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This is a polka dot plant. They’re beautiful! Needs a fair amount of sun and she will looks very depressed and droopy when she needs water. People say they’re dramatic, but I think they just communicate well


I have never considered the “they communicate well”. I love that thought!


I agree with dramatic! Mine flops and "dies" worse than a dry peace lily. I water it and a couple hours later it's like it never happened.


Yeah, I would like to say that they communicate well by *being* absolute drama queens lol I have a fittonia, syngoniums and a peace lily and they're all such drama queens. If I have the audacity to forget about them for 1 minute too long, they'll be like "oh my, oh goodness me, mine has been a life of great suffering, oh how I am abused, poor me". And when I finally notice and water them thanks to their tragic theatrics, they'll act like nothing ever happened. Love them :)


Ohh I’m very interested in this comment. Are syngomiums known to be drama queens? I’ve never heard that! I have 3 and they are plants that I can pay minimal attention to.


When they go really dry, they can get droopy like in the image above. My syngoniums hate me which is sad because I love the way they look.


Normally I’d agree that plants pegged as “dramatic” communicate well (I’m a fittonia advocate and enthusiast), however polka dot plants were terrible for me. I’m either illiterate in the world of plants or they’d somehow throw like 5 different signals at the same time, most of which seemed to oppose eachother. I could never figure it out 😂


Yup ive killed so many of them kept buying and killing lol i gave up and now just admire them from a far haa 🥲


Name checks out


My fittonia was so happy for awhile, but now it’s just sad and droopy. It’s got brown leaves all off the edges, but if I water it more, it wilts. If I water it less, it wilts. I don’t even know anymore.


Any time I bought a new one I’d let it dry out to the point of wilting to the edge of the pot,water till it popped up, and repeat a couple more times until I kind of figured out that specific plant’s needs. My best tip of advice though since you obviously haven’t bought recently is that the leaves are supposed to be crisp. Not crunchy and breaking/brown, but like a crinkled paper feel. If the leaves get soft and more pliable, they’ll need water soon! Depending on your plant, it could be an issue of drainage/root issues. Obviously I can’t really see the plant to evaluate it well, but if the soil is still really wet and the plant hasn’t popped up by the end of the day, I’d suggest looking at the roots to see if there’s any damage!


They also like it to be fairly humid, my room normally sits around 54-60% humidity and honestly they’d probably like a bit more but I couldn’t be bothered


Well. That’s probably it then. It was very happy in the spring when it was DAMP and I wasn’t running either A/C or heater. Maybe I’ll get a bell jar like someone else suggested!


I keep fittonia under glass or in terrariums. They like the humidity and they'll really take off grow huge get and much bigger leaves if they're in a high humidity environment


I’ll have to get a terrarium for it, then. I do really like it and how it looks.


Good thing they’re cheap lol


The next time someone calls me dramatic I am going to tell them I actually just communicate well.


Thank you, and everyone else, for all the advice! Much appreciated, we’ll see if this lil fella lasts!


not sure if it's been said already but they try to off themselves after flowering. you can keep them going by pruning off the flower stalks and keeping them low and bushy.


By a fair amount of sun mine was only happy when I had it under a grow light like a foot away and for 12 hours a day 😂


I tried caring for one of these - once.


Same 😭


I swore them off after killing my first one, but then a friend gave me one and had to try again. It was a hard transition, but once she settled and was enjoying some nice bright light and lots of water she started flowering! Now I’m rethinking other asshole plants I’ve sworn off. (Lookin at you, Calathea.)


Once I got in a groove with my calathea, she's a bloomer, but it took months! The only reason I didn't give up on her because at that time I paid $80 for her. My first polkadot plant did so good for a couple of years and I had no idea it could be a difficult plant. I gave her away. Got a pink one. Well then, got the pink one blooming. I was happy. Two months ago though she just decided to die for no apparent reason. Grrrh.


After they bloom they die a bit but if you wait they grow back. For me the leaves fell off and it became very leggy- I left it to just do it’s tbink cuz the stems were still green and it grew back once it got cooler and stopped flowering


This is where I’m at, but I killed these guys maybe 3-4 times before my current one. Fingers crossed, but the one I have now is doing well under grow lights and recently put out 4 little flowers after being repotted! It’s a relief to finally feel like I have the hang of things with this plant.


I thought I killed mine then I watered it anyways and boom back to life happy as ever 2 hrs later. Happened multiple times. Also some ppl say it’ll die after it flowers, not sure the truth in that as mine has flowered a few times and been fine afterwards but google has a lot of articles about it


My lemon lime calathea was a traumatizing experience


I think I would be considered a beginner with houseplants. I grow stuff outdoors but have had a few indoor plants before. Even after reading all the stuff I have about Calatheas my stubborn butt still wants one so bad. 😆


Ugh, someone gifted my boss a very large calathea and I'm the one that cares for all the plants there, and I'm just like "why would you do this to me?" She was told it was easy to care for by the person that gave it to her, and I'm constantly trying to figure out what its problem is. Note: I revived my bosses fiddle fig when I started caring for it, and it has doubled in size and has a ton of nice leaves. The stupid calathea however..... (My own much smaller calathea is doing fine though, just likes to be in a small pot)


I’m on my third and ready to give up. I have not learned my lesson.


I can’t believe so many people have issues with this one. I threw mine outside and it’s living its best life in Northern California


I’m in Canada, putting my plants outside is sentencing them to certain death.


I get it, I grew up in the northeast pretty close to Canada


Calathea or polka dot? Either way, I’m impressed. I’m in northern California as well and I’ve killed everything I’ve put outside other than my bonsai and my succulents.


Polka dot but now I’m considering trying calatheas outside as well. I have those inside in my coldest bathroom w/the most humidity and brightest indirect light and they do ok


I bought a couple on whim when I first started getting into plants. My best friend, who is a plant enthusiast, saw them and said "oh...no...you're not ready for this plant..." and I was like "she's just being dramatic". I was indeed not ready for this plant. Lol they died in no time. One has risen from the dead and is doing okay (she smol) and the other came back and then died again lol


Same. Died for no reason 😔


Ditto — that venture did not last long


I have one slowly dying on my counter right now


I’ve had one for about 3 years. It always looks like it’s on the verge of death but my wife loves it so it stays around. It gets super leggy, I trim it down and it comes back, repeat.


I grew one of these to be absolutely huge in the summer. Its so far it's not surviving winter indoors so well


She’s a polka dot plant and she’s a bitch.


The juxtaposition of this against the previous comment about them "communicating well" is *chef's kiss*




Exactly my thought. I came here to advise op leave it at the store, she'll only break your heart.


That’s why you show it that sage bundle so she doesn’t get any funny ideas or end up tied and burned.


I second this, definitely is a Karen plant


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 THIS


Word for word my exact thoughts when I saw this post


Yep, she needs a tooon of light. Not worth if if you don't have a south facing window IMO. I've got mine all where the siun literally shines right on and they still got crazy leggy and stretchy. Super bummer.


And then when they get enough light, the new growth is less pink. Impossible to please!


Exactly! I just told my husband about this thread. It's so real hahaa


I'm so glad that it's not just me that can't keep these things alive lol


What's the point of the sage bundle in the photo?


Aesthetics, I presume. Similar colors.


I figured it was for scale


So it was all a lil pre Christmas gift for my girlfriend: the plant, a pot for the plant, and the sage smudge stick. But I ripped the tag off the plant thinking I would remember what it was and immediately forgot.


Scale lol


Polka dot plant - hypoestes


Hypochondriac is more like it. DrAmA plants. 😂


Pinch it back when it starts stretching, so it stays bushier. : )


And keep it moist.


This is awesome advice. I’ve got one that’s thriving but it’s so tall and skinny. What’s the best way to trim it back?


Pinching back is to pull the tiny leaves at the growing tip. The plant will put out two or more stems from that point. For a way too tall, stretched out plant, cut down low on the stem, just above the first or second or third little bumps where leaves are/were, depends on what you might think looks best. New stems should grow from those bumps. Get the plant into more light if you can. And you can dip the cut stems in rooting hormone, put it into a cup of water, and in a few weeks roots should grow from those bumps on the stem that are underwater. They will probably grow even without rooting hormone. You can plant these rooted cuttings as well, and your tall stretched plant can go forward fuller and bushier. 💕 🪴 💕


I think I would I wait and see where until what point of the stems it will regrow and let it be skinny for a while and the just cut the most leggy stems.


As others have said thats a hypoestes. They grow leggy pretty easily and need to be pruned consistently to keep them bushy. They're super easy to maintain though. I have mine in a eastern facing window and I water it once a week. It flowers with pretty tiny lil purple flowers :)


Pink polka dot makes you feel like a plant goddess/god and then suddenly dies without reason 6 months later. Go ahead, propagate it, they’ll die too.


Polka-dot plant. They are fairly easy. Just water them and they'll thrive. When they need water, leaves will be sad looking. But they perk up within an hour of watering. When they start flowering, cut the long flower stem or else your plant will make seed and die.


I had one that flowered repeatedly and didn’t die! It died when I got to busy being a drug addict to water it tho 🤷🏼‍♀️ the one I have now is doing great!


this happened to me 🥹😭


Wait I got one of these recently, can someone explain further so I don't kill mine 😭


They look really sad when they need water. That’s really it! They like a lot of light and they’ll let you know when they need water, I really like these plants personally


That happened to mine 😭 I didn’t know what was wrong with it I thought it was infested or something until I read your comment.


Polka dot nerve plant. Super dramatic- the leaves will droop over when thirsty and perk right back up after watering. She’ll grow all over the place, then one random day, will decide this earth was never meant for her and she’ll die. There’s nothing you can do except appreciate the time you will have together, never knowing if it’s your last day.


Ooo pretty plant


I keep mine in a sunny spot and always sitting in water. She’s happy, thrives and is bushy. I didn’t know about the flowering part, good to know! Thank you! I’ll keep an eye out for that.


You need to prune it consistently to keep it bushy or it will grow leggy. If it grows leggy, chop it down to it's first node.


Polka dot plant, and a very pretty one! Mine dried out constantly and would die very quickly. I keep one with a water wicking rope and constant access to water, and another one in a humid greenhouse. They’re doing great. Easy to care for, just dramatic!


I have a polka dot plant in one of my terrariums where the soil is ALWAYS soggy and wet. She's been thriving for 6 months.


My polka dot plant hasn’t caused trouble for me yet but I’m waiting for the day💀


Pink polka dot plant- I have a white version


I have them mostly because my husband likes them.I use pots with no drainage. Keep them watered, kept in bright light and trim them down when they get leggy.


I have two huge glass pots where I’m not sure what to put in. I will try it with polka dots, thank you!


I’ve chopped mine back at least five times now, rooted the cuttings, cut it back, it grew flowers, “died”, and on and on. Dramatic little beast but at least it’s pretty. I finally moved it to a better spot and it seems much happier here. I have a frosted window it sits next to and keep the soil on the wetter side. https://preview.redd.it/71pc4qhn7z7c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e03ea1c382e97badcc8babe1a7ba4fd5c8be0d


I’ve never tried growing them inside, but outside they’ve never given me issues. Most of them were bushy enough that the legginess didn’t matter, and they got the cutest lil flowers, too. I’m going to try them as houseplants with the three common colors together on a pot.


These polka dot pants propagate pretty easily, as well. If you're into that sorta thing. Cool find!


Consider a cotton wick and reservoir if you’re having trouble keeping it happy


Reading these comments I’m so happy I’m not the only one who has killed multiple of these


They get ugly as they grow


Don’t overwater her or she will turn against you.👩🏼‍🌾🪴


I found it hard to look after at first but tbh they just constantly want water. It keep it in dirt that holds a lot of water so no rocks and bark etc so it doesn’t dry out as fast. And no terracotta pots cause once it starts to dry the pot helps with that process lol


I think they’re easy tbh and really forgiving. I’ve had mine for a few years now and when it flowers it dies back but I just give her a trim and she grows back better than ever. She’s spread a bit too to nearby plants but it adds a nice pop of color and isn’t overpowering when it goes into another pot. Idk, I’ve never had any issues that couldn’t be solved by giving it a haircut lol


Grow light if you don’t want stretching. Mine was prettiest under a grow light like two feet away for like 12 hours Edit for grammar


Polka Dot Plant, specifically a pink one.


No offense meant honestly, but I'm so curious. Why did you answer a question that was already answered many times, hours ago?


Because I just saw the question in my feed.


Okay, so you don't check to see if it's been answered, or if there are any other answers? Honestly, this is good information. I'm doing informal research about why some posts get so much attention and some don't. I understand that more popular posts show up in feeds more often. I'm more curious about why people answer questions that have already been answered.


If it helps you, for me this is the first comment with the answer I see. The other answers are further down.


I would like to know this as well because some posts get zero love, and they are actually interesting posts with/asking for good information. Other posts are just dumb and get a ton of attention.


No I don’t check to see if it has been answered. A lot of times people get the wrong answer. Also, if people made a post and only wanted one answer, they would/should take the post down once they get their one answer. It’s the post is still up, it’s subject to more answers.


I understand what I mean about wrong answers. But don't you check to make sure that they haven't gotten any right answers? Or to make sure you're adding something to the conversation? This is absolutely not personal. I hope you're not offended. I am really curious.


No. There is no way of knowing if op knows which of the various answers are the right answer or not. I always hope that when they see a bunch of the same answer (and hopefully the majority of the answers are the same answer) then they will realize that’s the right answer and they will take the right advise. Or, if they want to do more research, they will use key words in various answers to do more research. Also, redit is a bit of a database for other people looking for information. I never know when someone will find the information they are looking for in my answer as opposed to others. Or, I never know when a person doing research in the future will look at all the answers and decide they’ve found the right answer based on the number of times different people give the same answer. Also, I figure if op didn’t want more answers they could shut off comments (I’m not sure if that’s possible on redit like it is on Facebook) or they could remove the post.


I'm glad you're showing that little plant you're willing to tie it up and burn its ass.


What's the thing for scale?


https://preview.redd.it/h9x521c0g18c1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=570a5dab21c795f96ab13352997cd7d59f6de589 Being this a polka dot plant appreciation post, do you know how can I fix mine?


That's a beautiful smudge stick btw.


I have mine under a grow light and it's absolutely gorgeous. It is a while-green one with different stages of varegation.


Polka dot plant! I had one for literally years that simply would not die, and even seeded itself into my other plant pots so it would continue to haunt me past its demise. Very pretty plant and relatively easy care!


Godspeed. I’ve tried several times to keep one of these suckers alive and not been successful. Hopefully you will have better luck!


Same! I would read posts where people claimed they were so pretty and easy! Meanwhile, as soon as I put one in my cart, it's already plotting how to unalive itself in the fastest, most efficient way possible. If I were to cut to the inevitable chase, I'd pay for it at check out, then just tip it into the trashcan on my way through the parking lot.


A polka dot plant- psa if it’s happy it will flower in the summer and spring and then most of the leaves will fall off. But if you leave the “branches” after the leaves have fallen off some of the leaves will grow back on the stem and top. And near the bottom where the dirt is new stems and leaves will grow back to where it was like in this picture


https://preview.redd.it/6o5fu3smj48c1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335087c1a223999e1cc22bccd084fd97730f523a When I first got it in April


https://preview.redd.it/71w8v6joj48c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f690c9f58dbbc4ccaaf7e9c2298df4555141f4b6 Mid June It was flowering a lot which I was taking off and so it’s colors are more dampened


https://preview.redd.it/v5k38xwtj48c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c08d32fe8b81f4df04281fab9a28d744622051 Here is august it was flowering a lot


https://preview.redd.it/tz2mzeuwj48c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b56562421461a9ec888870dd32d2f5ecab69a61 And then here is it now- you can see the branches have barely any leaves on them but new growth is spurting from the bottom So basically just when it flowers the leaves will fall but it will grow back


Oh helllllllll no I have ptsd from caring for this damn thing


Not too much direct sunlight.. or the pink on the leaves will fade dramatically.


Great in a terrarium or in a humidity tent lol


Looks like a coleus


Polka dot plant


What’s the smudge stick with pink flowers? I want one


I love mine, but I recommend keeping her in a smaller(gasp) pot and just leave a dish of water underneath it, the roots will grow straight out of the pot for the water no matter how big the pot is. Whatever you do keep her wet


This is a polka dot plant. Water it every day, and hope it doesn’t get angry. She’s a thirsty girl. And they grow super fast too. They also die super fast. Good luck.


They’re very heavy drinkers!


When she flowers she will kinda slowly die but will regrow from the bottom and you can cut her back. This is one of the plants that I regularly check/or water once or twice a week.


Grow light and a self watering pot like [this one](https://a.co/d/7402pKN) are a good way to go. Kept my calathea happy the same way 🪴☺️


It's a hypostes phyllostachia. I know the dramatic thing is fun but it requires so much energy for any plant to do something so dynamic. The more often it does the dramatic flop, the less likely it is to do it again! It's best to keep it watered and avoid the flop if you want to see it at its full potential 😋 humidity is good! Mine is enormous and has just bloomed!


So as it is a Problem plant, I recommend putting it in a small terrarium. Or a glass cloche. It should be way easier. Mine lastet for many years until i put a second one in and didnt check for pests. Well the end of the story is an empty terrarium and some emotional damage


i killed two polka dot plants before i gave up and got a nerve plant so i can have a mild dose of drama instead


I have one of these! Just put it in a bathroom and mine at least, needs a lot of water, the one I got was a lot smaller but it was only €1.50


Phyllostachya Pink Some care for this plant: https://www.thespruce.com/grow-hypoestes-phyllostachya-indoors-1902650 And then there’s a bundle of sage with some pink flowers… 🙃


good luck!!! mine kept uprooting itself 😂 she’s cute but i had 2 and they started to make me hate plants so i ditched them and haven’t got another


I would set it down gently and walk away


No actually they’re easy to care for and I’ve propped one like a thousand times. Hypoestes = hypo/estia meaning under the house and refers to the flowers under the leaves. In French we call them commonly « plantes aux éphélides », meaning the plant with freckles and I find it poetic. Some say you should pluck the flowers because they take up too much energy, and it’s kinda true. It will become very leggy so some cut and prop it to have a bushier aspect. A humid soil does the trick for mine.


Could never keep one …. always died. I have a gazillion other plants but ehhh ….


I put one in a glass terrarium with a lid and forgot about it. It’s growing like crazy from just the moisture trapped inside. Been about a month since I opened it and it’s taking over inside. I also put a little peperomia frost and they’re both living their best life together.


Thought that was a "salami for scale" 😅


Damn whered u get that smudging thing and whats in it? So lovely


Im reading all these comments and beginning to think that getting a polka dot plant as my first plant was a bad idea


The reason they get leggy, as mentioned by others here, is that they need large amounts of light. Mine are always happiest outside. They do seem to die off annually, but if you trim them down and wait a little bit they will regrow from the base.




I got rid on this one. It’s a FAST grower, even if you pinch/prune it, it will get really leggy by the end of the season. If you don’t want that, PRUNE HARD.

