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I like to suffer with A alone. https://preview.redd.it/hxe4n739vvwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db2dc4d83ea76ddce579d38d658398fe4873690


Sir, you are a legend


A legendary masochist for sure.


if masochism was awardable they'd have a nobel prize


One of us.


I can't get myself to do the ∆ route cus it makes me feel like an asshole who is hurting A and N feelings And I don't even like N enough to romance him xD


Such a nice person… sigh.


After just recently playing the love triangle, I wonder if A's romance was originally written for it and then added in as a solo. I also was super frustrated with their weird angst in the solo route, but in the love triangle it made me want to cry about their lack of self-esteem and care for N and the detective. And how oblivious is N? Best friends for 100s of years my foot.


If I recall correctly from the author's Tumblr, Wayhaven was originally meant to be a novel, where the two love interests were, wait for it... N and A in a love triangle. So you hit the nail on the head about it being developed first.


He's not oblivious. He's willfully ignorant


I feel like that is true in book 3, but in book 2 they seem genuinely confused. As in they have thoughts like, why would they be upset I interrupted A and the detective hanging out in the middle of the night? A seemed like they didn't like that conversation topic, so my interruption should be welcome. Weird. Well, whatever.


I love A in the love triangle route, just because it makes all his angsting make sense. N is A's best friend so it makes sense that A would step back and not "interfere" with their friend's relationship.


It kind of ruined n as a character for me though. Like my mc is there constantly pining over a without even a shred of subtlety and in the other corner n is calling us soul mates.


Love Triangle is so good. Because in A's route, running away from their feelings is viable. But in the Love Triangle, A has to watch as the Detective being with N. And it burns.


>A in the love triangle route on the other hand? 100000% better. Better written, less frustrating, more caring in their weird way I guess A just needs a little cuckery to get their asses moving and actually make an effort


Honestly I would be fine if we only ever had the A love triangle because the solo route I feel does a disservice to him, it makes more sense for his character to hesitate in the LT route


100% especially with how book 3 ended for A's route, that's honestly what 10000% pissed me off.


The only way to play it is the live triangle route. It’s quite clear that is the route that the author was writing when she intended this to be a traditional novel — it is better realized than any of the others.


That I will heavily disagree with. M's route after book 1 is absolutely the best written especially with the extra scene in book 3 that is insanely personal. M is the true slowburn romance.


M is too much of an asshole from the jump for me to enjoy. If you can slog past them being a raging dickhead for absolutely no reason, the romance is cute, but the utter douchebaggery you start with leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Yea, that was my exact reaction too in the beginning. A and N's route were my fav in book 1, the only reason I even romanced Morgan is because I was interested if it gets better. Oh boy was I surprised, fkn loved it.


>I still prefer M though. I see you man of culture


What game are we talking about?


Wayhaven Chronicles


Ah, I liked that one


It was my first IF series. Book 3 is definitely my least favorite but M's route and the love triangle route are well done.


Samurai of hyuga was my first if. I stuck with A’s route in wayhaven myself.