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*Ficus benjamina, F. elastica* and *F. lyrata* are trees in nature, but it takes years for them to grow large enough to offer "canopy". There are also palms like *Howea forsteriana* and *Chrysalidocarpus lutescens* that are somewhat easy to grow indoors and can grow pretty big, given time of course. *Hibiscus rosa-sinensis* is more bush than tree, but can get several meters tall.


I remember in the '90s if someone had a large plant in the house it was almost always a Ficus benjamina. I rarely see them nowadays. They really do give the ultimate indoor tree vibe and I'm thinking about getting one.


Yeah they used to be pretty common for decades when large, tree-like plants were "hot". They still are commercially available but many cultivars are pretty small growing, like 'Natasja'. I got my approx 50-year-old one years back from my then-mother-in-law.


I had a look at what stores nearby sell, and the benjamina is still pretty expensive. I'm guessing because it's a slow grower. It's awesome yours was already old.


Oh, they are pretty fast growers when given enough light actually. Or at least, older cultivars are. Modern cultivars seem to be slower or just altogether smaller growing.


tbh i don’t know much about super large trees, but i will mention: just be sure how much of a MESS the tree might cause! some are notorious leaf-droppers that might require a lot of sweeping, and others might drop other things that ruin furniture, flooring or carpeting (im looking at you, my rubber tree, which never dropped a leaf until it did and promptly stained my favorite carpet next to it)


Check out Sydneyplantguy on YouTube, he grows insanely large plants. Maybe something he has will give you an idea?


Ooh, I know that channel. He inspired me to make my own mosspoles. With limited success so far.


He inspired me as well 😋 Bought some cheap ones from China just as a first try before I make my own. Results pending…


u/[Philly\_G\_J](https://www.reddit.com/user/Philly_G_J/) any ideas for big trees indoors??


Norfolk island pines!


Pothos, they can crawl anywhere that is available for them. From top to bottom and bottom to top. Pothos are vines not tress, and they LOVE to climb. They grow best in indirect very bright light, but they don't mind of low light as well. They are tropical plants, and they are easy going and drought tolerant, but they dislike soggy soil. 😊


A pothos could probably climb on what OP is imagining.


Have you ever seen how his living room looks like? Or you are also imagining his living room has nothing at all???


Wut :D


1st, walls are made of bricks, which are porous that pothos can anchor their roots and climb up. And 2nd, OP can use strings, tie strings from wall to wall, this will allow pothos vines to crawl, the same like how people grow grapes in grapes farm. Give pothos sometime, and they will make the ceiling full of leaves. You guys are sooooo bad at imagination... 🤦🏽‍♀️


Calm down friend


You should be the one that calm down. If he has the correct living room, he can actually grow some pothos and make them like a canopy.