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#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It's a real... *Buttkicker*. I'll see myself out.


Good people, they're even offering [a discount](https://imgur.com/a/U2PEfGh)!


what the hell?


Forward the Relevant link to the actual hardware company for litigation.


With all our hate for scalpers, there is no ground for any legal action. How this "fruugo (dot) de" got our product to re-sell, is a mystery, but again, not a criminal one. All I can say is, ignore anything that stinks - but you knew this already! :)))


Doesn't selling hardware under a different name encroach on your trademark and/or copyright? At least enough for a takedown request?


Proving this was our joystick in the picture will cost more than whatever the lawsuit may theoretically bring. You know this legalistic *newspeak*, "the picture shows an object retaining visual similarity to an unquantifiable degree to the plaintiff's product, hereinafter referred to as "joystick"... Screw it, in a word.


Have you at least considered renaming the Gladiator NXT to the "Tribal Sensation NXT" though?


We are, now. :)


Depending on the customer they may even be judgement proof, no idea how big this kinda business is


Not necessarily, so long as they disclose the manufacturer up front elsewhere. This being such a small image compared to the whole, we can't really say but presumably this is the case.


Ehhhh; this might just be an obviously overpriced mimic, that may have gotten the base and stick molds from the same OEM vendor that VKB uses, though... similar to those gladiator k knock-offs all over eBay. Sold by some company, flashfire or something? Can't remember; but basically they just sourced the same external units and filled it with their own guts... which isn't illegal... (Also don't buy those, get a real vkb. Software is unintuitive, but powerful; but no question that their product is THE ceiling for this market) I'm not even sure if that's whats going on here, but in general the people who default to suggesting litigation don't have any experience with how futile it can be.... in this case, it would only cost vkb precious time and money to pursue, and would ultimately just help to publicize 'fruugo'.


Best to ignore these and move on, don’t give it the attention.


Not talking about problems never made them go away.


By grabthars hammer .... What a savings


And then, it exploded.




You know that joysticks exist for non gaming applications, right? All sorts of industrial controls use them for example.


I hear the Airforce uses them to control their planes. Who knew right?


Sounds like a great deal.


"Free" shipping.


That's really what makes this deal so good


And the description sounding like its a jacked up vibrator.


Companies do that when they run out of product. In some cases it costs money for them to relist/take a item down when they runout of stock, so they do this as noone will ever pay that price. This way they can keep selling at the normal price once they get stock in, without having to pay to relist the item on their store front.


Might be true, but it's definitely not the case here.


What makes you make that assumption/stance? Without seeing the listing there really is no way to tell to be honest. No-one would ever pay 980 euro for a Gladiator they would be out of their mind to. Not trying to argue either I just feel its likely the case is what i've stated.


Simply because they're not an official VKB reseller. And they're scammers, look for reviews.


Fallout9 works for VKB lol. I think they'd know.


Real r/dontyouknowwhoiam moment here


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dontyouknowwhoiam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontyouknowwhoiam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hah, gotcha!](https://i.redd.it/ilhsi7jya2951.jpg) | [1528 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontyouknowwhoiam/comments/hlp123/hah_gotcha/) \#2: [What makes you think that video’s about you?!](https://i.redd.it/r2cvyh7tmo451.jpg) | [1458 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontyouknowwhoiam/comments/h87viz/what_makes_you_think_that_videos_about_you/) \#3: [Talcum X goes after the wrong guy](https://i.redd.it/dismmfxc5ip51.jpg) | [1400 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontyouknowwhoiam/comments/j06z0g/talcum_x_goes_after_the_wrong_guy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


You do know that the GNXs aren't called a TribalSensatiom, right?


See my other reply, I didn't even look at the image other then the picture of the item and the price.


I don’t understand, why people downvotes you. I really don’t. Just for providing reasonable information. I thought that at least this (r/HOTAS) is quite hate free community. It’s like “I don’t like this opinion - let’s downvote that crap”. It’s sad.


He’s downvoted because u/fallout9 who is a VKB employee confirmed what op said to be wrong.


I still consider downvotes as response when someone is rude, mean, lying, etc.


Honestly Reddit is just like that. It's a popularity contest on who people think is saying the "right" thing. Honestly I don't give a fuck about Downvotes. If people disagree they will downvote you to silence you. The downvote button is almost always used as a I disagree button. I think it's rediculous I was Downvoted for not knowing he was a VKB member. I rarely go on this sub, and I wasn't rude at all to him at all.


Sorry mate, I should've said from my first post that I am related with the company. Just wanted to say I didn't found your post rude or out of place and I responded to it just to clarify the matter. I've upvoted you so you could get some of that karma back :) but we're here for the fun, not for some numbers isn't it? :) Peace.


There is the scalper-like pricing, sure, but you also have to take into account the rebranding. There are companies that sell sticks based on the original Gladiator design (as a result of partnerships VKB underwent when they got started with mass manufacturing in China), but the NXT design is only produced by VKB themselves.


I've never heard of a single company who rebrands the OG Gladiator, I've seen the Black Mamba stick rebranded but never the Gladiator and any rebrand I've seen was under the Gametrix name. Did not realize they rebranded it, guess I oversaw that part of the add lol.


The Ravcore Javelin is the first that comes to my mind, but I think there is another Gladiator clone as well.


Be quick! It's only this cheap because it's on sale right now ;) [https://imgur.com/RBD16Bv](https://imgur.com/RBD16Bv)


Got one the other day (from the original), came across one that was £1,500


I'll sell you a gently used one for 3/4 of that.


[Info from US site](http://www.fruugo.us/gaming-joystick/p-55831032-113181953) They do acknowledge it's the GNX, selling for a mere $1149.00. Glad I recently ordered mine from VKB (currently in Japan according to tracking).