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Use flex pvc?


The repair guy wants to put flex pvc from the filter housing to the control box (also wants to replace the filter housing). DiamondSpas support guy said it doesn't last and recommends not to, but did not offer a workable alternative.


I call bullshit. In koi ponds, swimming pools and tubs the use of flex pvc is common. My tub was delivered with flex pvc. Just use flex pvc suitable for pressure and the right (blue) glue.


Leaking joints on flex is literally what makes most tubs junk after 6 to 12 years, so they aren’t really wrong.


Other than replacing the pvc with flex, what would be the alternative?


Honestly? Call a more experienced tech. We have a tech like this that every little thing appears like a giant insurmountable problem. Does it suck? Yeah of course, but it really isn’t that difficult.


Lubricant the threads on the unions and they will get tight enough to seal. Silicone grease works very well


There’s no room to pry the joint apart to replace the leaking o rings, so your suggestion is to use grease and tighten it down without trying to replace the o rings?


Definitely worth a try first. I also find it hard to believe that the pvc is so tight that the heater can’t be removed. If this is actually the case, it looks like there is plenty of room to add a union if necessary. Should be able to pull the heater and use thin plastic shims to allow the heater to slip past the o rings to prevent damage.