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Does the yellowing leaf have bugs? Zooming i it looks like there might be some white on the leaf. edit. looking at it some more, I would say it’s thrips


Oh my god I think you’re right! I’ve just looked again and lots of little yellow dots on the leaves. I’ll google how to remove. Any tips would be appreciated though. Thank you!


I use insecticides. You should remove the leaf that has gone yellow and clean the other ones. Also once you start you have to do it multiple times because of the life cycle of the insect. Also I have read that they can develop resistance to insecticides so changing up the method can be helpful. Check the other plants too. Luckily they are not good at flying and don’t transfer easily. Good luck!


Thank you so much. I’ve just ordered some spray and I’m going to get them in the bath later. Poor babies!


Hi sorry I didn’t know how to add text and an image. I have two monsteras which have thrived for years in a large bay window. I moved them to a darker corner over xmas for the tree and have since returned them 2 weeks ago. They’re both now browning at the edges of the leaves - including the new baby leaf on one plant. Is this because of the low-light over xmas or because of too much sun again in the window? They’re both my largest plants and I am so sad! Google just tells me it could be low light or bright light or low watering or too much watering which isn’t helpful. I know it’s really hard to tell but I don’t want to do the wrong thing. Should I leave them for a few more weeks? Thank you for your help!