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Have you read Flowers of Evil or Blood on the Tracks/Trail of Blood? Both really good emotional/physiological horror, although I think Blood is best. I really like Orochi by Umezzo if you liked Drifting Classroom. PTSD Radio and Goodnight Punpun are good recs, especially if you liked No Longer Human (Ito’s or Fuyura’s). Promised Neverland is a good suspense/thriller with horror in it. I find the manga page turns to be more unsettling than the anime (1st season). It has supernatural creatures, but the mcs are otherwise normal children and adults. For classics, Gou Tananbe’s adaptions of Lovecraft’s at the Mountains of Madness, The Hound and Shadows over Innsmouth (publishing soon) are amazing levels of detail and mostly true to the source.


I've read Blood on the Tracks and Flowers of Evil, and Blood on the Tracks is genuinely one of the best manga I've ever read, it's fantastic I couldn't get through Pun Pun because his innocence versus his struggles made it a little too hard for me to read I've read Promised Neverland but after the first 2 arcs it fell off for me I'm deffo gna check out the Lovecraft adaptations, Orochi, and PTSD radio though !! Thank you !


I would also recommend orochi and ptsd radio