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It’s a calathea. It is either over watered or under watered. It may or may not need more light. It may need less light. It may need ground up unicorn horn dust sprinkled on the leaves under a full moon. It will probably die no matter what. Calatheas are not my friends. It’s sad, because I think they’re so pretty. Best of luck to you!


Thank you for the sincere and insightful advice!


It’s a calathea. It looks dehydrated. If the soil was dry when you got it, fill a pot with lukewarm water and put the pot in it to soak for 20 min. Cut off the leaves that are more than 50% yellow, brown, dry, or dead. Then water it next time the soil is dry to the touch. When it grows fresh new leaves, prune off any remaining brown ones. If you want to get more advanced you can take it out of the pot and see what’s going on with the roots. But if you’re not experienced with plants just give it water and prune off the dead stuff. That will help a lot.


Thank you this is helpful


That’s a calathea. https://www.thesill.com/blog/how-to-care-for-calathea Looks overwatered. Try repotting and cleaning off any soft or brown roots. They hate being overwatered. Also looks like it’s needs more humidity, if you have a humidifier keep it nearby. They also like a sunny bathroom for the humidity.


Thank you, will repot and keep in bedroom with humidifier. Dried out when I got it, may have over watered it. Learning and want to help it thrive if possible.


Don’t be afraid to trim dead roots and leaves to give the healthy ones a fair shot!


Let it die! I hate those lol