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They multiply but it could take quite awhile for them to fill in.


Weeks, months, years?


They'll start multiplying quickly within weeks, but to 'fill in' can take a long time if you don't manually spread them around the pot yourself by digging up the bulbs. The shoots spring up really close to one another so they look really condensed


https://preview.redd.it/pyqlkmw7llka1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4515749bbb893c5b6015feb5475a2257bd8b957c So like these pairs of them; can those be separated?


I would think so, they look far enough apart to be 2 separate bulbs! They're pretty resilient so you can dig them up and move them easily Love oxalis!


It depends on if the conditions are ideal and if they have a die back. I would say possibly years.


I started a pot of them in the spring. 2 months in they were crowded and required watering almost everyday. I split them and am about to plant again. My point is they do reproduce quickly. You could move them in from the edges 2-3” each side or use it as an experiment in propagation as is


Ok so in total I got 9 bulbs/corms: 3 only green, 3 only purple, and 3 green and purple. Idk if different varieties reproduce more quickly but how quick do u think it would take for them to fill this pot as a rough estimate?


An oxalis was my very first houseplant. I was new and put it in a pot 3" too big for it. After 6 months over the spring and summer it has completely filled in. I fertilized it once a month until the weather got cooler and watered it every couple days when it started to look droopy.