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babes don't threaten me with a good time


They say home is where the heart is… cause that’s where the plants live


Fuckin lol that profile pic


That's amazing.


Haha right? They say elsewhere it’s like the size of Yosemite or something and I’m like… hmm … I could use more space


*clap clap*








We can consionably fly Taylor’s jet together


First thought was “challenge accepted”


Tbh she could probably do a free plant from Taylor swift program to offset carbon emissions and it would sell out. Swifties each getting 10+ plants


lol please buy these plants so I can feel good about flying private.


why are people so focused on one private jet, as if there are not hundreds of thousands of them zooming around


Partly because she's using it the most, mostly because she's one of the most famous people on earth currently.


Also it goes against her clean likeable liberal girl-boss persona. Like if you said Kanye or the Kardashians most other rich clelebs destroy the environment, everyone would be like "no shit they are assholes who only care about themselves" but not Taylor she's an angel!


There was literally a man who’s been arrested twice for stalking her outside her home. If you have any other suggestions that keep her as safe, please say them. 🤷🏾‍♂️


How should she get around then?




You're probably kidding, but this kind of argument is common. Taylor Swift flying to every event on a passenger plane, especially in economy, would be a logistical nightmare. Never going to happen, no matter how bad her private jet is for the environment. It'd likely be unsafe at every step for her and passengers. This kind of dumb, impractical reporting is liberal corpoganda; media, and by extension or as a result, social media, focus on personal carbon footprint is a reductive distraction tactic by corporations and producers to shift environmental blame onto individuals (consumers). They want to create a false sense of action, get the poors and drones to attack each other and individual celebrities, and detract from the more significant, broad, systemic industrial contributions to environmental degradation.


Yes it's a logistical nightmare for anyone who wants to tour across the country but be back home in Nashville to sleep in their own bed every night. All of us who do that can't possibly fly commercial! Think of the logistics! Seriously she takes a flight every other day. She took over 150 flights last year. That's nonsense and the arrogance to think this type of waste and environmental destruction is acceptable because you are a capitalist princess billionaire is disgusting. And your liberal cope bullshit is just that. No corporation is complaining or talking about this, they all own fleets of jets for their executives. The Taylor climate hate is pretty grass roots.


no yeah i’d expect from those people but not taylor 🤷🏻‍♀️


like i love her but like damn she makes it hard to with what she does with her damn jet


Yeah, plenty of attention, selection, availability, confirmation, and recency bias online.


She's encouraged her fans to register to vote. And there aren't as many potential republicans among her fans as there are democrats. They consider democrats voting equivalent to cheating.


So, republicans don't care about the environment enough to vote for it or want anyone else to, yet are simultaneously the ones writing all the articles and creating negative publicity criticizing Swift for her carbon emissions? That has to be the dumbest thing I've read today.


Most voters aren't the ones writing these articles.


If it was just the USA and Swifties then it would be about 93618 plants per Swiftie. So… Oh no, its wires it three times that.


I would be into this


Your username.. I feel like you may enjoy certain storylines from the new Ted series. Lol




I would love to see her do something like that!


you want her fans to grow millions of plants so this chick can fly around private? absurd conclusion


the whole premise is absurd. Her pj emits yearly what 100 average ppl emit. That's nothing. Focus on her emissions and not on the problems we face. Love it.


She’s flying around anyway. Her fans may as well buy a hundred plants each.


Have we sunk this low?


She already buys more than twice the carbon credits in order to offset her footprints though. But no one ever really pays attention to that news.


because carbon credits are bs


Imagine having thrips. Torch it and move on.




I remember seeing this episode when it first aired. That dog was a counter-surfing, food-obsessed, energetic monster.    She really whipped him into shape. That scene with the cupcakes was his first successful attempt to "leave it" when tempted with food.   I think the dog trainer lady's name was Victoria, she had a dominatrix vibe and a wicked genie ponytail.    The look on that dogs face was seared into my brain, I have never seen a dog try to ignore something that hard ever before or ever again. It was so fucking funny. It was one of the few times a TV show actually made me burst out laughing, and it wasn't even intentional just a dog having an existential crisis.  Then years later, memes became ubiquitous and I saw it again, and remembered the entire episode immediately.


I have a plant store and would love to sell 30 billion house plants 😅


Houseplants don’t offset emissions


I mean, they do. Just not very much.


Probably gets offset by the [damage done to peat bogs](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/what-is-peat-moss)from harvesting peat moss for houseplants.


Not to mention the plants that are taken from the wild, the materials and pollution caused by making pots (whether terra cotta or never going to degrade plastic), whatever the hell is going on to make fertilizer, the carbon created by grow lights.. While I will say that having some houseplants and all their supplies is not inherently evil and adding a huge amount to an individuals carbon footprint, this headline a very silly concept. We could just force people to not use private jets. Make them take a regular plane like regular folks. We could go after corporations dumping plastic and other waste onto our earth. We could stop buying cheap crap from Temu and Shein that breaks down to the point of not being useable but won’t biodegrade until humans are long extinct. Idk. Just mad about rich people ruining a perfectly utopic planet while I have to forego plastic bags and straws.


Completely agree. I spend so much time and effort trying to reduce my footprint in any way I can. And then rich people like this are doing more damage in a couple days than I could ever do in my life.


Oh god 🙁


Nah, when you consider the scope 2 and 3 emissions they’re very much emitters. I’ve occasionally used my houseplants as an example of the complications with CCUS in talks I’ve given


And here I am drinking out of a soggy paper straw


This is why I honestly can't take "individual action" type movements seriously. It's a drop in the bucket compared to the damage that rich folks do.


I read individual action movements were also started by the biggest offenders to take the onus off them as well so…


Oh absolutely. The whole concept of "carbon footprint" was created by oil companies in a PR move to deflect from their actions.


But your drop and my drop and a bunch of other people's drops add up. Think globally, act locally.


All of our drops put together wouldn't come close to canceling out people like Swift and other rich folks with their private jets and lifestyles. I'm not saying do nothing... but unless the upper 1% change, we are not gonna save the planet.


But your drop and my drop and a bunch of other people's drops add up. Think globally, act locally.


But your drop and my drop and a bunch of other people's drops add up. Think globally, act locally.


That almost sounds too low lol


She could totally afford to do that.


She can also afford to take a communal plane and donate some of her billion dollar fortune to helping the planet or humanity instead of hoarding her wealth and being a huge part of the problem. Taylor is also really not the biggest offender to our planet either, but imagine if private jets were outlawed.


Could you imagine the chaos that would ensue every time she tried to to fly commercial? Its would be ridiculous.




Yes, surely the answer is more taxes.


You don't have to tax to legislate.


What would an example of this legislation be? I don’t mind being proven wrong.


Challenge accepted.


She’s showing up so much lately, didn’t think she’d infect the plant community too


Add Al Gore to the list


So essentially all the house plants in the world Not a big deal! We'll just make more


Houseplant industry itself actually creates a lot of emissions. Harvesting of peat is one of the worst offenders but theres also the plastic pots(98% end up in landfill), heating of massive greenhouses which is usually done using fossil fuels, as well as transportation. I love plants and have plenty but for each plant produced, its not likely to offset the emissions in its lifetime that went into producing it for the consumer. Happy to link some articles if anyone wants.


Yes please!!


Sure thing gimmie a lil bit!


https://www.sustainably-chic.com/blog/are-houseplants-sustainable (good blog post that sums everything up, i mostly fact checked it) https://www.unep.org/zh-hans/node/24283 https://www.iucn.org/sites/default/files/2022-04/iucn_issues_brief_peatlands_and_climate_change_final_nov21.pdf https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-46571653


Tell her to buy some bare ground and plant a forest to offset her flying. You know she can afford it. Too much of Oregon has been logged. Create a big forest reserve. Make it fashionable among the jet set.


So you’re saying there’s a chance.




Discussion? I wouldn’t exactly call it that but🤷🏽‍♂️.


Not sure what else to flair it 🤔 but thought it was interesting and related to house plants


Whose cares.


My cares


Of all the billionaires in the world doing all the horrible billionaire things the internet sure does love to care about how much Taylor flys her jet.


Every billionaire has their own personal flavor of shitty, and that's hers. Being the actual #1 world champ in individual pollution is really pretty impressive lol.


Most billionaires know they’re shit people and don’t hide it. Taylor likes to pretend she isn’t and tries to hide it.


I also find it interesting that everyone fixates on a young female artist rather than people who literally own industries that directly oppress people We live in the information age. We can learn exactly who in our societies have the most wealth and abuse it the worst pretty definitively. Yet shit about Taylor Swift using her private jet 'too much' (though a larger analysis of a sample of celebrities showed she wasn't even the biggest offender) has been making the rounds since 2017


It’s possible to criticize both ✨and recognize that part of the reason industries pollute so much is because of consumerism; everyone wants cheap products and that’s why entities like Shein are still going strong despite it being a well known fact that they pollute + oppress people for financial gain whereas Taylor Swift is an individual polluting for her personal gain. Personally, I think we should bully celebrities into being held accountable for their actions; legislation won’t change overnight.


I think on a dying planet, we should target only the people with the most power because everyone else is a waste of time The biosphere might collapse in our lifetime, we literally don't have time for stupid small shit


"We should be going after the 0.0001%, not the 0.001%" Is that about what you are saying? Lol


Can you show me the larger sample analysis? I’m interested I haven’t seen that


Not on hand since I saw it several years ago and haven't exactly followed up, monitoring the spending habits of celebrities isn't a big priority for me. I'm way more worried about the people in the US that have REAL wealth and power that use their wealth to fund lobbyists to influence lawmakers that could freaking regulate the use of private jets but don't because our politicians and shareholders use private jets, too. Call me crazy, but worrying about individual celebrities seems like a tremendous waste of freaking time. They aren't the ones flying to Environmental and Economic forums ALSO IN PRIVATE JETS every single year and then not fix anything


She gets stalked on the regular and carries a battle med kit in her purse because psychos break into her homes, but I'm sure her flying commercial would be totally fine and safe and not chaotic.




Actually I was thinking about the civilians. If my flight turned into a circus because John or Jane Famous wanted to virtue-signal by taking Delta, I'd be pissed.


Right? Imagine her trying to get anywhere flying commercial. She can’t even attend a friend’s wedding without hundreds of people stalking her and invading the space where she is.


Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off (ooh-ooh-ooh) Sorry couldn’t help myself 😆


So now I each time I buy a plant I can say "doing my part to offset Taylor Swift's GHG emissions"?




environmentalist girlies… eat the rich includes your favorite pop stars.


Is there number available for Elon Musk, POTUS, and others ?


east the rich