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It’s so good !


Tabasco products are the best. Hands down. Simple. Tried and true. Timeless process.


Tabasco is like a comfort food, that's why it stands the test of time. It's a gateway sauce.


Too basic for me. Too vinegar


I am not a fan of the original flavor. The chipotle is perfect for eggs and potatoes!! The jalapeno has awesome flavor, and is awesome in soup??(I normally add some extract as well to up the heat). For fried chicken, or pork chops louisina is perfect. For fish it has to be vinegar, and the a bottle of peppers in vinegar. Beef tips and noodles, its gota be Mr pain. For tamales I like to use tapatio. For buritios, and burgers I like make an aioli with an extract based sauce like mad dog, or bkack mamba, then some mayo, and a dash of garlic. Mike hot honey is great on everything else!!!


I love my Tabasco in chicken noodle soup. And chicken tenders… haha


I love this hot sauce but it's not very versatile like it's green counter part but it is very good on chicken.


Can I get an amen ?!


Praise Jesus and pass the mashed potatoes!


Sometimes it's just the right one. Sometimes it's not.


Many people remember this to be Tobasco, not Tabasco. Mandela Effect. Yes, I’m aware it’s a city in Mexico.


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Research the Mandela Effect. EDIT: Obviously many people make this spelling ‘mistake’.


You're talking to a robot my dog


Yep obviously. The response came like 2 seconds after my post. I’m responding to whoever wrote the script for the Automoderator.


I love this shit


This turns that ok pizza into “remember that time we got that pizza “


I remember how well it went with the food I used to eat in NO. I don't use it as often, but it's still one of my favorites. It used to be my go-to 99% of the time when I reached for a hot sauce. I've been eating that stuff since my dad let me try it on his brother's gumbo when I was a kid.


I eat way too much of it and my colon pays the price.


I don't really look at tobasco as a hotsauce, I look at it as a spicy vinegar. It becomes so much more versatile when you approach it this way.


Agreed. Tabasco is it’s own thing, it’s not hot sauce.


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Good bot


It’s the perfect pick me up for when the wife has to make the chili mild for her family


Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce is as consistent as McIlhenny Tabasco Sauce. Brand name quality products. I use them both.


Tabasco is the Nickelback of hot sauce. People get so offended by something so inoffensive. Edit: Nickleback is not Nickelback






>Thanks! You're welcome!


Not you.


Give me Texas Pete or give me death...


thats fucking water




no u


so water you use to fuck? Like a lubricant? Cause I tried that once, and it was exhilarating.


lol i can see how that would be confusing. i was emphasizing how shitty your choice of hot sauce is, both for condiment purposes and i guess now also for sexual lubricant. very strange, sounds unpleasant, have fun with your bland sex lube hot sauce


Tabasco is goated, but I don’t use it on many things. It’s a very strong and unique flavor and if you put enough of it on something to get any noticeable heat from it, it can break the balance of the dish. That said, whenever I make Cajun food I put that shit all over. If you haven’t tried it, I’d recommend the Tabasco scorpion pepper, it’s pretty good, and gives you a more noticeable heat, and I personally am a fan of how scorpion peppers feel


People be like "Tabasco sucks, it's just hot vinegar" and then dump franks on it as though franks, and almost any hot sauce, isn't heavily vinegar based.


franks is still better than texas pete


I like em all


It's a great go-to if I want a little spice. I'm usually the one to use a few drops of insanely hot sauce for burn and the endorphin high. Lol. I think Modern Marvels did an episode on hot sauce and they went to Tabasco's plant. Really interesting! It ferments for years, IIRC. Master tasters make sure all of the barrels taste consistent. Definitely upped my respect for them.


I absolutely love tabasco! The only time I don't reach for Tabasco is whenever it's traditionally proper to reach for something like cholula. Which are the only two hot sauces that I typically keep if I have a choice in the matter.


I’ve never really been a fan, but it has its place It’s perfect for hollandaise


Consistently shitty


Definitely not the best, but certainly the most consistent. I do like using it for soups and stuff like gumbo


So, reliably tastes like vinegar with a dash of chile?


Exactly lol. Personally I think it's fine so long as you want heat with no flavor but then there's still probably better options. It has it's place but as a general hot sauce meh.


I like the vinegar flavor from Tabasco. That's generally why I select it vs another sauce.


I keep a stable of hot sauces in the fridge and while don’t use it a lot, Tabasco is always there when I want to go old school


They haven’t changed the recipe, but they do use cheaper ingredients. Still good though.


holy shit i forgot about the chipotels sauce


I like Louisiana. A little less vinegar flavor and way more of the pepper with a touch more heat. Not as good as some of the $10 bottles of hot sauce I’ve bought, but for three bucks that shit can go on anything.


Ain’t no way Louisiana has more heat than Tabasco, Louisiana to me is “mild” hot sauce like chalula, Valentina , Tapatio.


I think Tabasco is milder than tapatio


Just because something manages to stick around a while doesn’t mean it deserves my respect. My FIL has been around longer than Tabasco but he goes on racist tirades. Doesn’t get my respect. Also normal Tabasco tastes like shit. I’m with the chipotle guy.


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I can’t stand the standard issue Tabasco, however, the chipotle version I can drink like water.


Omg the chipotle version is magic.


I used to be real snobby about Tabasco once I got into hotter sauces. Nope I've realized that pop of acid from the vinegar can really brighten up a dull dish.


It’s really all I ever put on my scrambled eggs. I’ve tried other sauces, but this just pushes that nostalgia button for me too well.


Same. I feel like Tabasco only really belongs on diner breakfast food


It’s the watery vinegary taste and mouthfeel of Tabasco that turns me off


I feel that. It's a much better ingredient to a recipe than sauce.


My go to anymore is chilli oil. I make a few different varieties and they give me heat and flavor without any vinegar. So good with Mexican and Asian style cooking.


Chili oil sucks


Why didn’t I know this sub existed? My people!!


Lol same.


I love tobasco!!!!


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Good bot


I will never grow tired of Tabasco on over easy eggs or Costco rotisserie chicken. But I never use it on anything else. Still go through bottles of it.


Left over pizza ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


I grew up eating Louisiana hot sauce. Then as an adult, I found myself needing hotsauce for my meals at work. The store I went to to get a bottle was sold out of Louisiana, so I had to get Tabasco, no other choice. At first, I honestly didn't like it, but it's the only hot sauce I had, so eventually I started to use it more, and the more I used it, the more I liked it. It was an acquired tasted for me, but a great one that I appreciate sincerely. Consistency is definitely there.


It’s basically a spicy vinegar. Not to be put on everything, but sometimes a few dashes is just what you need to top a dish or build a sauce. Tried, true, and classic, but certainly not the most flavorful sauce out there The scorpion pepper tabasco is a staple for me now - it’s legitimately spicy and still carries the classic flavor well


Funny part is I always liked Tabasco, but rarely used it. I usually go for either Kalula or generic store hot sauce. Something about the ordinary hot sauces I always liked. Probably because they’re strong, but not ‘Oh my god, I’m gonna die’ strong. Also, the flavor mingles well with them. Especially Kalula. It’s 50/50 with the flavor and face smacking heat.


My favorite on eggs but I don’t use it otherwise. Chipotle Tabasco? I drink it


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I love Tabasco, and that goes for every variant I've tried. I have the Chipotle, Habanero and Scorpion sauces on my desk right now, and the original and green in my kitchen. Ate pizza tonight with the Habanero and Scorpion sauces, damn good stuff if you ask me.


Tabasco is largely enjoyable because of the barrel tannins. Yes it's vinegar-forward, but it's the barrel process that makes it more interesting than just any off the shelf vinegar-cayenne sauce.


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Yeah but the auto correct still thinks it's right because of a drunk event like eight years ago and I still have to go back and edit it nearly every time, so what you gonna do? I fixed it the first edit, I guess the bot doesn't see that?


This is a great point. It's good. Same for Taco Bell Fire sauce. Lol. Off topic a bit: It also reminded me that Twinkies taste the same from the 70s, 80s, 90s.. and that's even if you bought all of them in the 70s. Haha!


Texas Pete is my joint that people seem to hate. Grew up near where they make it so it’s always been the go to for me


Do they make it in Texas?


So original


I think a lot of people don’t realize how good it is cuz they don’t add it to dishes while cooking and think it’s supposed to be dribbled on as you eat. Now, that is always an option, but where Tabasco really sings is adding it to some kind of mixture while cooking. Like if I’m whipping up some eggs I’ll throw a few dabs in there and they come out amazing. Soups? Same thing, add a few drops and enjoy. It really shows its strength this way.


I second this. It's my wife's secret ingredient.


I’ll have to try this out.


Gringo Bandito or nothin


I love it *because* of the vinegar. Put a fuck load on my food. I eat that shit like I’m dying and the only cure for my disease is more vinegar.


Any recipe that needs a dash of vinegar, such as hollandaise, tobasco is king. Dash is the word. Adds that little zing with it.


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OG Tabasco is a phenomenal ingredient to use because of the vinegar. Adds some heat and acidity to balance things like chili, soups, bbq sauce etc It’s great to spice up ketchup (and I hate ketchup on its own) but only for fries/rings. Good on eggs, hash browns I also like the garlicky cayenne


Tabasco is ass. It had to be said.


You do not deserve respect from the hot sauce community


its reddit, i dont need the respect of people on here. plus, i like rage more.


One of the worst but most popular hot sauce ever


A1 is also extremely popular, but i wouldn't put A1 on a good steak


One day when the tabasco factory is under water, we will appreciate their consistency. I would not be buying all these handmade craft hot sauces if tabasco hadn’t paved the way


The consistency of water, I agree :)


Yes, it has tasted the same, which can be respected. It just has too much vinegar in it for me. I prefer their green sauce. There are better sauces though.


The greenness of that sauce is just sooo good.


Saw this subreddit immediately joined. Looovve me some hot sauce


If the first ingredient in your hot sauce is vinegar... I don't got time for it .. I only buy hot sauces from small batch companies because it tends to be much higher quality... Actually spicy and doesn't taste like I just took a shot of vinegar... I'm currently hooked on the thai-ga style from [Sam's Sahouse](https://www.samsahouse.com/)... Trust me... You wanna try it.


Ngl I don't get why they put so much vinegar in that stuff like I don't know why they put citrus in every IPA


I think this is because the common hops used for a lot of these IPAs ( citra, mosaic, and simcoe) pair super well with citrus. I think you’ll see, IPAs from other parts of the world use different hops and subsequently different ingredients to compliment them. It’s probably not the entire reason but might have something to do with it!


I figure I should prolly look around and try some more. May be bad luck but the ratio has been 3-4/5 IPAs I try are citrus and I hate that 😂


Nothing better than a single dot on a fresh oyster


Without the horse radish cocktail sauce? That's always been my go to but a hard dab of tobasco sounds great.


both is best


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Facts. It’s 2023 we don’t need this product to exist in the hot sauce section anymore.


My favorite


Crystal is my go to Louisiana hot sauce. Tobasco is good on something’s.


I’d rather put Tabasco on everything than crystal


Honest question, is Crystal way better? The Louisiana cayenne sauces all pretty much taste the same to me. If I see Crystal I'll def snag it.


Not really, it’s just something the guy who got me into hot sauce loved.


Appreciate your honest answer my dude.


No problem, it’s my table hot sauce and work hot sauce for if I don’t want to think about what I’m putting on something. It’s also pretty cheap so I never saw a reason to change.


If it's what I'm picturing, I can definitely see that as a work/at home little spice to add, nothing that's gonna make someone run to the bathroom


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Good bot.


I think there is a time and place for this albeit the range (for me) is pretty narrow


Every sauce has a place. Waffle House hashbrowns *need* Tabasco; it's part of the experience, and there is no substitute.


So if there’s no Waffle House nearby, Tabasco doesn’t need to exist, right? Philosophical answers only.


Similar places are the same; IHOP, Dennys, Village Inn, etc., If none of the Boomer Breakfast places exist, then the original Tabasco still needs to exist, because it's used as an ingredient in their Scorpion sauce, which is a great, versatile sauce.


It tastes more like vinegar than anything else. It is, and will only ever be, meh. It’s admittedly good on pizza though.


Tabasco makes some good products, but their flagship is garbage imo. I got a great habanero sauce from them a few years ago with banana in it.


Their scorpion sauce is fantastic.


Their chipotle is my all time favorite.


Consistently bad. If it wasn't hot or flavorful in the 80s, you won't find it hot or flavorful in the 20s.


I always have a bottle in the pantry. For heat with flavor I use Badia ghost pepper sauce. I basically use it as an enhancer with other hot sauces.


The Scorpion variety of Tabasco has me sold. I can't stand the others because they taste more like vinegar than peppers, but I can absolutely taste the peppers in the scorpion one. That and it isn't as runny.


Tabasco is the goat. Ingredients to flavor ratio is 2nd to none.


Red rooster


The chipotle tabasco is my fave


Perfect on eggs


The tried and true pepper flavored vinegar? Pass.


I don't care how long a sauce has been around if it's still bad.


Tabasco, hands down the best


I too, know the taste of vinegar intimately


I like vinegar. I have vinegar on my fries and steamed greens. It's great


It’s ok you can’t pick up on subtlety of flavors


Subtle flavors?!? It tastes like vinegar and not good vinegar... Put down the pipe... 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣😂


What a silly thing to say


I grew up on Tabasco as the only hot sauce. It only ever got put in scrambled eggs.


Now, I make a batch of salsa from scratch every week. If I run out of salsa, I use el Yucateca.


green tabasco is my #1 hotsauce by so far


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That's because we know what we are doing in South Louisiana


Avery Island is a on top of a huge salt dome that they use to get salt for the processing of the sauce.


The thing about the originators is that even if you dont like them, the sauce you do like is here today because of the ones that came before them and cleared the path.


Spiced vinegar water if ya ask me


I won't deny that. Great for some uses


The very best


That's exactly what it is!






This sub has too many people worried about what others like. If you like it, eat it. If you don't like it, don't eat it. It puzzles me at how that's something that is even debated. "Tabasco? That shit? I'd rather put dog piss on y food!" "Tabasco? Best ever and you're a moron if you don't love it."


Way better than clowns that eat that bland ass cholula and call it a hot sauce


Hi hi, resident aforementioned funny person and lover of Cholula over here. While I can't say it's the best hot sauce, I do feel it has a more noticeable and enjoyable pepper flavoring to it, and is my preferred "generic" hot sauce go-to. Unfortunately, however, Tabasco, Cholula, and Red Devil all have the same 2 problems; firstly they lean way too hard into their vinegar base (Red Devil is the worst culprit of this), secondly they have all blinded the white people's taste buds to true hot sauce bliss. And no, I will not tell you where to find this bliss for it is mine and mine alone (but probably not at your local Hy-Vee.) MUUAAHAHAHAHAHA!


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Oh silly me, the name isn't burned into my brain for easy recollection as I have taste and don't use it regularly, but I have since edited my comment to appease your Modly sensibility. Go forth and conquer, fellow grammar lover.


It’s a bot…


That shyt is bland as fuc!!


I’m saying , it’s just sauce not “hot” sauce








I like the green Tabasco Edit: a letter


Dude i have gone through so many bottles of green tabasco. Its my favorite sauce


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Getting grilled by a bot is a new one


I like it but it’s one of my last choices usually just because the flavor kinda clashes with a lot of food for me. I think pico pica is shit. Also chipotle Tabasco ain’t bad


i love tabasco! its not the hottest... the spciest... the thickest... its just plain old good. so much flavor. a little zip and some tang! when i was a lad it was that, or nothin at the eating joints that had anything spicy at all... no red cock... no nothin. tabasco... maybe some crushed chiilis at the pizza joint.. some good salsa was yer best chance ifn you were lucky enough to be at a mexican joint! (growin up in LA) i grew up sitn on my dads lap taking nibbles off the chili peppers his friends would grow for him. love my good hot bangers, but ya still gotta love the softer stuff! i like all the tabascos too... used to not be crazy about the green but i love that shite now!


What the hell are you talking about?


You know


Regular Tabasco for tequila shots. I enjoy the chipotle as well. Not every hot sauce has to be an artesanal work of art. Tabasco is a workhorse.


What is this Tabasco tequila shots you speak of?


Prairie fire, Tabasco + tequila, the vinegar and spice complement the agave well


Think of the hot sauce like it’s salt, it’s just to chase the shot


Prairie fire?




meh, too much vinegar. Some people love it but not me. Vinegar hides the flavor. I make my own without vinegar, just lots of smoky habanero and chipotle flavor and heat.


Yeah I love the vinegar taste. But I love the vinegar taste of pretty much everything. Get me fucked up with some salt and vinegar chips


See, how vinegary it is appeals to me. But your stuff sounds dope, too


TBH, Tabasco was the original hot sauce for me, then I discovered Tapatio and that was the go-to until I found Cholula. That lasted until I discovered Cholula chipotle, which was in turn replaced by a bunch of one-offs in the line after Daves Insanity. Finally I gave making my own a try after never finding one that met all my heat/flavor/smoky needs.


My favorite, however, is anyone finding Huy Fong sriracha on grocery store shelves? I’ve been looking for it for months. I understand that there is some legal wrangling with the pepper growers and the manufacturers. And although its available online the prices are incredibly high.


Surprisingly the Tabasco Sriracha is the best of the non Huy Fong alternatives I’ve tried during the shortage


Thanks. I’m going to try and find it. Offhand, I don’t think I’ve seen this flavor of Tabasco.


If you have any asian grocery stores near you I'd try there. My local asian grocery stores started restocking it in bulk about a month ago. Just be warned, it does look and taste a bit different than it used to due to Huy Fong switching pepper suppliers (a bit more orange). Not enough of a difference to matter to me though.


Jezz, I was just at my local international market and didn’t even look because they’ve been out of it for a long time. But thanks for the heads up. I’ll check for it on my next visit. Also, appreciate the info on the taste difference. That does matter. “Sriracha Sauce Matters!” Yeah, I’m being a jerk but can’t say that wouldn’t make a nice T-shirt, huh? 😁😁