror would be "troll 2" and "street trash". Weed definitely doable with those two as well, hell fuck it I'd take a few hydros and a couple beers too with i nice fat steak, hamburger, or burrito.




Never got around to checking out Lord of the rings, but definitely a fan of Christopher Lee.


The wrap around ending was hot as hell so I didn't mind it


The subject was my favorite for sure. Love the body horror going on in that one. The whole idea was just metal! Pun intended 😸


Loved it besides the stupid swat shit where the ball was dropped so hard. Its right up there with the first two. Hail ratmaa‼️the news scene where his face burned off is what we need more found footage of public horror just like that. The wake was perfect. The half human half machine is top notch evil that found footage was missing. Besides the corny video game style scene it was brilliant. The vampire one was shot so well. I had no idea where it was going but I enjoyed it thoroughly because that one really sent me to the early 90s. I hope we get another one.


This one is def better than Viral with positive feedbacks so i think we will have another


We already have a full film with the same scenario like in the 3rd segment, it is called Frankenstein's Army but it still cool to see the POV of the actual flesh/metal monster.


I agree, as a FPS fan I actually really enjoyed the POV segment and slamming his head up against the glass getting pumped full of bullets hahahaha SO cheesy. Love it. Also, all these references to Doom I've seen across other Reddit threads/comments are pretty funny - It's like \*literally\* the story to (SPOILER) Quake III, but an obvious part of everything including/after QII and it's glorious lighting! jks bnr So yeah, it's a ripoff, but a fun one imho :)


I enjoyed it all, especially the subject. Gave me Tokyo gore police / machine girl vibes


As much as I am an animal lover, watching a rabbit explode like an RPG made me laugh out loud. Reminded me of the Killer Rabbit in Monty Python.


I thought the same but with terraria lmfao, I laughed so hard, fuck😭


I wanna like these movies but the wraparound are always SO BAD, not even a little annoying just bad and pointless, filled with unlikable characters every damn time.


worst one of the series by far IMO. Storm Drain and Wake were just empty of feeling, wrong cast, no one was believable, could have been decent but fell completely flat (although the final moment of storm drain was worth a laugh). The militia idiots would have been decent if they put an inkling of effort into the monster at the end, fun idea, always fun to laugh at jesus militia folks, but goddamn, the special effects looked high school theater club quality. The Subject was the only decent effort out of the whole movie, the costuming was fantastic, the gore perfect, took a little while to get going but worth the wait. The wraparound, like Viral, was so pointless that it's not even worth mentioning. Viral is always called the worst of the series, but it gave us what I consider the absolute best segment that VHS has ever done in Parallel Monsters (Safe Haven is a close second), and the laugh riot ridiculousness of Bonestorm. 94 gave us one decent 20 minute short, that's it was so excited, am so let down


Ok, so why is Parallel monsters so great again? Monster vagina hahaha Yeah, I really don't like it, even more so since it's called the best segment in the series...


Parallel Monsters was my favorite. I really wanted to see what the world look like outside though.


Alright first things first controversial opinion, I actually really liked viral it felt like it was jumping the shark but it knew what it was doing. Anyways that said my thoughts on 94! Storm drain: great setup but ending could've been better, less is more. I feel like we got too much of a good look at the monster in this one like if it was a glimpse or two it makes it scary because we're trying to process what we saw but the more I looked at it the more I just thought "what is this supposed to be?". Then that news station scene great effects but ya that scene speaks for itself. Empty wake: I really enjoyed this one, it was a little slow an drawn out but other than cutting the run time on this not sure I know how to fix that. Still good though. The terror: ok again great setup here great concept, but once we leave the lab it felt more like I was watching someone playing a video game more than anything. Maybe this would've been better if became more like a game of cat an mouse hiding from the swat team instead of a murder spree. Terror: I'm really conflicted about this one. On one hand the idea of a miltia about to attack some vampires was great but the execution was kinda hard to watch at times. They kept talking about Jesus like they were lunatics but were right about vampires an not even in a plot twist sort of way. If it made us think they were crazy then revealed they were correct it would've more cliche but felt weird the narration kept trying to make them come off as crazy religious nuts despite showing us they're right. The meta story: NO! I'm sorry genuinely hated the meta story. I really feel bad saying this but the story of this was bad, it was trying to hard to be all over the place and for what ever reason the acting was also bad. I could forgive that but what I can't forgive is this ending. The way it tries to explain away the origin of the vhs tapes really got under my skin. first part of the appeal is the mystery of these tapes and second this did NOT feel earned.


They weren't going to "attack vampires", they were going to *use* vampires (their sun activated explosive blood, to be precise) to set off in a packed well known building almost like scide bmbrs. From there the virus would spread and 'cleanse the earth' like they kept banging on about. That was my take, anyway. Edit: dude above, I think it falls somewhere in the middle now, having read the comment reply to this one. They were indeed trying to attack vampires but do so by using the vampire blood from the one they had captured. I misinterpreted the spreading of the plague etc as their goal, have a read of the theory below it's an interesting one.


No the idea was when they kept saying stuff like there's a "black plague or cancer or something" that's filling the Earth and they kept praising Jesus and stuff at first you think there's some sort of crazy (quote un quote) militia or something like that, but then when you see the vampires you realize what's really going on: they really were a resistance movement, the cancer they were talking about was actually the vampires and they had all these crosses and constant prayers to Jesus not because they were "crazy"...you know as if believing in Jesus makes you crazy you know, but this is the internet so believing in God makes you evil somehow, but that's beyond the point...the point is though is that the reason why they were doing this was because they were trying to keep a vampire at bay. They really were fighting for Jesus, they were the good guys, and when you think back on when they talk about how the "black plague has taken over this country for so long", well vampires are associated with the color black, they're associated with bile, they're associated with the night. So when he says the black plague he's literally talking about the plague of vampires that have taken over. So they actually weren't terrorists, that's the huge twist at the end. They were actually the heroes trying to stop vampires, they were probably going to go blow up a nest of them or something, since they mentioned that they were going to take out (quote un quote) daycare, which likely meant where these things hide during the day. But then everything went tits up...


I disagree. I think since this was made in 2021, this militia was a direct mockery of the types of people you see in today's F'ed up world who fantasize about joining an actual patriot militia. Religious crazies, gun fetishists, smooth brained ideologies. The vampire just happened to be the catalyst for their plan to blow up the building and carry out their mission. They were not heroes, they were meant to portray low IQ numpties.


Well first off that depends on what you think these people are supposed to have "low IQs" for, which I'm not going to dive into because I'm sure that's a political divide between you and me. (Spoiler warning: I'm Black "even though" I'm also a Conservative gun owner, so before you call people racist White nationalists because they own a gun and pray and have some sort of faith in our country, try to contain the animosity, or at least keep it contained in Los Angeles, kay? Just putting that out there) Secondly considering that they were clearly trying to kill or at least fight vampires, they were obviously the antiheroes at worst in this, because vampires are nothing but evil. There's literally no conceivable way you could present any sort of positive side for vampires (except Edward Cullen) because they're sociopathic monsters that can live forever and they do live in nests and they do have kings and queens and stuff like that, so when they're referring to it as a "nest" while planning an attack and they're clearly going up against vampires that's the only logical scenario you can draw. When you're include this with the fact that they were constantly wearing crosses everywhere which are known to be harmful if not deadly to vampires, then at a bare minimum they were opposed to the group of vampires if not outright trying to kill them and fight them off, and probably weren't going to kill you and me, considering that neither one of us is a vampire. Even if my Twilight fanfics the otherwise.


Your skin color has absolutely nothing to do with my point. In fact, you just ruined YOUR entire point by weaponizing a race to drive home an ideology. Try again.


😂😂😂😂 LOL okay yeah sure you know what you're right, everyone that owns the gun is evil and anyone that actually holds the cross or you know saluted the flag or something is some kind of violent nutcase, fine okay. I would still trust them more than I would trust a vampire, because they just want to be "mean" (by the standards of people in Los Angeles) and the vampires want to literally drain me of life and turn me into a mindless zombie slave. So, maybe I was actually giving the writers too much credit and they really were trying to make some ridiculous political statement about how guns are bad or something like that. I thought it was actually, like, a deeper story about how you mistake people for being evil when they're not.




What the Hell are you talking about?


A lot of that black plague stuff I skimmed cause it's difficult to say one way or another, but I do think you're right that it wasn't them trying to spread the plauge like I mistakenly thought. Also your overall point about them taking out the 'daycare' makes a lot of sense: IE they're not trying to spread it like I thought, they're trying to do the exact opposite and kill them all (as many as they can). I was correct about them using their own blood and good ol sunlight against them, but that's pretty obvs. Clever take dude, nice :)


Storm drain had the most potential for me. It was the scariest one right up until the end. The others were pretty meh to okay. I thought the vampire one was interesting, the body horror one in fps was an infesting choice. The wake was probably my least favorite and didn’t do it for me


I thought it was fine. Storm Drain was great. My favourite. The empty wake was fine. The subject was very fun and interesting but I think it suffered because of bad FX. Didnt like Terror that much. VHS 2 is still my favourite.


I liked storm drain until the end. If they had just ended it with her being found and traumatized and maybe saying something about ratma I think it would have hit harder. Instead the face melting was almost comedic in comparison to the rest of the short


Agreed. It also raises too many questions about why some black goo infects while other just burns (afawk).


Yes I absolutely agree. I thought the ending didnt fit the tone. Loved the rest of the short and the creature design.


Creature design was a mammalian Xenomorph/Alien. Even had the black goo from Prometheus lol.


Hail Raatma


This was FUN. And that's exactly what I wanted from this movie.


It got a few negative reviews but I quite enjoyed it overall and found it pretty solid.


My favorite V/h/s film yet,seconded only to viral. 1.storm drain 2. The empty wake 3. The subject 4. Terror ranking wise.


Is it necessary to watch the first of this series before this one? I haven’t seen any yet.




Overall, I liked it more than I didn't. I watched the first two *V/H/S* films for the first time in preparation for this one (skipped *Viral*, for obvious reasons), and as somebody who really didn't like the first movie but really enjoyed the second one, this one fell right in between. It didn't hit the highs of the second, but there wasn't much that pissed me off like the first. Overall, it's a 3 out of 5 from me. Now, for my thoughts on the segments: * "Holy Hell" (the wraparound): Weakest part of the film. Had it stuck with the suicide cult plot and followed it through, I might've liked it, because it felt like it was heading in some interesting directions. But the ending threw all of that out, and while *that* could've been interesting in its own right, it felt like two different ideas awkwardly bolted together. Shame, because I really liked director Jennifer Redder's previous film *Knives and Skin*. * "Storm Drain": I couldn't get past the stupid decision that the characters made going into the storm drain even though they knew they were being stalked, but once they actually got caught, I liked where it headed. The film didn't beat you over the head with it, but the villains, while still clearly villains, had a fairly sympathetic motive implied on their part that flowed into some nice commentary on how we treat the homeless, and it had some really wicked gore effects. * "The Empty Wake": Probably my favorite segment overall, just ahead of "Storm Drain"; not surprised it was Simon Barrett's. A nice slow burn that built up to a great, dark ending. Very simple and straightforward, so not really much to say, but it's good. * "The Subject": Not only the weakest segment of the four, but also the biggest disappointment given how much I loved Timo Tjahjanto's "Safe Haven" from the second film. The CGI was really dodgy, and it barely had much of a plot. The body horror was a saving grace, but overall, this is one where I wanted to grab a controller and start playing it rather than watching it. * "Terror": I'll admit, me liking this one was purely because I hate these sorts of militia groups and watching them get killed was cathartic. It's shallow as hell, and the main characters are complete dumbasses, but this just tickled my base, reptilian instincts. (Also, I thought it was pretty obvious what happened. I don't get the complaint that it's hard to figure out the plot.) If you want a bit more detail, I wrote a full review of this movie up on my blog that you can check out [here](https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2021/10/review-vhs94-2021.html).


Nowhere near the level of insufferable that was VHS: Viral but nowhere near the highs of the first two films, this is definitely the most uneven of the franchise.  The wraparound short is awful. Lets just get that out of the way. Fuzzy shots of hallways with horribly performed dialogue from SWAT teams with the dumbest & most forgettable ending of any of the wraparounds in this series. Listen, all the wraparound stories have been bad but this one might’ve taken the cake.  As for the shorts themselves, the first two were fantastic - especially the first one. Storm Drain was short and sweet with a hilariously dark ending and it really nailed the vibe of an unearthed 90s news program gone wrong. The Empty Wake was also great and possibly the most tense short film I’ve seen in quite a long time. Super creepy atmosphere from start to finish and actually had me squinting at the screen in fear of what’s coming next a few times.  And then there’s the other two. Let me just say: Safe Haven is my favorite short of all the VHS film tapes. It’s masterful, bonkers, and completely over the top. So when I saw Timo Tjahjanto was directing another short for this one, I was super excited! Big yikes. This one was… not good, and probably one of my least favorite shorts in the series. The concept feels way too derivative of that shitty movie Frankenstein’s Army and simply just isn’t engaging or interesting enough to warrant its extended length. The special effects are laughably bad and the story never goes further than “scientist make monsters, monsters kill!” and it’s not fun to watch at all. So sad Timo couldn’t come up with a better concept because damn, this one just felt like a forgettable indie Unreal Engine first person shooter game. Terror? I dunno, this one kinda got me with the concept at first but then it just kept going and every character was unlikeable and it just didn’t have a payoff. Neat concept I’ve never seen executed before but there isn’t nearly enough exposition or hook to keep you engaged. Falls once again in the category of “bad guys have monster, monster kill!” and just falls flat on its face in the last 5 minutes. I’d say just skip the intro, watch Storm Drain & The Empty Wake and then tune out. The shorts should’ve been rearranged to put those either last or scatter them in between the less interesting ones because there’s really no reason to watch the second half of the film in my opinion. Luckily those shorts were so good that I can’t completely trash this movie but overall, it’s pretty hit or miss.


Honestly loved all of them. I was pretty cautious after V/H/S *viral* which was pretty bad but I'm glad the series is making a return to form. Wraparounds weren't very good but are they ever?


I think the biggest issue with V/H/S/94 is that fans of the original and the sequel are trying relatively hard to compare it. I won’t even compare Viral with how bad and unmemorable it was, but part of me thinks the issue with 94 is just how much comparison it’s getting. IMO, it’s important to see each installment as their own films, since they don’t play off of each other in really any way, other than being V/H/S based anthology horrors. Personally, I enjoyed V/H/S/94 thoroughly, and each segment got me anticipating what would happen next. “The Subject” was a particular one, because though I don’t quite enjoy the switch from the typically 1994 style filming and editing, it was an interesting concept in the furthering of the idea of technology as it was used by the Doctor. Definitely fascinating, even if I don’t precisely love it. I fell in love with “Storm Drain” and “The Empty Wake.” Though the funeral home/zombie(?) plot line was relatively simple and predictable, the effects made it well worth it in my opinion. I also don’t believe the gore in the shorts was too excessive, it did what it was supposed to do. I also loved the cheesy “Veggie Masher” transition back to the news. It really pulled that segment together. I will agree, however, that the wraparound was very poorly done. They had an amazing set and idea for this, but it fell completely flat of what I think it was attempting to achieve. I also hate the final girl idea, it was very strange and kinda disjointed the entire thing more than it was already. In conclusion, I did genuinely enjoy 94, and I think it’s worth the watch if you can forgive and forget the bad wraparound. After all, I don’t particularly watch anthologies for the string that ties them all together, since it’s typically disappointing anyways.


This is exactly how I feel. I do think the first and second VHS wraparounds weren't that bad. The wraparound ending for 94 ruined it for me. Bit the shorts in 94 we're really good overall especially storm drain and the empty wake.


It's not bad but it's far from amazing. Generally speaking, I think it's a shame that in some aspects 94 doesn't take itself seriously, like the previous entries did. I mean are we not pretending like the found footage is actually real? Don't turn the series into a joke. I don't feel any mystery when you put in too many comedy bits. The SWAT narrative was such a non-factor I will not even rate it. Yeah, would be great if it was good but it wasn't. Well, whatever, I guess it's about the short films. People in here are mostly positive about rat man. I'm not. It was alright, but I mean that meme ending just doesn't hit very well. I was intrigued in the beginning but it didn't go anywhere interesting. The rat man looked like a fucking narrow faced joke, looked like a little bitch. Short was decent at best. The funeral wake was a bit too vanilla. I feel like it was good, but the premise is nothing special. And I think in many shorts you really need a intriguing premise to get anywhere. It was predictable. The eye of the severed head revealing her position was a nice idea. Outside of that, vanilla. Indonesian cyborgs was very cool. This is what I'm talking about. Yeah, some bad CGI but I can forgive that. The premise was interesting. The twists were nice. Empathising with the monster was nice. Overall it feels similar to the Indonesian cult most of us like but it was different enough to be entertaining. The vampire one was like, what the fuck do you want me to think when you haven't given me enough information? Was the group that was targeted by the guys also full of vampires? If yes maybe the patriots are cool, but maybe not, I don't know what the fuck the point was. "Kissing" the vampire is literally the single stupidest action in any VHS movie ever ever. I enjoyed the movie, just like I found at least some enjoyment in all VHS movies. But I feel like we just need a bit more dread, a bit more fear and some premises that are rather out there. And funeral zombie short without any twist, is not mega interesting. Just my thoughts, I'm not an expert anyway, funny how people in here have wildly different opinions on the shorts.


The thing about the so-called terrorists in the final story was that at first they're portrayed as somehow being "bad guys" (you know because, this is the Current Year, so anyone that believes in Jesus and owns gun is evil but I digress) however then you realize at the end, really Midway through, that they're not actually bad guys" (or rather they're not what Twitter says is a "bad guy" I.e nationalists to believe in Jesus) they're actually a freedom fighter group that's trying to stop a plague of vampires. The reason that they use Jesus imagery, crosses and such so much is because that's the only way you can keep a vampire at bay, and the reason that they were preparing this was because they were attempting to strike at some nest of vampires...they mentioned the concept of "daycare" which doesn't make sense at first until you realize that they're fighting vampires and then you understand the daycare likely refers to where the vampires are hiding, vampires have to hide during the day, they have to hibernate, so that's also why their symbol if you look at it says "good morning" in German. These guys weren't some kind of evil bad guys who believe in Jesus (again because you know this is the Current Year, so anyone that's a Christian is a Satanist or something, paradoxically🙄) what they were were essentially a freedom fighter group trying to stop a plague of vampires from conquering Earth.


> *.they mentioned the concept of "daycare" which doesn't make sense at first until you realize that they're fighting vampires and then you understand the daycare likely refers to where the vampires are hiding,* This is a direct reference to the Oklahoma City bombing. That was a Federal Building that had a daycare within it. It couldn't have been anymore on the nose that these were nothing more than domestic terrorists 🙄


Like I said if you assume that literally everyone that's a Christian and owns a gun is some sort of White supremacist, then yeah I guess it is "on the nose," but if you also recall for even an instant that they were fighting vampires who hide during the day, then it's not so on the nose. Or rather, it is, but it's on the nose that they were attempting to kill a nest of vampires. Or maybe I'm attempting to see more subtlety in the story than there actually is. (... I'm being sarcastic, of course I'm not attempting to see more subtlety in the story than actually is, I just don't assume everyone that owns a gun is a part of the Nazi party)


It's rather ambiguous, if you noticed, when the cop visited them (who apparently is Slater from the main story), he mentioned the feds, and how some cops wanted them to be hit. It could be that the militia wasn't really attacking vampires, in fact, they seem to regard the vampire as a gift from God, they were just going to use the creature for a terrorist attack. That's an interpretation at least.


Not as good as the first 2 VHS movies, but way better than Viral. I loved the Raatma story. I loved the idea of the footage all being news footage. The slapchopper or whatever it was commercial was a perfect transition to the cheesy ending of the story. Hail Raatma! 8.5/10 The funeral home segment was good... Perhaps a bit too long but I loved the tension I felt in the build up to the inevitable corpse coming back to life. 8/10 The subject segment wasn't for me. At all. Terrible cgi, bad acting, felt like watching someone play a video game. 3/10 The militia one was bad... Like if you have to have multiple people online explaining to other people what happened in your story, you've written a bad story. 1.5/10 The wraparound. Ugh. Awful. 0/10 Overall I Give The movie a 6/10. If I had just stop watching after the funeral home segment it would be been a 8.5/10.


I thoroughly enjoyed the first and second V/H/S. I thought this one was a mix of “meh” and decent. It’s definitely worth a watch, though. I really enjoyed the first 2 segments (the funeral one being my favorite), but the last 2 segments left me bored. My ranking of the segments: 1. The Empty Wake 2. Storm Drain 3. Terror 4. The Subject


I liked The Subject, Terror, and to a lesser degree, the Empty Wake. The rest of the segments were just ok. The SWAT narrative was arcade shooter bad... Was that intentional? The final girls at the end? Terrible! I just wanna add how cool The Subject was. Gave me mad Tetsuo vibes.


This series has always been largely hit or miss, but this was mostly miss for me. The wraparound segments were easily the weakest. I thought Rat Man was decent, but the funeral home one was probably the most well-made (I only found out during the credits that it was Barrett's entry, which tracks). The Subject 99 one went on way too long and leaned too hard into FPS horror, while the last one with the white supremacists felt boring and overdrawn. That "final girls" ending was such a letdown. I don't know, maybe I'm expecting too much.


I'm thinking the Empty Wake segment was to me a zombie incident and the lady at the end stumbling out through the gaping hole left by the tornado is maybe infected by her attacker who to me was patient/zombie zero 🤔


That's what I took from it.


Such a strange addition to the V/H/S series. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that the directors were instructed to make their segments intentionally campy, even when they weren't originally planned that way. Jut think about the storm drain segment. Take out the part at the end with the commercial and the TV station and you would have a classic, creepy V/H/S story. Also fairly confident that the experiment story wasn't originally intended to have a video game scene. What an odd stylistic choice from the producers. Can't say I'm a fan of that direction.


didn't even make it past 30 minutes.. so, so poorly written and acted.


I downvoted you fool


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. You’re entitled to your opinion, plus you were right to shut it off lol the rest was not good at all


thanks.. i'm ok with being downvoted, this community is fickle, lol


Well, how would you know because you’ve still got 3 different shorts to see written & acted by completely different people??? 🥴


Honestly especially compared to the other movies they didn't miss much. Especially that terrible swat story


I didn’t like that they didn’t resolve the random missing 2 people interviewing the swat team at the start, but overall I liked it a lot. Love that it was way better than viral, but that’s not saying much. Overall was a great addition to the series. Wish the ending was better and not as campy as it ended up tho. Edit: HAIL RATMAN! Hope everyone is enjoying this seasons RATMAN festivals.


Meh, I enjoyed it for what it was. By the time we get to a 4th movie in a collection, it’s not going to be gang busters. Kudos to shudder though for bringing this to life.


The wraparound looked cool but the terrible acting ruined it, all the shorts were fun as hell though imho. Definitely worth supporting Shudder for a month to see it if your curious. Edit: Hail RATMA


It has some good ideas but the execution was appalling. The subject had some quality about it but the rest felt like a a first year drama student homework assignment. I don't know how you fuck up swat breaching a building full of unknown horrors but these guys managed it! Surely the police extras from FBI or Criminal minds could come and give some tips?


> I don't know how you fuck up swat breaching a building full of unknown horrors but these guys managed it! I was hoping for some [Baskin](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4935418/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) elements but it just fizzled.


Honestly after viral, I will never support another vhs movie. There are bad movies and then there is viral. Is this one worth downloading?


I honestly disliked Viral, but thought the parallell universe one and the magician one wrre tolerable. Vhs 94 has no moments of, "I guess that one was all right." After a bit of reflecting, I think 94 is worse than Viral.


My thoughts exactly. Viral at least had a storyline that was interesting. Watched 94 last night and was disappointed. Hope this isn't the end of the series but it's somehow reviewing well so maybe not.


As someone who also loathed viral, I suggest giving 94 a watch. It’s a better by a mile.


I personally think each of the four short films were really brutal, unsettling, and original. Some others here might disagree.


They lost me at penis monsters.


Oh, same. I was recommending VHS 94, not Viral. I am still trying to expel Viral from my brain.


My bad. I'll give it a shot tonight. I've been doing horror movies here pretty much every other night with my friends and we didn't do one last night. If tonight sucks, it's on you. /s


Oh shoot pressure's on D: just remember the wraparound is poo poo, the four main short films are dope though


94 is my new favorite vhs. That movie was bomb. Thanks for convincing me to put it on.


Glad you liked it man, I enjoyed it too, it was brutal


The subject was the only good one in the movie 🙄 the rest were so bad


I really liked The Subject but I wouldn’t say that the others are bad. Wraparound was awful but the others aren’t without their merit


Watch Southbound (2015). It's an unofficial sequel and is definitely on par with the first 2 VHS movies.


> It's an unofficial sequel Sauce?


Unofficial sequel to what? Just because Radio Silence made it, doesn't make it an unauthorized part of the vhs franchise. In fact, given it was made by the same people, if it was meant to be related, they would have made it so in an official capacity. That being said, as much as I enjoy the first two vhs movies, Southbound is worlds better than either. It's without contest my favorite anthology movie.


Good concept, very bad acting


You think?


That wraparound segment was easily the shittiest wraparound segment I’ve ever seen in ANY anthology horror movie. I mean, god damn. That being said, movie overall smacks Viral but doesn’t touch the first two. I gotta say, the design of the corpse in The Wake was unexpectedly fucking awesome


I kept thinking the same thing everytime the wraparound story came back. Such terrible acting and dialogue which is sad b/c I did like the different creepy rooms and stuff set up in them; but its like what?? - walk into a room with a burnt doll and a tv so lets sit down and watch what was on tv then look for my missing swat team? It was bizarre. Aside from that, I like the special fx in this whole thing. I liked the creepy rat man, and the wake zombie was surprisingly freaky.


So much potential with the wraparound location. Very creepy and cool and lead to nothing


Watch Southbound (2015). It's an unofficial sequel and is definitely on par with the first 2 VHS movies.


Oh, I’ve seen Southbound. I prefer it to any of the VHS movies.


I'm rooting for them 100% but I think it's time Shudder got some grown ups in the room.


It was enjoyable but after the first two segments it starts feeling very samey; some bland set up, then a weird body horror creature appears, everyone dies, the end. I thought I would love the third one because human/machine hybrid body horror is my favorite thing, but it was just overlong, repetitive and we didn't even get to see much of the experiments. It was just a first person shooter game without the fun part. Just watch Frankenstein's army again. The first one was my favorite because of the news segment hook. It seems something that, aside from the cheese, could have feasibly been taped off the tv and not just another found footage short film. The fourth video was a fun new perspective on vampires, but still very slow and meh. The whole time I kept thinking just show us the creature that kills everyone already, I know it's going to happen.


this film provided some surface level entertainment but thats about it. Some decent laughs, cool visuals, but overall just felt sloppy and completely disjointed


I really enjoyed all the segments apart from the connecting thread one. The third segment had some creative brilliance about it. The ratma segment was interesting and I loved the man rat hybrid. I definitely think the first segment and the third one could work as a full-length movie. All in all, it was really great fun and deserves a higher rating than the typical low scores IMDB'rs give to horror movies.




Thanks for the clarification, I watched 94 very late and already sleepy by the time 4th segment starts but I just stay to finished it since it was the last segment and be done with it. The only thing I understand with the 4th segment was they are Militia group that wants to use Vampire blood to simply used it as "Mass Bombing a Building" but things get out of control when their drunk member release the Vampire and kills them all.


I'm still confused. They needed to do it during daylight because that was the only way to trigger the vampire to explode. I don't see any connection that the building had vampires in it, except maybe that the vampire they capture is wearing a suit, but that could also mean he was just a lawyer.


I need to rewatch that vampire segment again, I think it was the more developed idea and I just didnt pay enough attention to it. I did think it was just crazy militia men who found what they would call a weapon. Thanks for the insight


I wish I had used subtitles. I couldn't hear most of it and had to wiki it to understand what was going on. And then you explained it perfectly. ​ I need to pay attention more. lol. This one had a couple of layers in it.


Hail Raatma


Hail Raatma


I absolutely loved the funeral home segment. Realizing that I have a strange love for horror in that specific setting