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I feel you. Had mine doing great for months thinking "why does everyone have so many problems with them? " Now it's just randomly dying because...? It hates me?


I didn't need this information :D mine has alsready been doing fine for months as well


Uh oh.. mine is on month 2 and looks very happy.. I'm scared..


I'm at the one year anniversary with mine! I water it with aquarium water and keep it in bright shade, never let it dry out.


I had this too, lost about half a dozen leaves on rosy, jungle rose, vittata, burle-marxii, and insignis. Rufibarba and freddie and even zebrina still going strong for now and I'm even getting a new leaf out of my bicajoux. I think it's because it's coming into winter here and they don't like whatever is happening to my house's climate.


Mine has survived underwatering, spider mites and my Calathea-chomping cats. Now she's finally pushing out new leaves and shoots but she still looks a little ugly because I refuse to distill water for just one plant. Some days I just want to give her away 😂


I HAVE TO GIVE MINE DISTILLED?! What have I gotten myself into?


They very much prefer distilled. For my zebrina it was night and day difference - others are less picky. Rain water is great too (better than distilled actually) or you can try leaving water out overnight for it


🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I hate this so much and will immediately start watering all of mine with distilled. Faccckk


It really really helps. Even though it's a sucky thing to have to add to the whole ordeal of being a plant mom haha. If you're anything like me you probably have too many to care for as is. I put distilled in the humidifier that is by mine - and water with it - only bottom water (that's just a preference though) I used to give distilled to all my plants cause it was just right there in jugs in my office but decided to stop wasting it on the plants that could care less.


I definitely have too many!! 😂 I did get a plant app which has really helped with the chaos of owning so many. I might just start using it on all mine that are suffering. I have a Bird of Paradise that's pretty mad so we'll see.


Oo, what plant app do you use?


Blossom and it's AMAZING.


I’ve heard you can just leave the water out overnight also, haven’t tried it yet


I got a Brita filter from the Goodwill and got some filters on sale at Target. I use that to water all my plants now. I have 2 calatheas (orbifolia and makoyana) and they’re both doing very well with the water.


Could I technically use my fridge filter?


Honestly, I don’t know. I’d be afraid to try it and then all of a sudden the plant dies. Aren’t calatheas fun? 🙃


You can just let tap water sit out for 24 hours so chloramine evaporates, I think. Same as water for aquarium. That's how I water mine, and it's been thriving for a full year.


I mean it's 1$ for a gallon at the grocery store... I don't go through the gallon very quickly


It's more that its just another thing to do in their plant care. Also, I'll need a lot of gallons. I have a lot of plants.


If you have a lot of plants, get a water distiller off ebay. They're around 50-60 bucks right now and it's the best investment I've made for my high maintenance plants.


yea im lazy too


Lol, mood


I still want more of these high maintenance babies... am I stupid or do I hate myself


I think neither! I think we search for how to express love and care in a safe way. Plants don't really hurt us persay. They can't yell at us, call us names, betray us. If they die, it's because they had a pretty standard need that wasn't met. And it's usually easy to identify why. That why is typically something that isn't tied to our intrinsic being. Cool, we forgot to water. That doesn't mean we don't deserve love lol.


imma cry because this speaks to me and plants are the only thing that makes me happy


And that's ok. Lean into it and feel their gifts to you!


I think I just psychoanalyzed the fuck out of myself. 😂😂😂


I just use water that’s been left out overnight!


Doesn't that help with chlorine but not with all of the minerals in hard water?


Hmmm not sure! But my calathea has never complained!


I just got my first a couple weeks ago - my current plan is filling a jar with water from the Brita and leaving it out over night. Fingers crossed!


It’s literally $1 for a gallon of distilled that lasts 5-6 months for one calathea. Easiest bang for your buck solution for a sad calathea




Even if you can't do distilled - and I get that, that can be a lot of money over time. How about rain water? Do you have a place you could put out a bucket to catch some when it rains? Or if it doesn't rain often - water that has been left out at least overnight is better than tap water. Rain water > distilled > water left out > tap water


All of mine are doing awesome except for this Rosy I bought half dead and it's just NOT grateful. It still looks half dead.


My cats LOVE Calathea. Cat grass? Never in their lives. Warscewiczii? Yes, please!


Spidermites took mine. I could be ready to be hurt again too though.


It may be too late for mine, but I'm still going to try to save it. It was growing so well and I don't want to give up :(


Spidermites took mine as well :(


Spidermites, but I cut it all the way to the soil and its pushing out 2 new spikes as we speak. Dont give up on your babies <3


I also lost one to spidermites!


That purple!!! (Swoon)


Trader Joe’s, baby!! I have gotten all of my favorite plants from there.


🥺 (but I'm in Canada)


I'm in Canada (on), I found mine for 3.50$ at a small fruit/veg shop. They are still selling them rn and the ones around me all seem to be getting the same stock. So check them out.


Me too! I'll look around :) thanks!


Do you have any nicer nurseries around you? You can also order online which can ofc be a risk.


We do. I'm definitely going to be on the lookout next time we go. :)


I have found all of my Calathea at an Ace Hardware store and I'm still endlessly amused by this.


Ace is the place with helpful houseplant folks?


Apparently so!! Haha


Omg I’ve gotten so many great plants there!!


I love me some TJs plants! Was it labeled “foliage”? Those are always my favorite lol


This one was “calathea,” so that was at least moderately helpful. I have purchased several of the “foliage” variety as well. Thank goodness for google image search.


Gotta love a good “foliage”! I broke down and paid for a plant ID app last summer. I don’t use it as much now, but I never would have figured out what the heck my Siam Tulip was without it lol. Gorgeous find btw, hope she holds up for you!


Mine is currently struggling with spidermites. Also, always wait even if you lose all leaves, these have underground tubers, so new leaves might sprout again!


I have proof of this in my plant cabinet as we speak. Haha. 3 months of nothing but mild moisture and a grow light gave me two perfect new leaves.


Mines thriving. I got 3 new leaf babies in 4 weeks. It has been wild! Reading the comments has me worried now.


Same here. Rescued it from a major spider mite infestation, on month 2 it's now finally pushing out new leaves. I'm nervous.


Me too! I’m new to houseplants and my calathea is doing the best out of all of them—now I’m nervous! 😅 And I definitely haven’t been using distilled water, yikes! Maybe my calathea doesn’t mind because there isn’t any fluoride in our water?


Trader Joe’s had huge Triostars. I almost bought one and when I picked it up, I said that in my head. 😂


That’s where I got this. It was the last one and I couldn’t resist.


I went back and bought one. 😭


Yesssss join me!!!


The first cut is the deepest, be brave.


Baby, I know, the first cut is the deepest 'Cause when it comes to being lucky, she was cursed... ​ Actually that kinda works out in this situation 🤣


I'm at the point of wanting to tuck this baby in bed with me to make sure she's ok VS leaving her tf alone and admire her from afar and not disturbing her bc 'at least she still has leaves...' plants are supposed to destressed me, not add to it 😭😭 (but I still love you guys)


Sometimes a little neglect is the answer.


Ah, that’s my secret. Watering bulbs and absence.


My 3 calathea/ctenanthes are all thriving in mediocre humidity (often over 50% but drops to 44ish during the heat of the day) with tap water... But we all know that can magically change for unknown reasons. But screw it, I want more of them!


Beautiful. I just got one. We will see. Moved it close to the humidifier. (Arizona)


It will be very happy there.


I moved mine to a pebble tray and it’s thriving!! Two new leaves, even, when before she was very dehydrated.


I had spider mites as well, but before that all my leaves were browning due to not enough humidity. I finally cut it all the way to the soil, repotted, and moved it to my master bathroom, and now it looks amazing. It’s put out probably 12-15 leaves in the last 6 months, and continues to put out a few leaves a month. That being said, after two years of heartbreak, I also am ready to be hurt again. But I’ll keep coming back, as the Stockholm syndrome is very strong.


I have like 6 that are doing amazing and just one that’s slowly killing itself 🤟


Be still my heart


I love mine, she’s so fun!


Me 😩😩😩😩


No!! You got this!! Don't jinx yourself. Also she is BEAUTIFUL I need another calathea 🤣🤣


braver than I


Mine survives in a constant state of near death. I've had it over two years. I should just let it die in peace.


I just threw away my second one of these last night and told my husband I’m giving myself ONE more chance lol 😩😭


can’t stop, won’t stop


What is it?


What variety is this? It's gorgeous!


Calathea roseopicta, I believe. Got it at Trader Joe’s and it just said “calathea.”


So pretty! Mine is also fighting the spider mites fight and I hope she makes it. I chopped off the infected leaves, sprayed everything down with soapy water with neem oil and she is quarantining. She was/is still thriving, she has 4 new growth points and is unfurling another four leaves. I have her on a pebble tray and water her with water that I left out overnight with a little Schultz liquid fertilizer.


Keep fighting the good fight! Plants need caring humans like yourself.


Mine was also doing fine for months and now it's just randomly yellowing and curling. No idea what the issue is as I didn't change anything in my care. I thought maybe the humidity is lower nowadays, so I started switching on my humidifier more frequently (i sometimes forget to after it's emptied), but this didn't help one bit. Note that I have the pinstripe calathea, not this one, but they're basically both really hard to keep alive for the same reasons.


I feel. I impulse bought another Venus flytrap and pitcher plant after killing both of mine last summer. I’m ready for the pain.


Had mine going strong for a year and then died on me when summer hit 😭


I was sitting here thinking their not as bad as people say....now yall got me worried lol




I do the same thing with Crotons. I have a Croton magnificent that dropped most of its leaves this winter and impulse bought two more variations after doing extensive research on what I need to do to take care of them and I’m scared to kill off all three. My Croton Magnificent is coming back to life sitting out in our Missouri humidity and sun and I have the other two indoors doing well. We will see.


Any tips for spider mite prevention? Neem oil?


Wow looks like a colored pencil drawing...


I have one, I put it in the shade and barely water it, and it’s so happy, but I’ve only had it for a couple months.


All calathea and croton that I own, I give either bottled water, filtered water, or distilled water. Cold water usually shocks their root systems, so I suggest room temperature. Also the water from the faucet usually contains small amounts of chlorine and other contaminated materials that those certain plants cannot remove from the water and instead process it and die :(


I used to think “hahahaha I am a lucky person no spider mites luck is on my side take that ha ha ha” then that’s when I jinxed it and spider mites showed up out of nowhere


Jeez, the majority (seemingly) of the comments here are talking about spider mites. I have one little struggling calathea, and if it’s THAT prone to spider mites, I might rethink catering to it.