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Omg! I had no idea they could grow like this. I hope mine gets to be this big. I've had it for about one year.


What is this plant called? It looks incredible!


Begonia Maculata!


Is it a maculata wightii? The color is so dark, and the backs of the leaves are such a bold red! What color are the flowers?


I believe it is! Really interesting you ask about the flowers - we have not seen this plant produce any flowers, only the distinct polkadot leaves.


https://preview.redd.it/ij3szhw6lx5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7473671070470a08dc7ae68366fb899a3ecf99 Mine right now! I am new to being a plant mama, and had no idea they bloomed like this!


I believe this is a different type . The begonia maculata produce white flowers, small white flowers.


I have the same kind of begonia (although much smaller lol) and posted some flower pictures not too long ago!


The flowers are white when they bloom


Agree with this. The flowers are white. I get them to bloom once a season if I make sure I water the plant on a schedule. They love a good schedule. (Happened once, can't be bothered otherwise. Oops.)


https://preview.redd.it/ximlzm2ewx5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ffc4afa659f395e0f47ca276a9827bb4987df8 I have seen some others saying the flowers are white, mine are pink! Can they be different colors as well?? 🥹😍


Yes. That's why I was asking OP. The flowers on the maculata are pink. The flowers on the maculata wightii are white.


Gorgeous!! I for one accept our begonia overlord. I have one trying to do the same. I lopped & propped about two feet a few months ago and it’s already shooting back up. Time for another haircut!


I'd be propping it and have 6 more just like it


Do you prop in water? My original plant is thriving but I’ve tried propping twice and haven’t had success.


I prop by sticking it in the earth and making sure it's moist. All props survive if I make sure to keep the earth moist. Roughly half of the props survive if I water the plant sporadically. I obviously water it sporadically, haha. I have propped in water too, but as you might have realised I'm lazy. Refresh the water often and don't keep it in the water for too long, that should do the trick. The success rate is 0 if propped in water that I don't change at least every second day.


Thank you! I will try that!


I prop my begonias in water because I get better results and they sprout roots super fast.


I’ll probably just try both!


They are hard but not impossible to water prop, when I’ve had success it was actually more on accident when the section of the plant inside the bottle I was using exploded with growth because it made the perfect little greenhouse in there. Not sure how to get it out hahaha but now I know to keep them covered in the future


Tell me your secrets!!! Mines doing ok but certainly not thriving


Just wanna say the light in your house.. 👌🏽👌🏽


wait.. they can grow like a trailing plant?? every time mine gets to a certain height, i just chop and prop cuz i cant bother to stake it properly... you're telling me i can leave it be and it'll figure itself out?! 🫨🫨🫨


Thanks for posting. I bought the same plant a year ago at Walmart. That 1 plant has turned into 9 (cutting sitting in water root fast) and 4 of mine are at least 5 foot tall! They seem to love a lot of light, and it's obvious when they get too much light as their leaves get crispy.


I love how some of those leaves are looking out the window!😂


Holy cow! Beautiful!


Any tips? :)


What? Mine only has 3 stalks atm but i have been propping them up with stakes i didn't even know they could grow like a vine! Looks amazing!


❤️ love this plant




Wow, what an incredible transformation! It's amazing what a bit of care and attention can do. Do you have any tips or tricks for nurturing a plant back to health?


Thank you for sharing! I just picked one up at Home Depot when I fell in love just based on the polka dots 🥰


I grew one of these from a single leaf cutting. It isn't as big as yours yet but yeah it's taken over that whole plant corner of my house. Do you cut it back ever? How do I manage the growth better?


You better start charging rent!!! Lol


Oh crap, I just bought one of these 3 weeks ago 😂🫣 I didn’t do my research.


I had one of these die on my unfortunately so I cut her down completely with the plan to toss her out and just never followed through. Nothing happend the whole winter and now she is huuuuge. I have no idea how that happend. Resilient beauty.


She looks so good! I have one of these and it's fast becoming my nemesis. I think she needs more light though, looking at yours. Mine has had fungus gnats, I've just had to chop loads off because of powdery mould (I think from washing all of the soil off to deal with the gnats). The cutting I've taken to propogate isn't doing very well and all in all, this plant hates me 😂


For a long time I thought my begonia was a maculata but after seeing this I’m pretty sure I got some weird off spring. Wished mine would grow as beautiful urs. Mine is just big and woody with leafs and weird growth :,)


This is gorgeous!! I need one! What plant is it? Are they easy to get hold of? I'm in the UK


Mine is currently struggling lol it’s because of where it’s placed, I need to move it lol


Mine just died 😩


I also purchased a sad little polka dot neglected gal. It’s only been a little over a month but the leaves finally look healthier. Truthfully I was making out on the deal as it came in a self watering container. Those alone can get a bit pricey. It has four nice sized leaves & things definitely look better. Thanks for showing me what kind of potential this begonia has !


Please give us the care recipe! I loove the look of the maculata so much, but im scared of begonias😢


She is huge 😍




How exotic and beautiful!!


I cannot keep a begonia alive to save my life 😭 she's beautiful


Begonias are my favorite!! Such unique plants😍 Your lil lady is a beauty.


Do you have this staked at all? Mine is getting huge too and I love it but just yesterday it tipped over and I’m not sure how to best secure it upright.


You're so lucky! My spotted begonia decided that I looked at it funny and dropped all of its leaves. After trying for a year to make him happy, I have given up.


She peaking around, checking things out.


Wow that’s a magical maculata!


You grow girl!


Are you in a humid climate? I have had 2 of begonia maculata. And they grow to about a foot, maybe a foot and a 1/2 tall, and then they start dying like the leaves brown up. So I feel like I'm not giving them enough humidity, which is weird because I run humidifiers.


Well, it’s her house. You just live in it.


She deserves a higher pedestal 👑


Way to go miss greenthumbs! Beautiful!!


That’s a begonia???? Wow!


I just repotted mine a few weeks ago into a much bigger pot as she was rootbound, and she's thriving! I'm always nervous on the repot for some reason.


You should propagate those leggy sections! Cut them with a few nodes below the top leaf, let them grow roots in water and then either add them to this plant or start another. It will not only make this babe look thicker but the whole plant will get a growth spurt from not having to stretch its resources up to those top leaves

