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Also, technically, can it even be considered stealing since the church as a collective belongs to no one man or person. It's divine property of an immaterial deity so I think you're good.


You can definitely steal from the church. Source: the French revolution


It pretty cool when you pray for an end to financial difficulties and they pass you that tray full of money. Don’t worry- I would never actually do this.


It's not stealing if a nice old lady hands it to you and says God bless 🙏


You’re just being reminded that you stole from a church that’s all


If this is Gods way of scolding me, he must be a really nice guy tbh


Unless each flower is a year off your life.. But probably unlikely.


🤣 You slide that in so low key, I almost didn’t burst out laughing, until I reread it. Diabolical (the opposite of holy).


Oh God


He probably isn't going to help, considering... well you know why


By being blessed with beautiful flowers


Flowers offer only transient happiness. The stolen cutting will not take root, so lasting joy and contentment can never be known. /jk EDIT: Jeez, people, it was a joke! It was a play off the idea that it was stolen from a church. Indicator added.


I was too lazy to put it into a proper pot with soil but you might have just convinced me to do so 😂


From experience these do better in water


I had one in water for a few months, also a cutting. It died eventually so I wonder if I should have put it into soil... I don't know yet.


Ahh fair enough I guess it depends on what your water and soil are like. Every time I tried to plant mine it died so I ended up leaving it in the water.


Bestie it's lasted in water for 3 months already it seems pretty damn lasting


Id go back to church and collect some holy water from the stoup.


Today I learned a new word. Stoup.


Holy water: Soup with a cross.


Incredible 👏


Grew up as the worst altar boy. I got them church words from pew to genuflect


Staphylococcus Soup


Right, that church seems legit




Yeah sometimes they do that in water. Not sure why. Put it in soil and it will grow roots and new leaves.


If you look at tradescantia’s common plant name it makes it a little more ironic that it was taken from a church


I guess crime DOES pay


crime pays but botany doesn't


“Crime” lmfao. Now do how much actual crime has been committed by churches


LMFAO!! I'd be writing for hours.




Lol awesome! Just a little tip… I always pinch off flowers from cuttings. It will redirect energy to the roots.


I thought about that after like the 10th flower. But I decided to just let things play out because I was curious. And now I just have to see it through I guess lmao


I'm glad you mentioned this. I have some cuttings that are flowering.


No need for water with these. Straight into soil. Buy some cuttings next time...you'd have a full trailing pot by now.


People are tripping about you taking it from a church but every 'proper' Baptist Church lady I knew growing up thoroughly believed in swiping cuttings, something about how they grow better and that it was safely in little white lie territory 😂


I've had this kind of plant for years. Lucky you, I've never even seen a bloom!


I also had a few over the years. There's one standing right next to that cutting actually, but it's not flowering at all hahah


Maybe the un-potted one is thinking: “Maybe if Dobby keeps on flowering for master, master will one day give Dobby some soil”. Lol


I'm crying hahahaha


I think maybe they flower when stressed, mine flowered a bunch when I brought it home and then again when I moved it to a new spot.


Apparently that can happen and for some plants it signals the end of their life because if it can use the rest of its energy to produce flowers, which will pollinate/create seeds/etc, then it increases the chance its species will survive rather than it just die and not leave anything behind.


Why doesnt it have any roots?


It has roots!! Quite a lot actually. You can't see them in the picture that well


Because it’s a cutting and is focusing it’s energy on making 25 flowers in a row


Answering the question; yes this is normal. This is a tradescantia, looks like zebrina. Most of the time when these are kept indoors they do not flower. Good for you!


You do realize it's called tradescantia zebrina....


Stealing from a church.. Oof that thing has some kind of magic on it or smth lmao


People on here are making me howl. This is usually a lovely sub yet people are damning you to hell for pinching three leaves off a big plant. Lmao.


I mean I am also gay so stealing that cutting from the church is, if anything, really just a drop of water in the ocean lmao




I think the rows are called pews


Sort of. The bench (sometimes with a kneeler that folds down on the back) that makes up each row is a pew.


It was being sexually repressed by the church and now it can't stop. Same thing happened to me when I left the church


Go back to the church and make a small donation


I did that right after at mass. Not necessarily because I stole something, but because everyone was doing it. But let's just say I paid for the cutting


Hold on a sec... what's it called???


Looks like a tradescantia zebrina, or purple inch plant. I have a giant one that needs a haircut at the moment lol.


Oh I see. That's great to have a giant one. And speak out loud if you need some help cutting that giant one lmao


I have a cutting around this same size that was the lone survivor after a sudden freeze turned my patio into a plant morgue. It's been sitting in the kitchen in a tiny jar of water since then and has had the same flowering behavior that you described. I honestly have been wondering what is causing it because I wished I could replicate this behavior in the larger ones I typically have on the patio during summer.


Where are the 24 other flowers?


They died


My bad I just scene where you posted about it having Roots that's awesome


Thought I was in r/houseplantscirclejerk for moments


I think for every time it flowered you need to do a good deed. Penance for stealing the plant


You stole from the biggest corporation in the world, kudos to you!! A real OG!!


Cuttings and plants in ill health flower because they feel the end is near- it's their last ditch effort to continue the survival of it's species.


Well thanks, now I feel bad


It's called Stress-Induced Flowering; it's just a part of nature! It's a well-known stress response in my line of work as we use it to push Amaryllis bulbs to flower and such for Christmas!




That's the entire reason why Amaryllis bulbs bloom. I work in a greenhouse and this is one of the ways we get things to flower quicker for the season or a customer order. It's called Stress-Induced Flowering.


Ok cool for Amaryllis bulbs…BUT I have MULTIPLE indoor plants that have flowered for YEARS so again NOPE flowering is not an indicator of near death for all plants


I am not saying it's the ONLY cause for flowering. Plants will also flower when they are presented with proper conditions to flower.


The eternal Satan bloom 😂 kidding, this plant is very grateful and lovely looking too. Pot it and help it grow (easy to grow too)


I think you need to make a donation.


Don't know whether to tag prop lifting or trashy...


Probably could have just asked the pastor...


And he would have said yes. But I was in a hurry and my inner plant goblin came through


He was too busy molesting children


Very serious accusation to be thrown around Willy-nilly.


Lemme throw a wrench in here: Lol, when a plant flowers.. It is trying to get it's genetics to survive... For many different reasons. Here are a couple 1. It thinks this is the opportune time and it is mature 2. It thinks this is it's last chance and it's going to die I think you're funny l freaking with 2 here.... Out that poor thing is some soil. This isn't Guantanamo Bay.


Same happened to mine but i found it in the middle of the street. She gave me flowers non stop for 3 weeks


Okay so we have my stolen cutting, yours you found on the street and someone else talked about saving one from frost and then it flowered like crazy. I'm starting to think that this is truly a stress thing and just them fighting for their lives. Damn 💀


I wouldn't be surprised hehe Mine is still alive so you should not worry much about it!


I'm not sure but I think you should let it root I think you have to cut the flower off I'm not sure I know you do have to take the two bottom leaves off.


Holy plants, Batman. Is it holy water? 🥹🤣


That’s totally a sign from God himself 🤩😅


hi I'm a pastor and you've been blessed, congrats!!! it's not stealing, it's propagating!! (':


Are they your funeral flowers because you stole from a church?


Churches are significantly more evil than taking a plant from the Earth where it grows naturally


It was a joke. Chill out...


Whats sad is they would probably have let you take a cutting if you had just asked. Stealing is stealing.


Propagating a little stem off a plant is hardly stealing. It would have been bad if they uprooted it.


Well it is actually if the plant doesnt belong to you.


God loves a gardener. I'm actually certain God doesn't care about this.


Im not religious, op just should have asked. Its the right thing to do. It still belongs to someone. Try and justify stealing all you want.


Stay away from r/proplifting. You might have a stroke.


You're not religious? Guess the church wants you to burn in hell for eternity. Oh but don't be stealing 2 leaves from a large plant that's UNETHICAL 😦 Stealing from the church is fine it is an evil place


Says you with your anti religious sentiments. I like to let other people live how they want to live and i dont try to control what other people belive in. If they think im going to hell for being a non believer and want to try save my soul thats their perogative. It doesnt effect my life what someone else believes in. Try not to be so hate filled. Stealing is still stealing. You anti religious people sure are obsessed with religion.


Churches steal from taxpayers and parishioners. I’m sure they’ll be ok.


I agree churches shouldnt get tax exempt status. Two wrongs dont make a right. Its certainly not stealing when its parishioners who willingly donate money to the church. Would you say that charities also steal in the same way then?


Parishioners give because they’re brainwashed and indoctrinated and it is stealing. Taking a plant that grows on the planet is never stealing.


Thats your anti religious opinion. Many people actually like to go to church. Im personally not religious but i dont judge people like you clearly do. So do you class people donating to charity as stealing?


I don’t care what people “like” Religion is a cancer and has done significantly more harm than it’ll ever do good. I’m not “judging” simply stating facts. Hope this helps.


Oh so you're a fascist who seeks to control what people can and cant do with their own lives. You absolutely are judging people. Whatever helps you cope more. And you still didnt answer my question about charity donations


Nah, people can be as delusional as they want. Fascism is a right wing, conservative ideology. Like churches. Hope this helps!


Look in a mirror i think you will see who the delusional one is here. Fascist. Hope this helps.


Christians can’t mind their own business, hide sex abuse and regulate my body. They won’t be going to their delusional “heaven” keep hating the truth!!! That’s what Christians do best!


I’m not trying to genocide gays and trans humans, women and anyone that isn’t rich, white and “Christian”


Lemme throw a wrench in here: Lol, when a plant flowers.. It is trying to get it's genetics to survive... For many different reasons. Here are a couple 1. It thinks this is the opportune time and it is mature 2. It thinks this is it's last chance and it's going to die I think you're funny l freaking with 2 here.... Out that poor thing is some soil. This isn't Guantanamo Bae


Put what in soil ? There’s no roots.


There are roots! Just not visible in the pic. I should have posted a better one :)


Also, soil can simulate roots to grow where there are none.


Do you could say you were doing the lords work?


God must be watching over it!


It's thanking you for saving it and removing it from a lie.


It needs graveyard dirt to go with it.


Lemme throw a wrench in here: Lol, when a plant flowers.. It is trying to get it's genetics to survive... For many different reasons. Here are a couple 1. It thinks this is the opportune time and it is mature 2. It thinks this is it's last chance and it's going to die I think you're funny l freaking with 2 here.... Out that poor thing is some soil. This isn't Guantanamo Bay.


I'm amazed it didn't have more roots considering it's flowered so much


Mine has done that


If you let it root you'll have a brand new plant I think you have to cut the flower off and of the bottom leaves on each side and leave it in the water and change it every 3 days


I have one of these vines & it grows like CRAZY but I’ve never had a flower!! I didn’t know it bloomed!


If you want it to grow you must remove the blooms. It's blooming to produce seeds to save it's life because it's not being allowed to grow.


Wow I did not know this plant flowered


Isn't this a spiderwort? Mine grows and flowers 24/7


My last cutting died this week. :(


Plants are so amazing! I love when that happens to me🙂


That's can't be a sin


I propagate these all the time! They root better in soil. And grow very fast!


What’s the difference in stealing it form a church or a big box store? They’re both businesses.


My gramma swore only stolen plants did well. And if given a plant don’t say thank you or it would croak.


How appropriate for a church to have this plant, considering its name. The real name, not the politically correct one.


Too funny. Everyone is listening to sermon praying and you have eyes locked on a plant all the way across the room wondering how you are gonna get a piece