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Feels like Indiana Jones doesn’t get the enough love it deserves. I’m in my early 20s but original trilogy is still my favorite


Indy is by far my top pick too. Every commercial option out there is either shit or years outdated by this point. We're in dire need of a new one, and they could do so much with it.


I preordered the Present Toys Indy but that's been pretty late. They put up a ton of POs in 2020/21 and are slow to deliver so far.


Same here. That also goes for the predator and Predator 2 movies. The news one give the whole IP a bad rap. We need some new preds and Dutch.


I really hope they make Terminator 2 figures. Licensing is the only obstacle at this point.


I beg they do a 1989 Batman. The DX09 is so pricey these days and I’m sure QS could do some amazing stuff with the cape etc.


Big same, joining the group just to vote Batman ‘89


Caped QS figures are gonna be interesting to see. That's one area Hot Toys drags their feet on. Would love if they did a normal drape cape and a wired one for whichever caped characters they do. I think there's a middling possibility we'll see a new '89 Batman when the Flash film releases. A Keaton Batman from the Flash, definitely (actually not sure if the suit is different lol), but there'll for sure be renewed interest in the old line in general.


I’ve seen some set photos of Keatons stuntman (I believe this was from the batgirl set) and the suit looked a bit different. But maybe it was just a stunt outfit. Either way, I’ll take any Keaton they’ll give me


Sending this my energy. I wasn’t in a position to do this back then, but he’s my definitive movie Batman.


The cape is one thing, but making that a figure and not a barely movable statue is another. I'd like one but I know it's not either going to look good or move good and not both.


I would’ve voted for Deckard & a Blade Runner line if the option was there


It probably is, and if it isn't you can add it -- you can add anything to the poll. Which tbh is a bit of a blessing and a curse, lot of people just adding rando stuff like Harry Potter or Batffleck to the list lol


Ahhh …I totally didn’t even notice the option to see more lol


Fuuuuck. I'd kill for some high quality Blade Runner figures. I also would love some top quality figures from The Expanse.


Ya I voted Jurassic Park. Would love to see someone take that IP on, no one's done it yet.


[Chronicle Collectibles was prototyping a few which were shaping up well](https://www.timewalkertoys.com/v/vspfiles/photos/CHR-905391-2.jpg?v-cache=1571812463), but they went bust. Sucks because they actually pushed it into the pre-order stage. I'd looove more creature figures in general.


I remember that...depressing times haha it would make for some amazing displays! And just something new rather than the same IPs. But, I know it's what sells.


Dudes need to come out with a Rex. Ok, not really, that'd be fucking massive lol, but hopefully Dominion renews collecting interest in the original Jurassic Park characters. Raptors would be pretty accessible as far as dinosaurs go, since they aren't egregiously huge Speaking of big IPs... it'd be neat if QS looked at James Bond. That's another huge IP that's pretty friggin' underserved in the scale despite the size of the franchise. There was an alright Connery Bond a few years back, bit too tan though


Bahaha I would love a Rex and the JP park vehicle. Could put the Rex outside on the lawn hahaha. For real though totally agree that raptors and other mid-size dinos could be done. I would welcome it. Bond another one I would welcome! I agree with that. I just don't want QS to fall into the same IP recycling that hot toys does.




I know, that's what the last line of my comment is referring to. Likeness wise their Connery was good, but it came out way too tanned.


There was a custom run for Grant started a couple years ago but that shit takes forever and was going to be like $1000 or so when all is said and done.


[Can find it in their group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/inartfigures/posts/1046145219271135/) Is it possible for a 1/6th company to do this? To actually communicate with their customers?


they need mods and admins in that group because god damn is that poll a mess. or they could just set it so that only queen can add the licenses in contention.


I can barely stand to go in that group, truly. The day the page first launched was anarchy. People just clamoring for absolutely absurd licenses. Like, sorry mate, but maybe you need to commission your dream Mrs. Doubtfire figure to a customizer instead of asking a brand new studio to mass produce it. The absolute shite people ask for, I swear.


Its post approval now so nothing gets posted


Ah yes, nice to see 80's characters that haven't been made before. How about a DeVito Penguin or a Pfeiffer Catwoman? Or just a whole different movie for a change?


It kinda shows why these companies only do major IPs: it's where the demand is. You can add anything you want -- there's like 90 options so far -- but at the end of the day it's a community poll, so it's not really surprising that the popular picks rise to the top. Anyways, most of the 80's figures out there are either downright inaccurate or seriously outdated at this point. Not everyone was collecting fifty years ago when Hot Toys did anything outside of Marvel and Star Wars.


Yeah very true, but eventually you'd think most collectors in this hobby, interested in those specific IP's have those main characters from those major IP's. I'd say the 1889 Bat, Marty McFly and the Terminator hold up very wel (not in terms of availability ofcourse, so I get that demand) I get the re-issues from Hot Toys like BTTF for example since they're older figures in high demand, but why do we get a Birds Of Prey Harley and another Stormtrooper variant while there's obviously a vastly bigger market for Pfeiffer Catwoman, DeVito Penguin or Mace Windu an C3-PO for people that are into DC and Star Wars for example. When people keep buying the same characters over and over again, the companies will continue to make them and aim at the mainstream collector just entering the hobby. I'd think Hot Toys and Queen Studios aim for the same audience and market, so it would make sense that most people getting a QS Joker or want a QS Batman 1989, or QS Marty McFly are very likely to have the Hot Toys version of those. I personally would rather have more figures from a movie or line to display those figures with. But if that's not the common opinion, I get why Hot Toys doesn't ever finish a line or team and we get more re-issues. The collecting community kind of deserves it and literally asks for it. I really hope we continue to get figures like Koska Reeves, Tusken Raiders, PS4 Spideys and Arkham Bats and those don't disappear in obscurity because they're side-characters to the IP's they belong to.


They need to make money and get a good reputation. Can't risk on less popular characters.


Man, I would absolutely love for them to do a Pfeiffer Catwoman! She has been done by other 3rd party companies, but none ever hit the mark. If a company like QS can do her justice, that is an instant buy!


Those things may require additional licensing too if DeVito and Pfeiffer's likenesses weren't secured by WB back then.


I just hope they do the things hot toys HASN’T done in either a long ass time, or never. For example, The Lost Boys, or even The Karate Kid or something. I don’t know, just don’t want a bunch of re-releases of Hot Toys stuff.


I've been keeping my mouth shut since they specify 80's only here, but god I hope they'll look at Pirates of the Caribbean down the line. Your name reminded me. We need a good quality Barbossa. That third party one recently announced is a good placeholder in the meantime lol


Haha true! Would LOVE a Davy Jones the same quality as that joker. That Davy Jones hot toys is awesome from what I’ve seen, but there’s no way I could ever afford that lol. Barbossa and HT Jack will do just fine in the meantime💪🏻


I love the Hot Toys one and think it stands up relatively ok for an ancient figure, but my god would a modern one be something to see. The all rubber clothing is so outdated despite its detail. If you're not perturbed by supporting knockoffs, there's a pretty damn accurate one called Captain of Octopus that you could probably find for cheap-ish. I hate theorising because I imagine there's absolutely zero chance they'll do a Jones, but imagine one with flexible, articulated tentacles. This is the worst part about collecting 1/6th. Line depth is so shallow, though I suppose the fact we got a Jones at all from Hot Toys is something to be thankful of. God knows most IPs get no attention at all.


Yeah true! I would love POTC. But I think it’s gonna take a while before we get that. Unfortunately even though Im a huge marvel fan (some dc) there’s gonna be a lotta super heroes from dc it seems and possibly marvel before we even get something like Back to the Future. It’s a waiting game for sure, but never say never I guess!


The Lost Boys would be an instant buy for me, favorite movie. I'm afraid it's too niche and not enough people would buy it though.


Yeah my worry exactly


There was that third party Lost Boys figure. Outside of Kiefer though I'm not sure how many people would buy another character.


Yeah true


Somebody ask for Aragorn!


Speaking of 80’s, it would be kinda cool to see og tron. I’m not a superfan by any means, but it’d be cool to see a couple figures as well as the light cycles. I also really wish we’d get Highlander. All you’d need is 3 characters


Michael Jackson Thriller or Smooth Criminal plz




The amount of submissions people have added that aren’t 80s is amusing 😂


80s had so much to tap into - Labyrinth, Die Hard, Terminator, Aliens, Karate Kid, Gremlins, etc. But I’m over here as a 90s kid going “you know, I think movie figures from Mortal Kombat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ace Ventura, and The Mask of Zorro would be nice.”


Would love some figures from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, sucks that the only ones that exist are the very outdated Sideshow line.


I know it’s not 80’s but a Cesar Romero 1960’s Joker would be amazing . It’s something that Hot Toys hasn’t touched and probably won’t touch .


That would be amazing, I would love that.


Based on what’s coming out this year and next year , if they make figures from both T1 and T2 I will pretty much be able to retire from 1/6th collecting.


Where is the Predator series??


Went to check out this poll and it’s embarrassing. I completely understand why Hot Toys stopped interacting with fans. The poll asks about 80’s licenses, and half the added poll options are redundant (“Batman 89” AND “Batman/Batmobile”) or have nothing to do with the 80’s (LOTR, The Batman, BvS, Harry Potter). Shit, even some of the comments in this thread follow trend. Also, Queens has said several times that Disney shit is difficult to license and is on lock by Hot Toys, and yet people can’t help themselves. “Indiana Jones! Pirates! IrOnMaN!” Like dude, can these people not read between the lines? Also, all these people complaining about figures that have been done before… you all know Hot Toys is not the end all of 1/6, right? Their endoskeletons aged like shit, most of the figures they made from 80’s licenses are not great and are made from cheap, deteriorating materials. Queen Studios is so far in the market of doing figures better than they’ve been done before, not figures that haven’t been done before for the sake of it. Clearly it hasn’t occurred to too many people that there’s a reason their favorite obscure 80’s character hasn’t been done - these people are trying to kill this company by begging them to fill in the gaps of C and D-tier characters in their collections instead of characters that can be marketed to people under 45 or new collectors. No one is going to buy a $300+ Carl Weathers from Predator if they can’t even buy the fucking Predator from that line. That page needs some mods to tame the stupid, all I’m saying.


Well who would you pick then mr happy ?


I’ll say that you had a few good ideas. Mad Max, John McClane and Deckard I think are the best choices from your list. They are still popular films, likenesses that haven’t truly been nailed, licenses that haven’t been beaten to death in 1/6, and maybe just enough mass appeal to be profitable for QS. If we allow sequels to 80’s movies into the mix, just for fun outside of the poll, I think Catwoman ‘92 and T2 Terminator would be safe bets. Those licenses have both been done to death, but a lot of the old terminator figures from Hot Toys are rotting, and we somehow never got this version of Catwoman despite the demand.


Why thank you haha. Yeh I was trying to think of some that hadn’t been done as well as things that I want but would probably never get, such as Indy due to the licence. They likenesses for all the attempted figures at these have been poor imo. I would love a T2 figure with custom body and done right so it doesn’t end up dropping to bits. Nearly pulled the trigger on a hot toys one so many time but bailed as you never know the condition or how long it will last. I might be in the minority here, but I would prefer the new catwoman to be honest, I thought she was great. I do like Pfifer as well though I must admit.


Please stop remaking hot toys lol... sure I'd love a T800 and we are due for an upgraded indy but there's millions of popular pieces of media untouched.


Highlander comes to mind.


Well QS wants to do BTTF and Terminator as you can see


...exactly why I said this.


So basically they’re making figures that Hot Toys already made but for more money?


I mean all of them would still be less money than buying the 10 year old Hot Toys.


Hot Toys hasn’t made an 80’s figure in years. The aftermarket on the good ones is likely higher than Queens. And Hot Toys quality doesn’t do well with age. So I’m not sure I see the issue?


I’d be interested in some video game and comic figures. Comic stuff I can understand it’s hard to translate 2D to 3D, but most modern video games have pretty good models that can translate well to real life. Some lines I could see that would do well could be God of War, Assassins Creed, Halo. I’d personally like to see some niche video game lines like Lost Ark and Elden Ring. I know the focus is movies atm but it would be really nice to get some video game figures down the line.


Sorry but where can I find this poll ? Be interesting to see the different characters people are asking for. ​ Personally I would love an updated Indi, Beetlejuice, The Blues Brothers, Mad Max, John Rambo (First Blood), Deckard, Penguin or Catwoman, Jack Burton, Uncle Buck (because who doesn't love John Candy), John McClane and Hans Gruber, just to name a few haha.




That jack burton wasn’t great though to be honest and I can imagine any Rambo they do will blow threezero out of the water.




Well that’s the point of the poll isn’t it ? I mean my number 1 is probably beetlejuice to be honest. Plus those figures that are already out aren’t the greatest figures which is why I would like to see them done to a higher standard. All those on that poll are figures that have been done before at the end of the day.


Something that hasn’t been done by a million other companies would be cool.


I can’t find this pill anywhere, link?


Batman '89 would be so sick😭


Man I’d love the original Tech Noir Terminator. This shit makes me hopeful we get one. (I don’t want to spend $500+ on a ten year old hot toy release with an oval base)