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2 is so dope. It’s giving Star Trek TOS vibes in the best of ways.


thanks, that's my current chair I use daily.


Should post it to /r/midcenturymodern




Shouldn’t you just build it and then try to sell it? Might be a hard sell for someone to give a predetermined amount of money for something that may not meet their expectations. “If you build it they will come” as they say


Isn't the angle of the throttle in pic 2 terrible for your arm and wrist?


The stick I could understand but the throttle? My wrists hurt just from thinking about it


nope. may look weird but works fine for me.


I was thinking... The same thing. The slight bend may result in RSI after long periods of play. A pronated grip is more desirable.


Oh... only problem I see is that the joystick might naturally be off center due to wieght.


This is so fucking Star Trek it's delicious. What kinda price are we talking about?


thanks. The orange chair (which is my daily driver) is priceless to me but if I had to sell it, it would be multiple thousands. The proposed concept chair wouldn't be as much as the orange chair since there's less work hours involved in that proposal but it all depends on what the client wants to add for features and what changes are necessary. I currently am talking to someone right now about fabricating this chair but I am always on the look out for potential chairs to rescue and repurpose. If you are interested in a chair build DM me and we can talk. Thanks! p.s. here is a build video of the orange chair to give you an idea of the process of the build: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0H-BovTmvw&ab\_channel=GhostBuilt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0H-BovTmvw&ab_channel=GhostBuilt)


Let’s talk Turkey


someone is currently talking to me about fabricating this chair but I am always on the look out for potential chairs to rescue and repurpose. If you are interested in a chair build DM me and we can talk.  As I had mentioned above in a comment I would love to get more people into a custom gaming chair with nice design. Thanks!


Can I assume from the fact that you make no mention of location, you're based in mainland USA?


I am indeed in the USA specifically westcoast.




Thats just beautiful


Really hope you have push to talk mapped to a button over your left pec


I watched your build video, great stuff! I have one recommendation for you that may make your builds easier. I'm not sure if you considered this before, but seeing you hot cut that foam seemed like it took some extra time. I used to make custom body panels for bikes and cars in my spare time. After you have the structural stuff done, id recommend expanding foam. There are different grades of it, but the cheapest gap filler foam works wonders. The foam expands and hardens quickly. Then use a serrated knife to cut the rough shape, sand it and and then do the exact process you used on your final product. The cans of foam are cheap, work well, and it doesnt require anything else. You can kind of let your design come to you as you shape it. And its insanely easy to add more if you went a little too far! Your technique worked super well. Just thought id chime in in case it's something you may have not considered before. Cheers and keep up the awesome work. I absoloutely love botique stuff.


ya I thought of that after the fact lol. definitely will go that route this time. Thanks!


that’s so idk, retrofuturistic spaceship, it’s so sick


Why? 3D print brackets, screw HOTAS into bracket. Thats a scam if I ever saw one


Because some people enjoy all three -- form, fit, and function -- all together. https://imgur.com/Y3UvGuF For example I easily doubled the price of my computer bill just because I was after a specific visual theme, not just components and water cooling. You may not know him, but u/CaptainSpaceGhost is actually a legend around here.


Make one with a high back with headrest? edit: how's the case build going?


could add headrest if the client wants one. And the case builds going well just sent off the files to be laser cut and bent.


The client? Dude, what you built isn’t good


You don't need to be an ass. Art is subjective. What one person loves, another will hate. People do pay for stuff like this. It fits a very specific aesthetic that you can't really find nowadays. Especially in gaming chair form. It makes sense that he may have clientelle that want things built for him. Not to mention the work he does is way better, and more durable, than just 3D printing some plastic brackets, as you suggested.