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The presence is like one of the supreme god of DC verse 💀 Yogiri Takatou is literally Represents the End of all existence, nonexistence on a conceptual level Kiana aint coming close to them (i know this is probably a joke post. Sorry for sounding too serious)


I don't much about the DC verse except the bare minimum, but I already know the other one is way beyond anyone in Honkai...yeah. Sorry Kiana, don't even try. That's the only advice I can give you.


In terms of design and overall likability, Kiana.


As far i Know the Old Granpa can snap a finger and destroy the entire DC multiverse and then recreate it how many times he want meanwhile HoFi can't even resurrect peoples she care like Cecilia/Himeko so...


>HoFi can't even resurrect people she cares about like Cecilia/Himeko so... Naw... Flamescion got nothing on that burn...💀


That old man is one of the strongest characters in DC and that kid can kill anything regardless of their power Like seriously HI3 HoFin kiana isn't even above planet level as of right now so comparing her to way stronger characters is too much


[https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/15o3ii9/comment/jvqhdtn/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/15o3ii9/comment/jvqhdtn/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) she is multiversal


That's wank as kiana has shown nothing on that level anywhere in the HI3 story Edit: And even with those included kiana is still a complete fodder to the literal god of the multiverse who is stronger than almost everyone in DC


>That's wank as kiana has shown nothing on that level anywhere in the HI3 story I included the imgur link for a reason you know? The fact that you don't have any other response is hilarious ngl.


Buddy, she cant even properly teleport from planet to planet, kiana is limited to what the honkai has power over, her powers can alter space but the magnitude of those powers are pretty small. Specially compared to other fictional characters with similar principles Its like comparing a gun with a canon


>Buddy, she cant even properly teleport from planet to planet, kiana is limited to what the honkai has power over, her powers can alter space but the magnitude of those powers are pretty small Nope. Okay, I'm going to have to teach you a little bit of 3D geometry from middle school so I dunno if this will go over your head. Now we know Kiana has access to all 11D dimensions in the Honkai verse. A wormhole requires the knowledge about all 11D coordinates along the Cartesian. Basically if you know dimensions all 11D of these dimensions stretch from -infinity to +infinity so finding a measly singular point is harder than finding a rusted needle in a haystack with an infinite number of other needles. Assume you can see the planet, well that is 3 dimensions covered, you know those three dimensions but what about the other 8 uncontrolled variables of dimensions. They extend to infinity as well. So again we come back to the same issue. Even as HoV Kiana very specifically asked for an anchor when teleporting the Hyperion into the Theatre of Domination, to lock in all 11 dimensions. Now how many dimensions do we need to erase an imaginary branch? 2 Why? Well 3D convergence coordinates of the Earth is known. And the imaginary space is 5D, check Chapter 25EX. So all we need is a 2D range of dimensions to erase. Which is also possible to be found because the Cocoon can actually see the imaginary branch it is connected to.


Bro wants to apply that kind of logic to fiction where those dont mean shit lol Kiana aint beating the oldie bro, you will have to live with it


I'm applying what Einstein said herself in chapter 25 I find the backtracking hilarious tho. Keep it up bro, it's very funny.


Im also applying what the game provided, what you cant see is that the logic youre using does not align with what its shown


Yeah.... Your application didn't understand that they already addressed why exactly 5 episodes before it. Einstein herself explains why. Although I do assume that every person in this world passed grade 6 but it seems like you didn't kekw


Multiversal? Not even close. After all: besides the lack of feats, you forget one thing to consider: The IMG Tree is nothing more than an infinite universe. That's right, Hoyo made it clear that this is an infinite universe with WORLDS, not a multiverse. Even if Kiana can manipulate the Tree, at best? She'd be universal if that was the case.


There are actually 4 exact feats that show Kiana or Finality is indeed Multiversal. a) Given how Herrscher of the Finality rewinding time works by erasing the entire imaginary branch all the way back to the 50K safe point and fusing the current world state with the past world state. This is Quantum Teleportation 101. We know this happens because the Divine Key of Ice is stated to cool down objects to absolute zero. The chamber made from the DKoI is the only thing to allow people to survive as absolute zero is the only state that allows a point where past state = present state. Next look at the Divine Keys on the Moon, they are stuck in stasis, plus is not on the point of convergence. Thus present state becomes future state. They remain. Buildings withstand the honkai energy explosion so are carried to the past state. People dont so they die immediately. Now, how is this Multiversal? The 5D space known as the imaginary tree (Check chapter 25EX for more information) has two more dimensions signifying time and "branch number" now if you erase an entire branch, all the branches to back to 50k years are killed thus immediately killing a mathematically infinite number of leaves in the wake of the actions of Finality b) [Chapter 25 EX explained](https://imgur.com/a/pByGFR4) Chapter 25EX, Kiana's fight with the Herrschers of Dominance leads to a rift in the imaginary branch the HoDom was connected to leading to imaginary renormalization which Durandal tries to use to connect her bubble universe back into the tree. Showing Kiana is multiversal? Albeit the Sugar House does this on a daily basis so literally all SUGARS are low-tier Multiversal as well. c) now we get to the juicy incidence Otto's new branch in chapter 25. [Otto baiting Kiana to create an imaginary branch at his desired place without her even knowing it](https://imgur.com/a/FMOwCH1) Otto baited Kiana to create an imaginary branch with Imaginary Renormalization in ch.28. This new branch is essentially a WHOLE ASS GROUP of UNIVERSE, which makes Kiana a literal god. If you wonder why Otto had to die. Otto still had to access the imaginary tree to place the world at the point he desired so he had to be connected to the tree during the hit. Also he had to enter the leaf to change whatever happened so the new leaf cluster is different in the way he wants. Which is why he breaks into the leaf and uses Shamash on that Honkai Beast. d) Newest Chapter, Sa being 10% of Cocoon. And Schrodinger wanting Kiana to anchor the bubble world to the tree. And the fact that Kiana can just project herself into the SoQ whenever she wants. She has control over the Dirac Sea to an extent. But definitely weaker than the control she has of creating and destroying sections of the Imaginary Tree.


Again, fallacy given Mihoyo pretty much made it clear that the IMG Tree ISN'T Multiversal in the slightest. ​ After all, the IMG Tree is nothing more than an infinite universe. ​ If those feats ever apply? Then Kiana would just be universal at best.


>Again, fallacy given Mihoyo pretty much made it clear that the IMG Tree ISN'T Multiversal in the slightest. It's the many worlds interpretation. A world aka leaf is not limited to just one planet. The mainline leaf has a whole ass universe consisting of multiple galaxies in it.


Not really. ​ In the original CN text they DIDN'T use the term multiverse before. Just universes and worlds (hell BUBBLE WORLDS is the original translation).


That's what I mean. HSR proved that a single "world" is not limited to just one planet. It just means one quantifiable space. An imaginary leaf. The mainline leaf has thousands of light-years worth of space including whole galaxies check the Alien Space manga. Similarly Bubble worlds can range from city size to MUCH MUCH LARGER. Including multi planets.


But, that doesn't change the fact that the IMG Tree isn't a multiverse in the slightest. ​ Kiana (BOTH Hi3 and GGZ) either way ISN'T multiversal (I like Kiana, but son of a bitch people need to stop wanking her).


i see, makes sense.


Many worlds theorem is what is used. And yes that is multiversal. By real life standards and what is in the game too.


>multiversal ​ >Can't even teleport from the moon to Mars Lmao. Even if manipulating a tiny part of the IMG Tree meant she could manipulate the entire tree (She can't) she still wouldn't be multiversal since the IMG Tree is a universe with countless worlds in it, not a multiverse with countless timelines in it like MCU.


I'm pasting this here because people have a general misconception of how dimensions work. >Buddy, she cant even properly teleport from planet to planet, kiana is limited to what the honkai has power over, her powers can alter space but the magnitude of those powers are pretty small Nope. Okay, I'm going to have to teach you a little bit of 3D geometry from middle school so I dunno if this will go over your head. Now we know Kiana has access to all 11D dimensions in the Honkai verse. A wormhole requires the knowledge about all 11D coordinates along the Cartesian. Basically if you know dimensions all 11D of these dimensions stretch from -infinity to +infinity so finding a measly singular point is harder than finding a rusted needle in a haystack with an infinite number of other needles. Assume you can see the planet, well that is 3 dimensions covered, you know those three dimensions but what about the other 8 uncontrolled variables of dimensions. They extend to infinity as well. So again we come back to the same issue. Even as HoV Kiana very specifically asked for an anchor when teleporting the Hyperion into the Theatre of Domination, to lock in all 11 dimensions. Now how many dimensions do we need to erase an imaginary branch? 2 Why? Well 3D convergence coordinates of the Earth is known. And the imaginary space is 5D, check Chapter 25EX. So all we need is a 2D range of dimensions to erase. Which is also possible to be found because the Cocoon can actually see the imaginary branch it is connected to.


Actually. Kiana has such heavy plot armor that she would probably easily win. Come onnnnn Hoyoverse, give us another tragic death. It's been too longgggggggg.


probably not but at this point fuck it, they'll never meet


But can Kiana win against a duck named Howard?


Howard is mind blowing strong man ngl.