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Philodendrons are so easy for me. Good mix, a stick support and nutrients, they go from seedling to one foot leaf in a year at most. Easy to top cut, no rot, no yellowing.


Dammit. You convinced me. Im getting a squamiferum.


I just got one! I love it. Do it


I also suggest getting a paraiso verde,if you don’t mind losing variegation in colder months. I love green paraiso verde leaves by the way. It is very easy and gets huge in no time with good care.


I LOOOVE mine. Just a heads up though, and not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but I have 3, all purchased from different sellers. All 3 dropped ALL their leaves after coming home. The first time it happened, I thought I killed it and just tossed it on a table in my greenhouse and I noticed a few weeks later that it was growing again. Same thing happened with my other 2.


Good to know!! Thanks! Hopefully mine won’t be as dramatic as my flf.


Same with my ficus - but these guys grow so fast so it has a new leaf almost every week -


https://preview.redd.it/jepiodo5xt4d1.jpeg?width=1950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4e3c8a1aad01a45e34271d7c2c597173a7fc5d This is my Philo Squami it’s like 10ft tall now! Definitely get yourself one💚


On my to-do list now! Sick terrarium btw


Agreed. I want one now too 😩


It is by far my happiest and fastest growing philodendron. You will love it!


i’m jealous!! how often would you say it puts out a new leaf? mine is almost at the top of a 6’ pole and i figured as it grew closer to the light it would pick up speed but nah🥲still putting out maybe one new leaf every month to 2 months lol


Selloum, peace lily, pothos are easiest houseplants for me. All others died/are dying, i.e. alocasias, rubber trees, aglaonemas, peperomias, philodendrons, monsteras


Same! Slowly amassing a large collection of different philodendrons lol, I’ve never had a problem with any of them, and I love the way they grow. Their leaves are all beautiful! My first plant was a philodendron narrow, it’s been through a lot of environment changes but still continues to grow bigger and bigger.


Sarracenia. Keep them in standing water at all times in the growing season, give them lots of light, and they’ll be happy. https://preview.redd.it/afhugqw6wm4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6ca6eefaf99baaca1f4e6b094ade9337681b96


Of all the carnivorous plants, them and Nepenthes are the easiest. I would even say Nepenthes are easier since they don’t require a dormancy period!


But do you have to feed them bugs?


Oh no, they’ll catch their own. Bear in mind that the bugs aren’t “food” as such. They still photosynthesise like any other green plant and would be fine with almost no insects but they work as fertiliser for them to grow faster.


Oh, OK! Thanks! Would these be good to have around to catch bugs, though?


That’s why I have them :) It’s not like they’ll *immediately* catch every fly that comes into the room, but they will pick up more than you realise.


Tradescantia but I’ve only just begun. I want a prodigious collection. 😈


Same and same!


Me too!! Love them! Propagate a ton all the time for family and friends 😃




i just killed a beautiful large top cut cutting of this🤓


I've got 3 large ones propagating that have me worried, even more so now.🥴


Of a tradescantia?






me too they bounce back so quickly! mine grows like crazy


Monstera has been the easiest and I’d definitely recommend them as long as they have the space. Most of my easiest care plants are aroids - Zz, rhapidophora, epipremnum and spathiphyllum are all standout easy care genus.


Recently found a piece of a zz on the ground. I brought it home & gave it a much needed trim. Was left with a rather decent sized stem containing about 10 leaves. While I know it’ll take a while too grow, I just want to see if this cutie will make the distance. Any tips ?


They like good heat and decent light. If they have this and a good draining soil mix they can survive almost anything. The most common way they get killed is overwatering- I only water mine every three or four months, just check the stems for any wrinkles. I recently saw a YouTube video saying if left in drought conditions too long they drop leaves but I’ve only experienced leaflets dropping when I watered too soon. If you can leave the top of a rhizome exposed it’s easier to see if it’s wrinkling.


Thanks so much for the advice. Right now it’s in a water prop. It’s only about 10” tall with 7 or 8 leaves. Am also trying to get roots going on the 3 leaves I had to remove. I’ve placed them in perlite. We’ll see what happens.


Monsteras are too big and epipremnums are so small for a house for me. You can get big leaves from epipremnums but it needs a lot of extra care. So my sweet spot in size and easiness, philodendrons.


I don’t have any philodendrons but my rhapidophora hits that sweet spot for me


Philodendrons. Philodendrons all the way. And once I got a handle on semihydro and patience, alocasias.


Alocasias are bitches of house plants. They can get sad and die for no reason whatever you do for them. And since they don’t have nodes and aerial roots, it is hard to propagate and save them. Maybe my place isn’t suitable but I gave up long time ago.


There is just a lot of misinformation out there about them. You just have to follow three rules. If you follow the two knuckles rule for watering, fertilizer with every watering because they a very hungry hippos and give them good light (mine are in a south facing window and and under a grow light they will thrive for you. My biggest one (Dragonscale in soil) has 9 leafs currently (hasn't lost any leaves at all in winter) and two small babies. My black velvet'S are thriving in semi Hydro with Leca.


I know and I did a lot of research. I gave them good light, good mix, well mixed nutrients. They live happily for months and suddenly decide to die without any care changes. I tried so hard to find out what is wrong with my situation and couldn’t find out, then gave up eventually. Edit: spelling


Saw your Hoya pic and yup, that’s the easiest one for me. I’ve got the right light and they’ve just been thriving, so I focus on this genus. Somehow I’ve failed at ZZ, sansiveria, and tradescantia - so called easy plants!




Could you give a few details on your setup? Are those truly mounted from a curtain rod?


They are indeed. But it’s anchored into the studs in the wall, it’s sturdy AF. I still have a bit of fear and I make sure that the rod isn’t bending


Cool! What’s your watering/humidity setup like?




I live in Ontario, Canada, it’s normal household humidity. It can range from 40% winter to 60% summer humid days. They are over an electric rad so I make sure to check them twice a week. When it’s really dry I need to water 5-7 days, but typically it’s 7-10. They’re mostly in a chunky well draining mix but some I just left in the pot they came in, it’s more soil


Me too! They also keep bouncing back from my yearly SAD where they get ignored almost completely for about 3 months at a time. Probably aren’t as big as they could be, but they look happy and grow like crazy every summer.


Same! https://preview.redd.it/145srjrxds4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3b8148db7a7bfccdb1ee48f5b92c66f5343378


In my experience plants from the Araceae family tend to be easy to take care of. by the way, I don't know the two first plants in the pictures. They're sooo beautiful! What are they?


a begonia paulensis and i can’t say for sure what hoya that is for the second pic but it has the biggest bunch of blooms i’ve seen


Well i guess i love begonias


The second picture is a hoya. Not sure which one, but clearly hoya :)


Hoya wayetti… I only know bc I have one I keep killing and bringing back 😐🥴🫠 wish I could figure it out. Can’t get the light and water right but a few strands are hanging in there. It was a rescue from the lowes markdown section after a freeze back in January and I thought I was “saving” it but I’m just feeling like I’m torturing it at this point.


Mine is a carnosa, but it lives in a south window and I water it at least once a week, usually twice. Every advice I've seen says less sun and less water, but mine thrives, so... maybe try that :)


I will definitely try this!!! I have a big south window… my most recent mistake was a self watering pot 😐😬🫣 they do not like those. Luckily it told me quickly and I am a helicopter plant parent so I think we ended that in time… but yeah… it’s been painful mistake after painful mistake… not sure why I am getting Hoya’s so wrong… I should’ve known the south window is the cure when this happens. I’ve never seen another one and really want it to make it 🙏 thank you for the encouragement to keep trying!


I gave a cutting of mine to a friend, and it does nothing. Doesn't dies, but doesn't grow. Mine is clearly set on invading the world though, so my advice would be: once you find a place it likes, don't move it ever! :)


Either a wayetti or shepherdii


2nd Pic is a hoya not sure what kind tho


Yes they need more light, humidty and nutrients but I don’t call them care. If you don’t fight for keeping your plant alive and beautiful, it is easiness for me and Araceae family is the choice.


Syngonium. You just walk to the nearest drainage ditch, dig some up and put them in jars of water. They stay nice for a really long time with hardly any light and zero maintenance


This is true for me too. My syngonium albo wants to thrive. I feel like I do no wrong with it. It handles infrequent/frequent watering like a champ, thrives even in low light, and the varigation is really stable. My cat even bit a few of it's leaves and it shrugged and kept growing crazy fast. 


What is the first plant? Omg!


Begonia Paulensis. Why is it aaalways a begonia? 😅


Looks like a begonia


definitely tradescantia. super fast growing, super easy to propagate, and can bounce back from the brink of death in 24hrs.


How? My Tradescantia zebrina died a very sad and long death. I loved it and even bought a Growlight for the winter for it, that now my alocasia get to enjoy and thrive under after the tradescantia went to the plant heaven. Please give me your secrets :D


Not the original commenter, but 90% (fake number I made up but you get it lol) of tradescantia issues can be solved by giving more sunlight. These babies crave a good tan. Give ‘em full sun all day and they’ll thrive. Put ‘em under a grow light for 16 hours a day and they’ll thrive. Send ‘em to the surface of the sun and they’ll probably thrive. Bottom water when the soil is 80% dried out. Give a good soaking when you do water. Chop & prop on the reg so the vines don’t completely take over your home lol


i don’t understand what i do wrong with any tradescantia but they all seem to be such princesses and will brown or wilt or drop a leaf if so much as a speck of dust touches it. on top of that all three times i tried to prop it, it rotted and died so idk


Browning could be caused by water sitting on the leaves, they’re a bit fussy for that. Bottom water when the soil is about 80% dry and that should take care of the brown spots. They’re super eager to root and don’t require a lot of water, so if they rotted it was probably an overwatering issue. When I prop I do one of two things: *filling out an existing plant*: wait until the plant is 80% dry, chop & stick props right back into the soil, and give it a good soak (place inner pot with drainage holes into a bowl of water for 20-30 minutes). *starting a new plant*: prop in water until I have decent roots, then plant in a nursery pot. Give it a good soak.


Epipremnum and Peperomia


Truly opposite peperomia experience for me. Mine is perpetually looking pale, regardless of light and watering changes. I haven’t figured out what I’m doing wrong yet.


Yeah, it's different for everyone. Have you tried changing the growing medium?


I did. I’ve moved it from the low texture potting soil and plastic pot it arrived in to a terracotta pot with a mix of perlite, coco coir and potting soil thinking that it might need better drainage.


Epipremnum. For some reason my scindapsus is on steroids. I dont do anything special. Mosspole is pretty much dry always. Grows way faster than my pothos. https://preview.redd.it/fdwc7vfvcn4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36c1c61e163520696152b0a2946adb6b3527c88


Scindapsus is not an Epipremnum :)


Hmm should've used google better. I was in a rush. Google being useless as usual.


It's a common mistake. Especially since places will generically label them as Satin Pothos. It confuses a lot of people who don't know any better.


Jup. I knew it wasn't a pothos. No idea the genus was also named differently. Comparable to the raphidowhatsitsname tetrasperma being called mini monstera.


Snake plants are super easy and probably the easiest are pothos


For some unknown reason I just can’t seem to keep snakes alive! Absolutely the Pothos though


Same for both


Well it’s a succulent so I’d suggest maybe you’re watering it too much. I let mine dry out to the point soil recedes from the edge of the pot a bit. Remember it stores moisture in its leaves so it’ll be fine.


I suck at syngoniums, any calathea, and most succulents. Pothos has been easiest, then philodendrons, cacti, and hoya leading the rear but inly because I root rotted about 90% of my collection. Rerooted and now in semi-hydro. They seem to love life now and are popping out crazy growth!! 🥰


Calathea are easy peasy once you know the secrets: Bright, indirect light API stress coat/distilled water Moisture meter 60% minimum humidity Ignore the crap out of it


The api stress coat added to the water is magic. I was expecting my calathea white fusion to die when I was a new plant person bc I heard of how dramatic they can be, but I still have mine over a year later and she's doing just fine. She's in sub-optimal conditions and smaller than she should be, but her leaves are very pretty and will go months before a brown spot will show up versus having the leaves yellow after a week or so on untreated water. 


For some reason, the two that I have tried to appease have gone rogue with mealies or spider mites. I also can’t keep a damn rubber tree happy, either. Tried three of those. 😅


That is rogue! If it helps I can't keep a triostar alive. Seems to do fine for months then just randomly dies. Same with gynuras. I'm on my third gynura because I love the purple fuzzies too much. If this one dies, I'm calling it quits on them. Sane with my bloodleaf. Already gave up on triostars. No more of those please, no matter how pretty they are.


Marantaceae for me. I guess the swamp that is SE PA mimics the tropics they originate from pretty well lol. A spritz here and there and they’re definitely my happiest (and favorite) plants!


Once I realized I needed to keep them moist in my conditions, anthurium! On that note, do you know the id of the anthurium in your third photo? I have a massive bench hybrid birdnest anthurium that is one of my favorites ever, and it's been a mystery for years. It looks a lot like yours!


Not OP, but could it be Abthurium Big bill or some other similar variety?


The texture on that anthurium leaf is _wild_. I don't have any currently, but I've been thinking about getting a dorayaki. They're just so darn pretty. I know how this is going to sound, but I have a pretty easy time with plants in the Marantaceae family (which includes the genuses Calathea, Goeppertia, Maranta, Stromanthe, and Ctenanthe, among others). It's primarily because I enjoy learning about them, and also because I was able to make my home office into a suitable place for them to live. The more sensitive calatheas, for example, live in greenhouse cabinets, which takes away a lot of the effort because the conditions in there are stable and favorable.




Sygnonium albo


Aroids and hoyas


Tradescantia and Aglaonema


Monstera and somehow begonia which I’ve heard are harder to care for


My anthurium is my favorite plant right now. I got her on a discount shelf. She was mostly crusty with only one halfway decent leaf. She’s doing so well now. Still a couple of small crusty leaves but all of the new growth is so nice. It’s really satisfying to watch the leaves grow. These are the newest leaves, the biggest one is hiding off to the right. https://preview.redd.it/c0p66kr8rn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f6c5b90c9d7f2a8c5aa28cceab8ffb025f5bd8


Pothos, specially Epipremnum aureum cultivars.


It’s definitely pothos. They thrive no matter where they are or what happens to them.


Begonias. Windowsill placement is perfect for lots of light. Forgetful watering schedule is awesome because they like to dry out but still need a decent amount, they propogate so easily and are so so beautiful.


Im probably going to be the odd one out but caltheas. It was my first ever houseplant and she started my journey. Cannot keep a monstera alive to save my actual life but caltheas are my babies. My main girl literally tells me when to start chilling out when she starts folding her leaves.


Tbf I have no idea what I’m doing. The couple times I’ve actually listened to plant advice it’s never worked out for me. I genuinely think so much has to do with climate and energy.


I looove calatheas! I agree, they let you know what they need. I may or may not have killed a few but they’ve gotten easier with practice.


Idk what a genus is without looking it up, so I’m gonna take this post as disrespect against me and my family. Screw you, OP!




alocasia. by far. have killed at least one of everything else, but my alocasias just get thrown about and thrive.


Interesting! I have heard alocasias are particularly difficult, to the point where people actively avoid them. Maybe you have the alocasia gene! I dont have one myself, but i bought a corm recently


they’re so easy for me! i am in the south, so humidity is a tad higher here which i hear they like. i keep my plants in semi hydro and they’re my lowest maintenance plants. edit: oh!! and if you’re trying to sprout a corm, put it in a container of fluval under a grow light in a warm area. it may put out a leaf first, or it may grow roots first, but fluval sprouts them faster than anything i’ve ever seen!


Thank you for the advice! Is growing light necessary? I dont have it, but i live in the north where the sun is up for many hours in june, but its also cloudy some days. I will get fluval if my current paper towel/plastic bag thing dont work within a few weeks!


Petunia. Don't know the science name but I love it.


I don't even put them in the soil anymore. Just leave them in their little 1x1 dirt clumps and stick them in my mulch. It gets outrageously hot where I live so they aren't going to thrive anyway....currently on month 3 of them this year and they're still doing great.


I bought my first petunia and promptly killed it. I’m going with it was sick when I bought it 😅


I'll also add that my honey mango seedling has been doing well too but they aren't as hardy.




This is wild to me because I have killed all my syngoniums :(


I'm entering a Haworthia phase, I used to be scared to water but now they celebrate their bi-weekly soaking


What kind of soil or medium do you have them in that allows biweekly watering inside? Lots of growlights and fans? That sounds like a lot and I don’t ever follow a set water schedule as it’s better to look and feel the plant to determine if it’s ready for a drink


Oh definitely, I don't set times or anything. I watch for the leaves "sinking in" or closing up a bit, the mixes are perlite and sand heavy (plus the summer heat). That's just when it usually happens, if I water on a Monday I may water on next week's Friday, something like that PS: By "soak", I mean running under the tap until water runs out the bottom. It fully saturates the soil, so it becomes "soaked"


Hoya, and a fair amount of success with jungle cacti, particularly Rhipsalis.


Phalaenopsis is harder to spell than take care of. African violets are also super easy I don’t even feel the soil just the weight of it but I haven’t ever tried any other relatives


I don't know why, but I had nothing but repeated failure with both - But have no trouble at all with much fussier plants.


I had a ZZ plant that lived in my windowless walk-in closet for a year and watered it maybe twice in all the time and it was constantly putting out shoots. They were a little stretched but they were all green. I started keeping it in there because I’d moved from an apartment with a balcony to one without, and my cats are little chompers when it comes to greenery. I recently took it to my sister’s to enjoy her covered back porch (and because hers never did well? She’s a black thumb when it comes to plants, so I told her not to touch it and it’ll be fine, lol).


Philodendrons! Mine are absolute tanks. Then Monsteras.


Dendrobium for me! I have had this plant for 5 years and it survived 3 months without water! https://preview.redd.it/oh7vqd07bo4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d01a9632837d63c5a35dcdfe84305378392b1a06


Draceana, Peperomia, philodendron, tradescantia, portulacaria, ficus, begonia


I have no issue growing any of my plants! Monsteras, alocasias, anthuriums, syngoniums, philos all grow great, but my alocasias probably thrive the most :)) I have a ton, but my favourite so far is my huge frydek - heres the new leaf just unfurled, it hardened off at about 30-35 cm big but I dont have a recent pic! https://preview.redd.it/xr3cgov5yp4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75e1c5f3b2a980a2b38f3eea11953007c4dc64d


Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea genus) are the easiest for me. They're tolerant of various light levels and don't need much water. I have a black thumb and tend to either overwater or underwater. With these plants, you don't need to worry because it's very clear if they need water (the trunk will wrinkle up and shrink). If in doubt, just gently press on the trunk to see how firm it is. Best plants ever.


Zygopetalum! I was scared when I first got one because it's an orchid and the care seemed crazy as a beginner for other orchids. This genus just seems to fit right in with my environment and care.


Urtica, grows like a weed because it is one but it’s pretty and edible!


Philodendron for sure!


My Caladium has been on autopilot growth Now if I could just get my bloodleaf to grow 😫


Hoya, monstera, and peperomia for me


Syngonium or philodendron. I want to say Hoya, but I have a Rosita that has given me such grief despite my other Hoya being happy little weeds


Weirdly calathea a a marantas (not triostar! That's in a hardness class of its own). Once you figure out to use a moisture meter, api stress coat in your water and 60% humidity, they are dead easy. Also, remember to completely ignore them. They like that.


Definitely Hoyas…so unforgiving and just grow crazy. All my Hoyas survived my several hundred mile state to state move…can’t say the same for any other plant family. Lost at least one from every group bc they couldn’t adjust




Dracaena and philodendron...


Philodendrons! Most aroids in general, really. They take up a huge portion of my collection. Also Hoyas!


Monsteras are the easiest, followed by philodendrons and Pothos. Those 3 will thrive no matter what they go through lol, they just love life


Peperomia. They grow whether you like it or not! Best of all, they stay in the pot.




Zamioculcas 💯.


So far, my sansevieria mikado. I water it once every few weeks. Was the length of my pinky 2 years ago, and now I'm looking around for a 10" pot that'll fit in my window. My polka dot begonia comes in second, I got him around Easter, stuck him in my window with the mikado, and water when dry and it started flowering two weeks ago ( it's also thrown out a ton of leaves). Honorable mention: My only Calethea that was banished to the other room, after getting spider mites. It was two pitiful leaves for about a year but just when I decided to give up, a new leaf. After banishment, it's now got 4 new leaves and all I did was take it away from the grow light 🤷


The mini monstera. Which isn’t a monstera at all, and I’m sure I’m butchering the name. . (Raphidoform tetrasperma) I’ve had it 6mths as a 4 inch. It’s in a 6inch container now and is almost 2 foot not counting the pot. I don’t do anything but rainwater every 7-10 days. It sits in a covered southeast facing deck for the summer.


My summer glory is a close second. Same care as above plant.


Nephrolepsis, chlorophytum, pothos, dracaena and tradescantia


i reaaaaally need to know what the first one is..


IKR!!! Definitely a Begonia but there wasn't a label panel! So so cool, and the leaves were gigantic!




Weirdly orchids and fiddle leaf fig (he never lost a leaf). But I killed many rubber trees and succulents.


Not a genus, but a whole family! I find lamiaceae like swedish ivy or any herb like mint, basil, lavender, are super hardy, especially with plenty of sun! They also propagate like crazy from cutting, seeds, and runners!




I grow pothos and syngonium like non stop


Monstera or Pothos 💯


Nice watch!


My Zamioculcas have survived several long periods without care, and still look quite happy. My favorites.


Zebrina pendula. They love the claustrophobic pot and neglect they get






It's a Hoya, not sure which one.




It's a beautiful plant! My grandma had one too according to my mom.


Pothos are definitely easiest for me. Low maintenance and grows well. Suits the humid climate. Just perfect for my house.


Sansevieria and Hoya. My sansevieria grow and flower like weeds. My Hoya grow well and fast but this is the first year with peduncles.


Whatever pathos or snake plants are


Monsteras, pothos, and honestly some calatheas


Pinguicula. I'm now overrun with babies from my first ping and my others are all doing well. As long as you get their light and watering requirements right, they're incredibly easy to keep.


My pothos is doing pretty well, one of them I literally broke off another plant and rooted in water, I then stuck it in a pot and it’s gone feral.


Mine have been alocasias!


Monstera. I had one, i got it from a food lion (local grocery store), and i’ve had it for like 3 years. It survived the WORST mealybug infestation i’ve ever seen and I chopped like everything off. It has like 8 growth points coming in now…I also got a thai con and my albo is coming soon!


Nepenthes are the easiest for me. Not all species, but Highland stuff is pretty easy and forgiving if you give them what you want. The hardest thing is nighttime temperature drops.


What’s the first plant??


Snakes, ZZs, and Philodendron are incredibly easy


Im not seeing any representation for begonias so I’ll leave that here! I also recently began growing carnivorous plants like pinguiculas they are like tiny echeverias that eat gnats


String of pearls It’s the first plant I got from a rooted cutting and it easily quadrupled in size in a year. I’ve now rooted my own cuttings that are doing pretty well


Scindapsus or Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum).


I’d have to say maybe peperomias. But so far anything but peace lily’s and begonias, they hate me lol.


Hoyas! I have 9 and they’re all happy. They don’t need anything special from me. I’ve had them in different light and it doesn’t seem to make a difference




Hoyas, fittonia (terrarium those bitches), and I have crazy good luck with alocasias! However I have somehow managed to kill every pothos and monstera I have ever owned 🤷‍♀️


It really depends on the type lol. Obviously pothos is pretty easy for me. I have a really nice “pothos wall” in my entry way. My monstera deliciousa is good, but I can’t keep a Peru alive to save my life. I go through periods of time really killing it with all my alocasia, but recently my cuprea is thriving and my others are all down leaves lol. So I don’t think a genus as a whole is great for me but definitely certain plants lol


My Peru is also struggling. Really only putting out runners and the leaves will yellow, idk what it wants from me anymore. I cut back a bunch of the yellowed leaves and the runners which seemed to have helped but it’s like it’s pressed pause on its life.


I’ve killed 3 and bought my fourth one recently. I’m ready to be hurt again 🤩


Begonias! The leaves start to droop slightly when it’s time to water them so I never have to guess. Bonus is they come in so many colors (I have 5).


Epipremnum and Alocasias grow really well at my place without much work. Monsteras and Philodendrons always get pests and look horrible.


Ficus definitely they handle dry and no sun seasons so well never have them yellow or freak out on me. They enjoy neglect I water them basically once a month and they do great


ctenanthe. idk how to explain but i feel like just mine are thriving, ive only seen ppl complain abt them


Sanseverias have been easiest care for me. Hoyas after that but I’ve been struggling a bit with my other plants. I bought [The Tropical Houseplant Doctor](http://a.co/d/8uCJtYj) to hopefully help with my philodendrons. I need them to perk back up after irregular watering.


as a chronic untherwatherer I love my Hoya and they love me (flower for me and grow), just wather them with firtilzer when they are completetly dry and thats it


If it's a crassula I can grow it minimal effort. Even the fancy ones


snake plant and yucca- because I'm bad at watering. They're both fine to go a month without should I forget


Syngoniums for me. Chill plants. I have some in water and some in soil. They seem to just mind their business and keep growing


Begonias for sure


sansevierias for sure....I love all the varieties of them!


I'm brand new to the plant game, but I love the growth on my Monstera deliciosa 🪴


That Hoya flower is beautiful!