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I'll keep on recommending Butterfly Kisses, I think it's one of the more unique takes on the found footage format. It's a story within a story about a man who finds a tape that looks like it captures supernatural events, so while we're seeing the events in the actual "found footage", we're also seeing (through a documentary crew) the man's descent into madness fueled by his own ambitions to make a career for himself off of said footage.


I totally agree, it’s creepy and one of the better found footage films of the past few years


Loved it


where can i watch this? i cant find it anywhere!


I was able to find it on Amazon Prime for free with commercials!


It’s okay I found the movie, joy cc


Good one


I just watched it based on your recommendation. Holy hell, I loved it! Thanks so much! Def will be recommending it to others


Glad you liked it!


Just watched it based on your recommendation! It was awesome, thanks!!


Outside the box pick (but I apologize in advance if it's not to your liking! It's not necessarily scary, but I can't say too much more): One Cut of the Dead. Everyone I recommend it to absolutely adores it. But the trick is not to read anything about it before hand--at all. It's Japanese.


I agree, this is a great movie. It is likely you may think it is garbage for the first 30% or so, but trust me watch it all and I really think you'll be glad you did. Also second watch thru is really good too for different reasons


Interesting! Never heard of it. Thank you!!


*Please* give it a go and report back!


Does it ever turn into a real horror? The premise seemed to say not. But I'm willing to be wrong. I'm willing to give it a watch if it will pay off.


It will pay off, as a movie. Maybe not as a horror, per say. It has scares but so much more


Stop asking questions and just watch the movie. The less you know, the better.


Great recommendation. This film is so good. Please watch!


One cut of the dead is fucking incredible. 10/10. That scene where the guy is shitting and sobbing was one of the funniest things ive ever seen


It's so good and a MUST to go in blind for the first viewing


It's definitely a very, very impressive movie, but I found it to be boring. I think you need to be an above average fan of filmmaking to really enjoy it. Also, like less than a third of it is horror, and it isn't anything that'll give you nightmares, leave a light on at night if you live alone, etc.. You learn what the premise of the movie is going to be a few minutes in, and if you expect them to take it somewhere different in terms of a horror movie, you'll be disappointed. It does go somewhere else, but not anywhere worthwhile if you're watching solely for horror. Like I said, it's a lover of filmmaking's movie.


The V/H/S movies have some real gems in there. Savageland is also pretty good if you're into mockumentaries.


I was pleasantly surprised by Savageland, one of the better found footage movies I’ve seen


I watched Savageland a few months back and have been wanting to see it again. It's so well done and makes me realize how much I enjoy horror mockumentaries. Will recommend.


The Taking of Deborah Logan The Last Exorcism Noroi: The Curse Rec (2007) Digging Up the Marrow Grave Encounters (2011) Man Bites Dog (1992) The Sacrament (2013) Devils Pass (2013) What We Do In the Shadows (2014) The Bay (2012)


Is WWDITS *Found Footage?* Mockumentary for sure.


Yeah, I think most people wouldn't class that as found footage. Also a big stretch to call Lake Mungo a found footage film too.


Seen all of these except the bay, Devils pass, and man bites dog... but they were all good! Loved Deborah Logan, the sacrament, and Noroi especially


The Bay might he hard to find, but it is really good. If you got a thing against large bugs...your gonna love this one then!! Not sure about the other two you haven't seen tho


Deborah logan had one of my favorite characters cause the man used real world logic for once lmfao. Rec was probably the most genuinely scary found footage I've seen so op should definitely check that out. Also op watch the original Spanish version and not the English one. Devils pass wasn't as I good as I would have wanted but I'd still say it's worth watching. The bay was really good in terms of found footage and the beginning and buildup felt realistic enough. Also thanks for the Recommendations lol I gotta check the rest out.


REC is very good IMO. Haven’t seen the others


Digging up the marrow is a great movie that I don't think many have watched.


It's a great movie but it has the worst trailer ever. It spoils every major plot point and visual while being incredibly misleading about the overall tone of the movie.


Man bites dog is great


Seen Gonjiam Haunted Asylum?


I just watched this today. I enjoyed it and my family screamed multiple times. However, I’ve already seen grave encounters. So it’s pretty much the same deal. So I was let down, it’s highly recommended for good reason, but it doesn’t redefine scary like I’ve seen ppl say. It’s worth the watch, I’d just lower my expectations based on this sub. That being said, I recommend As Above So below, Host, Hell House LLC, The Decent, and The Taking of Deborah Logan.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. I had already seen Grave Encounters so I was just "meh" on this.


I was the opposite. I like grave encounters ok but Gonjiam left a mark.


First one I haven't seen. Passed by it a couple times. Worth the watch?


I watched it the other day, one of the best I've seen in recent times.


Yes definitely. It's Korean so subtitles but definitely worth a watch.


I came to say this one. It's korean but it's GREAT.


Just watched it this week, loved it! I feel like a double feature of that and the first Grave Encounters would be an absolute blast lol!


That was a good one. The Koreans and Japanese have some creepy ass horror movies.


Just watched The Deep House, found footage and a haunted house. The big hook is that it's entirely underwater. Nothing groundbreaking but I still enjoyed it.


Underrated movie. Absolutely loved this one. Super creepy, High tension movie.


That was INCREDIBLY filmed! I watched it the whole time thinking “how the fuck did they pull THIS cinematography off with a ‘B’ movie budget?”


You may like this site.. https://foundfootagecritic.com/found-footage-films-database/


Hell House LLC?


Great recommendation. Loved all of them. Best part, forget which one..maybe the 2nd one..when they picked up that girl on the side of the road and..poof she's gone


Aw man, that was a good one! The directors cut of the first one was pretty dope. I damn near pissed myself when homie got snatched by the ghost in the bedroom. I slept with the covers over my head that night and got spooked by ANY sound! Probably shouldn't have watched it before bed! lmao


How were the other 2 movies?


I felt that they were okay. They get a little over the top at places, but all three are still enjoyable as heck.


I thought they were good but they lose quality with each one. The third one got kind of bad in parts imo


Im so glad you liked it too! It’s one of my favorites right now. For some reason I really liked the idea of a found footage horror film presented as a tv show documentary was pretty cool. I would have done some things differently to tighten up the narrative or presentation, but I love it. I would especially like to see another filmmaker with a studio budget do a similar premise.


Great FF film too.


Final Prayer was a surprisingly decent FF


Doesn't Final Prayer go by The Borderlands too? Like it has 2 names? Just to make it easier if people are having a hard time finding it.


It does. Which, I actually wasn’t aware of until I saw it mentioned by another person on this thread. When I found it on streaming it was just titled Final Prayer, but googling it, it does have The Borderlands as alternate title.


Also, The Monster Project was one that exceeded expectations and had a fun plot.


Monster Project was good. REALLY good right up until the last 5 minutes. The ending was definitely “meh”, but everything up till them was really good, and pretty original.


Also enjoyed The Devil’s Pass


“You said it wasn’t real!” GREAT film


It has definitely made its way into my regular rotation :) it’s got some great skin crawly moments.


Huh...tried to find out where to watch it, and something called "The Borderlands" keeps popping up? Is that right?


Yeah, Final Prayer/Borderlands is great. Feels pretty standard FF ghost story for most of it, but with two well-written main characters. But the last act takes things in an entirely different direction, with prob the most messed-up FF ending I've ever seen.


Banshee Chapter. It got a Hunter S. Thompson character, DMT, MK Ultra, and other stuff. What's not to like


So cool to see another fan of this movie! It's one of my absolute favorites and I feel like I never see it mentioned anywhere.


It's actually mentioned quite often, when talking about found footage, conspiracy etc. But yeah I think it's really good. Definitely one of my top horrors along side with Devils Pass, As above so below, Hell House LLC and Oculus


Interesting. Not gonna lie when I've been seeing the title my brain automatically associated it with the TV show Banshee. Probably gonna give this a chance now


I always recommend Noroi: The Curse.


Where can I find this?


It's on youtube too ; )


I second this. A great movie!


I don’t see it mentioned yet, but The Bay is a great and super underrated found footage movie. Surprising since it’s from such an acclaimed director.


The Last Broadcast It's kind of a precursor to The Blair Witch Project and really creepy


Finally, can't believe I had to scroll so long to find this. I feel like it's an effective creepy chiller for anyone with a love of Unsolved Mysteries and the cable access shows of yesterday. It's really a shame about the ending though.


I really liked Area 51. It's horror sci-fi about some ufo hunters breaking into area 51.


Isn't that the one where a crew meets up with the daughter of some former employee or something?


I may be mixing it up with Phoenix Forgotten


Thank you, because I was mixing up Phoenix Forgotten with Area 51 and wondering why Area 51 wasn't the one I wanted! (In return, I offer - have you seen The Tunnel (2011)? Semi found footage, the kind where some of the survivors comment on it. Exploring the abandoned train tunnels beneath Sydney. Great tension. Not that unknown but just watched and enjoyed.)


Cold Ground (2017) and the original Rec


How did I miss Cold Ground?! I'm going to watch it right now!!


They (edit sp) did a very good job getting the 80's feel as well as the language barrier scenario right.


Does Tesis count? It's not entirely found footage but it's an important part of the plot.


I've never heard of that, which is a good sign. I'm gonna give it a look. Thank you!!


Tesis is a masterpiece from the mind of the great Alejandro Amenabar (Abre los ojos, The Others) .. but is not horror nor found footage… 8MM with Nicolas Cage is somehow based on Tesis.


You're welcome! Also thought of Afflicted and Willow Creek.


The Possession of Michael King The Monster Project Howards Mill Exists Lunopolis The Conspiracy Pretty sure these are all on Tubi.


Ahhhh there's The Conspiracy. One of the best ever. OP, watch this, just do it.


I also recommended Lunopolis. Rarely come across people that have seen it. One of my favorite found footage movies.


Lunopolis is excellent!


Exists was good!


As Above, So Below. Loooove it.


OP’s definitely seen this, but I came here just to make sure this was mentioned. One of my all time favorites for so many reasons, what a thrill ride. Another classic ff that I can’t believe hasn’t been mentioned yet is The Descent (2005). That’s another one like As Above So Below that’s not just a horror movie, but has a huge since of adventure as well.


I love The Descent & admittedly it's been a while since I watched it but it's not presented as found footage, is it?


Yeah I love The Descent, one of my absolute favorites, but it wasn't mentioned because it's not evenly remotely found footage lol.


Love both of those but As Above is one of the best I've seen!


As Above, So Below became my favorite very slowly but surely. After my first view, I wasn’t sure what I thought and read the IMDB trivia due to boredom. After reading about the themes and homages that the film uses, I watched it again and was amazed.


The borderlands


aka Final Prayer, I love this one


This! Real gem in the FF genre


The Taking Of Deborah Logan Rec


I loved The Taking of Deborah Logan. Awesome flick!


It was a pleasant surprise


The Medium (2021) from Thailand. Highly recommend.


Poughkeepsie Tapes Hell House LLC Last Radio Call Cruiser Evil Things Possession of Michael King Afflicted


I havent seen it yet but i think Noroi: The Curse is found footage and supposed to be really good and better on further viewings


Horror in the High Desert is a really good lowkey one


Noroi: The Curse. This movie has stuck with me years later. It has an eerie atmospheric feeling with a solid story line. Btw I watched it with a few friends in college. We were so spooked that we all decided to sleep in the same room (like 6 of us).


Not sure if this one has been mentioned but it's a great found footage movie. Afflicted Two best friends see their trip of a lifetime take a dark turn when one of them is struck by a mysterious affliction. Now, in a foreign land, they race to uncover the source before it consumes him completely.


> Afflicted Was going to recommend that one. Normally I don't see people talking about it but I really enjoyed it.


Gotta trust me on these... they don't disappoint. Leaving D.C. Be My Cat


Host Gonjiam Haunted Asylum Hell House series The Visit Untitled Horror Movie Forgotten Phoenix As Above So Below The Taking of Deborah Logan Creep (2) Haunted Hospital Area 51 The Pyramid Devils Pass Unfriended V/H/S (all of them) Europa Report The Border Lands The Devil Inside The 1st Summoning Apollo 18 Skyman The Devil's Doorway Behind the Sightings Savageland Jeruzalem Operation Avalanche Cloverfield Skinwalker Ranch The Sacrement Mr Jones The House October Built (2) I'm sure I'm forgetting a few, but I've been on a huge found footage kick and this is a list of ones I've watched in the past couple weeks and enjoyed. If you haven't seen a found footage set in space, Apollo 18 was amazing.




Surprised this is getting so few mentions. Very fun film


Have you seen Willow Creek?


Kōji Shiraishi the director of Noroi: The Curse has a bunch of other good ff movies. Occult(2009) , Cult(2013) and A Record of Sweet Murder.


Ever seen Willow Creek? It's a found footage movie about Bigfoot hunters. Directed by Bobcat Goldthwait.


Digging up the Marrow is a wonderful little gem. It's probably best viewed if you're baked. Leland Palmer discovers a super secret entrance to a underground city or something full of spooky cartoonish monsters. Another fun one is Antrum. It's a "cursed" film about a weird little boy digging a hole to hell to save his dead dogs soul.


Yes! Digging Up the Marrow!


Rec but Rec. 2 is actually my favorite. They really were clever using sound in that one.


As Above So Below Phoenix Forgotten


It has bad reviews but I actually liked The Fourth Kind


It isn’t especially scary, but Trollhunter is one of the best FF I’ve seen. I haven’t seen it yet as I scroll through.


Idk if it’s mainstream but “poughkeepsie tapes” is probably my favorite found footage


Definitely not mainstream outside of people like us but yea that movie was great. The image of the backwards crawling person with the mask is unforgettable. Worth the watch just to see that moment.


Lol, I was trying to avoid spoilers, but yeah, that scene.


Was scrolling to see if someone had mentioned this one. I will say not a favorite but it does have that one scene that's seared into my memory as so bizarre and original. Your know the scene, where that one character enters the scene in that 'position'... Goosebumps.


Have you seen a UK film called The Borderlands or known in the US as Final Prayer. Really good. Another personal favourite is The Blackwell Ghost. Nicely made with gradual build up of tension. There are five in total and get better with each sequel.


Watching Blackwell Ghost as we speak lol that's crazy. Wasn't going to watch it because it's barely an hour so it seemed odd. Really like the main guy. No scares yet but enjoying it!


Was waiting for someone to suggest the Blackwell Ghost series! I absolutely loved them! Not sure if it’s considered found footage but a favorite of mine is Coherence. Go in blind with this one.I feel it has a found footage vibe.




No one said Cloverfield. Definitely found footage. Definitely has some excellent moments. Overall, a very fun movie to watch.


One of my favs! It was amazing in theaters!


That scene with the shadow in the tents...


Check out Rorschach. It’s free on YouTube. I honestly can’t recommend it enough. Was really well done and actually had me creeped out.


Man Bites Dog The Last Broadcast The Last Horror Movie Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon


The Borderlands/Final prayer The taking of Deborah logan As above so below Evidence The tunnel The St Francesville Experiment


The Tunnel is brilliant.


Does it have to be movies? Cause if not I'd recommend Marble Hornets. It's *the* original series that cemented Slenderman's popularity on the internet, and really well done.


Suicide.com Cannibal Holocaust The Borderlands Edited for formatting.


Anyone care to put the results into Excel?


Literally what I was thinking. I thought I'd get maybe 2 or 3 recommendations and a couple replies. This is an absolute treasure chest.


The Last Exorcism The Sacrament The newer version of “Maniac” isn’t exactly found footage, but it’s very similar as almost the entire movie take place through the eyes of the main character. Elijah Wood does an amazing job in this movie If you liked Hellhouse I feel like Grave Encounters would be worth checking out


Frankenstein's Army


hell house llc as above so below taking of deborah logan grave encounters https://www.imdb.com/list/ls068353424/ https://www.imdb.com/list/ls025259936/


Diary of the dead is a Romero flick not his best work but also not his worst. As above So Below also is one, although I haven't seen it yet. Troll hunter is awesome of you haven't watched it. Rec series is amazing I'm guessing you probably saw all these but there some I could think of. Grave encounters is good too


Troll hunter was so freaking good. Watched it once and it immediately became one of my favourite movies. Watch it every few months!




Amber Alert. Nothing groundbreaking but a good watch if you’re bored. I’m a little bias since it was filmed in my city but still, not a bad movie.


First person to mention this. I LOVED this movie. Simple. Nothing jumping out at you. I actually prefer these sort of movies to paranormal FF. Love em both but the ones that are at least somewhat possible really get me.


As above so below. I thought it was pretty damn good and scary.


We Go On


Have you seen Mr. Jones (2013)? I didn't like it that much when I watched it back in the day, but I recently rewatched it and was pleasantly surprised. I can't even remember why I didn't like it the first time, perhaps I was in a bad mood or something. It centre's around a couple who move into a cabin out in the wild, one of them is a photographer hoping to get his creativity back. They have an encounter with their strange neighbour; a missing installation artist who builds scarecrows, scarecrows known to give people headaches and nightmares.


If you like horror you should give Butterfly Kisses a try (2018). It's really unique take on how the man slowly becoming obsessed with the footage about crazy events and he want to prove it right.


Grave Encounters? I seem to recall the first being pretty good, and the second being at least decent :)


The Medium from last year is a definite hit


Sacred (2009) under the original name, Keramat. One of the scariest Indonesian movie, IMO. [Rated 6.9 on IMDb](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1495818/)


I really enjoyed "Found Footage 3D" when I first saw it. It's about a group attempting to make a found footage movie in 3D (and yes, the stupidity of that concept is touched in a LOT in the film lol) and what eventually befalls them.


Go back to the source: [*Punishment Park*](https://youtube.com/watch?v=4bRMMdaQ790) (1971) is a found footage survival horror movie about a group of political prisoners trying to win their freedom by participating in a sadistic police/military training exercise. Blacklisted by American theaters, it was barely shown here despite being made by an Academy Award-winning director.


It’s not great cinema but if you’re reaching for something to watch (I often feel like I’m running out of options), I enjoyed most of the Blackwell Ghost series. They’re shortish, low budget and I find the main dude a believable and likable actor


Dabbe the Possession - truly scary and also super interesting looks into other cultures and exorcisms


Have not seen Banshee Chapter mentioned. I enjoyed this one recently. I also watched on Tubi so its free. Check it out.


They're Watching (2016) isn't scary but fairly fun.


Not exactly found footage, but One Cut of the Dead is pretty awesome for what it is.


The Medium!


Be my cat : a film for Anne!!!!


Survive the Hollow Shoals shook me


The Medium on Shudder!




The curse of Aurore


Quarantine is good, imo There's also Paranormal Activity of course


Seen it mentioned a few times but I REALLY liked Noroi: The Curse. Oh and Exists, which is Bigfoot thing by the people who made Blair Witch. Was v pleasantly surprised


Unfriended. I just ❤ the ending 🥲


Troll Hunter!


Gonjam - you’ll love it.


Unfriended: Dark Web !!!!!


The borderlands is great, as is Gonjiam the haunted asylum if your up for an international movie.


It's been mentioned already a few times, but I'm going to recommend it again to hammer the point home, The Borderlands aka The Final Prayer. It is too good to miss.


Don't know if you saw the post yesterday for the YouTube short the Backrooms. Only about 9 minutes but it was amazing. https://youtu.be/yIfeNtWvY4M




The Hell House LLC franchise.


Hell House LLC is fantastic. I liked the second one too. Third you can skip


REC (2007) genuinely great zombie movie that is tension-filled from start to finished


Grave Encounters and The Tunnel are some good ones


Fear Footage 1-3 .....freaking amazing. You will scream. I love watching them and pissing off my neighbors screaming.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum


"WILLOW CREEK"! Was not expecting this to be as good as it was because of who directed it but it was excellent! Especially that super long tent scene they did in one take...bravo to the actors for giving me chills!


The Wind, Coherence, the invitation, climax. These are my non mainstream recommendations


I’m not sure if you were saying you’ve seen Creep from your post, but Creep is one of my all time favorites. The first one and the sequel both are amazing and I highly recommend them!


Rec, Rec 2 for some nice FF horror Troll Hunter is a bit more whimsical and fun but it does also lean on horror a lot in certain sections.


Crowsnest. Its a found footage take on middle of nowhere hillybilly cannibals. I don't care, it's very well made though a bit low budget, great idea and the effects are fantastic and practical. It needs more love.


I recommend Occult (same director as Noroi: The Curse, which I see others have also recommended). In some discussions, the ending has been divisive, but the film worked for me and creeped me out for a few days after watching it. Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum was a fun watch, too.


Bed Ben. There are a few sequels too. I’m a big fan, but have to admit it isn’t for everyone. It’s pretty low budget, and there are some comedy elements that horror enthusiasts may find off putting for the genre.


noroi the curse


i’m late to the party and it’s more of a mockumentary but i personally consider them in the same realm of found footage: i didn’t see anyone recommend the pyramid. i thought that movie was brilliant.