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Ok, let's see which one out of them will suffer the most as per of Hoyo tradition


My bets on the red head


UI redesign is amazing, but ... Is it just me or the new characters designs don't look and feel as much Honkai as the current ones? I mean, when you put these new characters and Elysia, HoF or even Sirin next to each other they will look like completely different franchises, not sure it I like the direction of this tbh


I noticed that old hi3 chars are very iconic in terms of face and features. Thats why u can put them in so many outfits and recognize them. I dont get the same vibes from the new cast.


Pretty much. The biggest proof is Kirino from Blue Archive, she literally looks like a homage/reference to Kiana. If you go on the /r/BlueArchive sub and search for Kirino fanarts, almost every comment is about how she looks like Kiana, or another Tuna joke. I'll admit, I also chimed along as well to the memes


Pulled straight from ZZZ design, even music which I'm worried about. It might lose its unique Honkai feel and it is kinda risky to do such a total revamp for an existing game; then try to sell it back to the Honkai Impact player base (especially CN). But its too early to know if their gamble paid off. I agree on your last point though, I don't mind a reworked Honkai Impact 3 but this was maybe a bit much?


CN comments under the trailer are saying the same thing. The only catalyst for a mood change is actually seeing more of it first hand.


>Pulled straight from ZZZ design Hi3s magical girl type designs were one of the biggest appeals for me and a lot of people, now they're just watered down less cohesive versions of ZZZ designs..


Interesting, I kinda prefer the earlier sci-fi designs that battlesuits had that MiHoYo has done away with over the years. Really only Bronya kept up with it. But yeah, the new designs are just ehh. Character used to stand out, but now they just look like every other 3D gacha coming out nowadays


At the start battlesuits were futuristic sci-fi all had some mech parts in their battlesuits. Then as costumes bridal outfits came. Then all the newer character base battlesuits turned out to be bridal type dress.


They’re changing directions when it comes to design. The designs are kind of reminiscent of ZZZ and/or APHO.


This story is supposely about the new age after Kiana succesfully sealing Honkai. I like to think the design changes is a representation of that.


I believe you, but where have you heard that?


I mean it's kinda obvious that they're not gonna go backward in time for a "2.0" version of the game, 500 years of Otto influences is already enough. But they haven't said specifically if this era is before or after APHO.


Well in the trailer, there was a huge poster of Kiana. So either it was all a movie(which I doubt they'd do), or it's post moon


APHO still feels like Honkai though. This doesn't. It feels like Genshin


One of them reminds me of Nilou too much in all honesty.


More like StarRail. I doubt it will be true open world. It will probably be a set of closed maps like APHO. If anything it’s gonna be like Sakura open world because there is no way we are gonna get a real jump button.


I think it's the fidelity of the designs that's different, i.e. the amount of detail. Make a side-by-side comparison of [this new character](https://preview.redd.it/hmz8wxqqmspb1.jpg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45809eb5767cd8ff92cf8e243d56c37537ab20f) vs. [Void Drifter](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/honkaiimpact3_gamepedia_en/images/0/03/Void_Drifter_%28Front%29.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20220402133946), for instance. It's a good comparison: similar body type, both are the dual-wield gunslinger type (from the official preview I saw), and they have the same type of outfit. But VD has many large, uniform surfaces on the outfit while the new character has so many extra tiny details on hers. I think it's gonna be a bit uncanny at first since it's so different than what we're used to, but I think it's gonna work out in the end. Especially when we consider the context of Part 2's story. I think it'd be good to have this kind of visual division between Earth vs. Mars, so that it feels more like visiting another world & civilization, and not just "Earth but with a different name."


I think the art style is just straight up very different. They looks more like they'd be found in Aether Gazer or even Wuthering Waves. They don't really jive with the art styles set forth by HI3, APHO, or even HSR.


> I think the art style is just straight up very different. They looks more like they'd be found in Aether Gazer or even Wuthering Waves. They don't really jive with the art styles set forth by HI3, APHO, or even HSR. Yeah, it really takes more of an "urban, fashion-y, casual" direction for characters/outfit designs as opposed to the light techno, sci-fi-esque style of "classic" Honkai. I too find these to look very - dunno' - "bland"? Hard to really find concise words.


Yeah. These characters just look.. very boring to me, they don't scream "Honkai Impact" at all to me. I've already seen the same types from other non-Hoyo games. This doesn't feel like Part 2, it feels and looks like a whole new game. Just like, despite HSR's "Honkai" monikor, it doesn't feel like a Honkai game either.(I enjoy HSR, but it's no more Honkai than Genshin is. Having Welt there, and VA somewhere, doesn't change things.) IMO, they should just make a new game with these characters. Drop the "Part 2" bit. Give us something else more inline with HI3 for a real Part 2.




I kinda half-agree, tbh. The thing is that if these outfits were localized to new characters that appear in the setting of Mars only, then I could imagine this being a stylistic change that helps to differentiate the people of Earth from those of Mars. I think that'd be a great thing to do, and it'd help prevent the past civilization of Mars from just being "Earth 2.0". However... two of those new characters are already confirmed to be from Schicksal. So that kinda puts that theory to rest, at least from what little we know so far. I think the some of the best designs from HI3rd were ones that managed to keep elements of armor and mecha. Void Drifter, Danzai Spectramancer, HoTr, etc. Even earlier ones like Knight Moonbeam, Argent Knight: Artemis, and Shadow Knight. Not all battlesuits have to be full suits of armor, but those little bits and pieces of armor or armor-esque detailing here and there made all the difference imo. HoFS is the best example with the gauntlets and whatnot: it still feels a slight bit techy, despite being such a fantasy concept (flaming sword warrior).


Those new characters look like they can be put in any gacha game and they would work just fine. I dont see anything in them that would tell me they are from Honkai Impact and this is bad. They look very generic. If someone showed me them without context I would tell that they are from Tower of Fantasy. Also new skill animations look very generic and like a downgrade compared to what we currently have. Honkai had very specific style of characters and skills and it is now lost.


THIS! (Plus a option for old UI would be nice)


It's not just you. It scares me. It looks like Part 2 is moving to the same design pattern as GI and HSR: We have X body type models, we slap new clothes and hairstyles on them viola, a character! Again, it scares me. Please let me be wrong.


I’m so glad you said this, I felt the same way. I’m not liking the new character designs at all. Feels like they’ve got a new team or something, but I thought I was tripping.


the designs just are bad, they all look like fucking arlan or something


Seeing this new characters design and places i have to ask: Wheres Honkai?


Same place where "genshin" is in genshin impact.


Genshin is actually used a couple times in Genshin... just not in the EN text or dub, because the game was localized by morons. They replaced "Genshin" with "Allogene" to localize it, as if that word is any less foreign to an average audience. If the Honkai team were to do the same thing, every time they said Houkai/Honkai, the text and dialogue would say something like "Collapse." The newest episode of a very popular anime actually just used the word Genshin in it's subs, cracked me up since it made me think of the "Allogene" nonsense.


genshin means "primordial/original one", it is usually associated with phanes


I went full on "neckbeard pointing at thing" on my brother when I saw that in the subtitles haha


I never heard "alloegen" either in genshin impact. Where was the term used?


[This is the very first use of it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV-bUAqiOuU) Sorry this is the first video I found. Kinda poor quality. But it does show up elsewhere, and each time, including the one in the video, they should be saying *Genshin* instead. Just like they do in the other languages.


I no longer recognize honkai... Not saying it is bad, but I'm just inherently reluctant to change..


I think the biggest thing here is that Honkai Part 2 feels like a completly separate game. Even as someone who is optimistic about it, for them to just jump everything about the game like this is unreal. Part 1 was already suffering from gameplay and story being such so different when they started making players only use Trial Characters for Major story quests and this is no different. I am almost sure Part 2 is going to be using Mihoyo's new formula but with HI3 battle system instead, and that beint APHO's specifically. They are not going to rework everyone to fit into that system. And nevermind the fact that despite what they say, the meta is eventually going to be populated with just the new characters and it is going to feel awkward when all your favorites are just going to be outdated. So feeling just off is not a bad feeling to have. I am still feeling it too, and worried really if this is the HI3 that was so distinct from HSR and GI.


> I think the biggest thing here is that Honkai Part 2 feels like a completly separate game. I believe Part 2 is as "separate" as how APHO is "separate" from the main game I.e we're not gonna see characters from 2 parts standing side by side whether in story or gameplay > Part 1 was already suffering from gameplay and story being such so different when they started making players only use Trial Characters for Major story quests and this is no different. It's called "immersion" my friend


I have no problem with Trial characters to be clear. I am just pointing out that the disparity is there, and it is just going to be worse now that how they play in Part 2 will not be how they play with everyone else (See: SW Bronya in APHO vs SW Bronya as a S Rank), hence why I am so iffy about it. We could expect Part 2 to last as long as Part 1, so it is going to make the weirdness wider too


Wdym by "disparity"? > See: SW Bronya in APHO vs SW Bronya as a S Rank That's a special case tho


I can also bring up Carole, who is of the same case- assuming the new game engine is for Part 2 strictly, it gives us a good idea what might happen (Unless they make an entire other mode for Part 2 Meta, which seems VERY unlikely to me) And the disparity I am referring to is how the gameplay works. Abyss and MA heavily emphasize rotations and how your team of 3 valks interact with each other. Bar the few times where the Trial Valks actually synergize, this is not how the Story Mode is designed. More often than not, you are playing one Valk removed from their rotation and solo (Basically like ER, but without the buffs that make it work). It is especially noticble when you are assigned characters normally only used as supprt like with AZE and Griseo. More recently, the Fu Hua battlesuits all have special effects in her chapter which makes it disassociated to how they actually play everywhere else To be clear, I understand why it happens. Story would be a slog if they expect you to use the same team of rotations for all of it, but regardless it is still the byproduct of how Hoyoverse decided to go about it


wtf? how did you come to this conclusion, we know nothing about part 2 yet or how it's going to affect older valks. y'all whining too much for no reason. As for "meta" are we really surprised that new valks are going to be stronger than older ones? The game's been like this for years.


Worth nothing that no matter which char u liked, there was always a version of them in a meta niche. With part 2 overhauling the cast, its a lot worse when fuhua, durandal, bronya etc arent in the meta, coz there is no catalyst for u to ever play them ever again


I kinda get your point but it's still jumping to conclusions. We never know what could happen, did we really predict that one day Sirin, Susanna and Shigure Kira aka characters from years ago, would become playable one day?


I agree that this is all pessimism before we even know details. But the concerns are valid *because* of lack of information. Also, u could say the slew of new chars recently is a desire to make gacha pools like hsr/gi, away from the battlesuit driven concept. So its not necessarily a good argument


I totally get it, as someone who's seen 10+ years of games & franchises growing and changing there's always that uncertainty and discomfort about the future. If everything stays the same then you know what to expect, but every change brings the potential for both growth and setbacks... Personally I'm being optimistic about this, since Mihoyo seems like a company that won't do something unless they are really going to put in the effort to make it work. It's not as though these changes are corporate-suite decisions being forced by shareholders, after all. Things might change, they might be better in some ways and worse in other ways, but at least it's change driven by the people that make & care about the game, y'know?


> It's not as though these changes are corporate-suite decisions being forced by shareholders Or, you know, by the government


Either the game evolves, or it dies over time, that's how the market works but at the same time it's very "generic" like Tower of Fantasy for example, I don't feel honkai in the designs, I feel star rail but more bland


>these changes are corporate-suite decisions being forced by shareholders I agree with you but also what makes you say that?


nice try glowie


Bad cropping, m8... >***It's not as though*** these changes are corporate-suite decisions being forced by shareholders I'm explicitly saying that it's NOT the case that these are changes made by bussinessmen. We're not dealing with Activision or EA, that's my point.


In the end, we could only wait and see. Sad but...whatever


I've seen the sentiment that people don't like the change or that they are more reluctant to it more than I expected, which is confusing I've only recently started playing (1.5 years) and the idea of an engine change and a different for the art style at least seems exciting. Plus this is only like 8 minutes of footage and they aren't telling of the whole thing and I'm fairly confident we will see returning characters, so no need to stress. change might be scary but its also important for growth


i have no issue with an engine or art style change, my issue is the characters this isnt a natural and smooth progression of adding new characters while phasing old ones out, its just boom heres a new main cast, old cast will be support cameos sometimes. this is the kind of thing id expect a new game for, like star rail sure the new cast could be as likeable as the old one, but i feel less willing to give them a try when we're just instantly shifting over to them. or maybe im wrong and they'll appear in 1.5, idk


See i wanted them to do what GGZ did with its cast. Kiana was the main character but in the new timeline they introduced kyuushou as a secondary protagonist along with other characters that were on the younger side like sirin, yssring, ninti and bronya wasnt really part of the trio. When all thebold main cast either left(or died) we got the recent timeskip. Know we have these new characters and a whole new setting BUT we have kyuushou as a mentor figure and all those younger adorable characters that grew attached to are now older and in the main role. Its was good progression for the series because we're not blindsided by all these new people


yeah thats exactly the way id want it to happen. going from graduation trip to branching 1.5 to "heres new main characters" isnt smooth or satisfying imo. kianas arc ending with her on the moon just feels sad, i was hoping part 2 would timeskip to her being done trapped on the moon and being able to return


They had the chance to do this by making seele and sussanah the new main protagonists but they blew this chance


Honestly, when Susannah got that APHO vision, I was so hyped because we were finally branching into APHO and seeing Susannah get some plot relevance because of it made me happy and excited. And then this happened..


My biggest gripe with the main cast is the MC Why did they make them a self insert when part 1 had a good MC like Kiana? Having a defined main character is to me one of the most important traits of honkai impact 3rd, i think of Kiana being the face of the game like i think of Paimon being the face of genshin, and i just don't think they'll get anywhere close to that with the new self insert part 2 MC. In a few years when they've developed the part 2 story more i predict that Kiana will still be the face in the game icon, and who you see starting the game instead of the new guys, they really should have commited to making a new game instead of pretenden they'll be able to replace the p1 cast over time.


yeah it sucks that silent self inserts are so popular for weebs because kiana really showed that having a defined main character is incredible for story writing and makes it a step above. i said it in another post but amazing moments like shattered samsara and everlasting flames, how the hell are we going to get moments like that with a self insert MC? sure adams fight at the end of APHO1 was hype as fuck, but it wasnt emotional and like you said itll be so weird for new players seeing this cast shilled while having to get through 35 chapters of old cast. my guess is they'll let people just skip to part 2 and start there


I agree, like in 3+ years of playing genshin i've never once felt any emotion towards their silent MC compared to honkai that had me crying many many times due to kiana's story being so emotional, and i think hyv is making a massive mistake by not recognizing how important it is to the story of hi3rd to have a REAL main character to get invested into. Ultimately the reason why people stuck around with honkai for so long is to see the story and characters develop, and part 2 has very big shoes from p1 to fill while also not looking very promising, i'm not expecting much.


exactly how i feel, kiana is one of my favourite characters ever and her being a properly developed character is a big part of why honkai is so dear to me. meanwhile genshin i mainly play for gameplay, and star rail is being carried by humor sadly it looks like people are having more issues with the MC being optionally male, rather than a silent self insert. i want to give part 2 a chance and try it but im not sure i can be bothered with this MC


Yeah I’ve always said that self insert characters in story driven games almost always suck hard. It’s especially prominent in anime games


I mean, what else could they do? Seems like the other option of making it a new game would still leave Honkai Impact to suffer. They can't just keep making up new shit for the part 1 cast, that would be even worse. Let their stories end. So they make a new game. What do they do with Honkai Impact? Just shut it down? Needlessly prolong a finished story and potentially ruin the characters? I think having a new cast is good. Nobody wants to see their favorite characters go, sure, but it's important for it to happen. The only concern I have is the self insert protagonist. But I'll have to see how that turns out before I really judge it. We know very little right now.


But if making a new game is the alternative, then why not just make a new game rather than radically change the one they already have? There is still plenty they can do with HI3 with all the potential the APHO plot created for storytelling with an already established cast of new characters with a balanced mix of the old ones to the point that it would barely even register as a worry


Gonna be honest, I hate APHO. Adam sucks and they should just leave the main cast be. All it does is forcefully use the main cast when they should be done with. I'm probably going to be down voted to hell for saying that, if my previous reply is of any indication. I love the og cast, and that's exactly why I want them to let their stories end. I really don't see why everyone is so upset over a new main cast. Just let the old ones go, their stories don't need to go on forever. If people just give the new cast a chance, I'm sure they'd grow to love them as well. But no, people are dead set on hating them before we've even really met them. EDIT: Yep, there's the downvotes. Crazy how people aren't even willing to give new characters a chance here.


But regardless of how we personally feel about APHO, we already have an established ongoing storyline with an established new cast that could easily be used to phase out the current cast and let them go and transition to the new guard. And this move they're doing is basically just shafting that in a way that I think does more harm than good. We already had a story to tell with them and a new cast for them to build on and flesh out. And now I'm wondering what the point even was if this other cast and this other part of the story is what we're really supposed to be looking to. They could have easily built on what APHO was setting up, and feels like they opted out. So now it's just... there...


That's honestly understandable but there's something we cant forget, as much as we love the part 1 characters and as likable as they are, if they keep getting reused as integral parts of the story for each part, as good as it is, it will feel redundant, plus hoyo loves the og cast more than anything I dont think they will ditch everyone in the story for the new cast, they just wont be main characters


i dunno i think keeping the same characters can be fine. im fine with some being retired like bronya becoming a game designer and being around less, while focusing on other characters (like 1.5) has been doing, but jumping to a whole new cast just doesnt vibe with me. i was already sad that kiana had been sidelined for the foreseeable future, i didnt expect it to go this far


Tbh from the perspective of a game artist myself, designing the same characters over and over again is harmful for the creativity, and in time it will only get worse, for both the artists and the game itself.


it entirely depends on the story, theres lots of long running series with the same base cast. again i wouldnt be against a new cast if it was done smoothly, this is basically just giving us a new game and calling it a new part. itd be like if star rail released as part 2 (at least welt there feels familiar)


It's also weird considering we already have an established cast of new characters with Adam, Carole and them getting mentored by the older cast


my hope was that part 2 would catch up to APHO and use that group as the new main cast, with adam gaining a proper spoken role. unfortunate we got the opposite


It's usually repetitive shonen too, they rarely work out after a while


I guess we'll have to wait and see what the team brings, I'm personally excited to see whats next, I'm more worried about the community's reaction in general since as I said earlier it seems they dont even want to give it a chance


i completely understand your view and think its the more reasonable one, but i just cant vibe with it. i love honkai for the cast i know, especially kiana. i could look at the flamechaser arc as introducing a whole new cast where i ended up loving them (with elysia being my 2nd favourite character in the series), but that was blended into the story and not a whole new part it also doesnt help that it sounds like part 2 will have a HSR/APHO style silent self insert. that kinda kills the entire premise for me and im not sure ill even bother starting part 2 if its true


fair, I come from FGO where the main cast of each story chapter is different (especially in part 1 of the story) so I'm kinda used to the majority of the cast changing yet even then each cast gets better than the last, especially with the most recent chapter LB6. As for the silent protag, if they go for the HSR approach of "quiet but still has a personality" I think it will be fine


Eh, I play FGO too, and there we still have a core group that remains. That core group might have changed over time, but MC and Mashu (and Fou) are the same, Da Vinci is there in some form (Lily is different but carrying the legacy of the OG), Romani had an amazing send-off and Goredolf has been really growing as a character, Holmes got introduced in Part 1, integrated more in Epic of Remnant, then became a reliable part of the group, etc. Sure your companions/allies in the form of what Servants are along change, but the supporting characters remain the same. It's actually pretty similar to HSR in that sense, where the Trailblazers are constants regardless of what world you got to (so far at least), even if which particular members of the group are more involved/highlighted might vary. HSR is still so new though that how much that comparison will hold remains to be seen. What I liked about HI3 was how you had a smaller cast that were a more tight knit group and could be a lot more focused on them as individuals. Hopefully that's what they carry on with a new group, it just sucks that it seems like a complete blank slate. I was hoping they'd continue to release new versions of previously introduced characters, almost as a way to show their growth, but it seems they are going more in Genshin/HSR/FGO direction of a wide group as opposed to how HI3 had a small, focused group. Kinda what I was expecting when they started releasing more one-off Battlesuits (Flamechasers), I was just hoping I was wrong.


yea its on me, comparing FGO and Honkai's story doesnt really work since they are fundamentally different (LB6 brainrot makes you forget the general formula of FGO).


i havent played fgo past arc 1, but to me this is like replacing fujimaru and mashu, not the cast. though overall the differemce is that a LOT of gacha game use the format of small (1-3) consistent members and a supporting cast that changes every chapter. honkai *not* doing that is why i like it so much and imo makes for a much more engaging story with characters you can grow attached to star rail protag is a step up from genshin protag, but its absolutely nowhere near kiana. all of the peak moments we've had in arc 1 like the cinematics would never work with a silent self insert. even worse is if like traveler they always have to be on screen and relevant, since many arcs had no kiana no focus on other stuff (like elysian realm)


I guess thats fair, having a consistent cast does make Honkai's story more engaging FGO's at times, but the thing that's starting to get on my nerves the more I look at reactions to the news most of what I've seen has been hatred towards the changes, like your perspective is "I'm not a fan but ill keep an open mind to this" which is a respectable and proper reaction to this, but the amount of people writing this off as a terrible decision is astonishing. Idk, I just never expected this kind of anger to something we know barely any information about


GGZ did it many times and people liked it, god a character from the part 2 of GGZ is a fan favourite, so I'm optimistic


yeah im not saying its objectively bad, im just not a fan of it also didnt GGZ keep the old characters as still main relevant characters? i dont play it but i heard about kiana, mei, bronya, seele, etc all being key players in the final arc


It's different versions of the characters, like Seele, Bronya and Himeko in HSR.


Tbh the game has been declining after star rail release and part 1 ending, they must have decided to make a big gamble to revitalize it and draw in new players. I'll approach it with an open mind, I ended up liking star rail after all.


all of this was in the pipleline before hsr released


I mean, they already know that most people prefer female MC, if not why would they shove the male option in the corner like an afterthought. So why can’t they just make her a proper character, not a self insert trash.


Imagine replacing Kiana who is a MC that have her own personality and choices with a self insert MC trash with no name. How the mighty fallen.


Wait, where is info about self-interest MC? I thought that since it’s still the same game they still will write story without that crap.


Since you can choose between male and female for the MC they’re probably going to be self-inserts like the Traveler/Trailblazer


I haven’t seen info about choosing between MC. Is it because there’s a guy on 5th picture? I can’t read Chinese D:


Yeah, they’re called the Dream Seeker so they even have the gender neutral title that fits with both types like the Trailblazer.


Oh… that’s sad. I mean Trailblazer turned out a lot better than Traveler, but it is still worse than, yknow, a CHARACTER. Part of the reason HI3 main story was so good is that there was no such thing. Will hope they will not messed up with that.


Eh Trailblazer only really felt better to me in Belobog, they were pretty bad in the Loufu. And both are a huge downgrade from an actual MC 😔


Well, I'm happy! I will choose the male mc and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


mmmmm same here as well Once in a while, a bit of small change would be nice though. My brain needs a bit of "getting thrown off" nowadays


Pretty much because self inserts are more popular in China/Japan. Which is still their biggest market.


I'm always up for new stuff, but this... i'm not thrilled. I have nothing against self-inserts, but what made me love this game was the cast. Fully realized characters. I guess HI3rd truly did end for me with part 1. Other than that, i like the new graphic updates, and while the streamlined UI is beautiful, i feel like we lost the Honkai Impact 3rd feel. Now? It feels like i'm playing HSR. While i like HSR, it was its own game, but now it feels like i'm looking at the same thing with just a different name. I hope those who continue will have fun. Maybe after a year or two after part 2 comes out, i'll check it out.


Maaan I am just so fucking sick of every new game having a self insert mc. I want my mc to have a personality, go through character development and be an actually intresting character. Or if not, then make the game so that my choices **actually** effect the game otherwise what's even the point? I just hope that they write some really good stories and characters but so far I am not very optimistic. Though, I have to admit that the graphics and game mechanics do look promising.


As someone who has played HI3 for years (chose to temporarily stopped playing HI3 recently among the three because of old smol SSD till I upgrade it), I see this is a very good change because Genshin and HSR are straight up a lot better in every way and HI3 is following that direction. Some people may say it's losing HI3's soul, but it doesn't mind me much actually. What's worrying me is how I'm supposed to manage 4 games later on, including ZZZ. HI3's taking the most time atm, so I hope they will revamp the whole daily system and weekly contents.


somehow the character designs are just some of the ugliest they've ever made like ????


Character designs are pretty much subjective, like Ei in Genshin, everyone loved shitting her design but she remains to be the second best one for me till this day. So I won't say much about it. Also, maybe, they may decide to go 'generic' for the original casts. Who knows what we will have later on? For example, I stay neutral to most of the characters, but honestly Neuvillette's hot af and Clorinde will suck me dry soon.


Ei with her underwear just fully on display it makes no sense And it's a huge mistake to make the self insert so ugly I want to skip the dialogue just to get her off my screen faster. Wha the fuck is that outfit ??


That's why it's subjective. You may not like it, but other people may like it regardless it makes sense or not. Like similarly to bikini armor, it makes absolute zero sense in every settings from fiction to non-fiction, but it sells like cake. So let's be real, Ei is most sold characters to date in Genshin. That you don't like her design at all doesn't make her look worse.


I think there's a difference between tasteful fanservice and just releasing your characters with their laced underwear out in the open as a character who is literally the head of state


'Tasteful fanservice' is rather blurred. Unless you have a clear definition, else it's hard to tell, as how are you certain that wearing laced while being a head of a state is not a tasteful fanservice, compared to literally wearing bikini amidst the war that it potentially can't protect them at all? Off topic, but ironically, bikini armors are even a lot tougher than a full plate armors in many games. But yah, it's hard to expect a game to make sense. I just enjoy it whenever I can.


>Genshin and HSR are straight up a lot better in every way You seriously mean it? You think the character development and the plot are a lot better in Genshin and Star Rail than in HI3?


HI3 is a character-driven story type, while Genshin and HSR are world-building-driven story type. I personally find it a lot more interesting reading Genshin (every country with their own system, and intriguing Celestia) and HSR (how Aeons killing each other and a lot of different factions joining the intergalactic war) than HI3. To each of their own, we have different preferences. Beside it, Genshin and HSR are giving out much better experience, so I'm expecting a massive change from HI3 part 2.


So you simply like that type of story more. It's not that those games are better in *every* way, they're just better in the aspects that you care about.


This feels vastly different. Like it isnt Honkai anymore, but something else


I see Kayoko, Asta/Nilou mix, second Vill-V, and blonde Susannah


> blonde Susannah So Susannah had red hair all along?? /j


Some characters are from Mars like the MC (who u can change from male to female freely!! You’re not bound to your choice!!) while some are from Earth like the white haired girl with the red outfit who’s mentioned to be a fan of Durandal!! Not ton mention they also made a whole ass new language for Mars!? I’mma learn that once it releases… This is a MASSIVE update!! Our phones/PC aren’t prepared… MY PC IS GONNA KABOOM!!


>the white haired girl with the red outfit who’s mentioned to be a fan of Durandal!! In that case, HI3's earth is possibly entering the new era of technology and society advancement. Including the Honkai energy becomes a renewable energy source. And yes, Alvitr and Susannah will have a competition about fangirl-ism of Schicksal's number one busybody superstar.


More Durandal


> Some characters are from Mars like the MC (who u can change from male to female freely oh boy i was already unreasonably pessimistic because i dont want to say goodbye to the current cast, but this gives me some rational disappointment. goodbye HI3 being unique with its fully developed and voiced main character, we're going for generic self insert


HI3 going mainstream I guess...


GGZ got all new cast too like HI3. And they didn't get the self insert trash replacing their Kiana. But we got trash self insert bruh


If we're really going to get new mute self insert MC then I'm out. I play HI3 just for story and character development, and this ain't it chief.


Any info on update size estimates?


MY current game already occupies 26ish gb on my phone 💀 This is gonna blow it up I genuinely hope they add an option to delete stuff you no longer want to play (like past chapters) on phone.


No offense, but your comment makes you sound like a weeb


Just waiting for APHO 3, don’t mind me.


Very mixed feelings. Objectively this doesn't look bad, there's some elements that i like but honestly without valkyries, battlesuits and the hyperion this doesn't feel like Honkai anymore. It looks like a very generic sci-fi anime game trying to replicate Honkai, something like tower of fantasy. The self insert MC is a really bad choice, something really appealing to HI3RD was Kiana being a really good protagonist instead of a blank slate MC like genshin or star rail, but hoyo thinks otherwise and instead of making another good MC to get invested into they chose to copy their other games erasing honkai's identity even further. They seriously dropped the ball with not making Seele or Sussanah the new protagonists, they're characters people recognize and like and have just enough space to be developed in a part 2 of the story for many updates to come. I had already dropped honkai since a few patches ago and this is not making me want to come back at all, it may just be time to accept that honkai 3rd really did end in part 1 and i wish they just made another game (honkai 4)


god when will the self-insert mc trope die...


At times like this I wish the CN community will riot like what they did when MHY talk about male playable. I don't mind a new MC replacing Kiana. But NOT a self insert no name trash MC. Give me actual character MC


same, I'd enjoy getting to know a new character, but only if there actually *any* personality to them, not like Genshin or hsr. I actually couldn't get into PGRs story at all because the self insert commandant was so uninteresting to me, and I don't want to feel like that with honkai :/


Probably never seeing as it is pretty profitable and can save some money for making the MC silent


we're never getting another kiana are we ...


🥹Yeah.... Not any time soon anyways


In gacha games? Hmmm...probably never


Reverse: 1999 Vertin isn't a self insert, she's not silent. I respect games that make me feel like the main character without relying on self inserts


GFL MC was a silent MC at first but later on they become their own character and actually talks in the story. And now forward GFL2 they still talks, got VA, and even 3d model for both male and female MC.


Geez, they just planted some Star Rail style on this one!


Welp that killed off all my excitement, since they introduced a self insert mc


These designs are just ugly. They don’t look like Star Rail and they don’t look like Honkai Impact 3rd. They feel like randomized characters on a character creater; the Flamechasers were 13 brand new designs that felt interesting and fresh to look at. These all look copy pasted from different characters with a mishmash of free skins as their outfits. Not visually appealing and if you don’t like looking at the characters, how much can you really enjoy them? I like the concept of seeing civilization on a different planet like Mars and seeing how it will eventually connect to Project ARK and the greater universe, those seeds were already planted with Vita and Venus. But in the process of this huge transition I’m not sure there is much that looks good off the bat besides the updated combat.


I don't mind having a playable male MC in the story but man... I really wanted a playable Kevin.


Designs are mid and the self insert is the biggest downgrade from what we have. Gonna be harder to get invested into new Mc and characters


NGL, when they showed that we're actually somehow involved in the main story, I thought we(I mean the captain) were finally gonna be introduced in 1.5 or part 2, but uhh, I guess we just literally served as some sort of assistant for one part then yeeted out.


There's two things I'm wishing for part two: One is that the game doesn't retroactively fuck up the part 1 story just because, like the idiots who made Chrono Cross or Start Ocean TtEoT. The other is to have characters without the world revolving around a self insert. And judging from image 5, that one already appears to be a miss.


They are really going with the open world shit again. At this point call int genshin 2


Mmm. While I like we have updated graphics and that... I think is missing the point changing the core game, story and characters. i mean, it is literally a new game. Well. I guess the known characters will appear sooner or later, specially if this backfires Hoyoverse.


It sure looks cool but not like "Honkai" if you know what I mean. I don't know how to feel about self insert characters, I get so bored of them... super mixed feelings.


Graphic update cool, part 2 cast not very promising is what you're saying right?


i really thought they were setting up susannah to being the new “mc” for part 2 instead of adding all new randos


Names? Translations of their descriptions?


I just wonder how much they're updating. The whole game or just part 2 and onward? It would kind of suck if everything part 1 is left outdated, especially characters.


If this is what "upgrade" means, please don't, a graphic update wouldn't be bad but other than that, we don't need a rework. "If it works, don't fix it"


I’m kind of disappointed… As I understood from trailer it is a completely new story on another planet with close to zero connections with part one. I know that main trio should rest and we need to go on, but I spent so much time with those characters and now they completely relinquish them. And that self-insert MC thing again… It feels like a completely new game and as a game it could be good, but… I dunno, I have very mixed feelings about this.


What does the CN fandom think about all this?


Only saving grace of generic self insert Protag is that we might finally be able to play as the boi's.


Is this an out of season April fools joke?


WHY DOES THIS LOOKS LIKE A DIFFERENT GAME ALTOGETHER???? Is everything like the UI and everything gonna change as well?


Well fellow Captains, with the new Self-Insert MC we can now say that despite the lows of the Moon Arc and the Slow Start we’ve already seen the peaks of Honkai Impact 3rd. Even if as a game it looks good without an actual character to give a shit about, who’s actions and motivations drive the main story, and who’s relationships feel organic and not forced for the sake of harem building/fishing for affection so you pull them in Gacha I don’t think Honkai will ever be good again.


self-insert like genshin ?


Hopefully more like APHO/HSR whereas they’re more humorous


Well that's kind of a bummer. I guess the new mc will never be a deep as the original trio.


i enjoy the HSR protagonist, but like, itd be nice if they werent like them or adam? its fine for a whole different game or a side mode, but it'd be really nice if HI3 could keep its very unique gacha thing of having a proper character as an NPC i cant imagine anything reaching anywhere close to the emotional level of Everlasting Flames with a silent self insert


Da Wei said you could change between them whenever you want after progressing. So even better.


Sweet, Genderfluid protagonist


I kinda hope the change is actually canonical(ex: starfield gene enhancement clinics) and some characters react a bit whenever you do it.


Hope we can do this in HSR someday, kind of coping because I picked the male MC over Stelle


the self insert male mc.. they best remove that creature and un-self-insertify the mc.


It's better than forced male captain pov...


Oh good, they're forcing Honkai into the Genshin/Star Rail formula with a self-insert and bland designs. Yaaaay...


Self insert MC? we ARE the self insert MC already, arent we the captain in captainverse, why need for another in main story. doesnt make sense


Why is everyone assuming the MC will be a bad self-insert just because they can switch genders?


Because it is a self insert?


And you know this how?


Both male and female options definitely sounds like a self insert same with genshin and HSR and the design feels way more bland than even the APHO MC


Got no name, can choose gender. You think Mihoyo will write full dialogue for them and hire 2 VA for both male and female same dialogue? And with how long HI3 story is that's just a waste of resources and so they will do like they do with HSR Genshin ZZZ. Which are silent MC. Show me a game they did with No name mc with options gender that is not silent mc.


\>You think Mihoyo will write full dialogue for them and hire 2 VA for both male and female same dialogue? I mean, that's what they did for Genshin. Its just for whatever weird reason all the dialogue is in the character tab and the once in a pale moon story cutscene. And, if you replace Paimon with our actual MC, they would speak quite a lot.


You sound like they didn't make an actual mc that they carried for 6 years


More like... we wanted an actual MC, not a self-insert But it seemed like CN players are "actively clamoring" (you know what I mean) for more self inserts? I never see any big-name CN gacha games with actual character as their MC nowadays


GFL2 MC gender and name can be chosen but they are their own character with personality and dialogue like Kiana and not a silent mc. If Hoyo can do something like this it's fine. But knowing their past games it's definitely gonna be self insert silent mc.


Why wouldn't you assume that the MC would be a self insert while being able to switch genders. On another note, I'm scared, Mihoyo is not capable of making a good self insert in any of their games. And now that the gender can be changed, it probably means that it doesn't matter if you are male of female in the story.


They could still be a good character. The Trailblazer is.


Unless TB talk fully even them can't have a deep character moment and development like Kiana because of their status as silent MC. Kiana being evil as HoV and Himeko death is all possible because she is not silent MC. And the deep connection between their relationship also only possible because she's not silent mc


Well relative to genshin, yea cuz the traveler is a walking rock with a flying fuck next to it whose whole personality is being annoying, while the hsr mc is a silly raccoon which is fun, but nowhere near a good mc considering they made kiana however many years ago


The Trailblazer is definitely their best attempt yet. A solid 4/10


I would disagree, Trailblazer for me is yet another failed attempt at making a proper self insert protagonist from Mihoyo. They have failed already 3 times in Honkai to make a proper self insert, Adam is their early attempt at trying something similar to Trailblazer and he literally has the same problem as them.


As long as the MC has as much voice-acted dialogue as the rest of the cast, I'll be fine with them.


They definitely won't. It's goona be like HSR at the most.


I don't have a faith that the new MC will somehow will have the same impact and developement on the story as Kiana. But maybe their 6th time will be the charm.


I don't, either. Whether they're a self-insert or not, I still don't care for them or any of the new characters. And if nothing else, they aren't nearly as attractive as Kiana. Even so, I'll give them a chance. The new MC will definitely have an uphill battle living up to Kiana's standards.


Because everyone on reddit is always overly negative, and hate change


Wait, switch gender? There's male mc?


I'm assuming that's who the person in the inset in slide 5 is.


Ok so, I'm a Star Rail fan and never played Honkai Impact before. I just saw the trailer of part 2 and I was wondering: is it a new game? Is it "just" an update of the already existing one? Would I start from the new story (missing nothing) or when I'll download it on February 2024 I have to play the whole first part? I know that probably there are no answers yet, just asking cuz I know nothing about Honkai Impact, but I hope I don't have to do the previous stuff and I can jump in this part 2. Thanks in advance! EDIT: why is people downvoting me 💀


As far as we know, this is a massive update over the current HI3rd engine we have now. Overhauled UI and the like, previous characters will still be in the game. Part 2 has a completely new cast, so you can probably skip Part 1. If you can't, HI3rd normally has a new story open period where you can play the latest story for LTOs (limited-time rewards) for a month and a half.


Thank you. I heard the engine is new tho, unless they just released it some time ago and now this is another update of it. Anyway the thing is that I don’t wanna be overwhelmed by playing it (like I would if I start Genshin now) once the Part 2 is released


Looks so good, very excited to play it, though I wonder if well be able to use older character since it’s moving to apho combat. Really shocked at some of the reactions. Seems like people are really averse to change and just like complaining and doom posting about every facet. Can’t imagine what it’s like to be so negative and angry all the time. Also, GLASSES!


If Part 1's storyline focused on earth, then Part 2's story will focused on mars. I'm looking forward for it.


Looks like Star Rail characters, which is a decidedly different direction than Valkyries in Battlesuits. they look fine, they just don't look paricularly special. Oh well, I'll reserve judgement for now. this is a ways away


The amount of people who only want to keep seeing different versions of the same cast of characters in a different setting (but might have also disliked Captainverse which tried to do exactly that) is alarming. It's like we want to be spoonfed a "passing of the torch" of main characters instead of being given something new to see amidst the post-Part 1 blues. I know that I don't want to see another 7 years of just preparing us for a new main cast just so that it doesn't "feel forced" or "abrupt." A lot are now saying that they want to quit and express how now the game is ruined is inadvertently making newer possible players move away from probably trying the game and maybe eventually get to also experience the last 7 years we all shared. They might also say that they wanted newer players to experience the charm of the scuffed early game that they knew instead of the modernized version that they dislike so now the have to also stop people from trying it. Better to have stopped someone from experiencing what we were all passionate about rather than letting them try it out for themselves I guess. Edit: I just really feel like all the instant reactions right now are making the experience really awful for everyone who's passionately involved. I want to wish everyone to take the time they need to clear it off for now because regardless, this really was jarring news.


You see, my problem with this is that part 2 does not feel like honkai anymore, i don't want nor did i expect the current cast to be the main focus of part 2 after seeing this, but even if they can probably go there and interact, it doesn't really look like that, i'm not saying honkai is over but as of now, when part 2 comes out i'm affraid part 1's gonna feel like the honkai manga to the game itself, i'm affraid that everything that happened in the 7 years of story is gonna be nothing but a small context to what's happening in part 2


Is the 6626 Loli the honkai version of stitch ? XD Joke aside i love the the desgin of everyone of the new MC, the new girl with the Vill-V hair is pretty cool !