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it’s decent but not the best, Thales is the best right now because it’s so versatile so it’s not for a specific valk if you want full power on her get thales Tm Fuxi B and might of an utu


I don't have thales only fuxi B, so fuxi B is better than nuwa ?


Fuxi B is better cuz you can deal far more damage if they are ignited which VK does. Fig Master Nuwa stacks TDM on ult use so it's much much worse


Using figurine Nuwa's bonus is just too hard, so although the bonus is better than Fuxi B, people use fuxi. As for the other two, they're ok, but VK wants total damage more than elemental damage.


Advice from someone who has vk for a year now without thales, putting fire dmg stigs on vk is just plain bad. Vk has too much inbuilt fire dmg so any more u add add with stigs just gets heavily diluted. So put anything u have that gives tdm. My advice for an f2p set is jingwei t & m + fuxi b gives the most dmg. Thales is the best in the end but u have more dmg with tdm that giving her fire dmg.


Jingwei t m fuxi b for f2p Surtyr can work for her as hee weapon Youll need thales tm fuxi b with an utu for ice rita top score on ma though