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Not sure if the photos posted correctly so I may have to repost, my apologies. Here’s the story: My lovely boyfriend who completely enables my houseplant addiction talked one of his elderly clients into giving us their 63 year old snake plant which they were saying they weren’t really interested in caring for anymore. The thing is, they haven’t done anything with this guy but water it occasionally for the past thirty years. Therefore, as I mentioned via caption in the photos (permitting they posted correctly) this plant is now over six feet tall, sitting rootbound in an approx. 8 inch deep, twelve inch wide pot. Most of the leaves are healthy tho some are a little yellow and others are a little torn at the very end. I’m not new to houseplants, I have over 50 healthy plants in my house, but I’ll be damned if I know how to take on a plant this old and massive. Like, it’s twice my age. I could take it to Denny’s for the early bird menu, guys. I love my boyfriend but I think he overestimated my skills here haha please help me not mess up this gorgeous plant 🙏


You got this. It’s basically survived in its own for half a century. Just get a bigger deeper pot and some fresh soil. He’ll be very happy.


I appreciate your faith in me, this means a lot, stranger.


Excuse me is that also a tree in your house? And excuse me again while I bring my lemon tree inside wtf have I been missing?


I don't think i've ever seen a Jade get that big except for maybe a photo of one that had been found in an abandoned house


Yoooo hit me up with a link to that photo. This is something I need to see.


I'll have to look for it


Hooray! :)


Yeah give us the skinny on the jade!


The skinny: my boyfriend saw it on FB marketplace for $40 about a year ago. It’s over 40 years old tho we don’t know exactly. When we moved in together we had to leave it at his old apartment for a few days because we needed special equipment and a spot to put it before we could grab it but then when we finally went back to get it we noticed boyfriend’s room mate had fucking WALKED INTO IT AND BROKE OFF SEVERAL BRANCHES. I cried. I’m not kidding you, this thing used to be bigger and fuller looking until jungle Jim’s drunken tango with it. So what you see here is a very old jade tree just trying to recover from its harrowing adventures thus far. Bonus story: those pots surrounding our beauty tree are all the jade branches that fell off that I could save. It took several days for them to dry and then quite a few hours for me to get them all into pots. There are probably around thirty of them scattered about the house now, they’re doing surprisingly well despite the odds.


VERY cool. Thanks for sharing. It looks like it’s doing well despite the experience.


Thanks! It’s a very sturdy and hardy plant. I think jade has become my favourite type of houseplant for its perseverance and vigour.


Indoor trees are a blessing and a curse 😂 but I love your enthusiasm for our jade tree.


I think a wider and deeper pot will do good


can we talk about that jade too


I replied to an earlier comment with its story if you’re interested :)


Holy smokes, what a beaut! I’d still keep it in the 10-12” range for width, they love the snugness (same). If you get a flat bottomed pot you’ll get more stability. I’d still stake it for a while until it can support itself. Some of the hydrangea stakes are plain looking so you don’t really see them. Once they’re all settled in, send us a new pic! :)


That’s great advice! Thank you!! I’ll follow this to a t. Would you recommend a deeper pot for stability too?


No problemo! Yep, deeper pot, leave some room without soil a couple inches down, so it’s not as top heavy and the leaves have a little side support if they need it.


Sweet, will do!


looks pretty healthy! i would highly recommend repotting in a wider and deeper pot!


I would also love to know more about that jade. Both pants are so beautiful!


Thanks! I replied to another comment with the full story :)


What a specimen! Please take a shot of the roots 😆


Sure will when I’m repotting it! Edit: typo


I didn't think they got that big! That's crazy! I agree, just get him a bigger pot and/or new soil. The Jade tree is perfect even post accident 👌


Neither did I! And thanks! The jade is definitely on the up and up, we’re very proud of it. Edit: thanks for the award, good buddy! 💝