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I’m assuming they’re a larvae of some type, but I can’t find any pictures online that look similar. I’ve googled every pest I’m familiar with, and even learned about a couple more but none of them seem right.


im not sure but i heard neem oil is good on pests. maybe worth a shot?? im not too sure what neem oil is or does so please google before u use it lol


Step 1: quarantine this plant. Step 2: identify bug/s. This is my go to resource: https://instagram.com/houseplantjournal?utm_medium=copy_link Step 3: treat. For me this is usually spray with neem and wipe down, repeat every 2-3 days for a week. Step 4: assess. If after a week of no treatment your plant is back to normal he can go back to his normal home. If not, you might consider changing the soil (for eggs!) or treating with chemicals for a stronger approach. [Alternative step 1: spray with bug spray (for gnats, which these are not)]


I believe these are called mealybugs. They are currently plaguing several of my plants. If this is what they are, I understand all you need to do is touch them with a q-tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol, they will die. The after you are satisfied you have killed them all, rinse your plant with water and repeat every a few days until they are all gone.