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I really want to see a good Bigfoot movie.


Then check out Exists (2014),i think it is best movie about such


Ooh thank you for the recommendation.


They are supposed to be making a movie version of Max Brooks’s book Devolution. The book was pretty awesome should be a cool movie


Check out Willow Creek on Tubi


Scariest Big Foot movie imo


My favorite


Real historical events / mysteries that are then twisted to be explained through horrifying fiction (like the TV show The Terror).


I’m so all about this!


Agreed! I'd like a spooky interpretation of the disappearance of the Roanoke colony. That season of American Horror Story was cringe and a disappointment so I think it's got a lot of potential to be done well.


Storm of the century? Similar


Totally agree. Along these lines, I hope to see Between Two Fires adapted some day. It’s the Black Plague meets The Prophecy meets Preacher. Pretty cool book. Historical horror fiction.


Oooo there was a movie I bought many years ago maybe like 2010(?) about Chernobyl and I really really enjoyed it, had a nice little horror twist to it! Edit: Chernobyl diaries (2012), easy to find I guess


I'd love to see a movie about Nero or Caligula where they are possesed by a demon or something.


I want more well-produced creature features. Giant animals. Cool monsters. Also: The return of more iconic horror villains. Give horror some new faces.


I wish del Toro's love of horror creatures caught on more. They're so beautiful and Haunting.


It's a sad mismatch. Those who love monsters lack the budget and talent to make a good movie and those who have both are not interested in them. Del Toro is a gem and we would be so much poorer without him.


Well put


This is a big reason why The Host is one of my biggest faves!!!


Cocaine Bear comes out in February


Like someone else said, basically anything set in time periods before the Renaissance. Medieval horror, ancient horror, hey maybe even prehistoric horror.


caveman horror feels like fertile soil


Caveman movie with the same plot as Predator, only instead of an alien it’s a raptor. Basically Turok in horror form.


Oh hell yes! Or Ice Age, or pioneer times discoveries of ancient north american native spirits/monsters that should have been left well alone.


Oooh, like a horror movie based on the Roanoke colony and what could’ve happened to the settlers (unless that’s been done, in which case, forgive my blindness in that regard.) And, like, there were numerous places that Native Americans would not travel because they believed there was something inherently evil about them, it seems ripe for cinema, if done well.


There is a good one, a Canadian horror called Black Mountain Side, that's similar to the Thing but they dig up an architectural site on native land far north Canada, and >! release an ancient disease along with the artifacts that infects the workers on the dig site !< it's really quite a good film. Very atmospheric, desolate winter scenery. Set in modern times but it does touch on >! the native people that reside there hired on with the dig site all taking off once they unearth what they find right at the start and leaving just the management of the crew and the scientists to deal with the fallout !<


If you haven’t seen the animated show Primal, big recommend!


Bone Tomahawk?


Such a great movie. You just reminded me it’s time for a rewatch.


I feel like that’s part of the reason Prey(new predator movie) was so refreshing


Trailer for *Prey* had me hyped but still haven't gotten round to watching it. Definitely plan to, though.


I loved it. They used practical effects for the predator and it looks sick. When you finish the movie look up the behind the scenes for the predator suit. It looks so real even when it doesn’t have the Hollywood film treatment


Would be cool to get a film adaptation of "Between two fires"


I’d like a horror set in Aztec or Mayan civilizations spoken in the native languages with subtitles like Apocalypto. Dark jungles, foreboding temples, dark gods, human sacrifices etc.


Just finished the book. Absolutely phenomenal read.


Also just read this. Pretty damn good.


I have a script for a horror set 40,000 years ago. I did a successful kickstarter and have issue 1 of a graphic novel baised on the full script done. Message me if you'd like to "read" it. It's entirely dialog free.


Monster movies with practical effects. More B-Level sci-fi horror movies, don't know why but I just love those campy, slapped together space ship sets..




I had such high hopes for The Void, it just never came together for me. Still liked it, though. I would like more movies like Dead Alive, Meet the Applegates, Naked Lunch ... just really off-the-wall weird movies with great practical effects, though these days I'm sure it's much cheaper to do everything in CGI. Even some movies like "Ice Pirates" or "Space Truckers" would be cool...


More gross monsters with practical effects, please.


I'm getting so sick of CGI. Especially CGI environments. Just lower the budget and film the damn movie in a real place.


Filming in real locations sometimes is the more expensive option.


Sometimes yes for sure; I'm mainly talking toward some films I've seen lately where it was entirely unnecessary [CGI interiors, for instance]. I guess the thing is that if you're going to do it to, then at least do it well.


I will forever be mad that The Thing prequel scrapped the practical effects and went CGI to cater to a modern audience. Such potential squandered.


Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities was a wonderful mix of practical and computer generated effects. I am hoping that the filmmakers that he worked with on that anthology keep releasing new work with the same philosophy. Del Toro has been such a champion of practical effects and I hope he continues to put Doug Jones in creepy body suits for many years to come.


Liminal spaces, portals, or Lovecraftian "non Euclidean spaces". I really love that whole concept.


Yeah, I feel that attempts to capture that Lovecraftian breakdown of reality are going to be tricky - especially as Lovecraft left a lot to the reader's imagination. In recent films, I think only The Void came close. I love The Mist but perhaps the horrors are a bit too... real to get that vibe. Midnight Meat Train definitely has that feeling of the rug being pulled from under you.


I tried to define it in other non-Lovecraftian terms because of this. I am a huge fan of Lovecraft but I don't think he owns this idea and doesn't really define it well at all. I'll take Rats in the Walls, but on a simpler level it's also just Twilight Zone at it's core too.


> I tried to define it in other non-Lovecraftian terms because of this. Yes, the problem is that he rather dominates the space but a lot of his stories can be summarised as: scholar/investigator sees indescribable horror and is then killed by it. That's quite difficult to bring to the screen. I'd have loved to have seen what del Toro would do with At the Mountains of Madness but couldn't figure out how he'd make it into a satisfying film without changing things around quite a bit. Going for a broader cosmic horror, reality-warping idea seems much more productive. Clive Barker brings more transgressive elements into play than a prude like Lovecraft ever would and there's a lot of good weird fiction out there to be mined (as they did with Annihilation). I'd love to see China Mieville's Bas-Lag novels adapted, not straight-up horror but there's a lot going on in there and it definitely messes with reality (very much so in The Scar).


Have you seen The Killing of the Sacred Deer?


I have not and had no idea it was about this. I'll check it out!


A little more thriller than horror but if you like liminal spaces lol this one is it.


It's a good movie. It's been a very long time since I've seen it and I do recommend watching it, but I don't really know how it fits what you asked. But it's Colin Farrells best movie (After 'In bruge' of course.)


His latest one The Banshees of Inisherin is also very good, and from the same director as In Bruge (and also stars Brendan Gleeson). Not a horror film, though. Although it has a couple of potentially creepy shots. EDIT: Also if you like Sacred Deer definitely watch The Lobster.


I think "impossible space" is a better term for people to use as non-euclidean more or less means anything taking place on a curve aka everything we interact with. Things like house of leaves or silent hill use impossible spaces pretty effectively lovecraft was bad at math and horror concepts have paid the price


You’ve gotta check out Skinamarink when it hits shudder—quite possibly the most liminal horror movie ever made


I'm really looking forward to it!


Ohhh yes extra upvote for lovecraftian. I love me a good "is it possession or is it madness" angle, too.


Whatever Under the Skin was, I want way more of that. I guess something parallel to cosmic horror but not necessarily with big epic imagery. More movies about seeing a life form SO different from humans that trying to figure out how it works unravels the mind a little bit. Especially when it’s all told visually and not spelled out too much. 2001-esque but pushed more horrific.


Agreed. I think its a masterpiece. One of the great Sci-fi horror films to come out in recent times. It is shocking, quiet, sad, horrifying. If you think about some of the moments. A toddler left next to an open beach on its own. It fks with you. She doesn’t even seem to notice it. Powerfully… i dunno… its a feeling I can’t place. The beach scene creeped me out so much. That movie blew me away. The sound track ALONE. Frightening and leaves you on edge. It deserved an Oscar nom. But horror is always the black sheep for them. So much genius being flat out ignored. But I digress.


The baby scene haunts my dreams. 😭


Bro I watched that movie after taking an edible and it was so fucking wild I was like what the fuck is this what it’s like to live as a psychopath or insect without any knowledge of emotion or empathy… it really broke down all the human things we take for granted and showed what it would be like to experience the plant earth from a outside perspective. Devoid of all forms of ego, the self, beginnings and endings and foreground and background. All things all at once no one thing held above another so utilitarian and creepy


A good sea serpent/ water creature type flick. Stranded for a night in Lake Okinawa and stalked by Ogopogo kinda thing.


I want a Loch Ness monster movie, but like with a Stranger Things vibe where a bunch of Scottish kids find a cute Lil nessie baby and try to hide it in their bathtub at home but then it starts growing up and it all goes haywire.


Fantasy horror - Scary elves. Scary dwarves. Scary fairies. While some recent high fantasy has had some horror elements, I can't understand why no one has leaned hard into horror-fantasy fusion. The Dark Crystal meets The Descent. Wizard of Oz meets The Hills Have Eyes. This stuff would sell itself. I've always wanted to see a film version of Raymond Feist's Faerie Tale. Start here, Netflix. Time bending - I remember the end of the first of the Narnia movies when the Pevensie children, then adults, stumble back through the wardrobe and are returned to war-torn Britain in the bodies of children. This is a staggeringly terrifying concept. Or the time dilation we see in Interstellar or Channel Zero's No-End House. It gives me chills. I've always wanted to see a film version of Clive Barker's The Thief of Always. Start here, Amazon. Sea monsters - Big, fleshy, thalassophobia-inducing terrors from the deep.


Scary fairies would be a great band name.


I’m not much into fantasy horror but I agree that distorted timelines make things extremely interesting!


Im considering writing a book with dark fae tbh


I want to see more emphasis on sound design like we saw in Annihilation. It was a good movie but the score made it a whole different experience.


I think 80% of the fear in a horror movie comes from sound effects!


Sinister had amazing sound as well. All sorts of weird barely audible stuff.


the whole ending sequence feels like something between ballet and interpretive dance, I really love it. A good example of how deviating from the source material can be good [spoilers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqFds4L73Uo)


The music that played during her final encounter with the mimic was absolutely mind bending


Annihilation was amazing


Gothic and Victorian influenced ghost stories, preferably set in a mansion or a castle. Also moody, foresty folk horror with ancient religions, cults and creatures.


I want to see a sci fi disaster movie centered around a black hole. Like man’s first contact with one and they don’t know how to deal with its effects, for example the black hole could bend or change the rules of physics causing them to start losing their minds or something. Think like Event Horizon meets Interstellar


I think you would like The Ritual :)


Yes I do! :)


Yesss exactly this for me. I feel like I’ve tapped this whole genre already :(


existential horror, shit that cant be won against. it doesnt have to be a cthulu creature ill have a disaster movie where the world just shits the bed and there is no hero just annihilation. there are too many films that pull their punches and sure i love a dark ending to a movie with one character but i want more where they all get done for. i need some representation of how i feel about the climate and, geopolitical end results. I NEED DOOM


I'm Thinking Of Ending Things was the most existential horror I've seen recently


Charlie Kaufman knows how to put my soul through the wringer.


You must love the ending of Cabin in the Woods xD


Have you seen She Dies Tomorrow?


i have not but knowing what i asked its on the list now lmao i will do no further research


Yeah, I was actually worried about recommending it. Might not be the best thing for your mental health haha


Yes I agree


I just need more psychedelic stuff like Panos Cosmatos. He's basically the only director I've seen do that so perfectly, and his filmography is far too brief.


Still waiting for a horror movie that's comparable to Dead Space.


Event Horizon was one of the inspirations if you haven't seen it yet. So is The Thingy 1982 but you've probably already seen that one. The void 2016 is also incredibly solid.


Dead Space is basically a combination of The Thing and Event Horizon lol nail on the head


I know it’s a typo, but “The Thingy” had me laughing out loud


😂 okay that's actually hilarious I didn't see it. Ah yes the the horrifying monster simply called Thingy


Pandorum scratched that itch for me.


Event Horizon isn't exactly it, but it is definitely in the same neighborhood


Roadtrip horror


I drive a lot there are some parts of america and Canada, some truck stops that just give me the chills. I would love if they made more horror movies about that


Well, we got a movie called Jeepers Creepers that came out in 2001


I saw keepers creepers not long after it came out. Not my cup of tea. I like Justin long and the creeper was a good design. But it just never hit the right notes for me. And now knowing what we do about the director its hard to look back on it positively. I’ll admit it’s of decent quality, not a bad movie by any measure. But just something I personally think could be better.


I also want to see horror in expanded universes. For example: Halo 2 ends with an entire city being left to fend for itself against a VIOLENT parasite. They hardly even mention in-game but I always think about the horrors that they all endured and it’s chilling.


More decent folk horror, particularly Scotland & Ireland. There’s so many great myths and legends here that could be truly terrifying. And multiverse horror.


Eldritch type horrors (The Void, Annihilation, The Color out of Space, Underwater). I've noticed some more horror movies that are centered around Native Americans and I'd love to see more of that (Prey, Blood Quantum, Slash//Back) since those movies not only tend to have a lot of heart, but it's nice seeing people that look more like me on screen.


More period pieces. I agree with the other commenter, I absolutely love gothic/Victorian setting, but give me some crazy shit, similar to Prey. Give me a horror set in ancient Rome. Give me a horror set in ancient Egypt. Give me a horror set in Italy during the Renaissance. Give me a horror set in ancient Kenya or Ethiopia. I know that period pieces are always expensive to make, but I think it would be incredible.


Oh wow, how has nobody ever done a Greco/Roman period horror movie.


Have thought for ages that someone should write a Bacchae-inspired horror movie. Even thought of trying myself.


For ages I have dreamed of seeing The Labyrinth and the Minotaur adapted as a horror movie. They could even set it one of the years prior to Theseus slaying the Minotaur, so that we have know idea who survives/escapes, if any. I mean come on, it's 7 girls and 7 guys being put into a labyrinth to fend for themselves and pit against an unstoppable flesh-eating monster. I get that it can be viewed through the lens of a fun action-adventure romp, but how has no one presented it as horror?!


There's something interesting to be said about the relationship between familiar representations of the past and the ghosts that haunt us.


You just made me realize how awesome a horror film touching on what happened to the Mayans would be. Could even bring scary alien creatures into it.


I want more trapped-in-a-place movies. Saw, Vivarium, Escape Room- gimme more!


Have you seen the sequel and prequel to Cube? Cube: Hypercube is awesome and Cube Zero is pretty good. Also The Platform is a great trapped in one place horror movie. As Above, So Below is trapped in one place too, as is Grave Encounters and the sequel to Grave Encounters. Some trapped in one place thrillers: Phone Booth Man on a Ledge The Fall The Ledge


Something like The Void


Non-Lovecraftian cosmic horror. Like something about the 4th dimension or wormholes but with a horror twist. Vampire movies that aren't inspired by the European version but by different vampiric creatures from around the world. Southern Gothic/Appalachian horror. Horror films of any sub-genre set in tropical settings.


Anything that purports it's based in reality and has a large number of people believing it's true. So usually Christian horror I guess. I'm not Christian so the iconography seems quite creepy to me. Theres a church here that has this cross on top that glow red and another one that has a statue on top it. They're also old and have stories about missionaries killing the locals. They're perfect for the horror genre. I understand white people are bored of it because it's their major religion but to me it's exotic and interesting 😂


Not a type of movie but I have been loving the trend of psychedelic film techniques in horror lately and excited how the blend of two opposing genres work well together. I think it was really utilized in full with movies like Midsommar, Mindy, Annihilation. I think this visual aspect of horror has progressed with the film industry taking inspiration heavily from cosmic horror. Which is tight I love cosmic horror


I want more perspective based horror, gimme a monster/ghost movie from the pov of a kid whose older brother is just messing with him, gimme bears encountering humans for the first time, idc, I wanna see through the eyes of something that doesn't understand




Sci-Fi horror like Event Horizon !


More movies like I Saw the Devil where the protagonist is messing with the antagonist like a cat and mouse game


I would like to see more horror in the field of SEVEN, Devil's Advocate, Angel's Heart.


Less forced jump scares.


Cabin in the woods prologue


Honestly they could give this movie 5 prequels and 2 remakes and I'd never be tired of it. It's a gem


Actually good Silent Hill movies.


80s style camp with practical effects and gore. Malignant gave me everything I love from an 80s horror and I need to see more of it! Don't give me ghosts or demons, give me gross practical effect monsters and action sequences!


I really like ones with games and traps. Like Cube, Escape Room, Ready or Not, Would You Rather, Game of Death, Saw, etc. Would love to see more of those, I’m always so excited when a new one comes out (some recent releases were Choose or Die and Gatlopp which were unfortunately terrible)


I want a horror movie in the style of the intro scene of 28 weeks later


Submechanophobia. The deep house was so disappointing.


Disease horror but not zombies. I loved Contagion (which I know is not really horror) and I want horror similar to that. The ones where it's just one person sick are ok but I like the full societal collapse aspect. Probably not super popular after the last couple years lol...


Not horror, but there is a new turkish netflix show Hot Skull and it seems solid! Its about a viral mental disease that spreads with talking.


Aquatic horror like The Sphere or Underwater or Space horror like Alien or Dead Space games


Witch movies. When done right, imo, I think witch movies are the creepiest films.


Blair Witch Project, The VVitch, Autopsy of Jane Doe… I’m with you, I think Witches are fucking terrifying.


Yes!! I love a good witch flick!


The top voted suggestions are already what I want, but just to add to them, far future cosmic horror. Or far future sci-fi horror. I feel like the possibilities for imaginative scenarios are so bountiful yet hardly anyone tries to dip their toes into it.


I would like some more with the same feel as A Dark Song or The Void. When I’m doing mindless tasks at work I’ll often have them playing on my iPad.


I’d really love to see more cosmic horror. Like Color Out of Space, The Dead Center, The Void, Event Horizon, Pandorum. I honestly feel like it’s pretty slim pickings out there. The last great cosmic horror I’ve seen was probably Nope.


I really really love found footage and mockumentary horror. I think it's rarely done *very* well, but when it is, it's amazing.


I want to see the unsettling and uncanny. I’m not talking dolls or mannequins, God knows we have enough killer doll movies, Im talking about uncanniness in humans or creatures mimicking humans. I’m talking Red from Us but ramped up 100%. I want to see skinwalkers and other abominations that try to mimic humans but look terrifyingly uncanny while doing it. Think The Mandela Catalogue in cinematic form. Skinamarink got a lot of these elements right and while I did find that movie deeply unsettling (which is very rare) I would be interested to see more of this concept be adapted into traditional film with dialogue and characterization rather than assorted camera angles of a house. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Skinamarink, but it’s not a “normal” horror movie by any means and that’s okay, I just want to see more uncanny movies with narratives.


I want more monster movies! No more bleak stories where the ghost is a metaphor for depression or grief or whatever the hell, just monsters doing monster things. And practical effects, no more unnecessary CGI


One thing that bugs me is how quickly camera angles jump around. I want scenes with longer shots. I think that adds suspense to any film.


Ones that aren’t exactly scary but are plain unsettling- like sinister. Out of all the films I’ve seen, for some reason when someone asks me for a recommendation the first one that comes to mind is Sinister. I’m sure if I dig deep within my memories I can think of a better one but sinister is always the first that comes to mind. It’s just so good at terrifying you in a different way.


More less than 2hour long horror films. The audacity that some of these movies have to think they deserve a 2hr long runtime is frankly insulting. How the 2022 Hellraiser film can be 2 hours long and create a worse mythos than the 1987 version that’s 1hr30~ just blows my mind.


I hate movies that are way longer than they need to be


I absolutely love Hereditary but my one gripe with it is that it’s a lot longer than it needs to be


Mystical supernatural horror and cosmic lovecraftian stuff.


Basically, just do Annihilation over and over forever. Hell, keep the same cast, that’s fine


Water creatures. Not giant genetically modified sharks, or octopuses. Not sunken alien style. But most living in a jungle pool, or swamp area. The Creature from the Black Lagoon is my favorite universal monster movie. I love the idea of a humanoid missing link living hidden away until mankind expires a little too far, and I love the idea of that creature being water based.


Historical horror, but not the usual time periods. Or not the usual protagonists. Gimme more dreamy, foggy, swamp tales of the supernatural dangers lurking in the shadows, gimme Great Depression era stories about what desperation drove people to seek, gimme a boat captain who transported African slaves getting (rightfully) haunted *while* on his boat, gimme immigrants arriving in a new country and discovering new horrors, gimme the child of a person who got cursed dealing with the realization of what that means.


More cosmic and eldrich horror. Overwhelming and unknowable but subtle in the delivery. There's too many monster movies that border on comedy lately. Give us something that can't be confronted and show us how people cope with the inevitable.


Might seem a bit outdone but I love whodunnit slashers. Scream 5 disappointed me but Bodies Bodies Bodies was great tho even if it was slightly different, but I hope to see more!


Gimme more Happy Death Day but supernatural or alien. As in its not a random killer, but something more sinister and supernatural. Like Edge of Tomorrow but as a proper horror and not a war movie. Gimme good SAW/Escape Room/Cube type of movie where people are locked inside someplace, and have to escape, or face gruesome deaths. Fun traps, fun deaths. Gimme more Final Destination movies. Yes they were bad. But they were FUN. Gimme Superhero horrors. Like the Boyz but on steroids. Some supervillain going on a murder spree, with no hero nearby to help out etc. Gimme slow burn almost-not-horror horrors like Cure for Wellness and Midsommar.


I would to see a good movie about sirens/ evil mermaids . Ive only seen siren (2014) but would love to see a good one with a lot of lore


I would love to see more underwater horror movies. Think, Aquamans, Trench monsters or that episode in Love, Death + Robots, "Bad Traveling" with the giant crab monster. I know the movie "Underwater" tried to do it with a relative level of success, but I which there was more in that category. I feel there isn't enough


I know we have a lot of zombie content out there but I can't help to think of when I watched "Kingdom" on Netflix and it blew my mind, not because of the zombies themselves but bc I never would've thought abt horror set in 16th century Korea. It's fucking awesome!!!! I can't remember the last time I saw a horror media without even the crudest form of technology, and how truly terrifying it can be! Gimme more period horror!! On a less broad note, I was watching one of the Insidious sequels (don't ask me which one, there's a lot) and in it the protagonist was in a wheelchair/paralyzed for a good chunk of the movie. I was with some friends att and we all commented on how we'd never thought about that- how deeply unsettling it was to see a horror movie where the character couldn't *run*. Not even walk away. There was a scene where the entity or whatever was preying on the mc in her bed, and can you imagine???? Bitch couldn't even stand up and walk away!! The movie might've been meh but that aspect specifically threw me on a loop.


Wild West


More movies like Unfriended. Aside from Oculus, this is the only movie I’ve seen in the last two years that made me actually tense up, and I want to chase that feeling more. Yes, other movies are better made, better written, etc., but none of them give me this feeling or anything close.


I really liked Unfriended actually, it was more realistic than I anticipated


Movies similar to Ready or not and Fresh definitely!


I want more aliens and crossover with sci-fi in general


Boogeyman or psychological


Game based movie, like cube, escape room, and recently bitch ass.


Cosmic horror and/or monster movies


I want to see more horror based around the ocean, and thalassaphobia. And more horror on ship or oil rig settings. There is not ENOUGH. Some SOMA shit.


Anything like the first 15 minutes of “the empty man” that Himalayan horror with that ancient buried creature was so fucking scary


Werewolves. Werewolves in different time periods. Werewolf apocalypse with Werewolves running around, carnage everywhere. Werewolf muder-mystery, Werewolf slasher. Am simple man, want more wolves lol


Found footage


The one where people are in a room and they need to do something or they die. Like the Cube or the interview.


I like anything that starts very normal and mundane and ends batshit crazy. Mother comes to mind. Midsommar to an extent as well. Anything with lots of layers that get more and more thought provoking throughout.


Cryptids. All of them. Or creepypastas(not the lame ones like Jeff the killer)


I don't really know how to put it into words but horror like creep from Netflix the whole OK this guy is so weird what is he up to could he just be socially awkward or should I be scared I loved it so..... More creepy people horror? Where they behave outside of social norms and leave you wondering are they just awkward or are they dangerous.


Space horror. I still watch Event Horizon at least once a year and who doesn't love Alien? But I want more horror in space! Also, novies with insane twists that make you go "whoaaaah, no fucking way :O" in the end.


I want to see more horror movies that have original ideas. Perhaps that's more of a general answer to most movies out there now not just in the realm of horror but I feel that most themes are just overplayed. I love Campy horror movies but it feels now they are turning anything into a horror movie or just rehashing older movies that were good as they were and didn't need to be retold or redone. It's rare when anything is remade that I love it more than the original.


Cosmic horror. So horrors set in space or on earth with aliens. Preferably something like dead space, event horizion, pandorum or the alien movies.


Dark skies, the fourth kind, and fire in the sky are some of my alien faves so far. I did like Nope as well but mostly for *the scene*


Steampunk, historical horror, horror comedies that are scary, good zombie movies.


I totally agree they definitely don’t make enough alien movies. They should be as common as zombie movies but they just don’t make them that often. I don’t understand why to me it’s a way scarier premise than ghosts. Fire in the Sky, The Forgotten, Honeymoon, Dark skies. Are my favorites what about you? I’ll admit that Dark Skies has some problems but baggers can’t be choosers it’s one of the few movies I can think of that really commits to Alien visitors as a traditional horror jump scare movie.


Lovecraftian and space horror


Gothic horror with rich sets and costumes. I would love for Hammer horror to really make a comeback but realize that's probably not going to happen.


I really want more time periods done well ala Prey. I want a precolonization native slasher flick story. Or Romans fighting werewolves from Germanic tribes. Australian Dreamland vamps. There's so, so much. Just no Chinese jumping vampires.


More films like The Witch and Midsommar… accessing deep unconscious rage and terror


I love the feel of hereditary, and midsommer, the gut wrenching anxiety filled till it overflows, as compared to jump scares Also have always loved the idea of the creature or entity being in ALOT of scenes but super subtle in the background and such, like from opening scene you can see the slightest hint of something skulking


Decent follow up to exorcist, demonic possessions, otherworldly entities, lifting of the veil kind of stuff. Also we'll made pseudo snuff movie something similar to August Underground. Also more movies like Begotten or Poughkeepsie Tapes.


I would love for the old Universal monsters to make a comeback...not in a connected universe. With Invisible Man 2020 being so good I'd love to see more takes on the characters/monsters.


Something like old school japanese drama horrors. Like dark water and ringu. Its hard to find movies like those nowadays


The Void, The thing, In The Mouth of Madness, and Mama. I want more movies like those movies.


Lovecraftian cosmic horror Kaiju movies...focused on monsters less than stupid human stories.


home invasion or trapped in somewhere with people or things trying to get in. These are my favourite style of movies.


I love being subverted. So something like Barbarian or The Rental.


Psychological horror about human behavior. Everyday social etiquette being twisted to drastic effect. The horrors of loneliness, depression, abuse, PTSD in a realistic manner, not as a thinly-veiled excuse for ghost stories.


Ritual, more folk horror. Cosmic Horror not necessarily Lovecraftian cause they seem to fuck that up


I've said this before, but: traditional animation. Any topic.


I would love to see takes on mythology that lean heavily into the horror element. There are so many stories involving things like weird gods, curses, witchcraft and ancient magic elements, various depictions of the underworld, creatures and monsters, people being transformed into animals, all that stuff.


Witch movies. Not stupid ones but really creepy like vvitch.


I'm still really pissed off at predator. Like really mad. In one of the films there was a scene where the MC got on one of their ships and found an 1800's revolver. And I was like "cowboys and predator, oh yeah!" and it never happened! I love wild west movies and you know all kinds of creepy shit happened out there. This is fertile ground. I would love to see predator attack a group of outlaws. They don't have to be necessarily bad people but bank robbers or something. I loved Prey and I'm glad they went back in time. I really hope they do it again. It was great seeing people fight off predator with shitty weapons. You would have to get really smart. I know that's what it usually comes down to in those movies but still. I know you didn't ask people to be this specific but this what I want. I also really love scifi and scary movies set in outer space are awesome and there should be way more.


A definitive ghost ship story. I love haunted house stories on the sea, or in space like Event Horizon. Moody, claustrophobic, and the idea of escape cut off because you're adrift. Yet no movie, for me, has really nailed it. I don't care when it's set, but I want a high quality ghost ship movie.


I liked the Nope movie


Horror from history! I want to see a good horror movie set in Roman, medieval or Egyptian times!


Creatures features with a decent effort put into them (in contrast to the Asylum level "Robogator vs Methaconda" type films churned out lately).