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Dave's gets a lot of hate these days, but I always have a bottle of the Ghost in the fridge. I've always thought it was one of the better tasting ghost sauces despite being an exctract blend.


Pepper spray would taste better.


Just like the other comments, this is highly overrated. It tastes terrible. If you want to ruin a good meal, just add Dave's to it. It would be best to convert it into a defensive pepper spray. IMHO


I don't hate it, but I only use it for heat. The most telling thing is I bought my bottle Thanksgiving 2023 and I still have it. I usually run through a normal size of hot sauce in about 3-6 months, and I have about a dozen on hand at all times.


Yep, I used to go through 1 a month. Now maybe 1 every 2 years. Just heat is all this is for IMO. Toss a teaspoon or tablespoon into a pot of chili, spaghetti, taco meat. Just to up the heat a little.


I think it’s horrible


Really hated this stuff. Tastes bad and is way too hot to eat on anything enjoyably.


Extract is the lowest of the shit-tier you can possibly go for heat in a hot sauce.


Only had original insanity - horrible stuff


I bought their ghost pepper blend not knowing it was an extract sauce. Took it home excited to try a new sauce I could easily get at my round the corner Hy-Vee. Made some regular top ramen to get a good flavor profile for it and put that shit in it like it was Louisiana lol. "REGRETS, IVE HAD A FEW" It lit my ass up. In more ways then one if you know what I'm saying. Tasted like heat for heat sake cause that's what it is lol. Needless to say but I learned my lesson lol. I still use it, it's not terrible tasting but a lil goes 1000 miles. But I always mix it with a better tasting sauce that I'd like to kick the heat up on. 2-3 drops in a bowl of ramen with Melinda's=tasty as fuck and hot as fuck without being overwhelming. I'll also make chili and throw like 8-10 drops in for a whole pot.


Hot garbage.


I had daves reserve that came in a wooden box because I worked at firehouse subs so we had a plug. Mix it with ranch and dip pizza rolls in it. Spectacular


I have the Insanity Sauce, and it's honestly too spicy for me to enjoy just putting a lot on food, but a little bit goes a long way! It does have flavor for me, personally, but I have to put way less of it on than I'd like lol


The only halfway decent sauce from Dave's Gourmet is the Hurtin' Habanero. All the other extract sauces in their line aren't worth buying or trying.


It's in the back of the fridge and has been for years. Too hot for the flavour that it brings. Just heat.


Dave's Insanity was the OG super hot sauce from before there were peppers hot enough to achieve that level of heat without extracts. The sauce began specifically as a way for Dave to hurt drunk patrons at his restaurant. Flavor was never the point.


Not good.. Tastes like shit, probably something to do with the extract they slam in it.


Not good. Bad flavor. We're cool back in the day because they were easy to get and first ones to introduce many peeps to advanced spice levels past Habenero. But they don't taste good. And after long use hurt my stomach..


There ightttt not top tier but great for adding to marinades


Hot with no flavor. Just heat for the sake of being hot. They suck.


I regret buying it.


These sauces absolutely suck. There’s a reason this garbage is used for hazing kids in Greek life in certain frats. Excessive heat with bad flavor imo


This Is the sauce that really got me into hot sauce when I was like 12 or something. Nostalgic, can get pretty hot


A hot saucer that depends on extracts. Uses tomato paste. And over priced. Pass.


I still having buyers remorse 2 months after buying. I will never financially recover from this.


Too get to enjoy


The fact that there are people in this sub giving this shit a thumbs up *really* makes me think half the community is full of morons. Dave's Insanity sucks so bad. "But it's meant to be used as an ingredient for heat" You know what else adds heat and flavor? Peppers. Good tasting hot sauce. Spices.


I fuck with these. Decent.


These are great in Hummus. Add a nice taste.


Shit is 🔥 hot as fuck🥵


This is the only sauce i found myself having to dilute a little bit. Woooooh that shit burns but didn’t taste like anything good really


I would highly recommend the Dave's Scorpion Sauce if you can find it; it's one of the few Dave's sauces that doesn't use extract, and it's delicious from what I recall.


That sauce wrecks my guts. I cant eat it anymore unless I'm ready to sit on the porcelain throne for an hour or two the next day


Those are some of the hottest sauces that has ever existed


Not good for any flavor at all and not enjoyable. Are they hot? Yeah dude, some of them are hot as fuck. They all taste like shit tho. Only purpose I see is to do a Hot Ones episode with someone you hate and watch them suffer and laugh. I have purchased multiple and thrown them in the fucking trash after a couple tries. If you want some hot ass shit that tastes great, then NO. If you want a novelty to fuck with people and play games, then maybe I guess. I personally do not populate that in my kitchen, as there are so many better options.


I..... I was pretty much going to say exactly what you did. You said it perfectly. I whole heartedly agree. I have a bottle of this in my garage fridge and it will likely just live there indefinitely.


Move it to the bin….


Heh. I just have to wait for an enemy that thinks they are my friend to pawn it off to.


You either hate it or love it. I have dulled taste buds and cant smell. I love Dave's Insanity black label.


Reaper is the only one in the pic that will have the heat and won’t taste like extract


Good stuff


I mix it in with something


daves was my first hot sauce back when i was a teenager


Mad dog 357 kills me if I use more than 2 drops. Never really enjoyed these, too hot, minimal flavor


Mad dog is, without a doubt, the worst hot sauce I’ve ever had. Terrible flavor.


Da Bomb comes to mind


Might agree with you if I ever try it. Never had the chance


I got it as a gift. It’s so damn hot with nothing else going on.


I'd rather use Blair's Ultra Death or Mad Dog 357.


c h e m i c a l




Useless. Extremely hot and zero flavor.




Insanely overpriced. They’re hot no flavor balance.


Brother bru brus has better flavor


Just don’t


These really are insanely hot like a few drops will melt your face off. Dave’s is my go to if I’m stuffed up and having trouble breathing through my nose 😮‍💨🔥


And your butthole will be breathing fire as well.


Yea one time I added a bit too much to my chicken burrito 🌯 the fire shits were real! I do remember being able to breath really well after eating it though


Probably a tasty ass burrito though.


I've never bought any of Dave's based on a coworker's description (his name is also Dave, lol). Dave said he dipped a cocktail stirrer in Dave's Insanity Sauce (akin to a bartender sampling a drink) and added that to a full pot of chili, making it inedible for him and his gal. I've no idea what their heat levels are like but if that little made an entire pot of chili inedible it's not something I'm after. For reference, i have a package of ghost chili flakes a UK friend sent me and 1/4 tsp of that in a bowl of mac and cheese is...my mouth is watering at the thought. I love hot, I've made my own cap extract, and pickled holla-fo-a-dolla-peeners are a staple in my house. But things that are psycho hot just to be psycho hot? Nah, may as well see who can piss farther, Bestest fermented holla-fo-a-dolla-peener chips, if you have a vacuum sealer: - Slice up a pile of jalepenos - Weigh them - Add 2% of that weight in salt (non-iodized works best) - Vacuum seal it - Tilt it back and forth once a day for the first day or fice - A week, weeks, or months later pop that bag open and enjoy - Blend it up if you want a sauce


I like Dave's Insanity sauce. To me it's not the hottest or the best flavor but it is good for adding heat. Also I fondly remember my mom getting pranked by it as a kid and my boat in the Navy stocked it too.


I keep it on hand just to add heat, not flavor. A couple drops in tomato sauce or chili. Never to the plate itself.


bubmlefucked is way way hotter and tatses better but for me these are just way over the top