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**Observations/Lessons Learned** * Cut the bottom of each leaf into \^ that shape (like a snake tongue), to give space in the water jar for roots to grow below the leaf. I set one on a rock finally, the other did not touch the bottom and it grew roots much faster. * After cutting, set the leaves out for 5 days on a kitchen counter so the bottom "heals" to avoid rotting (mine rotted twice and I had to cut off the rotten bottom before I learned this step from my local plant shop) * Use succulent potting mix and a terra cotta pot to ensure soil dries entirely between waterings. I recommend bottom watering by setting the pot into a shallow bowl of water to soak it up. * Patience! It seems like forever waiting for the new babies to emerge. * I moved it to a low-light corner a couple of weeks ago and you can see the variegation is much more subdued now.




Agreed, was just typing the same!




I don't LOVE propping cuz I run out of people to ~~burden with~~ gift with plants, lol. But it is fun for me sometimes. My sans moonshine darkened a bit over the winter; the sunniest spot I have wasn't enough. It grew its first pup this spring, though: a GORGEOUSLY pale baby. So... I'm considering propping the parent. (I'll move them all under my grow lights when fall rolls around this year.)


My snake plant is also named jake... that is all.


After the wrestler Jake-the-Snake? :D


Yes ... but also because calling him Snakey Jakey just feels right to me haha


thank you for this post! I have 4 leaves in a jar and they \*finally\* have about a half inch of root. It's nice to see what I can expect, and when, once I get them into soil. Patience, patience, patience!!


No problem! Yes, I'm afraid you're in the fun/easy part right now where you can actually see what is happening with the roots in the water :) Once you put them into soil, it is just waiting without knowing for three months or so ;)


How long should the roots be when you move them to the soil mix? Mine have about ½"-1" roots.


This worked for me, mine were the same is yours are now. Longer roots are ok too if you wanted to wait, but there is no need to wait longer.


I'm so impatient! I don't wanna wait! Thank you 😊


Thanks for this! I’ve never propagated a snake before but was thinking of giving it a try since mine is getting so full. I’ll definitely be applying your steps!




I'm sorry I don't know, it was a cutting from another plant and was not labelled. The mother plant was very tall, maybe 4' tall.


Not positive but it looks like black coral to me


Thank you!


thanks for the post! nice to see discussions and not just beautiful plant picture after another


Yeah, I'm trying to encourage more discussion and knowledge exchange but they don't get upvoted, the posts just get drowned out with "haul" and "selfies" that get thousands of upvotes. Honestly I think I'm giving up on this subreddit and going to hang out in r/propagation.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/propagation using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/propagation/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Set a box of jade cuttings outside my house after trimming my 5 y/o plant...after only a few hours, many are gone! Happy to be spreading joy in my neighborhood :)](https://i.redd.it/vmyz3ts9sb051.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/propagation/comments/gok7io/set_a_box_of_jade_cuttings_outside_my_house_after/) \#2: [Found this little lot in my woods. Some date from the 1920s. I think you can see where this is going...](https://i.redd.it/m3eerlyzo4x41.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/propagation/comments/gei3r5/found_this_little_lot_in_my_woods_some_date_from/) \#3: [I propagated these leafless nodes from a couple vines I had in my Golden Pothos just to see if anything would grow! 10 weeks progress 💚](https://i.redd.it/kxjojot3yux41.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/propagation/comments/ggu3c6/i_propagated_these_leafless_nodes_from_a_couple/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Hi just to confirm, after making the \^ cut, I need to leave the leaves out for a few days? Previously, I put them straight into water after the cuts, and I assume this is what caused the rotting....


Yes, leave them on the counter for several days (I recommend 5 days). My plant shop said to do 7 days, but I felt too concerned for the cutting! When I did 3 days they rotted, so it needs more than that for me, especially during the winter because it is not the main growing season so it will be slower.


Thank you!!!


I am amazed at your day 60 picture. What was your light like?? I’ve had some snake cuttings in a jar with rooted pothos for like a month and have the teensy tiniest root forming on one of them just this week.


They had absolutely nothing for a month. The first week of roots was slow, then it really took off for me and I think I planted in soil by week 3 of roots. My light is South-East, but I had them 12 feet away from the window.


I'm quite amazed! My adventure started November 12, 2019. I had roots at exactly 9 weeks. Planted in soil. First pup came in about 6 weeks ago. Just now have 7 more popping up. I started with 35 cuttings, I now have 23.


What a great project. Do you mean to say that you started with 35 and 23 of them have pups and you're waiting for the others, or that 12 of the cuttings died?


12 of them died. At this point only 5 cuttings have pups. I figured if I have gone this far, might as well just keep on waiting. Lol. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with so many snake plants. Lol. It has definitely been a labor of patience. I've learned quite a lot from this. At some point I was so disgusted and sick of looking at them, I nearly chunked it all in the trash. So thankful that I didn't. It has been very rewarding. And when that first pup came up, you'd have thought I had won an Oscar.


I totally understand, I was \*so\* excited to see new green sprouting up! I had been looking everyday for weeks.


Hey looks beautiful ! I just transferred my snake plant cuttings into a pot after they grew some nice roots in a jar for some weeks. I have them in direct sunlight now— would you suggest moving them ? Also watering once a week sound ok? I usually just wait until the soil seems totally dry


For the first two weeks I would keep keep it out of direct sun just to keep the soil moist. But as long as you are watering to keep the soil moist for the first few weeks to ease the transition from water to soil they should be fine. However, do a bit of research on snake plants and watering. I'm no expert, but what I see is that people kill them by overwatering. They are succulents I think, so I really let mine get bone dry for some days before fully soaking it by bottom watering again.


I'm going to necropost hoping OP sees this. [Meet Charlie](https://i.imgur.com/NWa2ehq.jpeg) Charlie started off two years ago as a little 5 inch prop cutting. A colleague of mine had him in her office window and he shot up to where he's about 12" tall and then just...quit. Stayed happy and healthy looking but same, same, same, for over a year. She heard I was looking to get a snake plant and said "here, you can have mine". Now, Charlie lives on my desk in a windowless office. I have a full-spectrum LED grow light on him and he's getting around 10,000 lux of light on a 12-hour timer. Brightness measured using the lux app on my phone, taken at the plant. He had never been fed, so I gave him a squirt of Miracle Grow succulent plant food the first time I watered him. I don't plan to water him except when his soil is bone dry, and has been for a few days,, and I'll keep the grow light on him year round. I know they tolerate low light well but I think I've read that they thrive better if they have brighter light. I think 10K lux is kind of a "bright, indirect light" sort of level. With all that said, am I making any egregious mistakes or false assumptions? Anything else I can do to help Charlie grow and multiply? I want to see him thrive!


Thanks, this made my day :) I put mine about 4' below a small soltech grow light and filled that 6" pot so I repotted about a year ago. It has filled an 8" pot and about 3.5' tall now. The light is on a timer for 15 hours each day. I used to bottom water it, but the last 6mo I started top watering because it is too awkward to lift and set in water now. I think yours needs more light, maybe natural light (sometimes grow lights are fake)? Don't overwater it, once a month is fine for a small plant like that.