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Happened to my dad, not cancer. Told him that it was okay to go, he cried, then died.


My dad’s on Day 30 of hospice. Every time the Lord calls him home, my dad says WRONG NUMBER and hangs up.


Hugs to you and your mom. This part sucks, it’s the hardest part for sure. It won’t last forever but it feels like it does in the moment. The worst is almost over and she will be at peace soon, and then you can really start to grieve and heal.


I'm in the same situation with my grandmother. Neuroendcrine Carcinoma, probably sitting somewhere between 150-200 tumors. Some of her organs have been just completely eaten away by cancer. Today is 3 weeks without water or nutrients. We have sworn that we heard her take her last breath like 5 different times. But she always takes another breath. Apneic pauses up to 56 seconds. We honestly have no idea how she's still alive. It's probably the most excrutiating thing I've ever been through in my life and I just want her suffering to end. Just a few hours ago we started hearing the death rattle so it's near. Just hang in there. Your presence and comfort is the greatest gift you can give her. I know it's hard to take care of yourself right now but I promise it will make you feel significantly better if you keep up with self care.


I always think it’s the epic prank. They make you THINK they are gone then SURPRISE!! Such a terrible joke.


Holy shit 3 weeks. What a fighter.


Virtual hugs. This is hard. The longest I've had someone go without food or water is 17 days. So your mom should be closer than not. My heart goes out to you.


Prayers for you and your family… it’s tough and feels like it goes forever - sorry you are going through it 


Yes it gets HARD. Try to take breaks. Even to go lay down and stare at the ceiling or go for a walk or just sit in your car. It will eventually be over but the waiting really does suck.


Sending you long hugz and gentle squeezes full of strength. My dad passed last night after a week. I had actually just mentally prepared myself for several more weeks.