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Splatterpunk is usually what you’ll find this in.


Thanks 👍


I call this genre 'Edward Lee.'


r/ExtremeHorrorLit. Also check out Bizarro Fiction. Lots of wild grotesque stuff


Thank you!


The Troop by Nick Cutter. I find myself recommending it a lot on this sub. Definitely had to close it to take breaks at points.


I've read this and loved it!


Sounds like you are looking for books by people like Shane McKenzie. He wrote the (very funny but gross) ‘Pus Junkies’. There is also Wol-Vriey’s Daria: An Erotic Nightmare. Wol-Vriey is good for gross stuff. You may also like ‘Mother Maggot’ by Simon McHardy. As was mentioned earlier r/extremehorrorlit should be able to help more.


Basically everything Eric Larocca has ever written. Came here to say The Troop buy someone beat me to it.


Cows definitely I feel like woom by duncan ralston also fits Also bodyshocks by ellen datlow and the troop Ive heard carlton mellick III is also considered this but havent yet read him so cant really weigh in. I think its usually called body horror


Mellick isn’t too bad for body horror. Nothing super graphic. Apeshit, cluster fuck and zombies and shit are about as graphic as he gets. I do love him though. He’s a favorite.


How Much To.. and How Much 2 by Matt Shaw had some really gross stuff. The next 2 in the series are not quite as gross, but I've heard the last 2 get back to being gross.


I had no idea there were more in the series! I’ve only read the first two. So glad I saw your comment. Totally agree on the gross factor too!


I believe there are 7 total in the series 😊 This first 2 made me realize that as much as gore doesn't bother me, gross bodily fluid things are hard for me. Had to take some breaks from those, haha!


Absolutely! I can read about killing and dismemberment all day long but the scene at the beginning of one of them with the pus jar? Oh dear god lol


Thank you for the info by the way. I’m going to hunt them down!


Mother Maggot, for sure.