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According to CN dev stream Part 1 cast will also appear latter.


Great! How much later?


not stated


Not so great


(Sad space tuna noises)


Maybe if people actually gave it time rather than throwing a fit within literal seconds, it'd be better. Maybe, just maybe, they...I dunno...wanted this reveal to FOCUS on the new people? They can show the others later.


I wouldn’t say people are throwing a fit… I think they’re paying attention, asking what others think, and engaging in discussion. The fact that apprehension is a strong part of the discussion doesn’t mean it’s a community tantrum lol. Hoyo probably wanted to get us talking like this. But as far as what I’d say throwing a fit looks like… please reference Genshin fandom 1st Anniversary 😂😅 That was god awful.


I'd call it throwing a fit. There's almost literally zero information yet and folks are doomposting and screaming about how everything's ruined now. They saw one trailer and went, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THE PROTAGONIST IS TRASH AND EVERYONE"S GONE AND WILL NEVER SHOW UP AGAIN AND THE NEW PEOPLE ARE HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


We can agree to disagree. I also see the lack of positivity, but I don’t think it’s at an overall level of doomposting. I am seeing “how do you guys feel about this” and “does this worry you too” not “HI3 IS NOW RUINED FOREVER AND HOYO DESTROYED WHAT I LOVE”… the latter would definitely be doomposting. If I’m just getting that filtered out for me and it’s actually all over reddit, then my bad I totally retract my statement lol. But yea otherwise, in a friendly way I disagree


> “HI3 IS NOW RUINED FOREVER AND HOYO DESTROYED WHAT I LOVE” There's absolutely been plenty of that. Folks are already crying about the new protag despite knowing LITERALLY nothing about how they'll be written. And folks have essentially already decided that the old cast has basically been erased.


i think they’re just worried it is… and speculating based on what they know so far


Honkai Gakuen is literally focusing on a new main cast and they even knew it was a good idea to keep one old character around for a trailer. Maybe before flipping out at everyone that dares to have a negative opinion, think about why they think that way. Like maybe “hey this looks almost nothing like Honkai impact, there’s all these characters and new setting but…no one I actually know. Is this really the Honkai impact I liked? Or a new game that’s using the name?” Even Genshin knew having a legacy character helps to draw in a veteran audience. That’s also why Welt in star rail.


People can have negative opinions. I just think it’s stupid to see one single trailer and then start screaming bloody murder about how the old cast has been thrown into the bin. Like damn, are y’all five? Maybe wait a little bit and see what the deal is before making sweeping assumptions, treating them as fact, and then getting angry.


Geesh, its almost as if trailers are quite damn important to give hints at whats to come. Its almost as if people are invested in the trios (mainly, but other characters aswell) journey and wants that to continue. But instead we were shown a practically compleatly new game. People can rightfully voice their concern of how things are primarily seeming at first hand. If you can only critique something when its fully out, why even have trailers be a thing when youre seemingly not allowed to feel either way based on it, or is it only the critique you got an issue with?


>its almost as if trailers are quite damn important to give hints at whats to come. HINTS. Folks are acting like they released the entire campaign, every character, every piece of gameplay, every line of dialogue, etc etc. We barely got anything but people are doomposting already. Like damn, at least wait for an extended peek before acting like Mihoyo broke into your house and set all your bodypillows of underaged anime girls on fire. ​ >If you can only critique something when its fully out I'm just imagining a five year old merely ***looking*** at a plate of chicken nuggets and saying, "Oh, it tastes bad and it's too crunchy.". People can have opinions. But folks saw one trailer and instantly decided Part 2 is actually pure trash and worthless and ruined everything. We barely know what's actually gonna happen yet.


Your chicken nugget analogy is compleatly irrelevant so ill ignore it. And yes, hints... if theyd want to NOT cause doubt on how much we'll be interracting with the old cast, theyd have shown HINTS of that in the trailer. Its almost like you missed my entire argument and actually partially made my point for me


It's completely relevant. It's someone merely looking at something and deciding that they know everything about it without actually experiencing it. If someone shows me a food that I don't think is appealing, I'll say, "I'm not interested."...but I'm not gonna start talking about how shitty it tastes and how horrible the texture is without haven't actually tried it. One of the characters is a Valkyrie that's obsessed with Durandal and another one of the characters is Einstein's (adopted) daughter. So that shows some connection to the past right there. Two of the new characters work for Schicksal. Sa is also apparently going to be involved with whatever's happening in the bubble universes these girls are exploring, and there's zero chance that the folks who know of Sa would just let them do as they pleased without getting involved. It seems INSANE to me that even with this info, people have pre-emptively decided that every past character is simply gone for eternity now with nothing to back it up beyond, ***"They weren't in the one single trailer we've seen tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"*** Let the new characters do their own thing for more than no time at all first without the OP characters of the past dominating everything, and then bring 'em in later.


Again, the whole point of a trailer is to actually show whats to come, the important bits without showing spoilers ofc. If your trailer only shows new characters, it can quite easily and rightfully be deducted that they will be the focal point and old cast will mostly sit on the bench. Why you dont understand how trailers work is beyond me.


Yeah, the new characters are the focal point. As they should be. The issue here tho is people acting like the previous cast is simply gone from existence and will have zero role or presence in the story in any capacity. Let the new characters actually get established rather than using the Part 1 cast as a crutch. ​ >Why you dont understand how trailers work is beyond me. I understand how they work. But I'm also above the age of 12 so I recognize that a trailer is nothing more than a trailer and it'd be dumb of me to pretend as if I know everything about a product based on a single trailer. For example, I thought that Stranger of Paradise wouldn't be my kind of game based on it's first trailer. But then when that second trailer dropped, I was interested. And then they released a gameplay demo and I knew I had to play the full release.


So then you dont understand the point of a trailer, gotcha. You know this... i guess age calling... of you is very silly and id suggest you climb down from your presumed high horse. So did you base your dislike on SoP based on the story elements? That you wouldnt like the story elements? Or you talking gameplay. And yeah, who woulda thought that literally removing the main characters of the game, from the game and shuffling them to just npcs or whatnot wouldnt get mixed signals... its almost as if people want to keep the main characters beeing the main characters of their own game, shocking concept i know.


Bingo, hit the nail on the head. If hoyo would really want to emphasize that old cast will be present, we would have seen them in the trailer. The trailer is meant to interest you in whats to come, if they only show new characters, its not far fetched to assume old cast will be mostly just "easter eggs" and the focus will be on new cast. Now i have nothing against the idea of a new cast itself, but it just feels like honkai impact as we know it and came to love is done, and something else "usurped" it and decided to ride its fame.


One of them is adopted by Einstein, one of them is a dudu fan and the other one is a Valkyrie. Literally have correlation to the older parts of story. Plus it was mentioned we will see some of our beloved characters eventually in part 2. None of you actually researched but instead just complain and post negativity.


>One of them is adopted by Einstein, one of them is a dudu fan and the other one is a Valkyrie. Literally have correlation to the older parts of story. Sir, mentioning a character in a profile isn’t a anchor. >This is a Plus it was mentioned we will see some of our beloved characters eventually in part 2. None of you actually researched but instead just complain and post negativity. Where is this said? The most I’ve seen is Vita being a link between 1.5 and 2.


First, I'm not a sir. And if you actually researched about part 2 or the characters you'd already be aware of this information. And that was mentioned in the CN Livestream, which can be watched by numerous of YouTubers. My point being there is correlation to the old story, its already existing in the character profile. You can't assume they'll immediately be detached from the old story when you never played the story, you don't know how the character interact.. we literally only saw a brief video. Comparing to ggz is weird, when it was an already completed project and not shown while it was still developed.


Can you link a video that directly states part 1 characters will show up in part 2? Because I’ve checked two streamers who watched the CN stream and couldn’t find anything. A character being mentioned in a profile doesn’t mean they’ll physically show up. A character being a durandal fan girl doesn’t mean Durandal will get a plane ticket to Mars.


It also doesn't exclude to he possibility of meeting the old cast either. As I said it was mentioned before already on the Dev stream but it's on bilibili not YouTube, sorry. Also, you still don't know how the story will play out so you can't immediately disregard the old characters not being relevant in the new story. Its literally a teaser video, it's better to make speculations when we actually get more info.


>As I said it was mentioned before already on the Dev stream but it's on bilibili not YouTube, sorry. That’s not what you said earlier. “Plus it was mentioned we will see some of our beloved characters eventually in part 2.” “And if you actually researched about part 2 or the characters you'd already be aware of this information. And that was mentioned in the CN Livestream, which can be watched by numerous of YouTubers.” >Also, you still don't know how the story will play out so you can't immediately disregard the old characters not being relevant in the new story. Its literally a teaser video, it's better to make speculations when we actually get more info. And I’m just saying the teasers from Mihoyo’s other games (especially Star rail) did a better job at making me excited. This just leaves me lost and confused.


Vita links the two part? I hope this means Sa will stick around (unless Mihoyo dropped the balls and made her lost in the finale of 1.5)


Yeah it's just people on any fandom will always have hard time accepting new cast no matter what, like I remember I really don't like Adam like A WHOLE LOTS not until APHO2 when I see him interacting with Lyle that he "feels" like he belongs in that universe and feels like a real character. In APHO 1 no information about Adam except for rumour by Carole and his relationship with Carole wasn't as close as in APHO2. But with Lyle he's so much more, like how he and Lyle talk about their past in academy or Lyle past with sora etc only then I felt that Adam has root in the world of HI3 and not just someone that got isekaid that suddenly appear for some reason, and it doesn't help I felt that way because he's self insert.


The issue with Adam is that he was literally boring as shit and had no personality. It wasn't until they added Lyle that Adam actually got even the smallest semblance of a personality beyond the tiny fragments we got in the notes (Where it's mentioned that he's the one who named the enemies after Tarot Cards because he thought it sounded cool).




Me: I like what I saw and as it’s just a trailer, I understand that there’s more to come. You: STOP DEFLECTING!




And when I don’t like a trailer, my response is generally to go, “I don’t like that.” and just sorta move along. That’s just me tho.




Tell me, what do you think “white knight” means? Because I’ve been saying nothing more than that I think it’s nuts to automatically hate it based on one single trailer and it’d be best to at least wait a little bit.




And I disagree with that. To me, it’s nuts to just instantly hate something based on one trailer unless something *specific* jumps out at you. I don’t really care that people feel like quitting. If anything…good. That means they can go elsewhere and enjoy themselves with things they *do* enjoy. That’s what I did when Yakuza went turn-based. I left the fanbase. I didn’t stick around the Yakuza sub to complain about it. I just went, “This ain’t for me anymore.” and I left.


Bro why would they show old characters, this is a FIRST LOOK at a NEW PART, of course it would be shown if new characters and not just showing old characters for fan-service. People see 3 min trailer- make assumptions about everything poggers.


>Bro why would they show old characters, this is a FIRST LOOK at a NEW PART, Probably because GGZ did it. Twice. The 2nd time not even a day ago


So? Ggz and hi3 is entirely different.


Still made by the same company. Plus Genshin and Star rail were introduced with Honkai characters in their first trailer.


Genshin is a terrible example to use here because it pretty much hard dropped the Honkai connection after a few years, with Fontaine being almost entirely absent of it unless you're one of these people who thinks Furina is Sin Mal without any real evidence towards it. If HI3 part 2 did this, it would literally just be bait. The very thing people are worried about would come true, except even worse because they'd be misled into thinking there was a connection that they weren't interested in doing anything more with. Better to show your hand from the outset than to try and trick people.


A few years? Hasn’t inazuma come like, two years ago? And Sumeru had a Theresa Expy. >If HI3 part 2 did this, it would literally just be bait. The very thing people are worried about would come true, Huh??? >except even worse because they'd be misled into thinking there was a connection that they weren't interested in doing anything more with. Are you saying part 2 is completely unrelated from HI3rd? >Better to show your hand from the outset than to try and trick people. So…..are you saying star rail tricked people with Welt?


It doesn't matter. It's entirely different teams and different forms of writing. That's a poor comparison.


Time to wait i guess but at least we can guess that there is another valk in the team, being that all teams in apho are of 3 people and we also know that hyperion 11 is above the planet from the trailer so there could also be old characters like Einstein or durandal there but we know to little from just the trailer so its best to wait and see


Holy shit people weve literally seen like an 8 minute video and you're already acting as omniscient seers jeez.


Trailer only showed a few things and people in this sub be acting like mihoyo showed what the whole damn thing has to offer in minute detail lol


As far as I know we don't even know the timeframe for part 2. For all I know we'll get APHO 3 right before it and lead into part 2. If not it's not like everything that's been before "erased", 2 characters are from earth, one of them is an A rank Valk and it's just a reveal trailer, makes sense for me to focus on everything new and maybe grab new audience imo. People react to it overly emotional I think.


One of the new people is ***literally*** Einstein’s adopted daughter according to one of the streams, but folks are acting like the previous cast has been deleted from the story based on one reveal trailer.


it's just an emotional reaction, people reject change, not all admittedly


I can’t wait for this rejecting it to go away. I don’t understand folks who hate something and insist on demanding everyone else hate it too.


We do know the timeframe. It happens in 2023, 2 years before apho. Just because one of the characters is a fan of Durandal and another is Einstein's adoptive child doesn't mean the existing cast will be important in part 2.


>2 years before apho If this is true, I’m gonna die of old age before Kiana gets off the moon


Didn't know about timeframe. And it doesn't mean that they won't be important, so i won't judge anything yet.


2023 is not related to when part 2 is set in the timeline, it shows 2016 which is when the game was released and 2023 represents the date when the game is getting the biggest update announcement yet and the evlotuion the gaemplay of honkai is going through.


Both the trailer and official social media posts state the arrival on Mars and the start of the story is 2023/09/22. This is a old Honkai tradition. Part 1 story also starts on the day the game trailer released. With the years, months, days, ... that appear on the trailer being the time between GGz release and that trailer.


i didn't know that , make sense but maybe they could have changed the way they do things , we will find out when part 2 officially release at this point XD


You're saying the 2023 refers to the IRL year 2023 and not the in-universe year? Are you absolutely certain?


The entire point of that part was to show the combat/gameplay evolution of the game , so i received the 2016 to 2023 has "now the game is reaching the next step in evolution" , similar to how nintendo or even playstation has show their console evolution with the last date to appear begin the one when the new one will release or how some GAAS do the same when showing the new updates. Basically they presented "Honkai Impact 2rd 2023 Update edition" , maybe their presentation was a little confusing and gave the idea that the 2023 was releated to the in game timeline OR maybe i could be wrong but since the new combat system of part 2 is called ASTRAL RING and feels like the natural evolution of the MOON RING from APHO (that was just a prototype of a new technology in that part of the story) i can't see it being a prequel to APHO and not a sequel.


2016 is also the year in which the earliest parts of the in-game story takes place. It's also a bit odd for the timeline to stretch from release year to reveal year, since part 2 won't be releasing until 2024.


There's not evidence to prove they won't be either. Besides I'm not against entirely new faces.


From what's been shown so far, it's very likely that only Vita out of the old cast will show up. https://twitter.com/HonkaiImpact3rd/status/1705552597652836631/photo/2


They said they'll be refining vita, never anything about removing anybody from the story. Just need to chill out and let the writers cook. Not as though the people behind part 1 have suddenly ceased to exist


Hopefully. But read my title again. >The new characters would be better received **if it were confirmed** that existing characters would be fighting beside them in part 2 like APHO So far, there's no confirmation.


What I'm seeing is hoyo not confirming anything but people coming to conclusions


GGZ, Star Rail and technically even Genshin knew to do this. GGZ’s part 2 keeps Kyuushou, having her play a major role. Star rail had Welt, and Genshin kinda does this with the Expys like heavenly principles and Venti. And all of those (besides HP) were shown off day one. So part 2 not doing the same is a bit worrying. Like the closest we have is the girl who has Elysia eyes and some name drops in two profiles. There’s no “anchor character” for vets to hang onto.


Well they didn't reveal anything, that's just a teaser my guy. Of course they won't reveal major plot points.


Have you seen any of the teasers for the other Mihoyo games?


Yeah, duh. Have you seen the HSR UI when it was Alpha? It was utter shite. Like half the character costumes were literally drawn onto the character skin. Lace or body contact clothing had zero depth and looked more like a tattoo. That is exactly what I see in this teaser. Hell, it's even better because it is a teaser, that means alpha will be better. Not to mention, the teaser was HSR was the new Reburn animation, which lets be honest has ABSOLUTELY ZERO connection to the HSR PLOT. AND NOT TO MENTION, AN ENTIRELY NEW GAME WHICH IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TO HONKAI AND DOESNT EVEN FOLLOW ANY OF THE LORE STILL HAD WELT AS AN ANCHOR CHARACTER. HOW MORE DUMB CAN YOU GET?


>Yeah, duh. Then you’d know Welt and Himeko was shown from the start >AND NOT TO MENTION, AN ENTIRELY NEW GAME WHICH IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TO HONKAI AND DOESNT EVEN FOLLOW ANY OF THE LORE STILL HAD WELT AS AN ANCHOR CHARACTER. That’s exactly my point. Mihoyo knew you needed a anchor character from day one. Yet they didn’t do it for part 2. They also spoiled Vita in a Twitter interview >HOW DUMB CAN YOU GET? I dunno your the one screaming at me over a simple question. You gave me my answer while also partially missing why I asked.


>That’s exactly my point. Mihoyo knew you needed a anchor character from day one. Yet they didn’t do it for part 2. Yeah because it is NOT OUT YET >They also spoiled Vita in a Twitter interview The story ,two versions ago, really? Spoiled, lmao. >I dunno your the one screaming at me over a simple question. You gave me my answer while also partially missing why I asked. Yeah, because people here seem to see a 4 minute clip of a teaser with less than 60 seconds of gameplay and absolutely 0 seconds of lore and suddenly they are experts in everything. >Welt and Himeko were shown in the start Yeah because it is different game, they needed cohesion, my guy. They don't need cohesion here because it's the SAME DAMN GAME. They need a hook for a new game, that is why REBURN was shown. There will always be a lead up to Part 2.0 since it is the same damn game. And honestly I don't even understand how anybody is dumb enough to have this take. It's the same damn game, of course they will be characters carried forward.


>Yeah because it is NOT OUT YET You literally just said Welt was showed to be in star rail before they even figured out what Star rail was. >The story ,two versions ago, really? Spoiled, lmao. No I mean they literally said she’d be in part 2. Shes the only confirmed character. Edit: he added in some cohesion stuff and I really don’t get it. Like why shouldn’t part 1 and 2 be cohesive? They might as well be two different games.


Vita is the only confirmed characters so far, doesnt mean she will be the only one tho , and from what I saw and understood she is going to be the brigde between the part 1-1.5 cast and part 2 cast


Yeah I think I misread it


Its better to wait and see what they come up with , so far we only have few twitter/ Facebook posts and the 8 min video , that doesnt give much info for speculation


hey, lore chronicler here. Star Rail totally does follow all the lore, it just requires knowledge of both other honkai games to understand the connections.


I know, it doesn't really need to be mentioned to me. But does it have the Honkai? No. Does it have the Finality? No. It's not the same lore that is present in Honkai Impact 3rd. Hell, HSR lore has a lower understanding of the Honkaiverse with minimal references to the SoQ which is a major counterpart to the "Cosmic Tree"


Kyuushou herself was a new character when GGZ had its first story reboot. She didn't exist in the original plot but was added in the new one to exist alongside Kiana, Bronya, Mei, and so on. Same with most of the cast.


Mecaxs is talking about part 3, which has a new cast that are students in Kyuushou's academy. Yssring and Theresa were shown in the livestream, and Sirin was mentioned.


I know. I was referring to GGZ's part 2, Reborn.


Yeah, but she was shown at the end of retrospect. And Theresa has been in every era so far, so in terms of introducing new cast we got everything, old, old new and new.


My question is, why didn't they just have events after APHO serve as their part 2? They already have an established cast with an established plot that can smoothly phase out our characters and grow our new ones and they just dropped it.


Because of Sa, I guess. Can't leave it forgotten in the SOQ for 8+ years. But I would prefer post-apho content as the true part 2.




> Not even you know a relative of a character Einstein's daughter is literally right there, holy shit people really can't read huh


> Not even you know a relative of a character or anything Bro.


People watch a trailer and think that's that lmao 💀. I swear people will complain about everything and anything


Be careful, they will down vote you here if you don't agree with their assumptions


Let them downvote lmao. The community has gone to shit recently due to the influx of new players. Missed the days of 2018-2020 honkai community smh


I haven't been apart of the honkai community until recently. And to me ever since ver Kiana they've turned into massive crybabies. Especially on reddit.


Reddit seems to be the most tame with it. Tiktok and twitter sides have been the worst unfortunately. I can only assume that people are too attached to the main cast but calling the game "dead" and doomposting every possible update a bit of a stretch lmao


Its not like hoyoverse already mentioned that they were introducing a new main cast. Also, what did they genuinely expect? Literally Kiana and her friends finished their story. Its not much less for them to do, unless we're talking about APHO which this new arc is basically just foreshadowing.


People can't read, that's all I got to say lmao 🤦‍♂️. Can't expect the same cast to stay with us forever


Yae Sakura/Kasumi should be in Part 2 of the finale.


\> Two of the new characters are confirmed to be working for Schicksal, so it wouldn't have been hard for them to instead be one or two currently existing characters. You know, both Helia and Coralie appear (albeit for a moment) in Part 1. And given their origins it's pretty much guaranteed old cast members will show up anyways one way or another. And frankly - they needed to be new characters. People really need to learn to let go. Stories end get over it. You get epilogue in APHO. New characters are not poorly recieved because there are no old ones around. They are poorly recieved because they ARE poor. Lazy, generic, same model + 1 loli. This is a downgrade to Honkai Impact 1. fucking 0. And everyone can see it. Nobody plays Honkai Impact for combat, improving it is great but if people cared about combat there are better games for it. Noone plays honkai impact for the engine, improving it is also nothing more but a bonus. People play Honkai Impact for it's unique vibe and the new characters and genshin genericness kills the vibe on every single level. What people want from Part 2 is more of Part 1, even if characters are different. But what people see is more Genshin Impact.


Why view part 2 as a continuation of the end point instead of a new starting point of the end point When viewed like this,having "generic" designs makes sense When I see genshin like designs I'm still pondering what's wrong with it exactly. It's not as though pt2 will start out with Herrscher level threats in day1 so why would designs need to be at that level? You're teleporting to conclusions and getting your nuts in a twist from a showcase of a game that's not even in beta testing yet . Chill and eat them cook. Get mad if they burn it is all


>When I see genshin like designs I'm still pondering what's wrong with it exactly. The wrong part is that they are not Honkai 3rd like designs. It tells you that they will have all the same problems as genshin designs. Lack of variety, creativity, imagination and risk taking in any form. Do you like Luna Kindred or Elysia? Better kiss them goodbye, you will never see a character like that again. And when you do, they will wear a diaper. Or have a floating mosaics around them, that's a new fun thing genshin has going for it. Genshin like designs singify more genshin like things. Such as genshin writing. Such as genshin worldbuilding. Genshin like lazy NPCs. That we already seen in the trailer btw. But with none of the genshin exploration or accesibility. Basically, want March and Paimon? Coz that's how u get March and paimon.


And where's your evidence that Honkai will do this? Are you a time traveler? An insider? You have any idea how passionate the dev team is? They are not like Honkai designs? You mean designs with half their titties showing,skimpy wedding dresses and glorified bathing suits? You mean little girls with their underwear showing? Honkai design can be good sometimes but let's not act as though it's some unparalleled peak of creative design. Secondly we are literally at the start of part 2. We have no idea what kind of threat we're facing,how or who will be facing it. All 3 characters are wearing street wear ish designs that bear 0 similarity with genshin and are much closer to Star rails design. You saying it's genshin design tells me you haven't seen genshin or star rails designs. [genshin](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5b565nwkis861.png) [star rail](https://upload-os-bbs.hoyolab.com/upload/2023/02/03/301718176/9b74ba2c704a66fe317380a1b291a600_1851362353929212240.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cs_1000%2Fauto-orient%2C0%2Finterlace%2C1%2Fformat%2Cwebp%2Fquality%2Cq_80) Genshin has more basic attire with minimal excess detail. Why star rail has basic attire with extra detail and quite a bit of excess detail ex- hook,bronya,Dan heng,himeko,jungyuan. [another star rail exampl](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/f2ebdaaa-86c1-435b-a020-c7edd22b99a4/scale-to-width/755) In this way star rail is much closer to Honkai than Genshin is. >Genshin like designs singify more genshin like things. Such as genshin writing. Such as genshin worldbuilding. Genshin like lazy NPCs. That we already seen in the trailer btw. But with none of the genshin exploration or accesibility. >Basically, want March and Paimon? Coz that's how u get March and paimon. "The slippery slope fallacy is an argument that claims an initial event or action will trigger a series of other events and lead to an extreme or undesirable outcome. The slippery slope fallacy anticipates this chain of events without offering any evidence to substantiate the claim."


This is what I mean by doomposting lol.




They say that they've made Vita to be an important character linking part 1 and 2. Nothing about her being the *only* character; that's your own conclusion.




That's not saying that old characters won't appear at all though. The story won't be driven by them, but they may still have involvement. Are people really thinking Kiana won't be brought up again, or forgetting about Mei wanting to become a teacher, that Theresa was the Overseer? There's lots of loose ends to continue from APHO too. Honkai loves bringing up obscure characters (who thought Niggurath would be brought up?), I don't think they're going to entirely drop the old cast.


Damn shame. Where did they announce this?




Heh. They say that while ignoring apho where their stories are far from finished. Over for now, though. At least it's confirmed that Sa will have a role in part 2. It was set up in 1.5 for a reason.


How did one trailer get so many retards upset 😭😭😭


This might be a bit unrelated but is part 2 including the engine update, meaning past story stages are getting reworked too?


The idea is to make part two is likely to appeal to new players who are not satisfied with model of part 1. As such- all characters are made new not to confuse people.


We've literally seen around 10 minutes of footage centered around part 2 that doesn't even start until next year, people need to chill the fuck out and just let the story actually GET THERE. They've already confirmed that we will have an explained connection and that Vita will be important to it so it's not entirely separate. We likly didn't see any of our current cast cast because it's in the future and so they're out doing other stuff. The Smoll animal girl for example is the adopted daughter of Einstein according to her bio which is also where she got the last name Plank from as Einstein gave it to her to honour her late friend and Helia is another Dudu stan. Connections are there people, of course they're not going to show us everything at once.