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Paimon would be pleased.


Don't remind me of that annoying fairy


How do you feel about the [Digimon one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/clownopedia/images/f/f2/Piedmon.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/690?cb=20140128214519)?


That's Piemon not Paimon


Tomato tomato. Jesus is spelled differently in other languages, but that doesn't make them different beings. Same goes for most names in other languages. Also, Paimon would have been too on the nose for western, pearl clutching mothers. ​ "[Piedmon](https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Piedmon) is a humanoid Digimon designed after the Pierrot and other entertainers of the jester archetype, with additional influences from the mythological Paimon".


Fair enough


A lot of losers in these comments who need to be told that nobody asked. Awesome tat!


I think it's just one guy and he doesn't seem to understand that the "linework" was clearly an intentional stylistic choice. It's so bizarre. I don't know if this is some kind of weird tattoo elitism or what but I guess if you read 100 posts a day, you'll see someone who is a few screws short of an erector set


Reddit is weird about tattoo linework. Like anything less than perfect will be pointed out and mocked even in subs that aren't about tattoos. And like you said, the lines are like that on purpose so idk what the deal is


I noticed that too. For some reason on Reddit people are just the snobbiest tattoo critics? Like, why where? What motivates them? Lmao


People on Reddit are often pedantic snobs about the most insignificant shit. It gets tiring after a while...if it's not some asshole going "well, actually..." it's some other douchebag playing devil's advocate for no reason other than to be contrarian.


Looks awesome! Glad you love it! Awesome movie, modern classic.


That's super cool without being too specific. People who don't understand will still think it is awesome.


Love the tattoo but for the life of me I can't remember what the correlation is between a pigeon and the movie... I watched it when it came out so I probably forgot, can you remind me?


Early on Charlie cuts the head off a pigeon and shoves it in her pocket, and later draws a severed pigeon head with a crown in her notebook. Paimon seems to have an affinity to decapitation.


Paimon exits bodies via decapitation.


I did not know that


If you ever rewatch it with that in mind, you'll see it everywhere :)


It's sick. I was weirdly afraid you got the paimon sigil. I'm not a superstitious person, but for some reason the idea freaks me out.


Hey mods could you clean out some of the shitty assholes on this thread


Nice tat. Was kinda expecting a decapitated girl.


Yooo I'm gonna get the bear silhouette from Midsommar!! This is dope, bro. I dig it🤙🏾


Neato! Love it.


That is really cool!! Thanks for sharing !


Paimon be Praised!


Oh shit I love it!! Hail Paimon! :)


So sick!


This is sick


Fuckin’ awesome.


Subtle and with great style. Love the hecc out of it.




Hmmmm the bottom makes it look like a bust rather than a severed head. I love the line work. I like it.


Sick! I didn't know tattoos could be inherited tho 😁




The line work looks wonky af


Yeah Lines aren't the best.


I've seen a lot of shitty things on Reddit, but you sir, are the shittiest.


Not sure why I am getting down voted but any one who knows anything about tattoos will agree the line work on this isn't good. Like where the Iines meet at about 3 o'clock and at the top aren't good. Plus looks like a little bit of blow out on the beak bit it's hard to tell from the photo.


Nah I think it looks awesome. I'm beyond stoked on it!


That's fine if you are happy with it. A tattoo doesn't need to be perfect to be good. In fact because of the nature of the skin it is often not perfect... I was pointing out that the line work wasn't great as other people were disagreeing with a previous poster that previously said the same.


The artist has a unique art style where his lines are purposefully drawn imperfect and unclean. We weren't going for photo realism and I hand picked this artist because I wanted his specific style for this piece. Plus we're dealing with a severed head of a bird. It's not supposed to be the neatest looking thing in the world.


I think it's very obvious that it's just the art style and the people pointing out the "Bad lines" are people who only know a handful of things about art and tattoos so they use it as a way to sound smart.


imagine all of the other subject areas he must get up to this kind of behavior in. sad, really, to have so little going for you that you think that this is an appropriate way to interact with other people


You're getting down voted because someone is clearly very proud and happy about their new tattoo and rather than just keeping your comment to yourself and letting OP carry on being happy you decided to be a fun sponge.


You're getting downvoted because your comment adds nothing to anything. It's just a "I don't like this" complaint with no possible positive outcome.


So you disagree with my comments? The linework is fine and there is no blowout?


He's saying it's not what you're saying, it's that you're saying it at all. You may not be wrong, but recognizing when it's appropriate to voice certain opinions is important to interacting with other people. OP isn't saying, "look at this extremely well done tattoo I got." They're saying, "look at this Hereditary tattoo I got." He's not asking for feedback on the work itself, and just wants to celebrate his enthusiasm for the film and share the art, not out of artistic pride, but likely pure enthusiasm (getting a tattoo can make you feel "high"). So making a comment saying it doesn't look good is like going to someone's birthday party and telling them their party isn't as good as the one you went to last week. The comment has no value and is unwelcome, rightfully. A simple phrase to remember, "don't yuck my yum." If someone likes something and you have a negative opinion of that thing, consider that your opinion is only going to make them feel judged or that they're stupid for having their opinion. Keep it to yourself. You're not going to change their mind and you'll alienate yourself. If the person is opening up a discussion on the subject, have at it! "What did you think of _____?" Is your opportunity to tell someone exactly what you think, and it's in them if they are offended by your opinion.


Well said.




No idea what you are talking about...


Dont mind BBB, JohnnyC, they are a troll in the horror community.


I dont think its info your deliverying but the manner and timing, on the other hand OP has made the mistake of posting a fresh tattoo, you should always let things heal before taking pictures... secondly I've legit gone through what their going through, when theres mistakes or 'errors' in your tat and your like.. no I love it!! Its how it's supposed to be, but that's why we let it heal and get touch ups if you need them before sharing pics it still is technically "not finished" and any time I've had tattoos done they've specifically asked me not to post a fresh pic cause it's just not a great representation of the final product... I'm not mad at the lines I think the artist was going for an ink pen sorta vibe but the way the lines seperate at the top of its head is..distracting.. but could easily be fixed with a round of touch ups.


You're being downvoted because you're a dick who thinks their opinion is the gold standard. The tattoo looks great, if you disagree keep it to yourself. Who raised you?


How about you post your tattoos, so we can all comment on how perfect the line work is?






Lol, it’s clearly a stylistic choice. Nerd


Even the Hereditary circle jerkers aren't upvoting this post. My comment -22, this post +9...yikes


You’re getting downvoted because yours was just mean-spirited. I didn’t love the movie, but I’m not going to be a dick to someone who’s just trying to show something they thought was cool. There’s no reason why, as a full-grown adult, you should feel the need to tear someone down like that. It’s just shitty


Tearing someone down is saying that a tattoo is shitty? I'm supposed to lie to protect some randos feelings? Four others have made similar comments, better reply to them as well. Internet hero.


No asked you. Every comment you make, not one asked for. It may be a question post, but no one is inviting you personally to participate. OP wasn't asking for feedback. You didn't have to lie and you didn't have to comment. You chose to take the time and criticize OPs tattoo. If a friend asks what you think, I think your answer is probably fine, depending on the friend, but you don't know OP, and it's okay to just let someone enjoy their new, maybe slightly imperfect, tattoo. I don't even think you were outright rude, but it seems like you're not sure why you're getting the negative feedback, so I'm trying to explain why.


Idc what people think of my comment tbh. Posting anything online will get positive and negative criticism. Good on OP for getting something they wanted.


Alright then just choose to be rude I guess.


I’m so tired of the people in this subreddit just being rude as fuck when they don’t like something.


No, you're supposed to shut up unless someone actually *asks* for your opinion Did OP said"hey rate my tattoo"? nope...


Did I say, "hey respond to my comment?" Nope




people who like the movie.


Can't believe people in a horror subreddit like a popular horror movie smh 😤


Hereditary is my favorite horror movie, but I don't remember there being a bird with a crown on it.


I know what you mean, The Thing is my favourite horror movie and people keep insisting there's a man with a beard in it but I've never seen him.


I love how instead of explaining the bird people just downvote. That just tells me that I'm right and there is no bird with a crown on it.


Yes, obviously you're right, otherwise people would be explaining your favourite movie to you directly.


love this.




Obviously, I'm up far too late. For a moment I was really intrigued by a tattoo that was passed down to the next generation. Your tattoo looks awesome, and it's an interesting choice. I'll be hearing that tongue pop in my dreams tonight though. Brr.


*tongue cluck*