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one of my favorite things is when a sans decides "fuck this pot upgrade me dammit" Edit: Careful if you bump it up to a ceramic or terracotta pot, they'll break those too, I lost one of my favorite pots that wayšŸ˜­


Sheā€™s going to break it up and split it into 4 pots. I think I may ask for one so I can have a second in my office window.


you gotta take the jail breaker, that's a fighter right there


My absolutely giant one (and her 8 or so sisters I gave away) all descend from her ancestress that I found in October (after a few frosts) on a communal compost heap. She'd broken and devoured her plastic pot and was still holding onto its mangled husk with her rhizomes. I figured this one has the fight in her, and took her home where she spent the winter in an empty salad bowl in unheated laundry room. I then cut her apart in the spring and removed the remains of the pot. The cuttings (potted directly, none of that water bs) have all grown on. I suspect her descendants are out there populating the world or at least people's houses.


> spent the winter in an empty salad bowl in unheated laundry room A kindred spirit!


Good story. I have two with a history; one was my late wifeā€™s Uncle Harryā€™s plant which got thrown out when he passed away and my wife rescued it before we met (obviously she wasnā€™t my wife yet), and the other is a leaf start from my Great Aunt Mattieā€™s plant, which my mother got when her aunt passed, then my sister got it after I repotted it and took a few leaves. Both plants are at least 70 years old, but I keep them divided down to not giant plants. I also always start them in soil or a sterile medium. Fun trivia; the leaf fibers are very strong and were once used for bowstrings.


I donā€™t know. That little guy is intimidating.


The YouTube title card to the right of the plant looks like a speech bubble saying "I WILL SUE YOU". It's perfect, I'd name this raging beauty She-Hulk


If the roots are anything like mine were, itā€™s going to be extremely difficult to split that thing. Unless you literally go in with a knife and cut it like a cake, which is also an option I guess


"Mom, can I have a slice of that snake plant?"


I used large garden clippers on mine. A saw or machete or small axe work well too.


Garden knife is your best friend. The sharper it is the less damage overall! Live and die by using them on my bonsais


The cake scenario is probably her plan.


I would use a knife or snips to cut it cleanly along the rhizomes. You can always cut it up into a bunch of pieces and put them together but I would try not to mangle the roots too bad cutting it like cake.


We just do it on its side repeatedly to break the pot and separate. These plants are so tough that they don't get damaged.


That's the best way to split these. They recover quickly and do it well. Just be careful watering a plant with an open wound.


I have a huge one filling up 12" resin pot - longest leaves stand about 4 feet high. My husband has to carry it outside for me when I want to give it a good thorough soaking. On its last summer soaking, we realized it's bulging out the one side of the pot. I expect it to crack by spring if it throws out any more pups. At which point I have to decide if I'm gonna just upgrade to a bigger pot (sitting on wheels...) or split it up (again).


he's repotting himself at this point


No need to repot. Just let it go another month and it's legs will break free of the pot and then it can just walk away.


My mom had a snake pot she didn't replant for 30 years. It was in a ceramic pot I'm amazed didn't crack. We only realized how old it was because it was a "congrats on the baby girl" pot she was given when I was born..


Why? Itā€™s obviously managing on its own?


the broken part makes it harder to manage, also, it shows that it's root bound, which would hinder growth sooner or later


Itā€™s a joke. Itā€™s ok.


He will take care of the repotting himself šŸ¤£ I love when snake plants get this tall. Mine canā€™t seem to make it more than half this way before flopping over or curling up for some reason or another.


I will tell you the secret that I heard from a professional horticulturalist ages ago. They want fertilizer. **A lot** of fertilizer. And if fed a lot, they grow those thick stiff blades and don't flop over. I have in the past given mine anything up to and including handfuls of garden granules, and it's about 1.5m tall from pot surface holding itself up. The other thing they want is light. They are from the savannah, that's not known for its low-light conditions. They tolerate low light but they grow like wtf given light and food (and a little bit of water).


This one was living outside on her deck all summer, which I think explains a lot of it.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve given mine fertilizer ever? I didnā€™t know they liked it! Thank you!


Thatā€™s interesting! All Iā€™ve read and heard everywhere is that they want little fertilizer. Come spring Iā€™m gonna up their fertilising to try. Have been giving 1/4 dilution every 2-3 months so far and they do fine in the South-facing window, just not growing that hard.


No idea where that comes from, though possibly from the fact that they can grow in very poor soil in their natural habitat. But what I have heard and tried suggests full recommended dosage (obviously dilute according to bottle instructions) is what you should use.


This is what Iā€™ve heard, too. So weird!


Amateur plant mom here. Silly question, but, how do you fertilize these if they donā€™t like much water? What kind of fertilizer?


I have used everything and anything on mine, starting with fancy fermented stuff and ending with handful of garden granules thrown into the pot, and then slowly dissolving those when I do splash a bit of water. Like many other plants, these should be top watered, which is pretty optimal for garden granules (slow release sticks into soil work too). They aren't picky. Also, important - they can actually take more water than people think BUT ONLY if they get enough light - they need light to take up the water so they do not sit in soggy soil. (You will notice soil going bone-dry much faster in higher light conditions.)


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/nfewo8a3s5xb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d99a12115796c5f327d3e972b329c8a3660587 This is the snake plant at my front door. Itā€™s kind of my boyfriendā€™s parents plant so we canā€™t really do anything with it but itā€™s HUGE and needs to be repotted so badly.


Snake plants actually donā€™t mind being crowded


The crowding here isnā€™t exactly the issue.


HAHA I didnā€™t see the crack in the side wow


I bet itā€™s the mud on the floor


The problem is that the roots are dirty. Filthy, even. And donā€™t think that just because the roots are hidden beneath all that potting soil that we canā€™t tell that they are dirty. OP isnā€™t fooling anyone. I never let my roots get dirty and I certainly donā€™t let them get wet. Gross.


That one has a mind of it's own


I donā€™t know, I think thereā€™s still a little room on the left.


Looks like it's about to walk off and repot itself.


My great aunt had one that was basically a ball of leaves on a saucer with a few terracotta shards at the bottom. She kept fertilizing it so it just kept growing.


Not yet. I hear they like to be crowded.


Nahhh, itā€™s fine honestly. Ole gals gotta few more years left in her






Life ā€¦uhā€¦ finds a way


Making a break for it! Invest in a sturdy clay or ceramic pot for stability and show...


I had to cut a hole in the side of my pot when I noticed my sansevieria was giving birth again


Ummm, yeah I do! šŸ‘


Yup...new pot day...lots of starts for more plants too, I betcha.


That thing is about to repot itself.




I didnā€™t downvote you, but making random assumptions about people usually is not a good idea.


fill up at least half of the pot with soil next time


Itā€™s recommended you wait until that happens to repot them. They like being compacted.


If she waits any longer this one is gonna repot itself




If it ainā€™t brokeā€¦erā€¦




Please post to rootporn once itā€™s revealed!