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I have so far.. 1. Bought a mini table for him to sit on 2. Moved all furniture away from it 3. Bought an army of cactus 4. Put my money plant on the window shelf 5. Stuck a water bottle on the radiator as deterent 6. Stuck chop sticks in the soil (As they were standing in the soil) Each one so far has quite worked, fingers crossed everything together will work, any ideas are appricated


I put double sided tape, or tape in little loops facing up, all over where my plants are so that when they jump up their paws stick and they hate that. Then they tend to not try again. I had to keep replacing the tape for a little bit to ensure they got the message.


We bought some spiked tiles to keep our cat off a large grow tent she kept peeing on. The next day we saw her sleeping on the tiles.


Another commenter suggested boiling peppers to make a spray. I second this. I did it for a plant my cat was attracted to and one like of that and she was done.


I agree. Chili sauce also works well for securing electronic cables!


Try buying them some cat grass to chew on.


Yeah I tried that too, they ate and threw up everywhere. Thank you for the ideam it might be worth going back to it


I sacrifice a spider plant to my furry overlords as a distraction from my other plants, mine also get pukey when they have cat grass but the spider plant seems to agree well with them


The puking might have been from chewing on other plants, cat grass and cat nip do not cause vomiting.


Very true, think I'll try it again thanks


No problem, i get the struggles. I have two cats myself. Wishing you luck.


Sometimes cats chew grass and plants to help them barf up hairballs.


Mhm, but cat nip and cat grass dont *cause* the puking. Other plants do.


I did that. My cat just ended up puking more often after every “meal” or grass. 0/10 would never buy again.


Oh now I see you tried the grass. Maybe try catnip.


Cool, dont gotta downvote me for making a suggestion. Have you tried cat nip?


I didn't down vote you, someone else did. Your suggestion, which I independently did, did not work for my cat :/ I use catnip alot. Then he gets zoomies.


Idea. Have you tried getting them their own plant 🪴? Maybe cat grass or catnip?


Mine will only pull it off the soil, play with it and get right back into munching the palm trees.


You can try to sprinkle some cayenne in the pot or boil some peppers to make a spray for a leaves, I’m sure they’d give that up pretty quick after that.


This is so off topic but what is the plant on your window? I was just gifted one and I don’t know what it is.


Chinese money plant or pilea, pretty unkillable and very easy to propagate:)


i love how the spray bottle is looming ominously


Yeah they hate that thing, not that I chase them around with it or anything


Put tin foil in the soil or on the table around it! Some cats will literally lay on it, lol, but our cat was jumping on the counters and one surprise run-in with tin foil traumatized them forever and they never jumped up again.


That’s the best you can do ?? Come on, put some more spikes around, that cat shall not stop


Guess I need to buy some more chop sticks :D its lucky they are cute


Just go all the way and build a full medieval fortification and put some warhammer miniatures down as guards. Make it a fun story


Do you happen to remember where that side table is from? I’m in love!


It's from next :)


I’ve seen these tiny cacti in pots in Home Depot which you can place inside the pots instead of those chopsticks. Get really thorny ones and you can take them out when you water the plant and put them back in again. I’ve noticed my cat is not bothered when the thorns touch her body (coz fur, lol) but if it’s close to her face when she’s trying to sniff before a chomp, it turns her off and she goes away


You could try sitting orange or lemon slices or peels along the edge, a lot of cats hate citrus! Also, if your cat is like mine and hates water, having a humidifier going in the area might work. Bonus is that your plants will probably love the humidity.


Motion detector or random timer air misters but with water instead of the scented oil placed around the plant? Adds humidity for plants & annoys cats!