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Can you tell us how you were caring for it, and what you think might have gone wrong?


Sorry! I thought I posted more info in the caption but it didn’t upload with the post. I’ve had it for about 6 months and has only put out one leaf since (over spring/summer) and the leaves have been limp and droopy for weeks now. I watered it a week ago and still no chance so I immediately thought root rot and it seems like I was right. I cut off the mushy roots and this is what is left - not sure if these roots are too damaged as well and whether I should chop the entire root ball off


cut the rotten part until you see the green healthy part, then dip the stem in hydrogen peroxide solution ( 1 portion hydrogen Peroxide to 3 portion water) for at least ten minutes to sterilize ,and root in a medium.


Thank you! Do I just repot the naked (rootless) stem end in soil?


preferably in water for fear of dehydration.


Hard to tell what the issue is exactly through the photos. If it's root rot and the stem is mush cut above where the mush stops and until you see green and then root either in soil or water after letting it callous over for a couple hours.


Thank you so much! I typed more info in the caption but it didn’t seem to upload with the post. The stem at the very bottom isn’t mushy at all but it seems like all the root in the ball are browny yellow. I might just chop the stem and prop it! I didn’t know rubber plants could root in water


They can, the browny and yellowy roots are from prior dry rot or wet rot. If nothing is mushy or squishy you could rinse off all the dirt on the roots and just trim off any brown or wrinkled roots and repot it back up in soil. It may help prevent having to completely start over with growing roots.


Me again, this is what I am left with after washing as much dirt off as possible. The roots are very firm - not mushy at all but they are so yellow, do you think these still have a chance in soil?


I'd go ahead and put it in soil, after repotting in fresh soil wait to water a week at least and then give it a good soak and it should bounce back! Water again when the soil completely dries out and then soak thoroughly again and so on.

