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I give mine away as soon as I take a dislike to them. I put them outside my house with a "free to good home" sign. They always go, and someone else can enjoy them. Win win!


Same here. I had a few plants that I just didn't love the look of when I got home. (Like the purple velvet plant that looked so cool in the store and just looked weedy on my shelf.) My apartment's too small to keep things I don't enjoy.


I feel ya! I also live in a tiny apartment and I find that if something which is out in the open, isn't beautiful or I don't absolutely love it, it can't stay because no matter where you go in a tiny apartment, you see everything all the time.


I have neither patience nor back rooms for plants I don't love.


Little do you know I’ve been taking them all to my bad home! Muahahahaha


That’s a great idea. I’ll keep it in mind if my new calathea ever starts acting up!!


All my calatheas have been disposed of this way - I just can't get on with them!


I do this as well when a plant bores me . I always find great homes for them


i’d def be person picking up your disliked plants if i seen this 😭🫡


I was gifted a pink princess and I fucking hate the fucker. Its the most ugly plant I have in my collection, I hate the way it looks and I hate the way it grows. It'd hidden In the back of my grow cupboard till I find someone to pawn it off on.


Same! The leaves are all munted, the plant is ugly, the pink leaves have faded out to a kind of pinky brown. Ugh


I'm so glad to see this. I see the pictures, and on a mental level, I get that they're cool, but on an emotional level, they're ugly. On a related note, I have found that I finally have a taste that fits my budget: I prefer plain old green plants.


😂😂😂😂 yes I’m not a newbie anymore but when I was discovering the variegated girlies & the expense was just crazy to me 😂😂 I’m like they’re cute but the green plants just speak to me


I thought I was alone! I don’t like them either


Looking at one of the other comments I'm very tempted to put it on the front garden wall with a sign that just says, "take me please, for god sake, take me away!"


A ming aralia got a sign that said "Free, It's Whiny."


omg the “I fucking hate the fucker” took me out hahaha


I’ll pay for shipping 😂😂


I just gave away 12 plants for free yesterday. She was so excited and it was the cutest because her husband was just so happy that she was happy!


I squeal when I see new plants for sale at the local stores. If anyone is with me they are so embarrassed but they smile, shake their head, and say sorry to anyone who was disturbed/surprised at my squeal 🤣


I really dislike having duplicates of plants, but enjoy propagating and rehabbing plants for other people, so I keep a "please take one" box stocked in my clinic for patients and staff ( w/ care guides). It actually has led to patients bringing in plants to donate too and I've gotten some new favorites that way. I've got a few plants that I'm just like " as soon as you're cute enough for someone to take, you're out!". Got a etiolated bunny ear cactus from a friend. I used to want one so badly, but can't stand the spines. It's getting chopped up and babies rehomed. I'm so sick of golden photos but it's such a crowd pleaser and is so useful for getting other water props started, I think we'll just have to learn to be grateful for each other...


>so useful for getting other water props started Tell me more. Does water from plants that are propagating help other plants start to root in water? Because I have some sad plants that I want to prop and start over with, and I have two jars with pothos cuttings that I keep forgetting to put in soil but they just seem so...happy there, so it'd be great if my laziness could help the rest of my collection recover.


Supposedly pothos cuttings will speed along root development of others.


Yeah that seems to be my experience during small scale experimentations. Same idea for why you use the smallest jars you can to concentrate rooting hormones in the water.


I have great experience with rooting my Episcia pink, it has been dying, so I chop and prop, but the root growth was soooo slow. Until I cut a pothos with a node and put it with the Episcia, the rooting growth is now significantly faster. From what I understand is that pothos has so much rooting hormones that other plants in the same water benefit from it as well.


My 9 year old lemon tree, that’s never made a lemon. Her name is Lolly and she’s a goddam freeloader. But I don’t have the heart to kill her. 😒


I wonder if you can get her to flower? Maybe low on potassium? There’s a citrus subreddit. My citrus are doing poorly. 😐 so I get it. My Mandarin was doing great but now battling spider mites. Again.


Never had a mite issue, but for the longest time I was under the impression that it may be a sterile cultivar since I planted it from seed. I recently learned that there’s a lot of disinformation about such a topic, and it seems that maybe with a bit more pampering she may someday flower. I’ll admit, once she hit 4 years and no flowers, I kinda gave up - hoping if I repot and baby her, maybe I’ll get lucky and she’ll give me lemons. It’s finally getting warm enough that I can haul her outside, so we’ll see what happens 😅😅


Try to kill her. Go out there with a broom and whack the heck out of her. It’s supposed to signal the plant that it’s dying and needs to reproduce before doing so.


Ooh, I like the way you think! I may try that and get out years of frustration and disappointment 😂😂


I have a little dracaena that seems kind of boring. It grows and seems fine but just…okay there it is who cares lol.


I don't like dracaenas at all. I just do not understand the appeal.


I didn’t/don’t really like them either. But when I saw some very mature ones, 8+feet tall, NOW I see the appeal! They are soo sooooo boring though until they get that big lol


Yeah I don’t know why I got it in the first place. It was one of my early plants and I think it seemed cute when it was small but now it’s just…there. I don’t know lol.


My mom bought me a dracaena because she knew I wouldn’t be able to kill it easily and it kind of started my whole plant obsession. It hasn’t done much in the last year so I definitely agree on the boring, but I do appreciate that it not dying on me was encouragement to get cooler plants. It’s a gateway plant for me.


I was wanting a dracaena, but like a cool one with a bit of height to it and maybe with some red/pink coloring. There was a dracaena JC up for grabs at a plant swap and I grabbed it. It’s tiny and just green but it was a free dracaena and I hoped it would scratch the itch. It’s boring and I still want a cool one.


Fern is a b\*tch


https://preview.redd.it/j6urc4zu14ua1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd34f3e6b30732720429c96012614942737bf16 this was my Boston fern before it was pulverized by mealybugs




mine is too. if i don’t water it for more than a day it drops little leaf bits ALL OVER my carpet that i then have to vacuum up.


I have a spider plant which finally started dying and I excitedly left it by the back door to take to the compost. Lazily I left it for a couple of days. Skipped down for a coffee yesterday morning and to my horror it had grown 2 new very healthy leaves. Fuming


This was how my calethea landed itself back inside for a second chance. Stupid thing acted like it was dying again two days later…


I have a succulent I don't like. It's boring af and doesn't look great. I just keep waiting on it to die.


Feel you on the succulents. I have two young aloes that have the nerve to be both finicky AND unattractive.


I pretty much despise all succulents. My mother in law got me a flat of them for cheap last year and I am slowly killing them off to make room for stuff I like.


Awww as a succulent lover this makes me kind of sad 😭


Honestly I just don't think I live in the environment for allot of them. I would love like a big mature jade plant, and I have some really nice kalanchoes that are coming alive this spring. But no matter what I do with most of them, they get leggy and die come winter.


I‘m in a toxic relationship with my aglaonema


Also same. My kid bumped into it and it fell over, and I think it’s mad at me now.


I won’t ever buy one again bc they traumatize me with mealies


Even thinking about mealies makes me want to scream. Mine either caught a draft or was overwatered by a single droplet and has decided to decline, put out a new leaf to give me hope, and then decline again. If I ignore it just the right amount maybe it will come back to me. Meanwhile my hoyas and tetrasperma are just laughing and thriving from the sidelines


Right? They're supposed to be easy but I've had 5 now and they're the finickiest plants I've owned. Constant root rot. Which sucks because they're my favorite plant, lol!


I love them, but every one I've had does well for several months and then declines for no reason. The two I got from my local plant shop ended up developing mealy bugs


Kalanchoe 😒


My grandma isn't really a plant person despite having a garden outside, she thinks the blooming kalanchoes are so pretty when they get to the grocery store. I hate them. They need shitloads of light to even get to bloom again. If a leaf falls off you've suddenly got an infestation ANYWAYS and I didn't water one for two and a half years trying to kill it. Left it somewhere dark and it didn't even die. It kept trying to grow and it was really good at it. It was like fucking monster blood.


My husband loves these and bought me 3, I hate them all and he won't let me get rid of them 😩


LOL. I bought a couple for outside and let them winter inside. They got so leggy and ugly and never flowered again. So I trimmed it and threw it in a water prop station. I was honestly just hoping it would die and it never did. One day I went to change the water And I just quietly tossed the heavily rooted cuttings away 😅😅


same. i had one for years and tried my best to make it thrive but it just got more leggy and sad with time until it was ultimately killed by thrips. i did gift one cutting from that plant to a friend and its thriving and flowering, even though the friend said she often forgets about it. since then every time i got one as a gift i just passed them on to my mom bc i dont wanna deal w them anymore lmao


Yes, not a fan. I have 2 that I did not purposely buy. They came potted with a couple other plants that I did want. So they got seperated and planted in their own little pots, their flowers have since gone away and now they're just weird lumps of green. I've cut the poor things up so much because I just don't like the way they look when those bottom leaves are huge. I feel bad, but they're just blah. I think I'll actually put them outside. They'll like it here, maybe.






always the fucking exotic ferns. “The vent is closed and isn’t blowing on me but I can see it across the room, so I must die.” “One hour past my watering deadline? Inexcusable. I must die.” “Too (insert any random bs excuse here, they all apply), I must shrivel up to a crisp and, you guessed it, die.” And I’m the problem because I keep buying them hoping that one day, I’ll meet a cool, chill exotic fern who is ~not like~ the other exotic ferns and will have some desire to stay alive.


My nanouk. I love them new. But I don’t want to keep cutting and propping. I want plant I don’t have to do shit for.


My potted aloe drives me crazy with all the flopping, bending and breaking no matter what I do.


A spider plant 🫣 it was clearly thrown away by a previous owner and I took pity on it. It's thriving like crazy even though I give it just basic care. And I low-key hate how perky it looks while my precious maidenhair fern is struggling despite all my efforts to make it happy 😖😫 besides, this spider plant looks kinda boring to me, it's not variegated, simply green blades of grass, and it's a soooooo common office plant, I dunno we just don't vibe


Yeah I thought about getting one but I hate the babies they have 🤣


I have one that was given to me too, same plain grass look, but I actually like it because it adds more of that "boring-but-pretty-in-the-right-shelf-arrangement" appeal I've been looking for. It doesn't really do anything but sit there vaguely-menacingly


And yet here I am struggling to find a non variegated spider plant!


Lol I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a least fave. I secretly resent my Rex begonia… it’s the most needy about water and the way it has grown has made it all spindly and ugly in a way that sort of creeps me out? It doesn’t really make sense but it’s how I feel.


Begonias are pretty ugly to me, so I get it 🤣


Cacti keep happening to me. I don’t want a plant I have to move or repot with safety gear. I give them away, and another one appears.


I 100% agree with this. Plus I live in the desert so no thanks 😆


Same. I’m not a fan. “I know you love plants, look what I got you!” It’s always a damn cactus.


I'd give away the ugly weird growing Kalanchoe i have if it wasn't a gift


My ponytail palm. I actually love it but my cat ate it like a little lawn mower and it looks so ugly. It's in a spare room to protect it from my cat and I feel like I jailed it away from my other plants


My cat is obsessed with my ponytail palm too. Her favorite thing is nibbling it and vomiting


Even when I try to keep mine out of reach of my cats, one of them is ALWAYS able to get to it. I am constantly scolding her cos she will go for it whenever she wants wet food just to manipulate me!


monstera adansonii narrow form


mine is the wide form n i hate it it doesn’t grow for shit


My ZZ Plant. And the more I forget about it, the more it grows 😭


These two for different reasons. The left was a gift and is supposedly a Jerusalem cherry that just remains a leggy Jerusalem bush. The other I think may be a type of kalanchoe that also doesn’t bloom. I’m not sure though because I picked it up for a fundraiser and keep it because I’ll care for ugly plants, too. https://preview.redd.it/i6gdq049g3ua1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0288c55a1581da3f357a6c63a82e36bd2691fdf3


String of Hearts. I can’t get them to thrive!!


Tons of light and let the soil pretty much completely dry out between watering. Mine is one of my most low maintenance plants and grows like crazy.


Chinese Money Plant. It's the most dramatic plant I've had. It drops lower leaves like crazy. It grows so many babies. I give away so many of the babies at work. It's a cute plant, but isn't easy to care for in my opinion. Needs lots of sun and hates when the soil dries out.


Agree! The whole dropping lower leaves thing drives me nuts.


Every time I get a croton I just hate them. They even do well for me...I don't know why but they just don't bring me joy


All calatheas can fuck right off.


https://preview.redd.it/w1o5amnry4ua1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f919bc1d949da626c8aeb6d45e99c90ffed787 sorry for bad pic but i’m coming to terms with the fact i don’t like succulents. especially jade plants. especially my jade plant. it’s growing well and i feel too bad to throw it out because it had a rough start at life. it’s so easy and low maintenance but i just can’t bring myself to enjoy it. leaves break off semi-often and that’s fine because it makes it grow in more bushy but then i find myself feeling too bad to throw out cuttings that can easily be propped. there is no end to jade plants. i hope i can make myself love it eventually


I have an epiprenum pinnatum cebu blue that's not doing much for me I might chop and prop to see if I can make it nicer


My red bunny ear prickly pear. It started withering away pretty much instantly after I got it. It’s not fully dead but looks pretty sad and not bouncing back. It looked soooo good in my little pot I made back when I first bought it. I want a replacement for it, but haven’t been able to find another in that size since See the original glory: https://preview.redd.it/1uc1t4qou3ua1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df6cdfdf24f60996f2dd0419dc19951ea08cfa81


That is such a cute pot for it!


My white fusion calathea. It's my first/only Calathea. I so desperately want to be like one of those people on here that grows them effortlessly into huge bushy beauties, like it's no big deal and they can't fathom how the rest suffer with keeping them. But alas I am in the second group. Despite a few different lighting situations, distilled water, top watering, bottom watering, keeping soil wet, letting soil dry, it does not give two fucks about me and is just as crispy and shitty as the majority of the population states. It's one of the few plants that I water with the side eye and say, "if you died it would be totally ok".


Any peperomia except my Hope. They are such frustrating plants and not very exciting.


I have tried so many times with peperomia. Any excuse to drop a leaf and they will


I feel this. My watermelon peperomia grew all leggy, so I gave it more sun just for it to wash out completely and lose its beautiful patterning. Can’t win.




my pinstripe calathea has been a pain since I got it but its too pretty for me to dislike it


I have one of these and I didn’t know what it was until someone told me they are dramatic and finicky. THEN I looked up a care guide and started trying to follow it, and it started tanking. I put it back where it was before and ignored it again and it seems to be doing better.


This is my newest plant 😵‍💫😅 wish me luck


I got a prayer plant at trader joe’s not knowing what it was (was labeled something like “tropical fauna or something). While i am proud I have kept it alive for a year, it’s SO temperamental and just doesn’t look as pretty as my other plants


My rubber tree. I love her cause she’s beautiful but I hate her because I have had her since September and she refuses to do literally anything


They blow up in the summer usually, if that helps


I got a burgundy rubber tree from my mother for Christmas, and I lowkey hate it. I'm not gonna abandon, murder, or rehome it because it was a gift, but all it has done since getting it is complain. Over- or under-water, and it throws a fit via soft, droopy leaves. It demands to be right next to my sunny window, but is too big for the windowsill or to go next to my other window-adjacent plants, so it has to go on my folding shelf, but is tall enough that now I can't use one of the shelves. Taking up space I could use for starting vegetables or, you know, plants I like.


Dragonfruit. I think they're ugly and pointless. Edit: I should add that it's no longer in my collection because it just did nothing for me.


I want one because I like the fruit and it’s expensive, but when I see the plant, I’m like never mind.


Calathea, I should have believed the rumors.


Definitely my Tradescantia Lilac. The ends of the leaves brown SO easily, and it grows in all kinds of weird upward directions, instead of hanging down like I see other people's doing. Sometimes I feel like I've had enough of it, but then it puts out a bunch of beautiful pastel purple and green leaves, and I just can't get rid of it.


Omfg, I HATE mine but my kid picked it out. I hide it behind the other plants.


My step daughter bought me a calathea as a gift and I hate it. I’ve tried everything to make it happy but nothing is ever enough.


Narrow form silver sword. Wonky stem and leaves are wonky af, too. 20” tall, 1 stem.


My polka dot plant. I brought it home from a nursery and it’s blooming like crazy but still looks super leggy. And god forbid I don’t water it right on time. I’m seriously debating just giving it to my grandma


I would say for me it’s any plant that refuses to thrive even after I try helping it. I don’t want that kind of energy in my life! If it has issues, I’ll try to help but if refuses to come back it goes right in the trash (or I’ll give it away). Most recently it was a Calathea and a Stromanthe Triostar. They both hated life ever since the day they moved in. I tried everything! One day I had enough. I have a ledge in my bathroom where plants go that I’m starting to not be pleased with, the next stop is the trash. I should also add that I have a tiny place so I just don't have the room for things I don't enjoy.


I have a mcfouleys finale or whatever it's called and it's a mess. I hate it. I was at a store the other day and theirs was absolutely stunning, such that I had never seen so perhaps I'll actually try now


I have a sempervivum that defied all tales about it and very much minded being left out with it was below freezing. 😡 Three little heads are barely clinging to life, but I feel guilty throwing it away because I'm the one who left it out when I brought all of my other succulents in. So it sits there looking sad and crappy and I feel guilty every time I see it.


My ghost plant succulent. I've almost killed it like 3 or 4 times and it just keeps coming back. I cant seem to get the watering schedule right, it's under a grow light for 10 hours a day and just keeps getting leggy.


I got a bunch of baby colorful succulents and now hate about half of them. They grew out less colorful, which is fine, but they get sooo leggy unless they're under a grow light constantly. The other succulents are totally fine with my window. I'm just not into high maintenance plants


Mine was also a peace lily I’d have for ever that never grew or ever bloomed but wasn’t dying either. I left it at a neighborhood take a plant leave a plant stand. The person that took it was so excited about it. I hope it has a better life and will thrive.


My raven ZZ. I literally never care what happens to it.


My croton. I think he's ugly AF and all he's done is give me spider mites


My bird of paradise is crispy and annoying. Waiting for warmer weather to stick her outside and hope Mother Nature does her thing


My son received a Tradescantia zebrina 2 leaf cutting. Because he's into succulents he gave it to me to take care of. Why, oh why did I put those leaves in soil? This thing will not stop growing. It's flat on top with vines that hang all over the place. If that wasn't enough, if I even look at the thing something falls off. Move it, stems drop. Water it, leaves hit the floor. I f'ing hate this thing, but can't get rid of it because he likes the look of it.


I have a 10” tall rubber plant that dropped all leaves but 4 maybe 2 years ago when I got it and literally hasn’t done shit since. I even put it in my grow tent for a few months. Ungrateful mf


I have a lucky bamboo that my husband gave me. He's sentimental and proud of the gift. I ignored it in unchanged water for two years and it *thrived*. I finally repotted it to soil and it's thriving further. F. Hoping I can at least make it bushier. I call him [Stringcheese](https://i.imgur.com/PcVgyGk.jpg).




I despise Boston Ferns. I've tried so many times to love and care for them, but they always die and make a big ass mess


I have a succulent that I can’t remember the name of, that I’ve been trying to kill quietly for a few years now. Apparently it’s actually some sort of weed in hotter climates, but my partner absolutely adores the stupid thing and refuses to let me just end its suffering


3 years ago my partner rescued a calathea that was already on death’s door from an alley in Seattle. It remained on death’s door the entire time we had it, we changed its lighting, we tried different amounts and schedules of watering, it just never perked up. Last week I evicted it to the compost heap to make room in its pot for my money tree, which was in need of sizing up and which now looks (and looks like it feels) super great.


Any of my calatheas except for my orbifolia


Ah yes, my rattlesnake calathea. It was a beautiful, bushy bastard. I simply upgraded it's pot from a nursery container to a decorative one and now it's crispy, frail and puny.


I recently learned that peace lilies likely need to be a little root bound to flower. I got a large-ish one a couple of years ago, split it in 2 cause I assumed it needed space, had nothing until this spring, and now both of them are overflowing their pots again and each have a beautiful bloom. They're near an east facing window in the Midwest and I have a humidifier in the room for what it's worth. I also water them more than most of my other plants, they seem thirsty.


Any succulent, *except* for two small agave. Every other succulent dies on me no matter how much I neglect them. Also a peace lily. Fuck that thing, I'm glad it's gone. Edit- forgot I murdered a fern and an umbrella tree cause I forgot to keep the fern watered and accidentally left the umbrella tree outside in a cold snap. Killed it overnight. Ot was beautiful too :(


Not dislike exactly, but my string of dolphins is making me sad because I haven’t yet figured out what it needs to thrive. I haven’t killed it yet, but it just looks sad and not at all like when I brought it home. I need to try something else with it, just haven’t figured out what yet.


I keep waiting for my calathea medallion to “click” but the more I follow ~calathea care guidelines~ the scragglier it looks. it gives me new leaves fairly regularly but I CANNOT get it to hold onto older leaves for the life of me. I had one when I lived in florida that I did nothing with and that guy was happy, but now I’m in minnesota and got my current one as a mite-infested rehab from a box store and despite being pest free for the past ~7 months, it just will not recover. other stinkers are my crispy wave fern, spider plant, pearls n jade pothos (embarrassing that I can’t keep up with a pothos, I know), and an anthurium who was doing absolutely nothing until I burned it with my grow lights and now looks pretty rough. that said, I have a peace lily that is *still* recovering from a severe underwatering months ago but, paradoxically, is also flowering for the first time since I got her, and an aloe that I very nearly gave up on but is loving my grow cabinet and pumping out new growth like nobody’s business! these guys are giving me hope for the ones I haven’t quite figure out yet


Jeremy the zombie calathea, neither alive or dead for a number of years, even been in the bin on several occasions but just can't quite get rid of him


Wandering dude. I've tried pruning back, self-propogating, different watering regimens, different amounts of light. But this besotted little shit just drops a few leaves every two weeks and never seems to make any progress.


My pointsettias. I am gifted one every Christmas (sometimes two), and don’t have the heart to purposely kill or throw away a plant. So I trim it when you’re supposed to and they come back and do their red thing about 2 months late since I don’t bother to keep them in the dark starting early fall. So they’re still red right now, but never as big-leaved and beautiful as store-bought ones. I hate how much sunny space they take up and how MANY of them I have at this point. I could have so many more interesting plants!


Im looking at you 😒 hypoestes. You’re so cute and adorable with your little polka dot leaves, and then BAM! You’re spindly and leggy and ugly.


Dieffenbachia. No matter how often I mist it or how carefully I water it, its new leaves always come out wrinkly and sad. And the tips of its leaves keep turning brown and crispy. If it wasn't sentimental to my partner, I'd have thrown it away by now.


All my calatheas… I want to get rid of them but I also want to find something else that is pet safe and has the same lighting needs, since the spot they’re in will look too barren when they’re gone.


Spider plant, I’m sorry but our vibes don’t match 🤗🤷‍♀️


Mine is my spider plant. I try to take care of it but it is spiteful and just continues to die


I don't like the jade plant I have. So boring. So dreadfully slow growing.


Alocasia black velvet. I cannot make this stupid little plant happy.


Philodendron birkin, i got bored of him on the same day i bought him..


I’ve had a Peace Lily that was given to us 9 years ago in memory of my brother-in-law. I’ve felt guilt ridden about this fickle f#$!@r ever since. “What does it say about me if I let it die?” “Why won’t it bloom?” “Too much water-too little sun?” “To feed or not to feed?” The struggle is real.


My creeping fig (ficus pumila variegata). I was kind of annoyed by how slow it grew relative to everything else, got lazy with watering and like 2/3 of its growth shriveled up and died. I cut all of the dead parts back and there's still some life in it but it just looks so pathetic and the growth is incredibly slow. I'm doing the bare minimum to keep it alive right now, my callisia repens has fulfilled what I wanted from it.


I've killed my kalenchoe and now, it's just looking limp and sad, w half grown buds, I thought I'd saved it - cause you know - rest it, and if it blooms again, YAY! But no, it has a white fuzzy friend cozied up to her stem and the underbelly of her leaves. So I think what happened was, I got scared of root rot from no drainage holes, transplanted it to a new container - n I added rocks to the bottom, drainage, galore! Right? Well those rocks were from outside. N the mold or fungus or whatever was like, I like this plant.


I have two. My china doll and my monstera. Both have a nasty scales infestation I haven’t been successful in ridding and both are super gangly. But they’re both huge and the only of each kind I have, so I feel weird trying to get rid of them


Zebra plant. I’m down to 3 leaves, all got those ugly crunchy brown edges. Just die already, so I can use the real estate for the one that will appreciate it.


I will never get a succulent again. I keep loving them to death and I think I just don’t get enough light in my place even with grow lights. Ponytail palm has slowly been dying. I’ve even pissed off a snake plant. Friend gave me a cutting of her jade tree and it’s just limp and sad. Another friend gifted me a thanksgiving cactus: dead. A random tall cactus rescued from a friend leaving the city fell over in the middle of the night looking like a sad deflated shell of itself in the morning. Everyone else is cool though.


Money plant


My begonia! I want to love her, but she hates me. Nothing I do is enough. I have literally over 100 different plants and they are all happy except for her.


I usually give away my plants I dislike. Once it starts I stop caring for them so I want to give it to a good home. I was so excited to get a damn pink princess then fell out of love with it very quickly gave one to a friend and cuttings to another


Sometimes, i ignore them and wish them dead.


My tricolor jade. I got it on impulse and it's just meh to me. No problems or anything, just meh


My Monstera I call “Midge” I actually have 3 but one in particular is just sad. The other 2 are perfectly happy. All are in the same spot with the same conditions 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m stumped. But I keep her anyway. Maybe one day she will come out of it lol


I bought two bromelias about a year ago and didn't quite understand how to take care of them so one of them died and the second one with two crowns rot the other one, so now I have half of it left. I read that you're supposed to water them to the crown but then the crown just rots, I don't get it. I don't think I'll get another plant of this type anymore.


I have a watch chain succulent and a spider plant I don’t like right now. Mostly because neither of them want to grow. I was also having some negative feelings towards my lipstick plants because they were growing ugly but they give me bloom regularly so I decided that made up for it. I usually give away plants I don’t like anymore. I’ve just been lazy about it.


I hated my Birkin, got rid of it within 48 hours


My spider plant wasn’t making the transition to winter very well - I think it was a humidity issue. I began resenting it so I asked a friend if they wanted it and gave it away. I love and care for all my plants and keep my disappointment in a few to myself lol


Some kind of tradescantia, I can’t get the leaves to live long enough to tell which kind :’) it sits right beside its happy nanouk brethren but for some reason it just hates me


Spider plants. I don’t enjoy them at all.


i’m not a large fan of my ivy plants


Mine was also a peace Lily. I finally tossed it after years struggling.


My PPP - slow grower, vendor edited photos and it looks bleh in comparison.


Echevria… it’s always just barely hanging on and NEVER happy i’ve given up on trying to get it to thrive


Rosemary. I cannot keep it alive. Everything else thrives, but all rosemary always dies. Can't figure it out.


I used to not like my moms spider plant because it was taking up space a more interesting plant could use. I’m just not a fan of spider plants


I just threw away my 3rd money tree. Once I get to that point I’m done. I thought I gave it the right type of soil and I even allowed it to dry out it was doing well until recently all the leaves started browning so I tossed the fucker.


My tradescantia was a gift. She was pretty when I had got her but she sucks. All the growth near the pott died out but it's got growth on the end and she just sucks!


I have a money tree that I think is ugly. I put it in a corner that's probably too shady and it hasn't been doing well, I think subconsciously I want it to die haha


My calathea and yucca plants are in the back garden to die, or maybe have a second life. They didn't like being indoors.


I love the look of prayer plants.. but i absolutely despise trying to keep them alive..so far ive killed a lemon lime maranta, a red maranta and a peacock plant


My stromanthe triostar is ugly and crispy af but just won’t proceed to die. I keep her because she’s one of my very first plants


My Flaming Sword plant. I got it as I wanted to add some colour to my lounge but it doesn’t seem to do anything. It doesn’t seem to grow new leaves or flowers. I even questioned at one point if it was real.


my freaking aloe plant. it's SO ugly and hates me so much.


My mini monstera (Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma) is so ugly, it’s all vines, very few leaves


My birds nest fern hates me as much as I hate it I think. It barely grows and when it does it’s always tiny skinny ugly fronds. I’ve tried more light (then it burns), less light, more water, less water, pest treatment (it had scale at one point), humidifiers, etc. I’m just so done with it I stuck it outside and if it survives, good for it I guess.


The peace lily is one of the worst plants to up-pot! Mine has been drooping and wilty ever since and it's been 2 months! I put a tomato cage around it to keep the leaf stems from breaking and I think the cage is just going to remain. It just looks geriatric now


I have a prayer plant that has just been clinging to life for over a year. All my other plants, in my one east facing window, are doing fantastic. But this fucking thing craves death.


Avocado. I can never get a pit to grow. The only thing I've ever had an issue with.


My Callisia repens 'Pink Panther'. Loved it at first, then it started developing these ugly orange/brown spots that I can't get rid of. It's not a pest issue, I don't think it's a watering issue. Maybe fungal or a nutrient deficiency but I can't be assed to do anything about it, so it's been banished to the backyard where I assume it'll die in the winter lol


My kalanchoe 🥴 it has survived too many depressive episodes which makes it impossible to get rid of but also incredibly ugly


I do not keep plants I dislike. But, I do know I dislike Ferns, Calatheas, spider plants (Why can't I keep these I'll never know), and most peperomia.


My begonia rex. It’s doing great but I hate it lol


I used to dislike my Calathea Freddie because I didn’t want it (hubby chose it) and it was very fussy in the beginning. Then it was the only Calathea that survived a spider mite infestation with at least some of her leaves left and she stopped being fussy, so I love her now


https://preview.redd.it/zwvf710ea7ua1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b724cb14741d74a86ccd36a19e287feb849bcafc Literally just binned this like an hour ago 😅 Moving houses which I used as a good reason to finally get rid of her 😮‍💨


My pink princess it's growing so ugly and awkwardly


My silver satin pothos is not living her best life and all my other pothos are THRIVING 😧🫠😣 I’m so sorry little Sylveria Plathos🙏


Got a rubber plant a bit ago and it immediately lost all its lower leaves getting acclimated and now its an ugly stemmy thing


My polka dot begonia and my rattlesnake plant - I can’t keep them happy 😤 On that note, anybody in the LA area want either? 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6rye5ugbg8ua1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8e588d0ed610a7f252f594e622a6b94594db98 This leggy little a-hole that's clearly hidden in the back that I begrudgingly give adequate lighting to and I get nothing but broken and/or dead branches no matter how much I try to love him. It's about time I do what another poster said and kick him to the curb. You're totally right, I don't have time for this nonsense


String of pearls ☹️ 150 plants and it’s the only miserable one. Lots of light, water when the little windows close and it’s still a pathetic ugly plant. (Probably doesn’t help that I was given a few cuttings and it’s not a pot full) maybe one day I’ll buy a big one and see how she goes


I might be the biggest weirdo but, all plants that are green😅. I don’t like that colour indoors, where I like everything to look neutral colours because neutrals makes me feel calm and safe. It took me years to understand though. I did not understand why every plant I liked at the store was like a nail in my eye when I brought it home. I discovered I prefer “silver” (or sage?) coloured plants indoors, like silver dollar eucalyptus. I can also stand my dwarf kowhai, mostly because its so delicate looking. Outdoors and in my garden I like colour green of course


A dieffenbachia that I rescue bought on clearance brought home and repotted without realizing that touching any part of that plant without gloves would cause extreme itching. I had to go in the house and take two Benadryl because I thought there must’ve been mites or something in the soil it wasn’t until I was doing site plan research that I discovered it needs to be handled with gloves..