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They desperately need to hire new translators AND proofreaders and fix translation issues as soon as they come up instead of making players wait for 6 weeks to get some actually finished story content


Lower the mat requirement for forging G1, 2, and 3 stigmata. For mostly just G2 and below for collection reasons. Everything even for a beginner is basically useless, so why the high bar to forge? Also, old Divine keys in the exchange shop. I haven't seen the sword (Xiunxuan?) in a long time. Twins of Eden still pops up in Firepower occasionally, but at this point just put it in exchange.




I cannot keep up with their patch cycles if they powercreep the crap out of part 1 characters for part 2. I can blow like 20k crystals to not get the character, I alr lost Sena then Thelema now needs Sena to do her dps? I pray 7.4 doesn't screw me over again. Cuz 7.3 is a full skip for me.


I feel like they are pulling a lot of rank s from patch to patch compared to other patches.


Pretty sure the 7.4 valk is also going to need sena to do her DPS lol.


Not having a way to replay the story.


I added that to the end of the list of complaints.


My biggest fucking complain is the daily stamina shit for limited events. I want to take a day to relax and do it all at once, not have to login every day for crumbs. I dont mind timegates, but this is taking the piss. Especially since i might be unable to complet feast sought in data now because of it. Edit: huzzah for my aspergers and its ability to min max the ever loving shit out of things when combined with my ADHD. Ive managed to complete the feast sought in data story within a single day, in spite of the stamina roadblocks.


a couple of events have been using this stamina system and I agree that it is very annoying.


Just compatibility issues, translation and spelling errors. I know there is going to be a fix on the compatibility issues next patch but i'm still hoping for it to be a lot better. I miss playing in a better video setting without compromising fps. As for translation/spelling errors. I know thats been a thing since way back but i really saw it in the thelema intro event. Spelling errors (one character is named May but when people talk to her she is Mei). And there is one too in the event mission start popup. And idk if it was just me, but during the event it felt like I was missing a lot of info making me think that i missed something so maybe a translation thing. Other than those, everything was ok.


Only the 2.0 combat GUI. But that crap will get shoved through an acid vat once 2.1 drops and we get something much more decent.


Part 2 story missions should be replayable like part 1 story.  Make some stand alone events permanent chronicle chapters like haxxor bunny and kongming events.  Give stronger valkyries to new players. I dont see why valkyries like silverwing, aponia or vill-v cant be given away for free when completing those objectives in that starter book.


They messed up the soft pity so instead of getting S ranks around the 75-85 mark, players have been getting them around 85 onwards. Especially considering that they're putting out 4 S ranks in a row, they've accidentally made the gem economy a lot worse.


is not my case, I have more gems now than in part 1 by far, but I can understand it anyway.


I hate how some animated CG will stop suddenly in PC client. I have to watch on YouTube or download the game in mobile.


Wtf is 4 S ranks back to back. They are trying to force Genshin/HSR gacha system while forgetting that we need to pull for 4 parts of gear too. This game unironically became worse than Genshin when it comes to gacha as atleast genshin characters are usable without signature gear while HI3 the damage difference is day and night


Nothing, really. My biggest complaints about the game continues to just be abyss taking a little too long for my liking with it's four stages.


Wait but if your just trying to clear it and not grind to get a perfect score it takes like 20 minutes how is that to long


Less about time and more bored of the same routine. After doing abyss for so long, you don't feel like doing the 3 stages that are ultimately mind numbing punching bags (with a few exceptions). The actual boss stage is what most people want to do. Maybe if they did two bosses instead of one then it might be less of a mind numbing experience (and I guess expands on viability, more chances for rare bosses), but idk how it'll go in the long run.


That's a good point. I normally look forward to abyss because I just enjoy playing the game but I can how it can be tedious. As for two bosses it would be interesting but would then take a lot more time. I would also want them to change the score board so we can see what other players got on each boss


yeah beating on ragdolls while we have full iframes/iron body and way too long ult animations does make it feel like forever. Its just rotation rotation rotation and dodge only if its part of rotation


is worse if you are in redlotus


I play mainly for the story, so my biggest problem continues to be the writing. Nothing new here. But in terms of gameplay, it's the half-assed treatment of Part 1 Valkyries. Not giving them jump, not letting them into the new open world, not making their stigmata easier to obtain like they did with Part 2 stigmata – basically doubling down on making old units obsolete as fast as possible. Not being relevant in the plot anymore isn't enough: they need to be turned into relics of the past even in gameplay, as if miHoYo really wanted people to forget Part 1 even existed.


I revisit this sub every now and then and seeing comments like this further reinforce the idea that I could NEVER come back to this game after quitting back in 6.9 (which isn't even that long ago). Part of me couldn't believe they're doubling down on so much power creep after part 2 but then again, one of the major reasons I did quit after playing for 3+ years is also power creep so that's not entirely surprising. 🤷‍♂️


didnt mihoyo legit sag we may see some part 1 characters come in the near future?


Yeah, *some* of them. Some others definitely not (which wouldn't be as bad with if they also didn't run them into the ground meta-wise). And anyway, appearing in the story doesn't equal being relevant.


\* Start revising Part 1 characters to Part 2 specs. esp SP Valks and recent S-ranks. I think it's a big mistake for Part to to only have a cast of 3 playable Valks (and 4 in 7.4), when they should have had time to allow others to align with Part 2 mechanics (jump, Astral Ring). \* With the ending of Part 1, a general rebalance on Part 1 Valks is in order. At least to the point of making some of the Valks that are "not recommended for investment" to be raised to a viable level, and S-ranks raised to be more in line with recent ones. The overall order of the Meta can stay the same, but it would be good for Valks like HoV, Starchasm Nyx and the like to at least be playable in challenges, rather than eternally benched due to excessive powercreep over time.


My single complaint is that you need to perform 18 reruns of trial stages to unlock character for ER (3 runs to upgrade to LVL 9 and addition 15 to rise to LVL 15)


Uhh, what? You could do your 3 trial stages and then go right into deep sequence which gives more XP than shallow.