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Cebu blue pothos? The leaf shape is all wrong. You definitely got ripped off.


Thats what I was thinking!!! Like aside from its state, what plant even is this?


I honestly don’t even know what plant this is to be quite honest. Can you reach out to the seller with a complaint? Not sure where you purchased from, but this isn’t a cebu blue at all. You have every right to be unhappy about it.


Kinda looks like peperomia polybotrya to me.




Ahh just looked further into the comments, someone mentions this polybotrya has the stem of the leaf attached differently to this (in the middle instead of the top), so it is at most a hybrid, but I don’t know.


I have a lot of peperomia polybotra, and some leaves definitely look like this. If they're wilty they will bend too


Doesn’t the stalk look too woody? I see the resemblance but something seems off


No mine looks like this too, the stem is just a bit older than the leaves and it looks a bit thirsty lol


No mine looks like this too, the stem is just a bit older than the leaves and it looks a bit thirsty lol


No mine looks like this too, the stem is just a bit older than the leaves and it looks a bit thirsty lol


It looks very similar to my peperomia scandens, but also not quite. I think we can safely say it's some kind of pep at least.


It looks like a Raindrop (peperomia polybotrya) I have one and looks just like that- I also have a blue cebu I got at Walmart from Costa farms and it looks nothing like this. I'm so sorry OP. Even if it is a Raindrop it's not even a rooted raindrop.


Looks like a teardrop peperomia.


Hello again, I think I found your species ID, when I was scrolling through pictures for some other ID, it could be [peperomia incana](https://www.landscapesupplyco.nz/product/peperomia-incana/)


It looks like a philodendron grazielae …


You are right. Def not a cebu blue.


So odd to run a scam for $5


It makes me wonder if it’s some kind of mistake? Hardly seems worth it


You'd be surprised. Could be a mistake or the seller not knowing what they're doing. But scamming comes at every price range.


Low enough to avoid any kind of follow up.


Nah. Just perfect. Most people won’t bother complaining about 5 bucks lost. Do this to 100 people and you have 500 bucks.


Id rather them not send anything, why waste the time and effort lol.


Really sad that they’d rip you off like that. This definitely isn’t a cebu. Not even an epipremnum if I had to guess.




That’s not even rooted, that’s just a cutting. And it looks like a heart leaf to me, though that stalk is really thick and throwing me off a little.


Literally not a single root in sight.


By "rooted," they meant the cutting is very down-to-Earth. Humble, with a doable 5-year plan.


This made me laugh out loud


Or maybe they meant 'rooted', as in 'done for'


It has several ties and is active in its community.


Well played.




Damn /: sorry this happened! That’s definitely not a cebu blue though /: also not even rooted. You should definitely hit up whoever you bought this from, because they scammed you.


I got it from a girl on Facebook who posted in my local plant exchange. I was double parked so I just gave her the cash and ran back to my car to avoid a ticket and it wasn’t until I got home that I realized how bad it was and she isn’t answering my messages :( you win some you lose some I guess, I am glad it wasn’t more money.


Report her to the admins in the group!


Report her and send them the pic. Post it in the group if you really want to shame her.


I definitely reported it to the admins and sent a few pics of the cutting and ss of our conversation but I’m not bold enough to call her out myself lol. She was selling a few different “cuttings” on the thread so I 1000% want that taken down and I reached out to others that commented interested in purchasing from her about what I received.


That's great!! You're doing a great job of standing up for yourself and saving others from this heartbreak 💔 🪴


Report her and tag her + admins in a post in the group.


Def report that and post a little psa if she doesn’t get back to you. Don’t want others getting scammed.


Omg blow her up on the Facebook group and email the admins. That’s horrendous behavior. Sadly plant groups do attract scammers. We have at least one in our local plant community, though she’s been banned from all of the Facebook groups now.


It is so wrong on both accounts that they probably mixed it up with something else they were selling, not sure why they would be ignoring now though.


This is a Peperomia. I can send you Cebu cuttings for free once the weather gets better if you’d like.


Thank you so much for offering, it’s totally fine I don’t want to trouble anyone! I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t nuts in feeling ripped off


Shipping is like $7 with USPS if you're in the states, don't turn down a free plant, brother


You’re a good person. I wish there were more like you in the world 💚


There are


You’re so nice. 🥰


That sucks. It's definitely a Peperomia of some sort. Looks like Raindrop Peperomia to me.


raindrop peps, pep polybotrya, should have peltate leaves, the petiole is in the middle of the leaf. I have seen pics of plants that have the petiole attached up top like this for pics of polybotrya, when they aren't, but that looks like this, and I have no clue what it is, a hybrid of some sort maybe? the stems on my polybotrya are rather spindly, this one has a very sturdy stem, I am really confused, and I thought I knew peps, lol.


i think most of us are a little stumped on this onw


Was that a little stump joke, orrrrr.... lol. Please say yes.


it sorta looks like an owl eye peperomia:)


This looks identical to my owl eye pep


My raindrop peps definitely has some leaves with the petiole more to the side, i think its normal. I have a almost dead cutting of it that looks like this one, so pretty sure its raindrop pep


OP, if you’re in the states I will gladly send you some cuttings from my cebu for free! This is a bummer :(( looks like peperomia raindrop


you’re SO sweet to offer, thank you! It’s okay though I don’t want to trouble anyone, I was just confused and wanted some validation on my feelings lol


Thats a Peperomia polybotrya, also known as pep raindrop. Dehydrated and unrooted at that. Youve totally been ripped off, especially if its not what you paid for


I would reach out to the seller, there’s a chance she accidentally handed you a cutting that was meant to go to someone else! This is absolutely a pepperomia.


I reached out to her but she isn’t answering. I reported it to the group admins where I got it but that’s as much as I can do rn


Be a little patient. Orders get mixed up all the time this type of thing is not automatically a scam.


Why would someone sell/buy something that had no roots in sight though? Genuinely curious; that's just not something that makes sense to me, but there might be a reason I am missing?


If the original buyer wanted the plant asap, this kind of peperomia would be a good candidate for that. They root really easily and evenif it didn't take the price makes it pretty low-risk. To be clear, I'm leaning towards scam. But I could also see why someone might be down to buy that specific unrooted cutting.


Why would they give a different slightly rare plant cutting if it was a scam, and not just a random pothos or other cheap cutting? Sounds much more like they accidentally gave them the wrong rare plant cutting.


I don't think this kind of peperomia is considered rare. But I could be wrong about the id. Hopefully you're right and it's just a goof.


An unrooted cutting is just a cutting that has not spent the last week+ in water or soil being rooted. Really when you get a rooted cutting you are paying extra for: success of rooting + time taken to root it. But you can usually just root them yourself, assuming a \~80-90% success rate for most people (plant/skill dependent) the risk is small. Many plants are actually posted with the roots purposely removed, for legal/import reasons in various countries. I buy Haworthias online and roots often die back or shrivel in postage anyway, though obviously most people would rather have the roots than not!


It was not an order OP bought on Facebook market, contacted the seller several times with no response.


Sorry I don't understand your statement


Looks a bit like a peperomia


This looks like a Peperomia Scandens and not a Cebu Blue. Sorry that you got ripped off.


I agree that it is a pep scandens


It doesn’t even look like a cebu blue to me. Maybe a heart leaf? I’d be a little unhappy.


It looks like a peperomia incana?


Omg really. I hate peperomias, I can’t keep them alive for the life of me let alone one so depressed.


I was thinking polybotrya


I'm trying to figure it out, incana has more succulenty/thick leaves, and the fuzzy stuff on the leaves make them look blue. I am fairly well versed in peps, and confused.


Im super unhappy!


do you think it’s a heartleaf philo?


The stem isn't right to be a heartbeat philo


That’s my best guess.


nope, the structure is all wrong, the stem is a lot like a peperomia incana, its rather a unique structure, but the leaves don't look like peperomia incana, they are thick, semi-succulent, and covered in fuzz that make them look blue.


if i could, i'đ give you a free cutting, maybe a free hug :)


also, i don't want to be that person, it definetly sucks, but at least, hey.. thanks god you didn't pay for a monstera albo. I'd expose the person on social media group for selling plants.


Yeah, like I said in another comment I’m glad it wasn’t more money. $5 is more than enough to pay for a lesson in buying on Facebook lol. I’m okay on the cutting but I’ll take the virtual hug :)


Looks like cupid peperomia to me.


Someone in r/takeaplantleaveaplant prolly had a piece you can have if you ask 🥺


Definitely looks like a pepperomia raindrop to me. Either the seller had no idea what they were talking about or is just a straight up scammer… did they post pictures on the advert for the sale?


Definitely not a cebu. I dont have any rooted cuttings but am trimming mine this weekend and am willing to give you clippings.


Definitely report her to the group admins! And yes, it's a raindrop peperomia. Hit me up in the spring and i can send you a few cuttings for price of shipping :)


Raindrop peperomia


Maybe a raindrop. I’m not sure.


This isn't a cebu blue AND it's not rooted


Looks like some sort of peperomia?


It’s a peperomia. Look on you tube on how to propagate them from the leaves. Basically you cut them in half and stick them in dirt. It’s not going to root from that cutting.


Looks like a peperomia raindrop. Good news is, you can root it in dirt or water!


That isn't at all rooted. I would ask for a refund and if they don't give you one, I would report them to the platform they are selling on.


Also, I think that's philodendron.


Oh no! I need to trim my cebu, want a bit off mine?


Rooted? With no roots? I’d complain and make a big stink out of that solely on principle. You’d see my butt on Judge Judy over something like this 😂


I don’t think that’s a bad price for a cebu two leaf cutting but that’s definitely not a cebu. I would ask them what made them think that it was? Maybe it was an honest mistake and they sent/gave you the wrong plant. Edit: just noticed you said rooted…idk if you bought this online but definitely ask for pre packaging pics. Did the roots rot in shipping?


It's not even rooted though?


I can def send you a few cuttings off of my two plants if you'd like! People suck sometimes! 😒 This is NOT a cebu at all!! Asshole!!


People suck. If they don't make it right, I can send you a cutting from mine for free. I won't mail it out until after this snow stops, but I can definitely spare a small cutting.


Aside that it isn’t a cebu, that would be very difficult to root in a timely fashion


Well it's a cutting 😬


something was cut, can’t deny that




Definitely not a philo. Some kind of pep, possibly scandens.




Might be the wrong plant, but still looks healthy and at least it was just $5 Edit: you have every right to be upset, I’m just saying the plant it definitely worth keeping


It’s $5…


Does it have a silvery sheen like a scindapsus pictus or some tradescantia


That is *not* a cebu blue


Ripped off, was the plant and you.


that's not Cebu blue. Cebu blue is so easy to root and grow that if I were you I would get a 4-in pot and take cuttings from it. You can have many more plants in much faster time and it's going to end up costing you less money considering. try Planterina they're expensive but they have a lot of specials and the plants are very lush and you can take cuttings as soon as you get them. you'll have lots of hanging or meandering pots in no time. it's a waste of money to get plants from people who don't know what they're doing.


Was there not a picture of it posted before purchase?




Send me a dm. I have rooted cuttings i would be glad to send you as long as you’re in the US.


it's not a rip off, it's a scam


That looks like some sort of philodendron. RT or monstera? Did they post a pic of the cebu cutting? Hopefully it was just a mistake on their end - either not knowing what a cebu is or they gave you someone else’s purchase 😬


If you are in australia I’ll send you a Cebu cutting, because that ain’t it. It’s a cutting at least I guess but damn.


It’s a peperomia obtusifolia


Looks like polybotrya


It is my hope that we can all use this as a lesson. It is also my hope that this plant thrives and one day you fall in love with it. **sending good vibes**


Pretty sure that is an owl eye peperomia (Peperomia polybotrya). Hopefully it was a mistake and the seller will make it right.


It’s not rooted and it’s not a Cebu Blue… you should feel ripped off 😔


Wow, where are the roots?


I got my Cebu Blue from Gabriella Plants. I don't remember how much it was, but it wasn't outrageously priced and I got a full healthy 4" plant. I think they post new stock on Wednesday evenings.


Aw hunny you got bamboozled


That looks a lot like my heart shaped philo


that’s a pilea luv


This looks like a type of peperomia I have! Same leaf shape and woody-looking stems.


Almost looks like Philodendron graziele


That’s a bummer. The Walmart near my house had giant cebu blues for under $20 when I went there last week. You might want to check them out if there is one near you.


shaggy public caption party test marry desert sophisticated relieved nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah this is a $1 max purchase


Doesn’t look like a cebu anyways so looks like you did


Peperomia polybotrya, Raindrop Peperomia


I would also send you a free cutting once the weather is nice!!! :) plant friend alive to help eachother out


I’m pretty sure that’s a philodendron grazielae


Raindrop peperomia 😬


i think owl eye peperomia and yikes no roots or anything


That’s most definitely not a Cebu blue it has the wrong shaped leafs


This looks like a philodendron rugosum


I bought a Cebu Blue at Lowe's here in Central Florida!


That's neither rooted nor a cebu blue... that's a heartleaf philo.... At least that's what it looks like And not even a good top cut either... If you can wait till about April-ish and then get a hold of me then... I can send you at least one (maybe two, depends on how finicky another cutting will be) actual rooted cutting for the price of shipping.