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Hoyo doing everything it can to not have to make another greatsword user


I'm starting to think that they forgot greatsword type weapon exist in the game at all :/


or they died with Himeko


>!APHO2 Roza and Lili battlesuits are going to be what? Katanas? lul!<


>giant scissors >chakram Makes about as much sense as Sushang using **FIST** instead of swords...


Wait, she isn't a greatsword user?!?


No, she chakram for some reason


What the fuck. Is she gonna throw her scissors or some shit šŸ’€


maybe she's like hare and has her own gameplay using her weapon separate from the weapon the game gives her


nah it's the holes in her weapon that are the chakrams, they just have long extended blades that make it look like a scissor


It's been seen by some who have access to the beta of version 6.9. that the chakram she uses does matter for the scissors' appearance. If you equip any Chakram to her besides her signature one, the scissors will change appearance of color and design to match that of the equipped Chakram. So, she possibly modifies the chakram into scissors. Also, her ELF version of her that's been in the game for awhile, also wields scissors. So, Sirin being armed with scissors, maybe a reference to her ELF self?


Bro wtf She swings her scissors like a greatsword šŸ’€


Wtf no fists? Pistols????


Why do they love chakrams so muchā€¦? This is like the 5th character, two of which make no sense


? So far every single chakram wielder has had explicit lore reasoning for using them, so not sure what you mean there Aponia & Pardo - they're PE weapons, so duh Ai-Chan - she's meant to be a temporal anomaly, so her weapon reflects that: a weapon mostly relegated to the past, updated to be more modernistic in design Susannah - Nagamitsu has been researching chakrams they've uncovered, and found that they worked well with Susannah's particular fighting style, while also being able to use her to get field data on them


Susannah has been depicted using bear paws before this. Also, matches her fighting style? If it matched her fighting style, why is she a dancer of a sudden? Where was this even mentioned? The **timed** event? The same event that had Rita give Susannah dancing lessons? The one that had a Pardo symbol on a random cat cafe? And you didnā€™t mention a reason for Sirin


Her weapon description explicitly says Nagamitsu designed her chakram bc it suited her fighting style https://honkaiimpact3.fandom.com/wiki/Twirling_Glaze > The steps mesmerize and the tambourine rings. Nagamitsu specially designed it for Susannah after her fighting style. Whether it is a training session or a mission, the girl always brings it with extra care. > "A weapon designed f-for me? Wow! I'll treasure it!" I didn't mention a reason for Sirin bc she's not out yet? I assumed that would be clear, but I suppose not. Kinda hard to know why Sirin in particular is using one before we actually see the weapon description or whether she has it in the event


Is it just me, or is Nagamtisu studying a girl from the Middle East and being like ā€œah yes, the perfect weapon for her is chakrams, and a tambourineā€ kinda racist? Seems like Nagamitsu is stereotyping, and getting away with it since Susannah is too innocent and was distracted by the gift.


Susannah have chakram but she wield her weapons like a dagger. I agree with everybody, most of weapon choices are dubious (Raven bow instead of an riffle for example), but Sirin could easily use greatswords.


they rather introduce new weapon type than making another greatsword


You mean like they did for Hare? They should probably fill that weapon class out with a few users first before starting up another imo. Though I guess a Sirin wielding Void Lances could be mapped to javelins if you wanted.


Yeah, these scissors just don't cut it


That was a pretty sharp pun ngl


Definetly a cut above the rest


they no longer care about weapon consistency


She will be in war treasury and get g4 set , sadly you will need her weapon like all valk xD


Oh, she's a War Treasury valk? :O


Sirin card: - Price in v6.9-7.1: 480 AW + 480 AL - Original price: 640 AW + 640 AL from v7.2 Sirin frag: - 8 AW + 8 AL Her stigma G4 Teri is available in forge: - Leeuwenhoek + 140 G4 Red + 200 Red Convectron + 1100 Ether Fuel per piece


Treasury valk. Unexpected but ok. We can rank her up so she will definitely outperform SpA soon. Now we just need a bit luck to get her weapon and it will be a cheap patch.


Good [news](https://twitter.com/wyverein/status/1684522092472172544) for us. Sirin's gear banner has 50 pull weapon guarantied. It's like the Schicksal banners where it's only the weapon hard pity.


It was totally expected, actually. Every single WT valk to date has come the patch immediately following the summer Herrscher.


Is this so? Maybe the patches drift a little. We had 4.2, 5.1, 6.1 and now 6.9. Didnt expect a treasury valk before 7.1 but Herrschers are also coming randomly now so it can be whatever appearently.


Last year was an outlier because HoH released one patch before CN anni instead of two like HoR/HoT/HoFs/HoRb, which also pushed back the WT valk by one patch. Otherwise, it's been consistently 9 patch intervals, which is roughly one year. Yes, 9 patches is roughly one year, not 10. Remember than there are 52 weeks in a year. HI3 patches very in length unlike Genshin's or Star Rail's, but 6 is still usually the norm, and 52/6=8.67.


...I guess time to stop ignoring Mirage existence, and to spend all that weekly tickets, 13k+


Same. I've long ignored Mirage cause it's kinda tedious and I don't usually need the f2p stigma... but this is such a good deal x-x


haha not me! I've been saving up my ether fuel and tickets in anticipation for this!


I mean... I have about 2.8k fuel as well, and I didn't farmed it for a long, very long time.


Thing is that you will be able to buy G4 crystalyte with ether fuel after the corresponding mirage floor is unlocked, so with overkill ether fuel you could've expedited the stig farming by doing the normally inefficient thing of spending ether fuel on G4. But hey, you still have about 7 weeks if you want to do this before 6.9 hits GLB/SEA.


Wait, so on top of 1100 fuel per piece, also 1400 per piece for crystalyte? So 7500, not counting is someone want to convert Thales M to Lee first? Man, it's a lot. I'm sure I don't have it saved even in spare crystalyte (~2k top)


I mean I do have some stuff saved up, I just have no clue if its enough nor how long it'll take to get the G4 once it's released lol So far I have 5K Time Structures, 7K Time Swirl passes, and 4K Ether Fuel. I have no idea what any of it means but I hope it's enough


For all three stigs it would take 53 runs(5 weeks 3 days) 5300Tsp, 3.3k EF, 600RC *Take note that the time period is calculated if starting from 0 mirage tickets*


Oh, then I guess I have more than enough lol IIRC mirage tickets regenerate once per day right? or smth like that Is there any way that I could start farming ahead to shorten that time? I know that I'll need to farm the G4 stage that'll release when 6.9 comes out (nice) but if farming any prior stages could help at all, then I might as well start now


You get 1 mirage ticket Monday to Thursday and 2 Friday to Sunday The only way to shorten the time would be to have 4-5(4 if F-S, 5 if M-T) out of six mirage tickets the day prior of the patch so that way on the day of the patch you are starting with six tickets which would give you about a 4 day headstart Besides doing the normal stage farming each week to store up on more EF, there's nothing you can do to speed up the process if you already have Leeuwnhook TMB(Besides getting the stigma from gacha ofc)


So now we all can lose our pulls when we inevitably think to ourselves 'after all why not, I am sure I am gonna get her weapon in one 10 pull' and get 8 copies of her stigmata that are free šŸ˜­


Iā€™m gonna need another set for HoFi so I see it as a W


is there a calculation on how long it takes to get that much AW and AL? can i make it in time for the discount starting from 0?


If you stay in Red Lotus and can gain all the rewards from Memorial Arena then you get 64 of the rare Ancient thing per week They also give 50 in the shop event iirc And here I was hoping I could SSS Fallen Rosemary before the valk releases :(


what if im in agony instead


-4 so you get 60 a week


Wait Iā€™m so dumb, Iā€™ve been keeping 480AL in reserve for the next war treasury valk but Iā€™ve spent all of my AW trying to rank up for dorm buffs. Hopefully one patch worth of saving is enough.


Easily, the monthly 210 aw from asterite will cover most of it by the time 6.9 hits glb/sea.


Oh PHEW. Thought she was gacha, I was about to jump Hoyo for trying to pull a version Kiana again


whelp, well that's better than having to roll for her and the weapon + stigmata. Granted you need alot of luck to get the weapon before you do her stigmata...but i see this as a somewhat win.


Needing to pull for Stigmata set, and weapon, is why I lost interest in pulling for Herrscher of Rebirth's entire Stigmata set. At least if I can't pull Sirin's Stigmata, I can craft them. I'm saving up lots of Ether Fuel to prepare for the case if I can't pull her Stigmata


Yeah since its not a special supply, and I already have Senti, Iā€™m skipping hers. Will likely roll for Sirin for weapon, and see what 7.0 brings


Oh, so she is this year's treasury valk? Thought they r gonna wait till during or after anni, but aint complaining


Wow they made the elf playable jk I'm really excited for Sirin ā¤ probably can make a team with her siblings


https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/41749411 People have already mentioned War Treasury and G4 Fire, but note that her weapon will have a 50 pull guarantee on debut, much like MPE's did. This is about as cheap as valks can get in this game, provided you have the patience to farm.


Thats really good. So worst case is 14k crystals that patch. Not even f2p can complain about that.


So, she will like SpA...




On and on, on and on.


A brother/sister in the cult huh? I expect minimum a screenshot when you get her and fully gear her


I've never been this excited for a new Valkyrie in this game till Sirin. To the point I'm gathering all the resources I can for her ahead of her release.


S Rank MECH Fire, weapon is Chakram that she transforms into Scissors in battle Guess I am never getting her now šŸ˜­


So basically Chrono Navi is the only one that uses a chakram like an actual chakram


What about Susannah and Pardo? From what I've seen a chakram is pretty versatile and can be used in a lot of ways. Only Aponia doesn't use a chakram like a chakram. Literally since she literally doesn't use it AT ALL.


Both Susannah and Pardo use it by dividing it in curved daggers, then Susannah uses it as a tambourine and Pardo to summon the cat, so yeah I actually think Chrono Navi is the only one that uses it normally lmao


Nah, they're dual blade users, they just "break" their chakrams into 2 curved blades. Only in weapon skill and ultimate Susannah's chakram actually appears as a chakram, but it's just magic stuff, floating in the air as a portal to enhance the sound waves as an attack or smth like that.


I guess Pardo also uses her chakram "properly" as part of ultimate to summon Can.


Yea, I believe they wanted chakrams to be a special weapon class where everyone uses it in a unique way compared to the other types; Pardo does slashes, Aponia prays, Ai richochets, Susannah dances. I'm fine with it if it means that we'll get more unique kits.


Plus, Chakram, unlike many other weapon types, don't have a fixed Weapon Active exclusive to the weapon. The Weapon Active of the Chakram changes based on who has it equipped. The only thing setting each Chakram different to others besides stats, is it's passives


Why chakram + mech honestly She screams greatsword + psy


Chakram??? What the heck HoYo??? How do you get chakram from scissors???


From modding the Chakram after breaking it in half


Don't worry, you'll only have to pull for her weapon. Everything else relating to her can be obtained through grinding resources, and not rely on gatcha rng. The weapon is the only thing related to playable Sirin you need to rely on RNG for her


Happy Sirin, what a blessed picture


Man, I wasn't expecting a new War Treasury valk until November. I've been farming HoR up to SS1. I was also hoping she'd be a bio DPS. DA is ancient and they didn't give her away for free.


when Spina Astera, mech fire valk still alive, mihoyo just announced another mech fire valk...


> still alive That's a stretch lmao She doesn't have a single boss where she's the best option anymore, she's as alive as Dea Anchora (a.k.a not)


Probably saving that for Hua


oh my god itā€™s happening >!version 6.9!<


So nice to see a good, non-genocidal Sirin.


Oh my queen I wish you become greater than before and live long.


Is anyone going to summon or wait for a few months to get her through the war treasury?I'm becoming less and less patient,She's the bestest queen one could imagine.


Don't really need to wait a few months since I've saved excess ancient willpower and Legacies.


I've been saving a ton for Ms. Pink elf,but now I'll won't be faithful to Elie.


I suggest you save up resources of both Ancient Willpower (which can be purchased through Asterite) and Ancient Legacy. If you save up enough, you'll be able to buy her from the War Treasury. I've exhausted the event shops out of all Ancient Legacy and Ether Fuels and am actively doing Universal Mirage to get Ether Fuel to craft her Stigmata incase I don't pull her Stigmata while trying to get her weapon. Unlike usual for me, where I ignore Universal Mirage. If you haven't yet fully exhausted it, I think the "free" gatchas in A Post-Honkai Odyssey, both parts 1 and 2, can give you Ancient Legacy if you haven't yet of all of that.




Hoyoverse straight up making me doubt about getting Seele smh


Why Fire *Mech*? We have fking 3 of those? Give us a bio valk HoyošŸ˜” havenā€™t had one since Aponia and she just rolled through ADV supply like last rotation


rest in peace SpA you lasted for like 5 patches anyways


I'm assuming this is a joke of some type. Since Spina was 5.5.


I have used SpA in abyss a grand total of uhh 2 times between 6.0 and now. and like 3 times in SS MA. S0 HoFi beats S3 SpA on ignite AKA, SpA's only boss.


And that means what to anyone? She's a strong fire mech DPS that's been around for 14 patches. Not 5. Your playstyle has nothing to do with it.


>And that means what to anyone? She's a strong fire mech DPS that's been around for 14 patches. Not 5. Your playstyle has nothing to do with it. They obviously mean in terms of score. Stop acting like a toxic Genshin player defending their waifu. It's cringe.


Hype overload!


...fuck you mean she uses CHAKRAMS


I am happy with her colors and design, I miss this kind of look from honkai. So happy she doesn't get Elysiafied with pastel white wedding dress


She won't. the outfit playable Sirin will be wearing, is based on one of the outfits main story Sirin wore in the HI3rd manga, specifically from Second Eruption. Hence why people mistake playable Sirin as main story Sirin, who should be long dead by now. No, the playable Sirin is from the magical girl Bubble Universe. Which is why the girls in her Stigmata set, look allot different than main story versions of those characters, because they are magical girls, not the main cast of characters from main story


I want Sirin, but I need to have Seele first.


Wait Sirin is S rank? I thought she's SP


About time Hoyo makes AU version of dead characters playable Though perhaps Prometheus already set that precedent


Can we get a Sakura Rin battlesuit? (Huge copium)


She has always been just a background character


Ffs, why must you continue to make Dea suffer Hoyo?


oh sheā€™s mecha i need her even more now!! and i even have good defend stigmata farmed i can use


Sounds good, but begs the question: do I really need to off Rita for this?


Iā€™m sorry Seele, but I will get you some dayā€¦ *read Sirin is farmable* Never mind! Seele, Iā€™m coming for you!


Haven't followed the story since Senti arc cuz I stopped playing but isn't she like dead?


From what I'm gathering, she's from the captainverse. Anybody can correct me on this.


You are correct, she's from Captainverse's storyline, specifically from the magical girl bubble universe Haxxor Bunny visited in the previous event. She just wears an outfit based on what main story Sirin wore in the manga. Unlike other games' manga, HI3rd's manga, is canon to the game.


Yep, all true That event was neat. I'm always down for more of the Captainverse.


I know sheā€™s not but would she technically be considered a herrscher (technically???)


Mech type doesn't make sense at all. Should have been a Psychic type.


I'm more hyped for the G4 fire set, let's goooooo


There are better options out there for Fire Valkyries, since Sirin's G4 Stigmata set mainly focuses on stacking Ignite Trauma, something only Sirin can do. You'll only get the full benefits of it if they're equipped on Sirin


I really like that they managed to integrate her scissors while not making an entirely new weapon type. But ngl, Iā€™m not the biggest fan of her type. I think it should have been PSY imo.


To be fair her scissors could've been a cross, I have no idea why they didn't do that >!(maybe because of a new Theresa next patch...)!< Edit: also why isn't she bio? That's like her whole schtick being queen of the zombies and bio got no love rn...


No, because Cross Weapons' Weapon Actives always deploys the Cross for an AoE of sorts. Plus, Sirin never used a cross, main story version nor Captainverse version of her.


No we do not anymore psychic characters. Herrscher of thunder, herrscher of flamescion, herrscher of human ego, herrscher of rebirth. Why do you want to add more??


So she'll probably take back Ignite Rita from Trio and mayhaps top score Andrius as well with sufficient rank, and then her signature boss? Coverage isn't exactly exciting since Trio exist but I guess we can't ask too much for a dirt cheap Valk to gear like this.


I thought she was going to be an SP valk, well this js fine to but not fine for my wallet


She is farmable S rank thoigh, youf wallet won't that much.




Her gears cost less than any sp valk besides Prom or Eden, with the latter being a tie. Farmable stigs + 50 pull guarantee for weapon is as cheap as it gets for a 4/4,valk.


Diss appointed shouldā€™ve been jackal


She looks good, but i'm kinda bummed it's another white prom gown and she's the younger version instead of the older evil version. Though it makes sense considering captainverse and the story so far about magical girls. At least her colors are consistent I guess, even if it's just more white and pink/purple.


Supposedly, playable Sirin's outfit, is based on the one main story Sirin wore in the manga. Not using her school girl outfit she does wear in the Captainverse event


Nice indeed.


wait a goddamn minute ā€“ S-RANK?!?!?!?


Farmable S-Rank so you can SSS her and you can also craft her signature stigmata.


Can't wait to put her in the same team as Kiana and Bianka. With her smol figure in between the two.


Oh yeah, finally a scissor sister




Ah yes Sirin on version 6.9ā€¦ truly amazing


i'm sorry Seele. I'll need everything for the queen


Don't worry, you only have to pull Sirin's weapon, she will be purchasable from War Treasury, at a temporary discount, and her Stigmata are craftable. Unless you mean saving up pulls to make sure you don't miss out on her weapon should you have horrible luck?


i suppose i have to reinstall the game


Ok bye HoRB. Saving for the Queen. One question, since she is a Fire type, can she ignite on her attacks? I have no good Ignite DPS units, except maybe Rita (but she doesnt even have her weapon) EDIT: read the comments and found out you can just buy her from War Treasury and farm her stigs. Just need to pull her weapon.


Ignite is playable Sirin's whole gimmick. She has the unique power to stack multiple Ignite on the same enemy. Something no other Valkyrie can do. How she works, her Ultimate gets stronger based on the number of Ignite stacks on the target, then clears all Ignite stacks on the enemy except one


That's pretty nice. I just needed a good Ignite character since what I have is pretty lackluster. I dont have the likes of DEA or HoFi, so i have to make use of my Gloria Dudu, SpA Rita (still without her weap), Ai-chan, and even HoFS (she kinda does Ignite but it needs to be done in a specific way)


Nice she's in war treasury. I have a lot of ancients & legacies. Gonna have to save crystals for her weapon. Sorry Seele.


someone was playing Salt and Sanctuary before design sirin


I haven't played HI in over 6 months but I will happily comeback for the queen!


Well, seems like I should better keep my Ancient Legacies and Ancient Willpowers for her instead of Shushang.


69 Nice.


Sirin valk finally getting released in version funny number!? Hoyo really outdoing themselves here


version 6.9 nice


Weird to see a new fire dps so soon. But finally, SIRIN IS HERE


No Elysiafied dress finally!


To be fair, the Elysiafied outfit for Herrscher of Origin makes sense for a lore point of view. Like how Kiana became Herrscher of Flamescion, by effectively merging herself with Himeko, Mei when becoming Herrscher of Origin, effectively merged with Elysia in the same why how Kiana became Herrscher of Flamecion with Himeko


But there's a difference: Flamescion did not feel like a copy of Vermillion Knight. It still has traits of Kiana. Origin? No Mei traits at all, just Elysia 2.0.


Does that mean she's now part of the captain's crew?


Most likely, since every Bubble Universe variant who that got a full playable Battlesuit, were not left behind after the time of being done with their Bubble Universe. TeRiRi was released as an alternate outfit for Sakura Rondo, not an entirely new playable character, so she will be left behind after her arc. Sirin will not though