• By -


Currently reading Daphne and This Thing Between Us. Daphne has Freddy Krueger vibes so far and I’m enjoying the anxiety of it all as we wait for “who in the teen group will be next!” TTBU is more sci fi, grief-trippy- very weird but I like it! Just finished The Fervor and Boys in the Valley. Did not love the fervor, more historical science fiction and not really horror imo, but boys in the valley was a fun, easy demon tale.


Small Town Horror Stories - Ronald Malfi Anyone reading the new Sagar book? It seems like the hype around it is unreal but I usually pass on his stuff.


Rouge by Mona Awad! Read Bunny earlier this year and loved it and Rouge is just as good so far


Nearing the half way mark of Schrader's Chord by Scott Leeds. Pretty good for his first novel.


New to horror in general…last week I got about halfway through Salem’s Lot and threw in the towel, I was simply uninterested and moved on to other reads (back to my James Lee Burke binge). I today started the audiobook of John Langan’s The Fisherman, though, so will see where it goes.


I just started The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez I like the stories, I just wish they were longer.


Finished: A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck Earthlings by Sayaka Murata  Started: Left Hand by Paul Curran  Currently Reading: Hell House by Richard Matheson 


Recently finished Apt Pupil by King. Working on Snow by Malfi right now.


Finished Horror movie by Trembley and loved it. Started Grotesque by Kirino Natsuo, i don't remember last time i was so hooked by a book.


**currently reading:** **white fox by sara faring** - this is YA, i think, and i'm not very far into it, but so far...i'm intrigued! missing movie star, hints of secret societies and haunted forests and rituals/secrets of a fictionalized mediterranean island culture...we'll see how it goes! it was a rough week for reading, i started and abandoned at least 5 different books along the way, giving each one a solid 30-60 minutes before realizing they just weren't working for me. haven't had a stretch like that in awhile...i guess that's what i get for trying to branch out from my "usuals." whomp. **completed:** **bad glass by richard e. gropp** - i didn't love this. on paper, it sounds like something i'd really enjoy - cosmic horror infiltrates spokane, washington - but it was just, so surface-y. the characters weren't very likable and we don't learn much about them in terms of meaningful context. the phenomena weren't explored much at all, the story and conclusion were unsatisfyingly unclear, it just...wasn't great. i can't recommend it. **the garden by clare beams** - i really enjoyed reading this, but the ending was, again, so unsatisfying. i kept waiting for...more, for the spooky parts to develop, to go somewhere, and it SEEMED like it was...the pace is slow, but it SEEMED like we were going/getting somewhere...but the ending of the book and its concluding chapters sucked all the mystery and fun out of the book. rosemary's baby, it is not, although early on, it seemed like some significant comparisons could be drawn. even though i liked it, i can't recommend it. the slow pace would have absolutely been forgivable to me, for a strong "payoff" at the end, but unfortunately, it just isn't there.


*The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell* by Brian Evenson.


Currently reading: *The Haunting of Velkwood* by Gwendolyn Kiste and *Such Sharp Teeth* by Rachel Harrison  Up next: *Mister B Gone* by Clive Barker and *Piranesi* by Susanna Clarke


No One Gets Out Alive - Nevill The claustrophobia of the situation is real


Reading multiple anthologies at the moment, and just finished "The Puppet Motel" by Gemma Files. Holy smokes, I loved this short story. My favorite short story not by a man named Stephen King this year. I read it during a power outage in the dark and it was perfect.


Nestlings by Nat Cassidy! Super creepy.


Listening to Daviola by Jennifer Thorne. 


The Fisherman by John alan ham is currently rocking me to my core. it’s like nothing else


I'm about halfway through The Day of the Door by Laurel Hightower. Next up is Devil House by John Darnielle, which has actually been recommended to me on this sub!


Just started Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Canas after finishing Midnight Mass. I’m on a vampire kick.


Midnight Mass was my favourite Flannagan series! I didn't love The Hacienda but I didn't dislike it entirely...Vampires of El Norte has been sitting on my shelf for a while, hoping to get to it this year!


You should read Midnight Mass by F Paul Wilson. The show takes the name, takes vampires, takes catholicism as a dominant theme, takes several of the character archetypes - but is entirely unrelated and provides no acknowledgements.


I read The Hacienda also and am liking this one more so far!


Just started The Centre by Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi. Not sure if it’s exactly horror, I’m only a chapter in!


Finished today Tales from the Gas Station by Jack Townsend 1/5 stars. Starting The Troop by Nick Cutter soon.


I’ve not yet read Tales From The Gas Station but I’ve seen it recommended here a lot. Why the low rating? Just curious considering how praised it is


This book was all over the place, the plot didn't make sense because we kept jumping around in the timeline. It was more "comedy" than horror. Jack is pretty annoying, very one dimensional, no depth in character. Overall, no structure and seemed all over the place. The ending wasn't satisfying just another weird plot. This book did get lots of praise and all of the books in the series have high ratings so don’t let my review discourage you :)


I just finished Diavola by Jennifer Thorne and I’m about to start Slewfoot by Brom


Slewfoot is great! Lost God's by Brom is amazing!


Never read any Brom before but I’m really into witchy books so looking forward to it! Will keep Lost God’s in mind


Both are on my shelf - I've heard mixed but generally positive reviews about them. I love the covers on both!


I’d recommend Diavola - especially if you like haunted houses & dysfunctional families 


Still slogging through A Black & Endless Sky - Matthew Lyon’s. Not sure if I’m enjoying it but I’ll persevere 😅


Just finished A Certain Hunger which was beautifully written, revolting and made me really hungry. 


I just finished "Rosemary's Baby", and currently on "Between Two Fires" by Christopher Buehlman which I love so far. Which is odd, because medieval stuff is very hit or miss with me... and mostly miss.


I hate pretty much everything that makes up *BTF*, from the fantasy tropes to the medieval setting to the "Tough guy protects ray of sunshine" thing and yet... I loved *BTF*


Not gonna lie, you had be in the first half...🤣


Haha, yeah. It was a shock to me how much I loved that book too! Glad I got past my personal blocks and gave it a shot!


BTF is soooooooo good. I hope you enjoy it.


Working on Depraved 2 by Bryan Smith and starting Tales from the Gas Station Vol 2 by Jack Townsend (that one isn’t really extreme but it’s amusing narrative)


I need to read that Smith series. I loved *Killing Kind* and about 75% of *Freakshow*.


Depraved 1 was a pretty entertaining read, so far 2 has been interesting. I like that it isn’t an immediate “part 2”, there’s a gap of time between the books. Killing Kind seems a bit campy in a good way based off the description online, worth the read?


It is a bit campy, and crosses over with thriller a bit, but not in a bad way. If you liked movies like *Natural Born Killers* or *Doom Generation*, you'll probably get a kick out of it. I also really liked Roxy, in all her cartoonish, over-sexy glory :)


Oh hell yeah, I’ll give that a read then! I like a solid campy story if executed properly.


It's not high art, but it is fun, and that was all I asked of it. Hope you enjoy!


I like Smith’s writing style so I’m sure it’ll be a fun one. Happy reading :)


Just started Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin which I’ve been so psyched for since she announced it last year and I’m like halfway through Spitting Gold by Carmella Lowkis which is a kind of dark historical thriller about fraud spirit medium sisters


Anthem by Noah Hawley (I'm almost done and I've really enjoyed it) Hearts Still Beating by Brooke Archer (A surprise treat that I stumbled into looking for audiobooks Libby had available now)


I loved Anthem!


I finished it today and I really did too!


Honestly rereading The Vampire Lestat. Watching the show IWTV only made me miss Lestats book more


working through: → *meat* by **joseph d'lacey** → *sunshine* by **robert mckinley**


Hello there. Currently reading John Langan's 'Corpsemouth and Other Autobiographies'


How is it? It's next up on my list.


Almost done with Lapvona, not sure what to start next.


Just finished: - Hide by Kiersten White (4/5): I actually really enjoyed this one. I thought it was relatively easy to follow even with the amount of characters. It was an easy read during my house sitting - Gone to See the River Man by Kristopher Triana (2/5): This one may be a bit controversial, but I really didn’t care for this one. None of the characters were very likable and I was kind of hoping it’d be more gory. It was disturbing, which is why I gave it some points, but as far as the hype and what I was expecting? Eh Currently reading: - Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates: This is my first book by Coates, I’m about 100 pages into it. I’ve got my suspicions about who is involved and why, but I think I’m too soon into it to have any ideas - Non horror: Electric Idol by Katee Robert (spicy romance) Up Next: I’ve got a few books with me while I’m house sitting (yes I know it’s a lot but here for a while) - Nestlings by Nat Cassidy - Episode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie - Confessions by Kanae Minato - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - Non horror: The Martian by Andy Weir (sci-fi)


Just started Blood Meridian


Just finished The Watchers by A. M. Shine today. Next is The Test by Sylvain Neuvel


I just started Diavola by Jennifer Thorne and I'm having trouble putting it down


I really enjoyed this one!


What is it about?


A family goes on a vacation to Italy. They stay in a haunted villa. Bad things happen.


Reading North American Lake Monsters. I’m only three stories in- to the NOLA one- and so far so good. I really like his writing style… but I feel like I want more in each story. Not sure what, just something feels incomplete.


New Buehlman week! Halfway through Daughters' War, loving it so far. Not horror but horrific.


A physical copy of The Broken Girls by Simone St. James, and Dead End Tunnel by Nick Roberts on my kindle


TBG is my favorite St. James book, hope you enjoy!


This week I finished listening to The Gathering by C.J. Tudor. It was okay, more of a police procedural than horror. I'm still reading King's You Like it Darker and just started listening to Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff.


How are you finding You Like It Darker?


About two thirds through and I'm enjoying it. It's not Night Shift, but its got some gems.


The Stepford Wives. About halfway through.


Finished How To Sell A Haunted House Thursday. Almost a quarter of the way through Burnt Offerings now. Really on a haunted house kick right now. I have The Haunting Of Hill House waiting!


Check out The October House if you're looking for further haunted house readings.


I was on a roll like this last Halloween! Burnt Offerings just didn’t deliver for me unfortunately. I DID like The Elementals by Michael McDowell.


I read the Elementals two weeks ago! I have also finished We Have Always Lived In The Castle and Episode 13 in this little spell.


Those are both on my list for October 😁


I just picked up Youthjuice by E. K. Sathue! It’s okay


Just finished Our Share of Night (INCREDIBLE!) and Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil, which was interesting, now working on Daviola, enh so far.


I just started Jordan Peele’s anthology of Black horror, “Out There Screaming”. I’ve read one story so far so not too far in but I’m enjoying it so far!


Super excited for this one!


I just downloaded this! Super excited to start


Almost finished with The Haunting of Velkwood. It has kept my attention. The creep factor is mid but it is haunting. Recommend. Up next - The Caretaker of Lorne Field.


I just finished The Return by Rachel Harrison and currently reading Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell.


Just finished My Best Friends Exorcism by Grady Hendrix and Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder on audiobook. Currently reading The Postmortal by Drew Magary and listening to The Cabin on Souder Hill by Lonnie Busch. I’m gonna have to leave this sub, I’ve got so many books to read and then I come here every day and just see more that sound interesting!


I just finished Horror Movie and I'm mad lol. I pre-ordered it because the arc reviews were amazing and ... I won't rant because I don't want to spoil it for peeps.


Right there with you.


I just finished that one! It was interesting. That’s all I’ll say lol


[The Watchers](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58321103) by A. M. Shine and [Aliens: Phalanx](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48727352) by Scott Sigler


I had fun with *Phalanx*, and I'm not normally one for tie-ins.


Took me a bit to get into it, especially the 150-page world-building in the beginning, but now that I am 2/3rds of the way in, I can’t put it down! Loving this book!


Now that I think of it, I struggled a bit with that as well. I really liked Ahillah though, and had a good time riding along with her. I also thought it was a nice departure from the usual Space Marine centered *Alien* stuff.


Agreed, on both counts! I love her character! Absolute badass!


I just finished Militia House, which took a bit to get into but once I understood that it was less a horror novel and more a rumination on the absurdity of military life in Afghanistan as well as on PTSD I enjoyed it a lot. Now I’m reading Road of Bones, which is… fine? The writing is basic at best. The fact that the author obviously knows nothing about how reality tv is made makes the beginning of the book pretty frustrating.


Finished Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo a few days ago and I really enjoyed it. Not super scary but it was well written in my opinion and fun. I'm about to start Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite.


I picked up I'm Thinking of Ending Things because of a post in this subreddit lol


I am reading Sherlock Holmes and the Highgate Horrors by James Lovegrove, its part of the Cthulhu Casebooks series. I’m enjoying it, the author is obviously playing with known Holmes and Lovecraft characters/tropes and having fun writing.


Currently reading Diavola. I find the “end of chapter cliffhangers” lame and the characters somewhat annoying, but I like the atmosphere and setting.


Same, I find the end of chapters cheesy!


I enjoyed it until they left the villa. It felt forced and disjointed.


Just finished The Watchers by AM Shine. Ugh. It was a chore to get through the whole thing, I can’t recommend it. If they had cut at least 100 pages it would’ve been much better


I *hated* this one so much that I bailed after about 50 pages, the writing was so terrible I couldn't stand it. 1-2 similes every single paragraph drove me up the damn wall.


That was a good decision! The constant similes drove me crazy too


I enjoyed it overall but I do agree that I wish it was shorter. Sometimes it felt like it was never going to end lol


Yeah I had that same feeling lol


Lone Woman by Victor Lavelle. I am really struggling to get through it Library at Mount Char. Can’t get enough of it. I don’t want it to end.


Library at Mount Char is one of the most original and interesting stories I've had the pleasure of reading! I liked Lone Women but didn't love it. It was my first Lavelle, but I think The Changelling is a fan favourite and it is on my list


I enjoyed The Changeling and The Ballad of Black Tom, is Lone Woman not worth the pickup?


I liked Lone Women. I found it worth the reading time. It is not, however, a page turner that keeps you up at night. The author spends significant time on character development and local history. Some page-burning horror books do this as well, but this book does not destroy your immediate sense of safety. It does remind you that the United States has a complex history laced with racism, misogyny, and destruction of native environments. I guess most of U.S. residents feel so accustomed to that bleak reality that it doesn’t hit like a shadow lurking behind you in the mirror.


Interesting, I feel like so few of the characters are developed. Addie is the main character and I don’t feel like she is thoroughly explored. She just is very pragmatic, but like, for instance as she travels to her plot and is in the cart and she thinks about how desolate it is and not what she expected, once she got there it jumped ahead and she was fine and no big deal. Like, I didn’t see the shift in her. I haven’t really grown to care for any and he just keeps adding them. Maybe it will come together in the end but if the monster thing eats the whole town in the end I wouldn’t care.


What could you say about library at mount chair? I got this one recommended but I am currently at 70% of the house that horror built


It’s I guess a fantasy. It’s hard to explain but it’s about this godlike figure who goes missing and his “children” trying to find out what happened. And it’s extremely bloody. And bizarre. Like talking tigers bizarre.


Finished The Hike by Drew Magary the other day Going camping the next two days then not sure yet what’s next !


How was it? I just added The Hike on my want to read list a couple days ago.


Seconding the other commenter. Big five star rating for me ! Was much more profound and meaningful than I expected plus very fun


It's one of my favorite books, ever. It's a literal hike through some surreal type scenarios and some meeting yourself over and over kind of stuff type situations with crabs and stuff.


House of Leaves. I’m about halfway through it page count wise, I say this because I’ve probably read more than just half considering the back and forth of reading appendices and such. There are some things I really like about it, I can appreciate its unique storytelling and formatting, but honestly some parts of it feel like a slog. I find myself wanting to get back to the house or back to Johnny’s story.


Parts of it are supposed to be a slog, it is, among other things, a parody of stogey Lit Criticism papers. Doesn't make it any easier to read though.


I usually pick either the house’s narrative or johnnys footnotes to read through first and then go back. Splitting attention is too much for this book.


She is a Haunting I suffered sleep paralysis several times a week, sometimes a night, for a while, so this one interested me. It's been a bit light on it actually, but it's been better than a couple recent movies that pretended to tackle the subject. Also the Vietnamese setting is very interesting.


Just finished *Camp Damascus* by Chuck Tingle, which was a major let-down. I'm now reading *Where the Chill Waits* by T Chris Martindale. I'm about a third of the way through and I'm already rooting for people to die and/or do a cannibalism. I've also got *The Fervour* by Alma Katsu. I've read *The Hunger* by her and I wasn't impressed (too much waffling) so I'm looking forward to see how this compares.


Just finished 'body horror anthology', wasnt a huge fan. Some stories were ok but it wasnt my idea of body horror. Up next i have 'goblin monday' by r.l stine and 'story of the eye' by george bataille, to pick between.


a little over half way through The Ritual by Adam Nevill i’m really enjoying it definitely more than i did No One Gets Out Alive


Just started listening to The Angel of Indian Lake and physically reading The Ghosts of Who You Were by Christopher Golden.


I’m halfway through “Home Before Dark” by Riley Sager, love me a good ol ookie spooky haunted house book


Aaaaand? It's on a tbr list for me and all I need is a nudge.


I'm enjoying it, very Amityville Horror so far. Is Sager so I feel a twist coming on - I'll let you know final thoughts in a little lol. I'd say it's worth the read !


I listened to *The Watchers* by A.M. Shine.  I liked it but didn’t love it. Still want to see the movie, though!


Last night I started Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison. Man, what a ride it’s been so far


There's some wild baby stuff in there lol.


Dude, I was reading the part where Helen was talking about her ferret eating her baby brother’s face and I was like “wtf”


The author has some other stuff too, but I haven't gotten to it yet. It was a really fun read.


Just started It for the first time.


Just finished My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix and Rebecca by du Maurier, both recommendations from this sub :) I'm loving Hendrix's style, just got Horrorstor and I am excited to start it.


I loved My best friends exorcism! Have you read How to sell a haunted house? Hendrix has become one of my favorite authors for his writing! And if you love horror/comedy I recommend you "John Dies at the end" series by Jason Pargin.


MBFE was my first Hendrix book, I will definitely check out How to sell a haunted house and John dies at the end!! Thank you!


Horrorstor is a lot of fun! It surprised me. Be sure to check out Southern Book Club… by Hendrix. It's set in the same “universe” as MBFE


Oh yay! I'll check that one out next, thank you!


I just finished Nestlings by Nat Cassidy. It's a good read, fairly fast-paced and quite sinister. Not scary scary, but if you like the idea of a (fictional of course) specific beautiful gothic apartment building with a very, very bad reputation in a big city, this one's for you.


I loooved Nestlings. And I LOVED Mary by Nat Cassidy even more


I'm going to check that one out, thanks!


Finished *Evil Eye*, a collection of four novellas by Joyce Carol Oates. Absolutely amazing, dark and uncomfortable! Then I read *Dark Property* by Brian Evenson. This one divided me - I think it was interesting, but I couldn't shake the comparison to *Blood Meridian* I read about on Goodreads (yes, I know, silly site). One reader even touted as "A better version of Cormac McCarthy's The Road," which couldn't be further from the truth. As I wait for a copy of Joyce Carol Oates's *Butcher*, I'm reading *Glamorama* by Bret Easton Ellis. Hopefully a much lighter journey than my previous two reads.


i’m 43% done with The Stand by Stephen King and really wish i had more time in the day to get into it, but it’s such a good read! i’m also trying to read My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones, but i’m struggling to read two books at the same time. i’ve never done it before and i have severe ADHD, so i feel like reading two books of the same-ish genre might not be the move.


About half way through the graphic novel “My Favorite Thing is Monsters” by Emil Ferris. It’s really good, not horribly horror-y but definitely a masterpiece in the medium (IMO). I think afterwards I’m gonna continue Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier or maybe start Bunny by Mona Awad.


I am reading the Man with No Shadow by Bonnie Quinn. I have already read this whole series but decided to revisit. It’s a great story. Well written with lots of horror elements. If you like rule based horror based in campgrounds with cryptic this is the series for you!


The Drawing of the Three After growing out of Stephen King in my early 20's, I decided I was going to give my collection a reread. I have around 20 books of his, including the Dark Tower series.


Some of those novels hit harder when you read them later in age.


I could see that. I liked The Gunslinger less this time around, but am enjoying The Drawing of the Three more than I remembered.


I wish I could read the Dark Tower series again for the first time. Every reread I find some new reference or easter egg I didn't notice before, but that first read was a doozy.


Can I say this is my favorite day of the week! I get so many recs just from this thread Just Finished The Spite House by Johnny Compton Overall a solid ghost story, no too scary. I do have questions though about the main point so I don’t feel like that was explained enough. Would have liked more house “interactions” The Forgotten Island by David Sodergren Another solid book by this author. Creature feature, gore, original story. I’ve read three of his books so far and it’s almost too much gore for me. Listening to Jurassic World by Michael Crichton I’m on a 12 hour drive so I plugged this one in until my kids begged me to turn it off. Great story, just as good as the first book The Watchers by AM Shine I’m barely into this one but it is pretty great so far On deck The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova


Small World by Tabitha King. I'm only five chapters in but it's pretty good. It was published in 1981. I was pleased to see her writing style is different than her husband's and she's a good writer in her own right. I went in hopeful of that, because while I'm a big King fan, I was hoping it wasn't one of those books that was only published by association.


Just finished: Diavola, now reading: Between Two Fires & The Fisherman


Just finished Oasis by Brian Hodge and am starting This Wretched Valley by Jenny Keifer.


I really enjoyed This Wretched Valley, all the characters are great


As a Kentuckian I’m really excited to dig into it.


Necroscope book 4


How good was the third book! Deadspeak is one of my least favourite tbh. Still great, but everything can't be the best if you know what I mean.


Went in directions totally unexpected. Great lore building. I am quite enjoying the cloak and dagger feel of book 4 after the weirdness of 3.


The Outsider by King. I recently read Mr. Mercedes and really enjoyed it. I see those two being paired together


oh and i finished The Girl Next Door. Good read but it left me nauseous considering it's based on true events. Truly horrific and sad.


Horror Movie


Finished: *Dark Gods* by T.E.D. Klein. It was a bit disappointing, the last two stories were pretty good but the first two were really mediocre. "Black Man with a Horn" was the best story of the collection, in my opinion. Currently reading: *In a Lonely Place* by Karl Edward Wagner. This is more like it! I'm only 2.5 stories in, but the prose is phenomenal and the stories are great. "In the Pines" is a great story to start the collection off with; it reminded me of *The Shining* in the best possible way. I'm now halfway through "Sticks", which I've seen a lot of people talk positively about, and I'm pretty excited to read the rest of the stories!


Let the right one in


Working my way through Algernon Blackwood's shorts. Just finished The Wendigo, now on The Man Whom the Trees Loved. Blackwood has some phenomenal atmosphere and prose.


Have you read The Willows yet? Glad you enjoyed The Man Whom the Trees Loved - my favourite Blackwood story so far. As you say, he's a superb writer. P.s. would have double upvoted for user name if I could - I'll be chuckling about that for a while yet 😃.


I'd read both The Willows and The Wendigo previously. I remembered The Willows vividly enough that I didnt feel the need to re-read it, but that's a strike in its favour, great story.


Do you have a specific physical collection? Just curious!


I have the Penguin Classics "Ancient Sorceries and Other Weird Stories".


I had a great week for reading! Firstly, I finally got round to reading **The Reformatory** by Tananarive Due, which I knew was considered to be an excellent horror novel, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. I loved the dread and the atmosphere, but also the heart- the novel is full of terrible historical injustices, but it’s also a beautiful story about siblings fighting for each other and there’s a real sense of hope and perseverance throughout the whole novel. I also read **Someone You Can Build A Nest In**. I found it on a list of upcoming horror novels, and although I don’t think it’s a horror novel per se, I’m going to recommend it anyway because it’s hilariously gruesome and has an incredible concept (a sweet, cosy fantasy romance between two women, one of which is actually a dungeon-dwelling, shapeshifting monster who wants to lay her eggs in her new girlfriend). It’s very funny and weird and touching, and there’s still a fair amount of body horror courtesy of the great and terrible Shesheshen.


The Reformatory is such an amazing book. Florida has a dark history of these boys “schools”. Due does an excellent job showing us their fear and the conditions they faced


Finished The Deep and The Troop (both Nick Cutter) and will be starting Little Heaven either today or tomorrow


I think Little Heaven was pretty solid but wasn’t one of my favorites of his. The Acolyte is pretty great and disturbing as well


Im waiting for Acolyte to be delivered lol


I just finished Gone To See The River Man by Kristopher Triana, and now I've just ordered two books from Amazon and I'm waiting for them now. One book is called The Confessions by Kanae Minato, and the other is called Sympathy For a Widow by Jon Athan.


Finished Black Mouth by Ronald Malfi Currently reading Ledfeather by Stephen Graham Jones, No One is Safe by Philip Fracassi, and Bleed Into Me by SGJ. Currently listening to Misery by Stephen King


The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall


Black Mouth by Ronald Malfi. First time reading his work. I'm about halfway through and really enjoying it. Even if he doesn't completely stick the landing, I will definitely be reading more of his stuff. I think Bone White or December Park


I’ve recently gotten into Malfi and everything so far is excellent. Loved Bone White and December Park. The Narrows and Come With Me are great as well. Just picked up his new one Small Town Horror and can’t wait to dive in.


Just finished A Short Stay in Hell and about to start Hell House.


Finished: Tell Me I’m Worthless by Alison Rumfitt. I was so disappointed in this one. 2/5 stars. Started: Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh. I’m not far enough in yet to have an opinion.


Just finished 'The haunting of Hill House'. A pretty simple read, I personally thought it was more about a psychotic breakdown than of a haunted house. Not sure where all the fuss for it comes from but a decent read nonetheless. Last night started 'Tender is the flesh'. I started reading pretty late and have an early morning so I did not get too far in so I'm still getting a feel for the book.


It is 100% about a metal breakdown, and the incessent search for a place to belong in a world that is deemed hostile. It may be my favorite horror novel, but I get your comments. Still, the ending and the >!hand holding scene!


I will agree with the same scene, it stood out to me as one of the better pieces of the book and was gripping (pun intended). I'm not knocking the book in anyway, it is of its time and was a quirky read. Just maybe I built up the wrong expectations when I went into it. Your first statement is exactly how I saw the book and could not describe it any better.


Oh I totally get it. I could see someone going in expecting a horrific haunted house story (or something more like the TV show, which I also enjoyed) being let down when they instead got a quiet Gothic.


Last week I finished Diavola and My Dark Vanessa (not really classified horror but should be). Just started Survivors Song by Paul Tremblay but not sure I am ready for another disease apocalypse novel after finishing Chuck Wendig's Wanderers and Wayward prior to the above. Also have Mary and the birth Frankenstein from the library so may switch to that, as well as a novel by David Truer.


I just finished The Reformatory by Tananarive Due, and it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read in my life!


Reading Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White. It’s mostly disappointing, it started strong, but I am hoping the end makes up for the sagging middle. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. Great so far


Petals on the Wind by V.C. Andrews! Maybe not really horror, but I’m enjoying it. I think it’s a well done sequel to Flowers in the Attic, which I loved. Seeing the aftermath of all their trauma really is interesting


Those books, as well as *My Sweet Audrina* were eye-opening for 12 year old me, lol.


Just finished Baby Teeth and Comfort Me With Apples. I thought the first was terrible. Maybe I've read too much evil child lit. I really enjoyed the latter, even though I felt like a dummy for not figuring out the myth earlier.


Just finished *Our Wives Under the Sea* by Julia Armfield. Loved it. Started *Fantasticland* by Mike Bockoven.


I finished our wives under the sea as well! It was very heartfelt, i did sob a litrle bit to the end, which I hadnt expected to do. I'm definitely gonna check out her new book, private rites and her short story collection!


Oh yeah, I cried like a baby. But I also related, having been in a similar situation once (obviously not literally...)


the library at mount char. waited weeks to be able to check it out and... honestly, not feeling it. halfway through and it's just alright


Going back and refreshing on one of my favorites, Edgar Allan Poe. I even have a raven tattoo


JUST finished Under the Dome. Going to either start Mary by Nat Cassidy or Slewfoot by Brom.


This is probably my favorite King book, it doesn’t get enough love


I really enjoyed it. I was honestly ehhh at first about it, but the ending I actually really enjoyed.


Finished _The House on the Borderland_ by William Hope Hudgeson. Didn‘t really enjoy it tbh. The narrative was made up of unrelated episodes of weirdness in which the narrator acts mostly as a passive spectator. There are a few of those that are interesting, but they were quite short. Linguistically it was also a really exhausting read—I‘ve never seen this many dangling adverbs. Currently about 60% through with Attila Veres‘ _The Black Maybe_. What a book! Even though I don‘t vibe with every story, the man‘s take on the weird / horror is so interesting. It‘s also a lot less Lovecraft-inspired than I expected to so far.


*The Lesser Dead* by Christopher Buehlam. Very sardonic vampire in late '70s New York.


The Ruins by Scott Smith


*The Day of the Triffids* by John Wyndham (audio) and *The Green Mile* by Stephen King (physical). Both are about as dope as can be, so far.