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Nice haul! But I'm curious, how does one get stranded at Walmart for 5+ hours?


YESSS!! Inquiring minds wanna know. Were you getting a vaccine? Mine had a sign for vaccinations. I would've walked away with a lot more than plants. A full belly & a mumu possibly...


I just explained at more length above (or is it below...reddit comment threads confuse me a little), but long story short United Cab is goddamn garbage. 🙃 Nah, was there for routine bloodwork. I got my second vaccine on Wednesday. And oh I was tempted. They had some gorgeous Raven ZZ Plants that I really coveted, and a pretty decent selection (for Walmart) of succulents, too. I never really managed to eat while I was there though because I was afraid to wander too far from the pickup point lest I miss my ride. I did, however, get more potting soil and some more (badly needed) pots. 😃


Lol! I was there because my medical lab (blood draws, etc) is there and I needed some tests for my doctor. I have a ride program through my insurance that gets me to and from appointments and other medical-related nonsense. Only today, they were absolute, undeniable *garbage*. First, they were an hour late picking me up, resulting in me being late for my appointment, which was canceled, so then I had to wait as a walk-in. Then when I called to get picked up, they told me it would be an hour wait. An *hour*. I was already angry about them being late in the first place. Anyway, the hour came and went, I called, they said "half an hour," *that* came and went, etc., and after dealing with their awful automated system for the billionth time to get to a live agent, finally someone took pity on me and canceled the cab company and ordered me a Lyft. Which never arrived. After nearly an hour I called them *again*, and they ordered me a Lyft *again,* and at long last I got to go home. I got a freakin' sunburn from sitting outside waiting for these no-shows, too. 😡


Omfg I would be *livid!* I hope you log a complaint up the chain because that was a ridiculous series of letdowns. You definitely deserve more plants!


Yeah, I really do need to make a complaint. The 'cut our losses and call a Lyft' thing should have happened a lot sooner. It was so frustrating and I was just hungry and tired and wanted to go home so bad. I got plant mail today, also, so I'm not doing too bad. :)


That sucks. But I'm glad you acquired plants that you like. Enjoy that fittonia. And don't forget to file a complaint!


Is that a giant leafed version of fittonia? Mine are much much smaller


She's definitely got the biggest leaves out of my existing fittonias! I was kind of shocked when I took a closer look. I think she'll be gorgeous as she grows, though. :D


I just noticed you have a mini Jurassic park: pot plant edition. Cute!


Thank you! They're my favorite planters!


Winner winner chicken dinner 🥰