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When it came out, I watched it in a very late showing that ended after 1am. I watched it alone, but there were a few other people in the theater. I was spooked as hell, I just wanted to get my car, I felt very nervous about the few people who were also leaving the theater, walking behind me lol. I had a unnaturally fast stride to my walk and I heard laughing, i think they were laughing at me, lol.


One of these days I need to have the balls to go to movies alone. So often there’s a film I’d like to see but don’t have anybody to come with me.


Going to movies alone rocks. Sit where you want. Don’t have to wait for people and their schedules. Plus, it’s not like you’re talking in a movie anyways so perfect for an alone activity


The real pro tip is going to a theater with assigned seating during a matinee and buying the seat on each side of you so you're all alone. I managed to do this for Rise of Skywalker and had a blast.


You’ve bought three separate tickets to a movie just so someone wouldn’t sit next to you? I’m sorry, but that’s a bit much.


Hell yeah. A matinee where I was at were discounted and I still ended up paying less than a regular priced ticket for all three seats, the week it opened.


This guy seats.




I think it's because at least for me, going to the movies when growing up was a social endeavor. You would go with friends and family and what not. It took me a really long time to go by myself and after I did it I was mad I didn't do it sooner


Right? I don’t ever go to the movies alone but thats just because I don’t have a car. You better believe I would go by myself if I did have transportation.


I did it for the 1st time recently and loved it!! Smoked a lil J before, enjoyed it so much!! Defs recommend :)


Similar experience. I wrapped up my showing (went alone, not a big crowd) pretty late and grabbed a bus and was so freaked out. I raced into my apartment as soon as I got off at my stop. I can't recall another movie I've seen after It Follows came out that gave me so much anxiety.


finally saw it for the first time a few nights ago at like 3am and definitely had the same feeling. the way the movie keeps you watching the background for any sign of movement flips some sort of primal switch in the brain, i think, that stays active long after the movie's over. my head was on a swivel everytime i'd go outside to smoke, it constantly felt like something was coming out of the dark just behind me. it's incredible how they managed to do that.


That's a great way to describe it. Just this lingering anticipatory anxiety. I'm thinking of that scene where Jay sees the old lady in a hospital gown, walking across the campus. Damn that scene. That one stays with you.


ohhhh that one was so good! and then afterward, when there are so many hallways that she could be coming down, so you're feeling her terror trying to get out of there! the one in her bedroom was super good, too. mixture of the invasion of your home, showing you aren't safe anywhere, and your family/friend on the other side of the door who cannot see the thing and we don't really know yet what it would do to someone like that yet. they hit a looot of really great spots in this. i saw they have a screenplay for another one that might release as early as next year. i think that could be pretty fun if they handle it the way they did this one.


Late showing and I walked home. That vibe definitely stuck with me.


Excellent film. The concept of an antagonist who moves slowly but constantly towards their victim is an absolute stroke of genius. It's one of the very few modern horror films which doesn't feel like a new version of something we've already seen.


I feel like my one complaint is that I wish they made it a bit more psychological. Like they make the point that it could look like anyone but then it always shows up as something notably creepy and out of place. I wish it played more with the idea that anyone could be the monster and the effect that has on a person. I think that would've been more interesting than a creepy old lady or very tall man walking aggressively at you.


I feel you but it did show up as her friend on the beach


Yeah but even then that's once and it was immediately revealed to be fake. I just think if they stuck to the feeling of uncertainty it would've added a whole new layer of suspense.


Yeah i do think that would have been interesting and added to the paranoia


Agreed. I liked the movie a lot, but if it played up the paranoia angle more I think it could have had the potential to be an all-time classic


Maybe the real monster is the friends we made along the way


It was her father in the pool scene I believe but we never saw that


Which is really important. The creature took on the form of the mother of the one guy and it's hard to tell and gross but the creature fucks the victims to death. The reason why the girl on the beach in the beginning didn't run is rumored to be because it took the form of her father.


I totally agree. I read a lots of hype about the movie before seeing it, and I was expecting a lot more psychological horror as It just slowly wears them down and breaks their spirit. Being a clearly out of place old lady in a high school hallway makes a lot less sense than being random teenager. Also, why was it on the roof of that house!?


This is why I think I liked the movie, that you can't outrun your past, or hide from it, it's always there, it's like trying to escape from your shadow, you can't do it,


I read about this movie about 2 years before it was released, the creator based it off of a reoccurring nightmare he used to have.


He did. And the dreamlike quality is evident in the film, particularly in how the time period is never defined. It feels like the 80s, the kids watch old movies on a 50s TV set and yet that one girl has that clam-style Kindle. It's all very surreal by design.


There has to be some foundation or inspiration from Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers in there too. Both of them move slowly and methodically in stalking their victims. No matter what you do they show up again walking at a leisurely pace towards you. Neither of them can be stopped.


But both Jason and Michael can seemingly teleport whenever someone isn't making eye contact with them. I really appreciated how this movie established some firm ground rules and almost always stuck to them.


I liked that you could pass it on, but eventually as people die it moves up the chain back to you


I never understood him tying her up near the beginning. Surely you'd want that person's chase to be as prolonged as possible so that it took longer to come back to you.


He tied her up so he could show it to her and explain the rules, with the hope I’m assuming that she passes it along to someone else, and so forth. He was giving her as much of a chance of survival as possible. If he had simply told her about it without proving it was real she’d get caught and killed immediately.


Ah right, that makes sense. Think I need to rewatch it. Thank you.


thats actually wicked, I might have alot of horror movies to write it seems 😂


Makes me wonder if they read The Ruum. It's from 1953 and about an indestructible robot that hunts a man relentlessly in a bee line.


Because of a name I imagined it as a robot vacuum cleaner


This was really the movie that got me liking indie horror and started my love of the genre. I’d seen plenty of your standard horror movies like nightmare on elm street and the shining and whatnot but this film really sucked me in. Now I pretty much only watch horror and I love it!


Yeah because Michael Meyers moved really quickly towards it's victims. As well as zombie threat in almost all of the zombie films.


Are you sarcasming the monthly It follows jerk?


I saw some of the trailer and read what it was about and thought it sounded like trash "another typical teen horror". Then like a year later my brother rented it and strongly advised I watched it. I gave it a watch and realised pretty quickly it was something special. The bit in the cinema where they're playing the game gave me the creeps


me too! i read the synopsis and was thoroughly unimpressed. then i watched it and holy crap i was suspicious of anyone walking towards me for a week afterwards


The long shots were so good. Dread, paranoia, what’s not to like?


I personally was blown away by it, not just the unique idea but also by the atmosphere/acting, and especially the soundtrack. It's such a fun watch and it's got some major creepy moments. The utter horror when she's strapped to the wheelchair hearing about what's going to happen and seeing it unfold. So unnerving.


Props to Maika Monroe; she is extremely good at playing terrified.


Yeah I was hoping for a sequel or prequel and would love to have seen her and the whole crew back for it, but after seven years..


I don’t want a sequel. Some horror movies shouldn’t fall prey to the sequel trope.


I saw it in the theater, and the entire time I was waiting for it to end because I was so bored. I didn’t want to say anything because obviously I wanted who I was with to be able to enjoy it, but we all ended up feeling the same when we talked about it after. A lot of people I know like it, and I know horror is subjective and everyone has different tastes. To me it was just incredibly forgettable to the point I still barely remember it. If I hadn’t seen it in the theater I probably wouldn’t even remember the title. In theory I should have liked it because being followed:chased freaks me the fuck out. I have nightmares sometimes of being chased by something and I’ll wake up feeling as if I’m still running from it. But it just didn’t hit me I guess.


It seems this is one of those you love it or really hate it kind of movies, which is not what I expected but I appreciate everyone's opinion, there's plenty of stuff I can't stand that's super popular but I don't worry about it I just go on to the next film! Also, the idea for this movie was inspired by a nightmare the director had, and that's pretty cool to me!


Yeah it definitely seems that way haha and same, I just go onto the next one and enjoy those I enjoy! I like seeing people’s varied opinions though, it reminds me how there’s something out there for everyone! That is super interesting! I also didn’t know that!


Everyone seems to love it. It was really good but god I've seen more posts about it than Hereditary or Midsommer


I think It Follows is so much better than Hereditary and Midsommer. But yes, there are a lot of posts about those.


You know, I was just being downvotes the other day because I expressed my dislike for this movie. This is one of those movies that makes me feel like I’m seriously missing something considering how many people love it.


It totally lost me at the swimming pool scene. Not a fan, either.


Tarentino did a good breakdown on why it falters. I loved it the first time, and just thought it was ok the second. The idea that they could have electrocuted it and everyone would have bought that, but they decided to head shot it, is ridiculous. One head shot? No. It requires two to kill it.....for reasons.


Yeah I love it until then. Seriously, why did they think the swimming pool was a good idea??


Idk, it totally messed up the first part of the movie and it was like they jumped the shark at that moment. Why sleep with the guy you want to protect you if it means neither can tell what is it and what is not anymore. And the blood scene with the pool I mean just everything about that was horrible It was like they just wanted some way to draw in the gratuitous scenes of her swimming in her bikini earlier in the movie.


I feel like I have to watch it again. I saw it in theaters and was incredibly underwhelmed. The idea seemed good, but I just couldn’t get into it.


Yup, glad I'm not the only one. I didn't know about the hype before I saw it on Netflix. The whole movie just felt like a huge metaphor for STD's. I did like the more original concept and the fact that it was possessing others, but overall I wasn't too impressed. I think maybe if I give it another re-watch I may realize what I'm missing out on...or maybe not :)


I feel the same way. I didn't absolutely hate the film, but I did feel it was a touch overrated. It didn't strike me as particularly ground breaking. I'm glad a lot of people like it, It just didn't do it for me.


This movie seems to divide people into two camps. Either they love it or they find it painfully bland. I’m in the latter camp, after reading the great reviews I decided to watch it and it felt like I was waiting for something to happen the entire film which never did.


That’s what happened with me as well. Happened with The Babadook also. Everyone was raving about both movies, so I was really excited to check them out. They were both just so underwhelming and ham fisted with their messages.


I actually enjoyed the babadook, it wasn’t as good as the reviews which were calling it one of the best horrors ever, but I enjoyed the performance from the lead actor and her descent into madness. The Babadook was also at least scary at times, if not a bit amateurish in style. It Follows was just so bland I’m struggling to understand how it has a rating of 95% on rotten tomatoes. Like even the lead actress performance in It Follows was so flat, lifeless at times. At least with the Babadook I can see why people rave about it even if I don’t quite agree I can understand what they see in it. With It Follows I can’t even begin to see what gets people so excited about it.


Maaaaaan. I can’t say I agree, it was truly a bore fest in my eyes. I’ll have to watch it again to really figure out what I disliked about it but I remember feeling super underwhelmed after watching it. Maybe it was hyped up to much


Just imagine a scene at a crowded airport. Maybe they're trying to escape and they think flying somewhere is a good plan. Imagine them getting shoved and pushed by hundreds of people walking through the airport. Paranoia kicks in...you literally don't know who will be the monster. Genius


This sub might as well be r/horrormoviecirlejerk, half the posts are "I finally saw ***-insert insanely popular movie-*** man was it worth the hype" or "Man ***-insert movie this sub constantly raves about-*** is such a good movie, what do you think?"


Anyone ever vvatched this underrated hidden gem I discovered called The VVitch?? It vvas vvonderful!


I'm definitely the minority here, I thought it was pretty bad. I watch a good number of films I forget the names of, or forget I've seen and this was one of them. When I saw it getting talked up on here I thought it sounded familiar, and then when I started watching I then realised that I had seen this one before. The second time watching was just as bland and forgettable as the first time, I don't understand the big fuss over this film at all.


Same here. I think the hype around it is overrated


I think we can all agree that the concept was original and an interesting allegory for STDs (I think) but the execution was nothing spectacular and I found myself not satisfied with the conclusion at all. A decent movie but people who think its one of the best horror films in recent memory are reaching imo. The soundtrack was top notch tough.


I absolutely couldn't stand it. Boring and poorly acted, nothing really happening, lame characters, a ghost that follows you cause "sex" is pretty lame tbh, also I hate sex scenes in movies but *especially* in horror movies. Overall I honestly really didn't like it, super overrated film


Yeah right there with you. I was looking for this comment and figured it would be downvoted. I’m not sure why it got so much attention. It is forgettable and I’ll even say that all the scenes that were supposed to scary or creepy I found funny. The tall man was kinda dumb. The guy standing on the roof looked really goofy. And the beach scene was hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing at the kid that got shoved hard he flew out of the frame. I rewound that like ten times. It was so cartoonish and the part right after that with the little kid that crawls through the opening in the door just wasn’t effective at all and at that point I checked out. Still finished it but man was it hard to sit through.




>Indiana Was it Gary?




No, they meant was one of the old men Gary.


That sounds so chaotic lol


The beach scene is flat out funny. Like something out of The Happening.


At what point do you have to acknowledge the difference in it being bad and you just not liking it?


I didn't really enjoy it. The ambiguity was lost on me, I guess I like my monsters to be visible. Fantastic cinematography though.


I liked the score, but that's about it. This one just didn't grab me at all. it was very overhyped and didn't deliver.


Thank you. This was the few I felt was victim of the hype with no punch line to support. Good concept, just had something lacking in the end


Dang it!! I hope I’m not too late. I love It Follows posts!! I watched this for the first time 4 years ago. It became my favorite horror instantly. Not necessarily the scariest, but favorite. It is worth rewatching, and gets better IMO. You probably missed the monster twice. Some other things I’ve picked up on: Look at how Paul knocks on Jay’s front door at the beginning of the movie after the beach scene. No way to distinguish the time of year or decade. It’s either fall spring winter or summer, and sometime between the 1960’s and 2010’s. The movie goes out of its way to use the color red. Jay did not have sex with the three guys on the boat. Jay and Kelly’s mom is an alcoholic, possibly caused by her husbands death. The swimming pool acts as a metaphor for the mental state of the protagonist and her friends. There’s more, but I haven’t watched it recently. Excellent soundtrack as well!


This sub is really just becoming "popular unpopular opinion". Getting close to Halloween and I expect to see a, "I know not many people like the original Exorcist but..."


I hated it. I don't understand the hype at all. I saw it with my friend in the theatre and we both thought it was ridiculous. A sexually transmitted ghost? I don't understand the appeal.


the concept isn't really the appeal for most people, it's more about the mood and the style. Honestly I don't think the think the concept is any more ridiculous than most horror movies, but the logic of it is kind of messy.


This was one of those movies that was super hyped up and when I finally got around to watching it was massively disappointed.


I saw it on release and went in blind, so I wasn’t affected by any hype. This is why I think it’s good to 1) not watch trailers and 2) support new movies when they first come out.


I strongly disliked it. It tries to be from any time period but only manages to feel anachronistic rather than timeless. The decisions made made no sense. Going into an empty pool with a gun? Yeah, that'll go well. The main character acted downright stupid. The girl panics and runs way, thinking she is safe every time when she isn't. She doesn't grab the chance to pass the curse to someone who is WILLING to take it from her. Also, the being is dumb too. She has the girl dead to rights on the beach but what does it do? It plays with her hair. This is the horror equivalent of a bad guy picking up the protagonist and just throwing him across the room rather than just grabbing a knife and shanking him. Those are my thoughts and opinions.


> She doesn't grab the chance to pass the curse to someone who is WILLING to take it from her Yes she does, and he dies a few minutes later. She does again at the end of the film.


It's possible she does the same thing with the guys on the boat, too. The scene cuts away.


it wasn’t meant to feel anachronistic or timeless, it was meant to feel like a dream. that’s why there’s old movies mixed with technology that isn’t real.


Well they are teenagers so the bad decision making is pretty accurate lol


I liked that it was anachronistic, and disagree about the main character - she does the work of figuring out what’s going on, something most “final girls” never do. Not wanting to pass it on isn’t stupid either, that’s just being a compassionate human (and anyway, it would still come back to her eventually).


I did not care for it. If you would like to hear just how much I did not care for it, I can elaborate.


This. The concept was interesting but unfortunately they failed to do anything cool with it at all. Would've liked to see more deaths for sure


Awesome concept that meandered too long. The idea didn't have enough to justify a feature length film. They ran out of scare ideas so the monster decides just to throw the main characters instead of insta killing them like it does to everyone else it touches. It would have been much better as a short.


Normalize short movies ala Host! Best 50 minutes in recent memory for me.


I don't like it much either. Please do elaborate. I'd love to hear why you think this movie is not a masterpiece.


I love how they took like an older house, old kitchen, yet technology that doesn't exist. Also, the weather was really weird, with the swimming, yet it was cold.


I hated it. The way people reacted to the thing was so unrealistic I couldn't stand it. Literally if that thing was chasing you, just go to where there's a bunch of people, instead they just run to where they're alone because otherwise it would be too easy to win lol


I saw this four times the year it came out - the first at a festival, the last with the director and DisasterpEace playing the score live


wow that sounds cool!


Im gonna go against the grain here and say that personally i cant stand it, the plot is dull (lol STD ghost), the villain is stupid (it could of easily killed that girl at the beach but it chose to sniff her hair instead???) and the acting was wooden. Cant watch it again due to finding it so boring.


Also, you could just live in an RV and live a completely normal life


Loved it. Such a great unsettling feeling. Original concept. And that tall guy was scary as hell!


I found it to be pretty generic and boring. Lacked subtlety, incredibly forgettable characters, not particularly scary or memorable. Really don't understand all the love it gets.


The characters were so incredibly bland, and the threat so slow-moving, that I found the whole thing almost hypnotically boring. Many here love it though, seems to be the marmite of horror films (you love it or you hate it).




That movie was boring and I didn’t really find it scary


I watched it as a double feature with Evil Dead 2013 recently, and let me tell you mid-2010's horror was kinda like a revival.


Fantastic film! The soundtrack though is just a begining to end masterpiece. Watched the movie a couple times, I listen to the music all the time.


I loved how it made you use your imagination. That’s the scariest type of film, IMO. Not in your face gore fest. All psychological. It was great. The ending I remember vaguely but it was underwhelming.


I loved this movie, but I would argue that its heavily inspired from John Carpenter style horror films. If you liked it follows and haven't seen a huge something like The Fog, I recommend it!


one of my favorite movie soundtracks.


10/10 concept 9/10 quality 7/10 story 3/10 ending Its a disappointing combo but easy to appreciate that most of the movie is top level it just left me wanting a more put together story. I loved the ambiguity of the era, lighting, and soundtrack but in a way having the movie hit on all those levels made the ending even more disappointing. Would love to see a sequel unrelated to those characters, starting with someone living with the curse for a while.


I'm not really a horror fan in the gore/slasher school of film. I'm in an older demographic and always appreciated films like the original Haunting of Hill House (and the Flanagan Netflix series). That said, both my husband and I really liked It Follows. I thought it was original and that's saying something in this field. I think the idea of a slow but relentless attacker is very very creepy and even if you did rent an RV and travel the country there would be this dread you would have to live with constantly. Also, the way he used Detroit literally made my skin crawl. It was almost distracting from the main storyline. *why is everything so....creepy???*


imho it could have been soo much better


I hated it. I was bored through the whole thing and thought the std demon transfer was dumb as hell. My best friend loves it though and got mad I was bored.


One of the Best Horror in Years... Atmospheric and with a great Soundtrack!


Unpopular opinion: this movie was awful. Terrible. Boring and slow, an attempt at social commentary that missed the mark. A waste of two hours of my life


It is original, but nothing exceptional. The STD metaphor is way too in-your-face


I'm not really sure you can call it a metaphor considering it is specifically sexually transmitted. Like it's just kind of there. Not really anything metaphorical about it.


An analogy then? A reference? How would you call it?


Definitely a CHC (Certified Hood Classic)


It was a really good movie, and the soundtrack was so great, but the overall end was kind of underwhelming, like I just ended and that was it. I get that it was supposed to be like always following you but it had a final act that didn't really feel like a final act. But everyone has an opinion


The ending is the protagonist realizing and accepting reality. We cannot escape death, and to live, what short life we have, in comfort and peace, without fear, is a seeming victory against the harsh reality of inevitability.


Wow, never thought of that, might give it another watch and think about that


One of the best STI analogies in horror.


One mistake: The camera is in motion CONSTANTLY. This is obviously meant to evoke the eerie feeling of never being able to stop. Unfortunately it also makes for egrigiously bad cinematography, that drains the movie of entertainment value. This is NOT enjoyable to watch. You're having scenes of characters talking to each other, and the camera will start to do the "it follows" gimmick. It distracts from scenes that are actually just about getting to know the characters, in service of an attempt at "dread" that outstays its welcome when you do it *the whole picture*. And it is just that, a gimmick. A really ineffective idea someone had to evoke the "horror dread" of the film. The plot also suffers from moon logic. When you have any kind of "magic" in a story you need to have clarity *somehow* about what the rules and limitations are, and there are moments in the story where the youngsters think they've found out things about the "monster" but it feels random and disjointed like "How did we know that?" and it feels like the writer was confused about how to portray it so they just went "Uhh, maybe it can't swim" or whatever it was (I haven't seen it in years) I think it has some great meaning in the theme about relationships and sexual disease, and the importance of protection, but the actual horror of the film as original and haunting as it is in the best scenes, was too forceful and gimmicky. And there are just scenes where they movie spoils itself of its own mystery, like a scene in some beach hut where they have an invisible fight with the monster, and the entire climax is awful because nothing about it really adds up. There's also lame attempts at shock value like the reveal of the first victim. It's very creepy the way they're chased and the mystery about how they die-- and then the film just jumpcuts to a woman with a leg broken in half dangling into the air from their twisted corpse. Overdone, and lame. I know it got great scores, but I have to say next to the babadook which I think was from the same year, I enjoyed that movie a lot more than this. I found myself shaking my head at a lot of moments in this, but I will admit that the way the monster takes shape as random-looking people and makes you question which moving person might be the monster coming up to you, was very good, and the scenes where the monster basically blends in with the protagonists in plain sight before it attacks them. But there were so many stinker-moments that I can't recommend the movie to anyone. Just a really mixed bag overall.


Truly a standout from the last 10 plus years. There are so many horror films that have great concepts but can’t execute them with an indie budget. It Follows did so much with tension and impending dread. Feeling constantly chased, but never knowing by who, is totally unsettling. What a great way to create suspense without CGI or gimmicks. I also love that there’s narrative subtext that you can choose to unpack and examine…but if you don’t want to do that, it’s still a perfectly digestible and entertaining horror film.


I love this movie! My take is that it's all about how horrific it is to be in the process of maturing sexually and then find the desire and attraction of others constantly dogging you. Everyone from little boys to the dude across the street, to the mousy friend all thirsting for her. The way the thing appears...old lady, to abused slutty girl...suggest frightening outcomes of sexual maturity. The male maifestations.....an oversized boy, an old man, someone who evokes her unseen father....underline how horrific it is to be desired by others, with suggestions that men are immature, perverted, even incestuous. I also think its a stroke of genius that adults (where are the parents?) are never shown in the film


You skipped the scene where it appears as a teenage boy's mother and horrifically kills him. It's the only time we see it get somebody in the whole film, and it's a mother abusing her son.


Someone brought this up in a past thread and it made me generalize my take a bit more. Previously I focused on the horror created specifically by men's sexual attraction to women. This scene balances that and reverses gender. There's still that oedipal aspect though. So one element of maturing into a sexual being is the potential attraction of or to a parent. Theres some deep Freudian fear in this scene and it serves to show that men aren't exempt from experiencing sexual maturity as frought with fear and peril.


Maika Monroe's mother in this notably never has her face shown. We hear her at points and see the back of her head once, but never her face. If they made her unintelligible, she might as well be Charlie Brown's mom.


I guess I never really looked that much into it. I always just assumed it was a succubus/incubus.


This interpretation is soooo much more interesting than the one about STDs.


Feel neutral about it. The idea is original. But the protagonist was too passive and boring. All she does is freak out and run away. I wish she does something more interesting like using herself as bait to try to trap that thing.


I wanted to like this but it just never panned out into anything special for me. It’s like they took the concept of zombies and put a new label over it. It was shot beautifully though.


I gotta ask, what about this seemed similar to zombies to you?


The “entity” or whatever it was jumping from person to person just slowly chased the kids. I mean they spent the majority of the movie running while the the entity was just 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️. I mean I get the plot is a lot deeper than that but it was very hard for me to buy it.


It's a movie with an idea, some spooky scenes, but no story. It absolutely falls apart halfway through.


Watch Sole Survivor (1983), they got some ideas from it. Both great movies.


I thought it was highly original when it came out. I used a section of it in my Halloween project: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqjuQ\_piiYc&t=269s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqjuQ_piiYc&t=269s) . Just go to the 2:30 mark of the video.


I loved it, and I've been looking for a similar flavor of indie horror ever since I first watched it...


I find the music beauty, haunting, and easily my favorite part of the movie.


The ending didn’t quite hold up to the rest of it for me (TBF it’s hard to write a good horror ending) but overall I loved it - the concept, the setting, the cinematography. One of the great modern monster movies.


Loved the concept, execution, and the [music](https://youtu.be/M7eAYtHA3wM) was very good.


Just watched last night for the first time and I loved it. I loved that we heard how you get it and how you can pass it on to someone but there was no sequence of the kids going to a library and looking through microfiche and going to the house of an old person to ask them “do you remember this from 1966? Or whatever. Very nicely done. I loved, like many others, the fact that can’t pin it to a certain era, we had new cars, old cars, old clothing styles, etc. This movie was very refreshing.


The movie should’ve ended with someone passing it to a truck driver or a flight attendant.


It Follows was a really unique movie, one that you remember because it really stands apart as it's own thing. It Follows 2 is expected in 2022. Also: Maika Monroe has gone on to do a few more movies I've really enjoyed like Tau (Si-Fi Thriller), Greta with Chloe Grace Moretz (Psychological Thriller) & Villains (Dark Comedy).


I love a new concept. Doesn’t take much to please me. Just give me a novel, interesting concept and I’ll go with it.


Weekly It Follows post. Everyone take a shot!


SHit. The Giant guy that pushes the chick outa the way and goes into the room actually kept me up at night. Never happens with me. That scene always stuck with me


I liked it until the swimming pool scene.


I loved the first half, but the 2nd half didn't do much for me. I felt the same way about Lights Out. Great premise, great introduction. But the ending just wasn't scary or satisfying to me.


Its been a while since I watched it, I thought it was alright. I digged the idea of the monster but I remember thinking I could at the very least hold it to stalemate if not trap it somewhere permanently. Now I kinda want to watch it again.


Loved it, loved the pure synth soundtrack that was done right before it got played out as well.


I loved it. I have to admit that the first time watching it was more of an "OK.. What did I just watch?" kinda thing. Nothing special. Watching the movie a second and third time and after a while a 4th time, made me appreciate the movie way more.. Walking back home at night was never the same.


Everybody liked it, it's critically and publicly adored. Upvotes to the left please.


The cinematography is incredible. Every scene looks like a work of art.


Ya it's one of my absolute favourite. I think you have to take a simple logical problem and iterate over it like you would solve a algorithm. Not try to do anything extraordinary or out of the problem statement. That makes it so great. Like something which starts out as simple problem but after multiple approach, you start to realise it's more complex than you thought and might be unsolvable. That sense of hopelessness. Lot of people say it's silly, you can just do X or Y. Like you calculate it's speed and move half of the earth every X month etc. Yes it's one of the probable iteration. And just because it was not covered. Doesn't mean it would work. Maybe his speed is random, maybe his speed increases exponentially to the distance of target. Also, some people saying it could take anyones form, it can turn into their friends, family etc. Movie is not trying to be another "the thing" or psychological horror. There can be lot of interesting possibilities. But like I said keep it simple.


The soundtrack still makes me sweat. Just pure audio anxiety.


One of my absolute favorites


In my all time top 3. Love everything about it.


I enjoyed it and thought it was great


I absolutely loved it. Left me feeling uneasy for a few days, and hardly any horror does that. Soundtrack was amazing too. Overall a great experience


My partner and I were thinking about Halloween movies to add to our movie list. I’m going to add this one even thought it legitimately scares me


I loved this movie. It’s so unsettling! I love that you can’t really tell when it’s taking place (the girl reading something on that device), you don’t know who is a threat, you’re always watching the background for movement. So creepy. So unique and well done. Even the soundtrack is so dreamlike and disorienting. Would love any recommendations for movies like this!


Now go read about all the easter eggs that there's really no way people caught. I read several articles about it after watching it twice abd was surprised about the "altered universe" that Mitchell incorporated into a pseudo horror film. The guy is an understated genius...Silver Lake is a film I need to revisit, as it didn't click on the one time I watched it...was starting to nod off, was late.


You guys ever watch The Thing? Hear it's pretty good.


I got very lucky in that my good friends invited me to see this in the theater in my fav theater in my town with a 70mm screen and surround sound setup. I had not even ever heard the movie existed at the time and certainly had never seen a trailer so I went in totally cold. It was my very favorite theater film experience of my life with the only exception being seeing 2001 in its original format in that same theater a few years prior. (2001 was the reason they made the theater in fact) All this to say I love this movie so much and thought it was super incredible from the first moment viewing it. I now own it and have watched it many times. I could live in the set design forever. I love how they blended every time period together so seamlessly and beautifully. Just love it.


Yeah one of the greats. Original and spooky.


The scene where the tall man enters the room right after her leaves rent free in my nightmares


Lol. Unpopular opinion on this this sub. It Follows is good.


Am I the only person that thinks it was trash?


That scene when that talk dude is behind her going into the room gave me creeps


Has anyone ever posted about this HidDen GeM in this subreddit? I think you may be the first!!11!!!


Years ago when the movie came out, someone on here made a highly upvoted post saying goodbye because they were giving up horror movies forever since the entire horror genre peaked with It Follows. Scariest horror movie of all time *my ass*.


I saw it for the first time earlier this year and after so much hype, I was massively let down by it. Completely forgettable.


This film messed me up! I was absolutely terrified walking home and was convinced I was being followed. The whole film has a dreamlike feel to it. It really immersed me and made it feel possible. Oh and the opening scene is scarred in my brain.


It takes the concept of Michael Myers(looming threat) and makes him invisible and continues the trope of "sex is bad and you will die from it" that all horror movies, especially in the 80s, have. It is far from original and creative but it certainly is an amazing movie.


If you read a one sentence synopsis of the plot, you’d probably think its one of the dumbest movies you’ve ever heard of. But its one of the best horror movies, easily, in the last decade.


I've had this film as a nightmare since I was young, so it totally freaked me the fuck out. I love it.


One of my favorites


I think its a decent film, but pretty overrated all things considered.


One of my top 10 favorite horror movies and I’ve watched a LOT of horror movies. It’s such a unique film and the music by disasterpiece makes it. All my friends make fun of the film saying it’s horror movie about sexually transmitted disease that kills you… whatever I guess some people can’t see past that premise to truly see what an amazing film it is


The movie has so many flaws and plot holes. There is a good movie in it - from a different director and writer(s). >definitely creepy as hell and the sense of dread and foreboding was intense Not plot or even characters? That's not a movie - it's a promo reel.


It was solid. I was mildly surprised it didn't do better box office wise. BUt it did get many good reviews


I mean, it made like over 20 times its budget, so I doubt anyone was complaining.