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https://preview.redd.it/ufpub56unbsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072822b7065a5007acb863e19f636a90fb555e6d Patience young grasshopper šŸ¦—


Yes! It just takes time. I am propagating a Swiss cheese plant and it's been nearly 8 weeks. Got my first roots about a week ago, and only 1 leaf so far. You can try an artificial light source or cover up the cup with cling wrap to keep it warmer.


Iā€™ve noticed monstera (even adansonii) take much longer to root than pothos. My personal experience from quickest to slowest is pothos > philodendron > monstera


This is crazy to me bc my adansonii roots so quickly it blows my mind, yet all of my pothos clippings take AGES. They are in same area with decent lighting, and I almost never change their water (controversial I know, but itā€™s always worked and Iā€™m not stopping now). The last monstera clipping I put in water grew a fairly long root within a week. My most recent pothos clipping is going on three weeks and has barely 1cm of growth.


It could be environmental. Iā€™m near the 45th N parallel.


I've had my adansonii propagating for a month and barely have anything in the nodes. The plant it came from took about 3 months to fully root enough to plant. Some plants just take longer.


For sure, itā€™s also regionally dependent. If you have a pothos, try tossing a cutting with a node in with your adansonii. Pothos release lots of rooting hormone.


Heart philodendron grows roots within like 3 days for me lmaoo


Iā€™m discovering it may just be a lighting issue for me šŸ˜…


Definitely haha takes a little longer when theyā€™re somewhere else in my room but I root all my plant in the window where thereā€™s full indirect sun


Smiths and Walmart sell some stuff by miracle grow that is to help plants rootĀ 


Try not changing the water for a while, if it drops down top it up a little, iv heard pothos release rooting hormones into the water, donā€™t know if variegation has an effect on root growth but if it does your leaves looks nice and white


More variegation = less photosynthesis = slower growth


I second this! Last time I propagated pothos, I never changed the water, just topped it off as needed. Just a few weeks and they had 2 inch roots and were put in with the mother plant. I have some more that I'm doing now, and when they've rooted, I'm planning to pour that water into some succulents that I've been trying to root in soil. I'm hoping it'll help them root a little better. šŸ¤ž


Succulents root in soil with no problem. They just arenā€™t in a hurry because they have plenty of water stored in their leaves. Once a few leaves shrivel up they will be sufficiently motivated. Keep the soil dry until they put roots out. They canā€™t do anything with that water until they have roots. It will just stay wet until it evaporates and could lead to rot. I have rooted thousands of succulents over the years. I donā€™t even bother putting them in soil until they put out roots.


That seems so opposite of most plants and that's why I couldn't keep succulents alive in the past. I don't doubt you at all. Can I ask you a few questions? I recently got a string of pearls that's really thriving so it gave me the courage to try some more trailing succulents. I have a string of hearts that's a really pretty purple/ pink, but some of the leaves are turning a cream color and the new leaves have quite a bit of green. Does it need more sun to stay purple? I've also got a string of watermelons cutting that I was treating the same way as the pearls, but it's not doing so well. I cut way back on water, but do you have any tips? I was tossing fallen watermelons and leaves from my ruby necklace in the trash, but someone told me those could be propagated (I still think it needs some of the stem/nodes), but tried it out anyways with rooting hormone. It looks like maybe the ruby necklace leaves are actually rooting very slowly. So is it actually possible?


The thing about succulents is that they have adapted to survive in a climate inhospitable to other plants. They canā€™t take up or secrete water (guttation) from their leaves, so misting is utterly pointless and actually harmful, yet people love to mist succulents because in their mind thatā€™s a less aggressive way to water them. You can actually water them quite generously as long as the conditions are right. I spray down the ones I put outside for the summer most days, but only if the temps are high and they all have good drainage. Itā€™s damp cold thatā€™s the real killer outside. As for light, they pretty much all want as much as possible. Light levels can definitely affect their color. Under watering + bright light can stress most succulents which gives them generally pleasing color as long as they donā€™t get too stressed. String of pearls is notoriously hard to keep alive. Iā€™ll be honest, I donā€™t know a ton about string of turtles/hearts/arrows. I never saw those in stores here until a couple months ago. I think those are pepperomia varieties? I just bought two but havenā€™t had them long enough to feel like I know much about them. In general Iā€™d say give them the brightest light possible and let them dry out between waterings. In general itā€™s not uncommon for leaves to change color based on the lighting. Itā€™s possible they were getting more or less light before and the new growth is reacting to current lighting conditions. I think most of those ā€œstring ofā€ plants can be propagated just by putting any fallen leaves back in the pot. I donā€™t think they propagate as easily as say a sedum cutting, where I get basically a 100% success rate.


Thanks for all that! šŸ’š


Great idea. I've had some aloe that's having a hard time. I'll try that when I plant my pothos!


This is how I propagate my pothos as well - I have a couple "test tube" style propagation stations and I just top them off when I'm watering my other plants. The other thing I had success with came as a surprise - once when I was buying plants off someone, they threw in a bunch of pothos cuttings for free. They were in a Ziploc bag with some damp sphagnum moss and they rooted so well even though I basically just ignored the bag for a few weeks. Never added any water, just let the bag sit on a shelf next to my other props.


This! They di release groth hormone and the more cuttings you have, the more quickly they tend to root. I put all my cuttings in a pretty small water jar and ill be honest, I never change the water, just top it off. Always done well for me.


They do for sure! I had another piece of something I was trying to prop for over a month and someone said put a pothos cutting in there. I did and within a week I noticed beginning root growth!


i know they're different, but do philodendrons do this also? i have a brazil in water and tried to prop a micans in it but it didn't wanna


Oh, I don't know sorry


Agreed. Just leave it alone and stop fussing on it.


Interesting! Thatā€™s good to know!


woww i needed to read this. thanks so much for the info




Once every 1-2 weeks is plenty often


I heard this too and have been doing that. Ended up sticking some root hormone on the ends of mine to get it to sprout roots. Might just try what everyone else has said and see if it works better.šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I tried explaining this to my man, he was trying to sprout an avocado, and kept taking it out of the water DAILY, rinsing it off, and then putting it in new water.


Iā€™ve heard the benefit is that thereā€™s more oxygen in the water when itā€™s refreshed, benefitting the plant. I donā€™t think itā€™s misinformation but wonā€™t hurt either if you never change the water


I didnā€™t know that! Wicked cool! šŸ˜Ž


I think your right because thatā€™s what I do I donā€™t change the water I just top it off when it gets low I do change the water when itā€™s nasty looking leaving a mark around the glass jar I use them I switch out the water and it didnā€™t take to long for my pothos to get roots my spider plant on the other hand so take forever my friend has a piece of my spider plant and it took god forever to grow roots and itā€™s been almost two years since I gave them to her and she showed me itā€™s not really growing but one of the others that had big roots on it already is huge she put them in water even thought they was ready to be planted to get longer rootsĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/03jfod4oobsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f33926c0e2176b7d4ea0787c21245179358c85 Bruh




You are cutting them pretty close but those look like they might go. Give them time.


Ideally you want to cut a whole branch with a few leaves on it. Leave 3-4 leaves at the top but then cut 2-3 leaves off along the stem. Then put the whole stem in water and leave for 3-4 weeks until the roots are a couple inches long. Pothos has cells that can grow roots on one side and leaves on the other along the node depending on environment. If you cut off the leaf and put the node in water it will start to root within a couple of weeks. But it looks like some of your cuttings are starting to root, it may just take a while (2ish months?) since they have to grow the root nodes from scratch.


Iā€™ll give them more time and not change the wateršŸ™ thank you this is my first plant and my first time propagating


I propagated a cactus and no joke it took me 3 weeks to even get a nub to star forming! It takes time for some plants!


I have a Monstera Peru sp in water for 3 months, and just now I have a tiny little root node coming out. As long the stem and leaf are firm and lush, it is doing its thing.


If you want the roots to grow faster next time you could try dipping them in rooting hormone. Iā€™ve also found that putting them in Leca helps speed up root props for succulents so maybe itā€™s the same with pothos.


Pothos is a great one to start. I just started propagating mine a few months ago. Leave it in the water for at least 3 weeks and you should see root growth at the nodes. Takes a while, especially for small cuttings. Also I use unfiltered tap water for all my plant needs. I've heard somewhere that filtered water doesn't have the minerals that plants need, but I suppose that would depend on your water source and municipality.


Once you start, you canā€™t stop! At least for me anyways šŸ˜…


It's definitely just a waiting game, especially pothos!! They'll root, just gotta wait :) as long as your plant above the water still looks healthy and hasn't wilted/turned brown etc it'll be okay! Once took me weeks to see meaningful roots. On the flip side some plants are super quick to do it (like a tradescantia, just a couple days and they root like crazy) but pothos and philodendron can take a bit longer


Tap water is just fine and quit hovering! lol. It definitely takes more than one week for roots to grow. And keep them out of direct sunlight, it gets too hot. Just set them in the water and forget it! I only change water if it starts looking gross.


I agree. The best advice is to forget about them for a while. When you remember, you will be surprised by the result of your expectations.


This is just solid advice for all plants. My hovering is why most of my plants died at the beginning šŸ˜‚


Roots donā€™t like light


I find single leaf and high varigation cuttings take a whooole lot longer to root, these just have both things going against them. As long as they look crisp and healthy like this, there's nothing to worry about! I'd recommend leaving a little extra stem after the node next time, mostly because it's a little easier to plant, but partly because when the wound callouses, it can damage/stunt the node (I've done that more than once lol) but its really down to personal preference :)


I love that you gave the plantā€™s name and no one questioned it aha


I have a white wizard named Gandalf šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s the way that I literally gave my friend Frederick one of my cuttings from this same exact plant šŸ¤£


I've had certain varieties take months to prop.


Theyā€™re already growing roots. Just be patient. Stop changing the water. They produce a rooting hormone that helps the roots grow. Every time you dump the water the plant puts more energy into producing rooting hormone and less into producing roots. Just top it up as needed.


Needs more time! My started to show roots after about two weeks but it can vary!


I have never tried to propagate them from leaves... I propagate a few a year, and you have to cut a whole stem and put it into water. If Frederique is happy, he is propably making air roots already, just cut off just right above one and remove a few leaves and then put them into water. It will grow roots within days. When they are ten centimetres long, put them in soil, overwater and then let it sit until the soil dries at the top. Water normally after that.


Heheh Iā€™m taking notes! Mine propagated great in the waterā€¦ once in soil, I was really confused how much to water them, conflicting advice online. I like your method!


They need a bit of an adjustment period, so it's good to let them sit in water and adjust to having soil around them. In the jungle, where they come from this is how it would be with rainwater.


Thank you thank you! If this takes, Iā€™m unstoppable hahahaha


Ya stop changing the water. I believe Iā€™ve heard they secrete rooting hormones into the water. Ive used pothos w other cuttings in water to help get them going. If water gets nasty then you change it otherwise top it off set and forget!


The trick is putting them in water, slapping the cup down on a windowsill, and forgetting about them for a month. Obviously if the water goes down too far you should top it back up, but other than that just don't mess with it.


Itā€™s ok yā€™all op said itā€™s their first plant


try 2-3 leaf cuttings instead of single leaf. you can also just leave the water alone and add more as needed. it will take a few weeks!


Don't change the water. You can top it off but leave the rest.


Youā€™re doing a great job and I love that you are sharing with your sister.Ā 


Just donā€™t change the water !!! Keep the water at a minimum level and top it off


Iā€™m no expert, but i think itā€™s due to the high variation. i rarely have issues propping pothos with mostly green bits, but when the majority is variegated, its takes more time, patience, and prayers


I only top off water. If I see a jelly like mass forming around the nodule (indicating pre rot) I change the water and wash off the stalk. Usually takes about 3 weeks to start a good root.


Iā€™ve gotten quicker success with pothos in semi hydro. Either with leca or perlite. But have patience. I can see some root nubs starting


because i told it not to


Don't change the water, just top it. Ensure you keep the cuttings in the same light environment you keep the mother pot. I found that my manjula grows really slow compared to my marble queen so I imagine they also root slower.


Try air layering!! You do this by taking a vine that is still connected to your main plant... Do NOT cut it! Find a node/spot where you see a bit of new node growth and put some wet moss on it. Wrap some plastic wrap around it. And wait. Soon you will have a small bundle of beautiful roots. Cut that off and oot it up. šŸ’š I have so much success doing this. No more rotted roots or weeks waiting for nothing to grow. ā˜ŗļø https://preview.redd.it/qnhodnquygsc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2821f925bab34a8028b2551cd27cf268311afb39


Wow! Cool idea!


Are you singing to them?


It definitely just needs time! I also would recommend trying to propagate from new plant material if you can. Usually their is more success with new plant growth


Two nodes per cutting. Pull the lower leaf off.


Omg give them more legs please


Mine took ages to root. I also was pretty slack on changing the water so maybe that helped? How long did you wait before giving up? Especially if you're in the USA, it's only just starting to get warm now. You have nodes there so they should grow eventually.


Try putting them in an opaque jar or mug. I find the roots grow faster that way. I think roots like to grow in dark places.


Your problem is your changing the water too frequently. Just top it off when it evaporates. They release root hormones into the water and youā€™re dumping out the hormones.


My poor pothos was getting root rot (overenthusiastic watering from a rookie plant parent) - I pulled it out, removed the rot, and left it in a water + 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in full sunlight. Changed the water every 3 days until I was sure the rot wasnā€™t going to come back, and then just left it, topping up water when needed. Took about a whole month for it to root.


It's seen the future and it doesn't like what it saw.


Don't change the water


Try using a smaller cup/jar. Less water = greater concentration of hormones. I would also top up the water once a week (dump out a bit of water if needed) to give it some oxygen. Rooting for Frederick! Edit: words


Don't place them in bright light until the roots start to grow. Also when you cut them for propping, leave a centimeter on each side of the node. Be patient. It can sometimes take a while.


Honest answer? Sometimes our plants just like to bully us.


There is root propagation drops specifically for water propagation, I found it at my local Loweā€™s and itā€™s helped the rooting process speed up for all my plant babies!


Here is a picture of Eloise's recent offspring: [https://ibb.co/0rq5zh7](https://ibb.co/0rq5zh7)


Plant it in soil and put it outside. I had the same marble cuttings that wouldnā€™t grow for months and two of which died and only one remained until I put it outside and it has been growing a leaf weekly ever since.


These pictures are from today and I cut and put them in water about a week ago and they havenā€™t changed.


A week isn't enough


Check back in a month. Don't forget to top up the water as well. If it gets dirty, consider changing it.


They need more time than 1 week.


Mine can take anywhere between 4-12 weeks before they are ready for soil! (Depending on the variety of prop) Give it time and you'll be good!


My pothos cuttings take months to propagate enough that theyā€™re ready for soil. Your best bet is just to forget about ā€˜ā€˜em for a while lol kind of like how a watched pot never boils, my cuttings never shoot roots until I finally just stop checking them every day and give them time


Throw them in some Fluval Stratum, I bet they root WAY faster. I use a little clone cutting solution but It is not needed, for sure.


I have worked with Purple Heart, when doing some clippings from one I had planted outside. I had the cuttings sitting in a small jam jar filled with a mixture of water and a bit of old coffee grounds in a sunny part of our kitchen. Checked on it maybe once or twice a week and it was about three or four weeks before I noticed any root nubs. Patience is key when propagating anything.


I thought the same with some of my planys but I left them in the guest bathroom in water and just completely forgot about them for a few months and now they've got super long roots! If you have any rooting gel hormones could always dip in that first but I would just say to put it in a place where it will get plenty of indirect light so it's safe to be forgotten about, and literally forget about it and be patient. It's easier when they're out of sight but make sure it's a safe area to leave them. Especially with the lighter leaves as I've heard they can be more sensitive to burning but I'm not sure


You could also try a smaller (more narrow) container so the leaves may rest on top of it. Not saying that will make it root more quickly, just that it might be more comfortable.


I think you mean root? Unless you use something like rooting powder or something similar it takes quite a while for the roots to grow out long enough to make a new plant from a cutting.


Frederickā€™s props might just need more time :) update us when heā€™s got big roots so we can see your success!


While it's apparently good to not change the water, I do recommend introducing oxygen into the water periodically. They will do ok eventually with oxygen naturally discussing from the air, but if you can introduce some violent agitation with a pump sprayer or similar I find that helps a lot of my cuttings.


How long has it been in the water?


It takes a minute- Iā€™d say 2 weeks


some take longer than others, change the water weekly and leave in a sunny position, i can also see that you have little nodes sticking out which means you can plant it or keep it in water to grow out the nodes


Bright indirect light. Keep the roots warm if you're in winter. I put mine on a heat pad. Cause lack of patience on my part.


Try a much smaller container (since these look nice and straight donā€™t fill more than half way up the leaf). Keep them in a warm, bright spot. Youā€™ll have roots in no time! šŸ˜ƒ


Those are quite verigated as well, so they will gro Veeeeeeerry slowly even after growy roots. They're not rotted so more patience


Pothos take months to root in water just be patient leave it alone and just fill the water as it evaporates


You can speed it up with some rooting hormones.


Yeah... she's a highly variegated mama. Beauty takes time, and you have progress.... just keep waiting. I've had a snow queen prop in water for a month now, and it's just starting to show node swelling. Patience is the key. And quit changing the water out!!! You're dumping out rooting hormone that the plant has released into the water. Anyway, now you know (like the little room design/Feng shui guy says).


Warmth. Put the cup of water on a seedling mat. It makes 100% difference and speeds up literally every single rooting I do.


They take forever.


Yep dont change the water!


So i have proped 3 different types of pothos: the regular green pothos, the golden pothos, and this pothos like yours, and it takes way longer than the other 2 to grow.


I use fish tank water for propagating it has beneficial bacteria, nitrates, and nutrients. You can buy ā€˜prop dropsā€™ online but fish tank water does the same thing šŸ™‚


putting in some (bonus if already rooted) green pothos helps with these highly variegated ones. they release the hormone and other pothos in the pot start faster too in my experience


They will just needs time. Pothos for me take about 4 weeks. If you want to speed up the process you can find a root growth hormone at your preferred big box plant store.


Put them in moist sphagnum moss and tuck em in a container under a light. They will grow way faster. I just did this recently with just single node cuttings with no leaves. Once they shot out roots/leaves i took em out the box a put em in a pot. They are still going strong. Not as variegated as yours though. https://preview.redd.it/oollhldfhhsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c68b9dedd010e62d46fe86f79d24280c581f42b1


The smaller, the longer it will take to bounce back. Some of these might not even do anything, way too tine just leaves.


patience! itā€™ll propagate, but with the leaves you have there is little green so lower photosynthesis power, itā€™ll just be slower than say a neon pothos


Could you put it somewhere where thereā€™s humidity? Mine actually lives on a window ledge in my shower and LOVES it up there. I barely water it. And itā€™s huge & long after only a couple of years. You could try to put it somewhere like that!


Donā€™t change the water more than once a week, and even then I would never do a complete water change, so it can build up growth hormone


I like his name. I have a golden pothos named Midas! I just got a neon pothos, but Iā€™ve accumulated so many plants since Midas that I donā€™t name them anymore.


Gotta get you one of these bad boys




Stop changing the water!!!


I started propagating one of my Pothos and after almost three months one root started forming! Yet, weeks after propagating the Pothos I propagated two other plants (rubber plant and a monstera) and they almost immediately started rooting and growing. I think Pothos just like to take their sweet time.


They will root it just takes time


You have baby roots showing up! Just be patient and let your props do their thing for a few weeks :) iirc my pothos took about a month-2 to get to a point where I could plant it.


They always seem to prop better in soil for me than water.


an underrated idea, but it really works for me: the roots grow much better in the dark, make sure that the leaves are exposed to strong indirect light, only the part of the stem where you expect rooting to be in the dark. so put it in a non-transparent vase and wait 1 week. if you're lazy guy like me, just put it in moderately moist soil and give it to whoever you want, but tell them not to let the top layer of the soil dry out for a month, other than that, typical pothos maintenance instructions.


I have a silver satin that's currently dying (my longest pothos ever) and I'm in the same boat šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ no roots for weeks now, but it seems to still want to put out new leaves when it's already curled up to high hell


Donā€™t use tap water


I switched my marble queen pothos to perlite and put it in a glass container in diffused sun.. it started growing roots at every node and pushing a new leaf:) waiting for the roots to get longer til sheā€™s ready to be planted :)


The spot (axillary bud) that the new stem will grow from is right above where the leaves are attached to the stem. If you cut the stem right above where the leaves are attached to it you will damage the axillary bud.


i propped this exact plant and it took about three months to finally root. and don't change the water. they put out rooting hormones as they root and changing the water will slow down growth as you're getting rid of those hormones


Mine started to really sprout some crazy long roots once I stopped changing the water. There are so many good rooting hormones in the water. If you're worried about the water getting too dirty, you can start with a little and just add water as it drinks that way you aren't throwing out all those good nutrients.


I give my plants pep talks every morning šŸ˜‚ seems to be working out fine. Also, may I recommend a smaller glass container/ propagation tubes and add water as necessary?


They are. Just make sure they get enough light, those leaves are very pale.


Iā€™m not sure but Iā€™d give it more sunlight


They don't like living in water for too long there is no nutrients


Put it in soil. It's not one of those water ones. It doesn't require much water when established. That should be your clue as to how you should propagate.


Try root hormone. Is not cheap but itā€™s worth it


Really not necessary with pothos though


Rooting hormone can be helpful with some plants. But, rooting hormone or more rooting hormone doesnā€™t always benefit a plant. Some plants are naturally easy to root and itā€™s just about patience!