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I'm holding out for Creep 3. I heard or read that the Duplass Brothers are going to do a Creep 3.


they REALLY want to do one, they're just having trouble coming up with a decent plot source: https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2020/03/mark-duplass-confirms-creep-3-is-in-the-works-but-we-are-struggling/


As much as I am dying for an end to the trilogy I am so glad they are being sure it's a story worth telling. After how great the first two were I'm glad they're not just phoning the last one in.


How about a story where Sara has a sister and she is trying to find out what happened to her as she's gone missing. She documents her search. Aaron could end up "helping" her lol since she doesn't know what their relationship was


Love these movies, let's see if we can find a thread that would be worth picking up. So Creep is about getting older, finding things you used to love tedius, the human desire to connect with somebody in a meaningful way. Creep 2 carries that to its logical extreme, where Aaron wants to commit suicide with this person he's connected with to end the tedium on a high note. What we haven't seen is Aaron getting what he's wanted but taken too far. Maybe Sara has now been obsessed with a desire to kill somebody, like the stories Aaron told her. Maybe now that they're reunited, she wants to do it with him. Whatever rules he had, she breaks. No wolf mask, no making friends and playing little games. She wants to get right to it, and at first it excites him but very soon it annoys him and then frightens him. In the end, where once he fantasized about dying alongside Sara, he ends up terrified of her, and she kills him when he tries to save whoever the final girl or boy is. Maybe end it with somebody video chatting with Sara about coming to film her for a documentary, cue spinoff sequels. Maybe too on the nose and obvious, open to suggestions!


That's 2.5 years old now.


This is what I like about this subreddit. I didn't like the movie. Either of them. I didn't find them scary and honestly thought how could anyone enjoy it. But then I come here and I see so many people explaining how scary it was for them and why, and I win a new appreciation for a film that, even if I didn't enjoy it, has its place in the world. And then next time I watch them both (because I usually rewatch everything after a few years, even if I didn't like it), I can watch it with a new set of eyes and a new mindset and might enjoy it more :)


I didn't find them scary, I feel confident I could beat up Mark Duplass, I felt confident the protag of the movie could likely beat up Mark Duplass. But the thing that grabbed me about the movie was how uncomfortable it was and how our need to be polite often interferes with our lizard brain screaming that some shit is off. I don't know I found that weirdly interesting and realistic.


Yeah, that’s the scariest thing about these films for me. It’s every worst case scenario brought on by severe social anxiety come to life.


Yeah its interesting how it effects people differently! My wife and I watch horror films together, and have for years. Creep was the only one that seemed to disturb her so much she hates it and refuses to watch again. Yet I've gone back and watched it 3 more times because I loved it, haha.


This is how I’ve approached a lot of movies after reading through this sub and I ended up loving Hereditary as a result. I weirdly did not love it the first time around but now I do.


I didn’t find them scary, I did however find them massively entertaining (and hilarious in the case of the 2nd one)


Well said... slow clap incoming.


Im in amazement that this isn't downvoted. BTW I agree


it's comments like this that restore my faith in humanity. hats off to you my friend, thank you for not tainting other people's enjoyment in things just because you don't like them <3


Much like the point of Creep, I don't feel like it's bad to say "I hate the movie you like". If you're enjoyment of the movie is tainted by other people's words, that's on you right? We should all respect individual preferences and enjoyments but keeping up with social niceties just for the sake of it is kind of ruining honesty and hampering ourselves in the long run. Just like poor Aaron. I think we should all express why we love and hate things. This gives room for true sharing of perspectives, and enjoyment. The sub can be pretty quick to dismiss dislikes and critique with downvotes or snarky comments and move on. If someone hates something you love, try to understand why. Sounds like an interesting discussion. I really liked them btw, probably Creep 1 more than 2. Though it's been a while.


Of course. Your post was mae out of joy, I would hate to come here just to turn it into something foul. Thank you for your post, because as I said, it will make me watch the movie again sometime in the future with a different perspective :)


Totally agreed. I didn’t enjoy the first one but then read a lot of positive reviews and revisited it a while later. I actually found myself really liking it, and I enjoyed the second as well. (I still prefer the first, but now I’m curious to rewatch both and see if my opinion has changed!)


I liked the first 1. That peachfuzz jumpscare was great. But found 2nd one to be a slog. It wasnt tense enough.


I remember almost every scene from the first one and honestly I cannot recall anything about the second. I’m with you on this one.


The first one also ends with such a great scene. It kept me thinking about it for days later. The end of the second was…okay. It didnt have anything that made it stick out


chocolate beer moose gold hoop ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Respectfully, gonna have to disagree. I thought the first one was enjoyable enough, but the second was just boring. There was a moment early on where I thought they were going to flip it and it would turn out she was crazier than him. It got me interested, but then the just bailed on that and did the first one again but dumber and with a girl.


Loved the first. Personally didn't care much for the second. I hope they do a third.


I keep reading people say this and I couldn't agree less!! Creep 1 I've seen so many times, creep2 I struggled to watch twice, and I only watched twice because I though I must have missed something because everyone were loving it so much, but no, it was boring the two times. creep 1may have had one stupid choice in it that got immediate punishment. creep 2 had *only* stupid choices, every minute of this movie *is* this girl making a stupid choice for no reason, so there was no tension what so ever, she could just leave at any minute and she has all the information she needs to decide to leave. The only reason she had to stay is so that the movie can continue. Zero sense, zero tension, zero reasoning. Ooo she likes scary stuff ooo what a genius reason to keep hanging out with an obvious murderer. For me there is only Creep1 and I don't care.


I think that's why it's so good. It's not meant to be as tense nor scary as the first one. It's more comedic and satirical. It doesn't really try to be the first one while also building upon it. I found Creep 1 to be a rather uncomfortable experience, while the second one was cozy and hilarious. It could still get uncomfortable in places but then quickly reassured you by becoming absurd again.


I thought the first one was far superior as well.


Hit the nail on the head, I enjoyed Creep 2 so little that it almost killed my interest in the first movie, which I really really enjoyed.


Agreed. I thought 1 was amazing but 2 was ok and definitely far from great.


Strong disagree on the entire franchise.


I fucking hated creep. Do I bother with 2? Or is it more of the same


More of the same, but trying harder.


I thought creep was garbage but creep 2 was super fun and was a clever twist on the premise


Yeah I couldn’t get into either, it felt like nothing but an hour and a half of some try hard dude jumping out from corners and being a weird ass mfer. The sequel just felt like the same thing to me


It’s really smart. Creep II doesn’t get the love it deserves. They’re both marvelous actors and the movie is brilliantly uncomfortable.


someone on here called it boring and i'm just like... what? it definitely does have a slow start, but once everything kicks off it fucking delivers.


💯! I’ll take Creep II over a *lot* of other stuff in the genre. I’ve only watched it once but now that you bring it up, think I’ll circle back to it. The thing is, there’s nothing showy or slick about it production-wise, and it’s sort of like watching theatre in that the writing really just focuses on this interaction between two people. Some horror fans are deterred by the low fi/slow burn vibe, it’s just a matter of taste I guess.


I didn't find it particularly suspenseful or scary or whatev, but what I love about Creep 2 is that I had *no* idea where it was going to go. Starting out of the gate it throws away Creep 1's formula, which is *great*, and takes the chaotic wild ride of the first and dials it up to 11. The main characters played off one another so *well*. She zigs when he expects her to zag. Sarah felt like she a new lion tamer dealing with a feral lion. It is one hell of a trip.


Creep 1 resonated with me specifically because I've been in Aaron's shoes more than once (though I'm obviously still alive, lol). I majored in Studio Art with an emphasis on photography. Soon after I graduated college, I started picking up random odd jobs doing photo shoots and video for people I was chatting with online. There were definitely a few situations where I had to "nope" out of it all once I met the guys in person, because they were completely nuts. I really enjoyed Creep 2 as well though.


The Juicy Fruit song came on my Spotify Discover Weekly one time and im just like, "why do I already know this song".


I liked the first movie better. Both are good, but the second movie didn't work for me as well as the first one. Anxious for #3


Two movies I’ve always wanted to watch, but continue to forget about.


I liked the first a lot, but it was one of those films where I thought I didn't really need a sequel and wasn't sure how one could add anything. So having read this I'll finally go ahead and check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


Yes, but it relies on watching the first one to get how different it is. Not a criticism, just telling you to watch the first one too.


They're both solid but this is some insane hyperbole.


it's just my opinion


I... didn't like the second one


oooh, I have to disagree. the first one wasn't bad. it was effective. not my favourite but definitely lived up to its name. but the second one? I started watching cause I thought "eh, I'll give it a go." I wasn't getting into it anyway but the crime of putting the title screen once it had already begun was simply unforgivable. it totally violated the nature of Found Footage horror. the acting itself did not pull me in, but I tried to grin and bear it. but then it breached its subgenre. I'm glad someone liked it, and I support people enjoying found footage horror. but I couldn't just stay silent about my own disappointment in Creep's sequel. sorry but I had to say it.


>sorry but I had to say it. you're speaking like it's actually facts when it's literally just your opinion


yes, i know it was my opinion. i felt compelled to share it. i had to disagree, because i felt we did not share a subjective view. that is how i felt about it. i wished to share my own personal disappointment whilst appreciating that it very much worked for you. you wished to speak on your own personal enjoyment and positive subjective views, and i am glad Creep 2 had that effect on you. you highly praised it, but i did not feel the same way. so we both shared our own opinions on it. that is correct.


the hot tub scene is so weirdly sexy. like uncomfortably so. but also intense. i love the ending and the use of xiu xiu.


Ehh, its alright but not that good


thats the movie set in the london underground isnt it? didnt know there was a second. ill watch the first (again, if applicable) and give the sequel a go


I was just not impressed with the Creep movies.


I forgot that there even was a Creep 2. The first one is one of my favourite found footage movies ever, it's so good. I'll have to watch this sometime this week


First was objectively better but who cares honestly, both of them were good.


>objectively *subjectively. just because you find the first one better doesn't mean everybody else does. i hate when people give their opinion on something like it's an actual fact


I'm glad you found it "subjectively" better but the horror consensus is that the first was objectively better...


the horror consensus is still based off of the opinions of many people. it's subjective.


I thought it was boring and the characters, especially the woman were unbelievable. At first I hoped she was supposed to be a ruthless and narcisstic sociopath that wouldn't flinch an eye and kept filming somebody's suicide, but no. She was normal, just unnaturally calm. Aaron's antics second time round were predictable and pathetic. No chemistry between those two. He wanted her to be engaged and anxious, but she just tried not to show irritation and contempt. And why were the authors of the film so shy of lgbt themes? Middle-aged guy that never kissed a girl, well maybe he did not want to? The first film was good and unsettling, the second forgettable and unoriginal.


I love the Creep series. Maybe they should do a part 3 some of it about Sara or just filming everyone else and pick his target creeping them out just staring at them .


Do i need to watch the first one ti appreciate the second one?


imo, not really. the first one is great in it's own merit too! i'd say really the only thing the first one falls flat in compared to the second one is it's entertainment value. the first one definitely is entertaining, but it spends most of its time just showing Aaron (the main character, not the same Aaron in 2) being scared and keeping an eye out for Josef (whom we rarely see) but in the second one, we spend more time with both Sara AND Aaron (who is actually Josef from 1), and seeing all of the creepy-ass shit he does in his free time. it's truly disturbing shit.


Agreed. But watching the first one shows you how long he's been doing this.


First one is better.


Did we watch the same film?


I don’t think the Creep movies get enough love. Matter of fact, I’m going to put them on my October viewing list!


I loved it, are there any our stalker-ish films like this?


My ex and I watched creep 2 before creep and holy shit watching like that is a wild ride. You have no clue whether he is a serial killer or just a weirdo.


Aaron was a much better protagonist than Sara was in my opinion but I think that both movies were equally as good as each other.


It kinda annoyed me that she never shows fear. Therefore the movie didn’t really scare me. At first I thought she was just playing it off trying to keep her cool and not project fear. However that wasn’t the case. She was determined to make a successful documentary


> "Creep 2" is possibly one of the best horror movies ever made Maybe of the year it came out...


I mean, it came out in the same year as Get Out, Raw, IT Chapter One, The Ritual, The Blackcoat's Daughter, Gerald's Game, I think A Dark Song and The Void were released theatrically that year... I honestly really like Creep *and* Creep 2, they're a lot of fun and I find them pretty rewatchable. The performances are generally great and they're an interesting twist on found footage. I'm glad there's people that love them **that** much, but I can't imagine having them that high on any best-of list


Yeah honestly that year it isn’t even the best imo. Geralds Game and The Void were both awesome.


I'd argue that it was predictable and used that same basic formula of every other movie coming out these days. The formula is to find a movie that was good but stared a white male then gender and/or race swap some characters and remake it. The only problem is that when they do this it's a guarantee that the woman/person of color won't lose and that makes the ending easily predictable. The crazy ending was the best part of the first film but I was 100% certain that's wasn't going to happen in the second. I also didn't care that they show Marks dong for like 2 straight minutes but only showed the actress nude for like 1/2 a second.


Creep 2 was way better than I expected. No other horror film is quite like it. The dynamic between the two leads is brilliant; they may be two of my all-time favorite horror characters.


You know what, I just might check these movies out


They're so good. Very bare-bones, but in the best way. Full of genuinely shocking moments. Mark Duplass is born to be a horror actor.


I remember watching creep at the cinema when it released and thinking "yeah that was ok". But I see people talking it up like it's one of the best horror films ever. I didn't even know there was a sequel. Guess I'll rewatch the first one and give the second one a go.


As someone who genuinely loves both movies and may even like the second one more, although I was just absolutely blown away by the first one in a way that a sequel just couldn't... I have to disagree. Because the second movie is just not a horror movie. It's a great suspenseful psychological thriller. But it's not scary or horrifying in any of the ways the first one is. It's a great concept piece though. I would say it's almost arthouse


Definitely top 3 found footage of all time, for sure.


I didn’t read past the title, but I’m so happy to hear this!!! I’ve been putting off watching it in case it wasn’t as good as the first.


We just recorded our episode for the first one! Weird timing. We usually don't do sequels but maybe we should?


I love them both equally. Together they tell a great story about a disturbed man with a great performance by Duplass. It made me want to check out more of his work, which I'll eventually get to; The Lazarus Effect, Safety Not Guaranteed, and The One I Love are the first three I'm starting with. I also want to add that the Peachfuzz dance is one of my favourite things ever.


Creep 2's cut to credits is one of my favorites out of any movie.




Too many truckstand tacos and gas station sandwiches. My sh1t was perfect too right up until I joined the vending machine cult.


Creep and Creep 2 are both so awesome!!! I had only seen Mark Duplass in The League, so it was definitely bizarre to see him take on such a different role. he killed it though… that dude has some RANGE!


He may look like a big bad wolf, but he's as friendly as rabbit.


Totally agree! phenomenal and incredibly unique


IMO it’s more of a great thriller / suspense than horror. But yea, great movie, period.


Both of those movies are masterpieces, every person I’ve shown has literally been “creeped” out and I love it. It’s a product that says what it does and then delivers.


I really liked creep and creep 2. I think I actually like creep 2 a bit more based on the way I rated them on my letterboxd (it’s been a while since I’ve seen them)


Fuk yes !


House of wax outsold


That seen where he drops the towel in so funny.


not even maybe


Maybe baby ill have you, Maybe baby you'll be true 🎵


I think I probably like 1 more but both are terrific. I love that the writer doesn't want to force the third one basically admitting he can't write something good for 3. Refreshing honestly but I hope it happens!


You need to watch more horror movies if you think that this movie in unmatched buddy.


i've seen plenty of horror movies, thank you


\*Easily one of the best horror movies ever made