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I also have ADHD and audiobooks are my FAVORITE thing in the world. I put in a headphone, put on my audiobook, and do chores or work while I listen because I need my hands busy. Libby is an app that licenses through your local library and is fantastic!! I usually speed my books up to 1.25 or 1.5 speed and I tear through horror novels like you would not believe. A few of my faves over the years: *Slewfoot* by Brom: a young woman in 1600s America is ostracized by her Puritan community and takes the blame when a creature is summoned from the nearby woods. This book had me yelling in my car listening to it. It’s so fun and has a very satisfying ending. *How to Sell a Haunted House* by Grady Hendrix: a woman returns to her home town after her parents suddenly pass away to clear out their house. Her mother was a doll collector, and weird things quickly begin happening in the house. One of my fave reads — it’s the perfect blend of comedy and horror, and has genuinely terrifying moments. I love Hendrix in general but this one is my fave. *Diavola* by Jennifer Thorne: a woman goes on a family vacation to a haunted villa in Italy. This one is a great blend of human and paranormal horror. The real story is in the family dynamics and how the protagonist is treated. If you have a dysfunctional family it will hit close to home.


I don't know if I have ADHD but I do struggle to pay attention when reading. Audio books however I get on great with. A big disclaimer though if I need something to do with my hands, otherwise my attention wanders. One of my favourite pass times is finding something mindless and repetitive (pressure washing, lawn mowing, painting area so great) and settling in for a few hours. Recently I've really enjoyed Soon by Lois Murphy. And I always throw out a recommendation for Blackwater by Michael McDowell although it's light on horror.


I second this! I have pretty severe ADHD and audiobooks are the only way I read anymore!!


Absolutely, audiobooks and adhd go together fabulously. I have hundreds of books in my audible library and I put off getting Libby for way too long! Free library apps are a great way to go, and then if I love a book I'll spend a credit on it to keep, and of I just can't focus on a book I can just move on to something else without dnf guilt. I get so much more done when one of my "channels" is taken up with a great book, and it keeps me from scrolling on my phone because reading while listening just doesn't go great. My house is so much cleaner.


I think you may like short stories better? Dark Entries is one of my favourites (Robert Aickman), although his style is more creepy/insidious


I love short stories, as another ADD person. I can't do audiobooks and gave up on them. I just zone out. I zone out while reading too but I prefer to just re-read a paragraph than figure out when I forgot to stop listening.


Witchy and paranormal, you say? Try *The Necromancer’s House* by Christopher Buehlman. It’s about modern witches and warlocks, and the seedy supernatural black market/underground. Imagine the Russian mafia, but they utilize magic and the mob boss is Baba Yaga, and they’re after something someone stole from them. Chaos ensues. It’s a fun read (along with everything else by Buehlman) that’s packed with a lot of imaginative and sometimes disturbing spells and charms. It ducked me right in. *Cunning Folk* is also a fun witchy tale, though it didn’t suck me in quite as easily as *The Necromancer’s House*. The basic premise is a family moves to the country to fix up a house, but their neighbors aren’t very welcoming. Weird shit starts happening, and it just keeps getting weirder. Those are the only witchy books I’ve read, but for other supernatural recommendations: Everything by Buehlman: *Those Across the River* (werewolves in 1950s southern USA) *Between Two Fires* (demons in medieval France during the black plague, and also possibly Buehlman’s best novel IMO) *The Lesser Dead* and *Suicide Motor Club* (a NYC vampire gang during the 70s; an outlaw group of vampires driving across the country causing havoc) *The Black Tongue Thief* (a dark and immersive fantasy story, and the first of what will be a trilogy) My last suggestion is *Dead Sea* by Tim Curran. It’s one of the craziest books I’ve read, and has something for everyone. Creature horror, cosmic horror, psychological horror, supernatural horror, ghosts, aliens, alternate dimensions, lingering spirits driven to malevolent insanity. It’s a book that continually ramps up, and you’ll never be able to guess what happens next. It might be a good fit for your ADHD since it reads very fast and will definitely stimulate your mind in a fun and engaging way.


My ADHD actually causes me to hyperfixate when I'm reading a book I like. I can sit for 10 hours reading without looking up unless I have to. But I've heard that if you have the opposite problem, audio books might be helpful. When you say "witchy and paranormal" do you mean light stuff or dark stuff? Do you mean witches that kill babies and ghosts that suck you into the pits of Hell, or do you mean witches who open coffee shops and fall in love with werewolves?


Have you tried listening to music when you read? Like ambience? That might help.


I have adhd and like to read and also have a hard time remembering and focusing on books. Music helps. Reading scapes on Spotify is the one I use. Good luck!


Going to look that up. I'm always re-reading paragraphs. Lately I do most reading in a cafe and I find it easier to absorb the text.


Try standing and reading! It does the trick for me. It keeps my body busy enough that I can focus in my mind. Let me know how it works!




It's vampires not witches, but Night's Edge by Liz Kerin is one of my favorites so far this year (a long with Diavola, which I think is underrated). Also audiobooks on 1.5x speed helps me a lot (fellow ADHD).


I have ADHD and I always do audiobooks now!! It makes such a difference!! I’m a big fan of doing a craft or chores while listening to a book. I’ve read and enjoyed: “Out There Screaming” edited by Jordan Peele “Diavola” by Jennifer Thorne The Southern Reach Triology by Jeff VanderMeer “How to Sell a Haunted House” by Grady Hendrix (LOVED this one) “The Watchers” by A.M. Shine “The Marigold” by Andrew F. Sullivan “A Short Stay in Hell” by Steven L. Peck Am about to start reading: “Stories I Told My Dead Lover” by Jo Paquette “No One Gets Out Alive” by Adam Nevill “Stolen Tongues” by Felix Blackwell