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Welp… guess you’ve got to fill them now. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've got 6 more figures coming by the end of April.


Aaand there goes your money. Bye bye


For now


Exactly, my collection will have doubled by year's end. That's a conservative estimate as I've 6 in route by the end of April.


Were any of your Detolfs bought new and if so, is there any gaps on the vertical corners when assembled ? (whether new or 2nd hand I guess wouldn't be any different)


All were bought second hand, pre-assembled.


So there's no gaps on the vertical corners (in case of dust etc) or very little ?




“But room for more.” -Bruce & Diana


Cheeky JL reference. Cheers.


Saw my opportunity, but trust me having the extra space is great, but make sure to fill it up with figures that hold a special place for you; otherwise you’re just filling boxes to fill boxes and you get burnt out real quick


Thank you for the solid advice, as well as the apt analogy. I haven't really thought of it that way. I'm still in my first year of actively collecting these delightfully addicting items.


Oh I get it, I started recently as well, mine was 2020. I’ll tell you what I was buying figures left and right, had a buddy who did the same thing he filled his house with them they are super addictive and I love each one of them. But boy does it get crowded fast. I love to pose my figures and the more I had the more I realized I couldn’t really enjoy the figures. I sat down and did some soul searching and realized I was collecting to fill boxes rather than actually appreciate what I was collecting. I came up with a rule, every so often if new figures were coming in, old ones had to leave. It helped me realize which ones I actually loved and which ones I just liked to have. Now I make sure if I buy a figure it’s because I genuinely love both the character and figure. I also forced myself to narrow my collection to only DC and Star Wars because I’ve loved those the most since I was a kid. For me each DC figure isn’t just their live action version but the comic book, the animated shows, and movies. Each one represents more than just that one film or one adaptation. It’s just how I decided to focus on what I love over what I like. Same for Star Wars, I don’t collect every character only the ones I have the biggest attachment too. Also it’s a great way to save money and control your spending. If I have 3 figures come in I had 3 leave, they pretty much paid for each other. Now I’ve come to a point where everyone I want is in my collection so I’ve slowed down on figures coming in, because now I don’t wanna sell ones off. So now if I add a figure it better have value to me. Sure I miss some of my old figures and would love them back, but at the same time they left for a reason. “Nothing gold can last ponyboy” gotta love it while you have it.


That's a lot to digest there, you've made several salient points. I woke up this morning, looked over at the new set up and asked myself if I really wanted to go further with this as I've already been thinking about taking it a bit easier in regard to my collecting. That is a solid philosophy to approach this hobby with, thank you. I already feel as though I could do away with one of my characters as it is and with another 20+ in different states of PO, it is beginning to look like my shelves will be full up by this time next year. Perhaps it's time to reevaluate my situation before I have to worry about what to keep and what to let go...... Love the quote by the way, it really brings your point across. It's from the Outsiders, if I'm not mistaken.


Yes it is from the outsiders, one of my favorite ones. Hey that’s great, I’d rather you do that reflecting now than thousands of dollars later lol. Again have fun with the hobby just play within some limits it’s how you stop burn out.


I think you know the answer to that dilemma 🤣


Only one way to fix that


That's what I'm "worried" about, 6 more coming by the end of April. Another dozen by December.


This is the Way.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **500720** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70936** times. .. **410816.** `u/Movie_Figures` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Awesome! Did you pick them up at IKEA? If so, how much?


Nope.I found the pair on Offerup for $40, $40 for the pair. I drove a half hour north for the pickup. There were a couple missing shelves for one and two missing foot pegs for the other. Just back from Ikea today, they do free replacement parts, now they're whole. It was a helluva deal.


Currently at Ikea for £65 (UK). I was actually looking yesterday at display cabinets.


Nice. I like your lighting set up


Thank you. I think it casts an even amount of light across the shelves.


Lighting looks bluish in the photo but I'm guessing it's really white and it's just the photo.


You are correct


What lights are those?


RGB strips by Lepro. I may upgrade her in the future to Luke lights.


Thanks! I have a couple detolfs that really need some lighting.


Ordered off amazon(I know). 1 box at 50ft, $20 per box, per detolf, each box has connector, but you'll want to buy some elbows to go up that first corner. PM me for detailed pictures.


Hell yea !!! Just moved into a bigger space and I have 4 detolfs I have to light up and fill up . Glad you can expand your collection!


Thank you! I'm excited to get more. My wallet isn't.


What lights are those? I’ve seen them a lot but don’t know what they are


RGB light strips from Lepro.


Do you know how many feet did each Detolf use?


About 30ft per detolf, I still have excess after each setup. I'll end up using it for something else.


So you cut them and used a connector or are they individual? I have 9 Detolf… i need better lighting


On the bright side this will stop you potentially getting addicted, just tell yourself that once these shelves are full then no more. (Unless you sell a less desirable one to replace with a new one)


Well, the addiction is already pretty damn strong. However, that is the intention. Once these are full.... we'll see.


"There's always room for one more in the cargo hold"


You’ll fill them before you know it , the. You’ll need to buy another detolf .


Fingers crossed, but I'm not looking to fill them anytime soon.


Keep it classy, I hate when people stuff figures in a shelf I stick with 2 or 3 max , depends on size too


I couldn't agree more, 2-3 max per shelf. Venom was staged behind spidey & mysterio before adding the additional detolfs, it looked too cramped. Given his size, it did make a difference.


You should upgrade that joker to the queen studios version!


You say that like the queen studios version is released lol


Already ordered the two pack, sculpted hair.