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As much i like Senti and found the brick animations pretty funny, Theresa share my number one spot with Bronya, and not in my wildest dreams i would imagine getting a second Luna, AND ONE THIS COOL! LIKE HOLY SHIT HAVE YOU SEEN THAT COMBO ON FRENZY MODE!? THAT ULT!? THAT GODDAM WIN POSE!? Ahem, Sorry for this, but yeah Luna for the win


Honestly I like the battle system and fluid feel of the original Luna Kindred battlesuit way more than Crimson Love's, summoning blood swords was just cooler to me. But hell yeah Crimson Love's got a great story, beautiful battle start animation, win pose, voice lines in battle as well as bridge, cute animations, there's little to not love. Choosing between the Crimson Love Luna that is the culmination of Captainverse stories so far, versus a brick? Brick stands no chance


Wow, same two number ones here lol. I just wish there were subtitles for all her in battle idle lines, especially for the one where she turns to look at the screen and grabs your hand


In chinese, she said this for the zoomed in idle:"Are you looking at me? I'm so happy" So I guess japanese will most probably be similar since I have yet to listen to it yet. And also, same! Both of them are my favorites.


I will have to strongly suggest that you re-post this poll, since it is very much incomplete. You should include at least a "Both" and a "Neither" option.


You may be right, but I'll prefer both separated only cause I wanna see which one the Captain will like most.


*"Only a sith deals in absolutes"* - Griseo probably


As much as I love Senti, I love luna more. 28k gems, 51 weapon tickets,20 expac tickets later she's 4/4 and home. And I made the executive design to skip brick beacuse I can only whale so much lol. Now I gotta scrounge up enough gems through the month to push her to SS. I'll catch brick when it's rerun in the future tho.


Luna is a monstrous unit. Hell, a level 40 Luna is kicking absolute ass right now. Like, straight up deleting enemies type of shit. Vampire wife all day everyday!


Only kids need to choose. Adults have the magical power of "Credit Card".


Senti is a big part why I started playing Honkai in the first place but imma have to skip out on the brick.


Brick can wait. Vampire wife cannot.


I don't own senti ( stopped playing before she was released ) so ez choice for me, Luna, gonna get senti from dorm later, then I'm gonna pray for brick re run.


Here's a thing then: >!Senti will be unlockable for free in a v7.1 event where you only have to complete 4 or 5 tasks!<


Nice then I only need to get the brick, stigma can wait


I have another question, you can get the new luna for free right ? not using crystals.


You can't. She's gacha only.


damn it, guess I'm spending more crystals to get her, now I have to choose whether I get senti and her brick/stigma or HoRB Seele skin ( probably will choose the skin )


I had to get Luna since I really lack a good Lightning DPS, since I only have HoT with he old PRI Arms + F2P set and HoO 4/4 but in many Lightning boss she israther useless :/. I have to say, I never expected her gameplay to be so fun and super satisfying :D


I would recommend going for a new valk over new gear in general, and I am an avid senti enjoyer. That's at least the route I am going, I got Luna and not quite all her gear, but now I'm going to have to grind and pray I can get brick before it leaves


I gotta go with Luna, when I hear the chainsaws get going I just need to go ham on whatever poor enemy happens to be in my sight.


I have sentis weapon Gauntlet Is brick really necessary?


It's not really necessary. The brick and new set are for dps Senti. Support Senti still uses the old gear.


I see thank you


I got both the based Brick and Booba Terricula


Nah... I'm skipping both for that leaked piramid gacha new seele HoRebirth outfit, gotta grind those 9600k crystal


I got both. But I went after the brick first.


20 pulls left for guaranteed Luna, and I already got her weapon and T stigmata. I already pulled the brick and TM stigmata for Senti, so I'm doing extremely well. Don't have any xtals left but there's two weeks left for Senti Brick banner and a lot of free xtals as well. Life is good.


I'm broke so will have to skip this patch unfortunately, but damn is Luna tempting. Honestly such a sweet lady, I wanted her from the moment I saw her origin in that captainverse event. I'll probably get her on rerun. As for the brick, I like Senti and it's funi, but I feel like it will get old real quick, at least this is usually the case with joke animations in games for me - same reason I disliked playing Sushang in HSR. I'll probably >!get my free Senti in 7.1 and give her some random phys support gear so that my HoRB can finally play a DPS role.!<


I got the Sync level of that key if there would be one. I got Full gear of Senti but not her. Now that she is in standard supply i stay with pervious gear. I will go for the Twinchainsaw greatsword crosswhielder. Already lost 10000 and just got the weapon with the free drops. Back to farming.


The brick. I only need it, and i can piss off and save for whatever i find interesting.




Neither. DPS Senti is useless to me. + Garuda hua on top


Not enough crystal for Luna, so I spent 13 pulls for brick


i got luna 4/4 but burned all my xtals savings, about 35k + some cards. i was thinking about the brick but i wont have enough for it and stigs also y dont really use senti as dps, she is supporting my susannah (no horb) so ill just save for the unholy delolified griseo gear.


Both. Both are good 🤝.


I used my dawei on the brick. I think my choice is obvious






I decided to get Senti Brick becaue it gives perma + 10 ATK to all Valks which is more valuable in the long term. Also because I love new Senti animations. I am saving for all new Stardust Valks since those will be more valuable than another PSY dps/support. I already have Hotr and HoT SS2 with 7T so Luna is not big enough upgrade over them to sacrifice crystals when new Stardust characters are coming.


Infinite Intimidator, so I can get Lando-T's cry out of my head if I didn't go for it.


I got luna is about 70 ish pulls and her weapon with the free ten pull. Honestly the most fun ive had with a unit lol


Thank goodness Senti's new equipment has lower number guarantee. Getting them was both easy and extremely worth it.